764 research outputs found

    The Mercosur and European Union relationship: an analysis on the incorporation of the Association Agreement in Mercosur

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    This article analyses the Mercosur–European Union Association Agreement (AA) from a non-European perspective. It covers the Mercosur normative system, more specifically the part that deals with the incorporation of international laws and treaties into the regional legal system. First, it seeks to explain the nuances behind the announcement made by the States Parties to the AA in June 2019, seeking to contextualise the time frame for the development of the negotiations and the subsequent signing of the AA. Next, two important aspects for the effectiveness of the agreement are analysed: the procedure for incorporating the rules adopted by Mercosur Members, with reference to the provisions currently in force and applicable to Mercosur Members as a result of the agreements signed by them; and the difficulties associated with the procedure. Finally, the pillars on which the negotiations were initially conducted are discussed, with special attention to political dialogue, trade and cooperation, and the sustainable development considerations that are present in the AA. By adopting a non-European perspective, this article presents the issues related to Mercosur’s internal normative system for the incorporation of international norms and regulations, that is, the agreement itself, and the procedure for its entry into force and possible obstacles to its implementation. It is concluded that, despite all the efforts made to finalise the negotiations, there is a clear and indisputable uncertainty regarding the effective application of the agreement

    Towards sustainability in European agricultural firms

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    European agricultural activity plays an important role in European and world food security through the agricultural production, supply and international trade. The main aim of this paper was analyses the agricultural sustainability of the twenty-nine Member States of the European Union in terms of economics, environmental, social and political activity. Information and data comes from FADN database from the European Commission. The methodology includes the min-max approach and multivariate methods, namely, Component Principal Analysis and Cluster analysis. The results confirm three groups of European countries, namely, the North and Central countries; the New Member States and the Mediterranean counties. The results also confirm that European agriculture firms and respective countries had a medium sustainability. The main conclusion highlines confirms the importance of the sustainability as a tool to better adjust agricultural policies among the European Member States.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Analysing the Trump and Brexit voters

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    This paper refers to two recent political phenomena: the Brexit, separation of the United Kingdom from the European Union, and the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. It is important to note that the results on both occasions did not meet the expectations based on opinion polls, on one hand, and, on the other, seemed to be influenced by the adoption of populist attitudes by some of the people and parties involved. It is therefore necessary to deepen the knowledge about the two situations, their fundamentals and their outcomes. That is the objective of this paper. To gather published information and try to use it for the understanding of the results based on existing theories and thoughts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SEOM-GECP-GETTHI Clinical Guidelines for the treatment of patients with thymic epithelial tumours (2021)

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    Chemotherapy; Lenvatinib; Thymic epithelial tumoursQuimioterapia; lenvatinib; Tumores epiteliales tímicosQuimioteràpia; Lenvatinib; Tumors epitelials tímicsThymic epithelial tumours (TET) represent a heterogeneous group of rare malignancies that include thymomas and thymic carcinoma. Treatment of TET is based on the resectability of the tumour. If this is considered achievable upfront, surgical resection is the cornerstone of treatment. Platinum-based chemotherapy is the standard regimen for advanced TET. Due to the rarity of this disease, treatment decisions should be discussed in specific multidisciplinary tumour boards, and there are few prospective clinical studies with new strategies. However, several pathways involved in TET have been explored as potential targets for new therapies in previously treated patients, such as multi-tyrosine kinase inhibitors with antiangiogenic properties and immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI). One third of patient with thymoma present an autoimmune disorders, increasing the risk of immune-related adverse events and autoimmune flares under ICIs. In these guidelines, we summarize the current evidence for the therapeutic approach in patients with TET and define levels of evidence for these decisions

    Morphologic and morphometric study of the musculus obliquus dorsalis of the dog

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    In the present investigation, the dorsal oblique muscle of the right ocular globe was removed from six adult dogs weighing 40-50 kg and analyzed by light microscopy. Muscle samples were taken from the central portion of the muscle belly, subsequently ultrafrozen, cut and stained with m-ATPase at pH 4.6. Fibers were classified as type I or type II according to their reaction to the m-ATPase and detailed morphologic and morphometric studies were made. The muscles showed two clearly distinct layers, a central layer and a peripheral layer, mainly composed of type II fibers. The fibers in the central layer were larger in size than those in the peripheral layer. The peculiar stratigraphy of the dorsal oblique muscle should be taken into account when performing analyses of this muscle and investigating the significance of the fiber types it contains.En el presente trabajo se han extraído, de los globos oculares derechos, de seis perros adultos de 40-50 kilogramos de peso, los músculos oblicuos dorsales y analizados con microscopia de luz. Las muestras musculares para su análisis se tomaron de la porción central del vientre muscular y fueron ultracongeladas, cortadas y teñidas por la técnica de m-ATPasa a pH 4,6. Las fibras se clasificaron en tipo I y tipo II en virtud a su reacción frente a la m-ATPasa, realizándose un detallado estudio morfológico y morfométrico. Los músculos presentaron dos estratos netamente diferenciados, uno central y otro periférico, compuestos mayoritariamente por fibras tipo II. Las fibras del estrato central presentaron un mayor tamaño que las correspondientes del estrato periférico. La peculiar estratigrafía del músculo oblicuo dorsal debería tenerse en consideración al analizar este músculo e investigar el significado de los tipos fibrilares que contien

    Morphometric study of the nerve fibers of the oculomotor nerve in dog

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    The intracranial portion of the right oculomotor nerves was extracted from six adult German Shepherd dogs. The nerves were studied using light and electron microscopy. Nerve area was calculated, and myelinated and unmyelinated fibers were analized to determine number, diameter and area. Also in the myelinated fibers the area and diameter of the correspondent axon, and thickness of the myeline sheath were measured. The mean number of fibers was 8543.50±1231.85 for myelinated and 1402.00±241.58 for unmyelinated. The mean fiber diameter was 10.23±0.68 μm for myelinated and 0.43±0.21 μm for unmyelinated. This study demonstrated that the oculomotor nerves in dogs have structural and ultrastructural characteristics that are similar to those from other specie

    Control of Directed Cell Migration In Vivo by Membrane-to-Cortex Attachment

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    Analysis of cell migration in vivo combined with biophysical measurements reveals how membrane-to-cortex attachment fine-tunes the type of protrusions formed by cells and, as a consequence, controls directed migration during zebrafish gastrulation

    Mainstreaming marine biodiversity into the SDGs: The role of other effective area-based conservation measures (SDG 14.5)

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    This article explores the concept of “other effective area-based conservation measures” (OECMs) in the context of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 on marine protected areas and OECMs and its linkages to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It argues that mainstreaming biodiversity through CBD Aichi Biodiversity Targets’ implementation into the SDGs can contribute to a more systemic and comprehensive implementation of SDG 14.5 on conservation of at least 10% of marine and coastal areas. It argues that OECMs can complement MPAs and contribute to ecologically representative and effectively managed marine protected areas systems integrated into broader governance systems such as marine spatial planning. Selected global and local sectoral conservation measures are therefore highlighted in this analysis as potential forms of OECMs. At the local level, a case study of ecologically or biologically significant marine areas managed as locally managed marine areas (LMMAs) in Mozambique is discussed. This case study explores how multiple-use LMMAs, which respond to short-term fisher's needs and targeted biodiversity conservation, could contribute to the achievement of specific SDGs on food security, poverty elimination and resilient ecosystems if properly supported by long-term investments, strong institutions and integrated oceans management

    Oral bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws : clinical characteristics of a series of 20 cases in Spain

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to define the clinical characteristics of osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ) induced by oral bisphosphonates in a series of patients from a circumscribed area in northwest Spain. Study Design: A retrospective multicentre study was undertaken in 3 hospitals in an area with a radius less than 100 km in the Autonomous Community of Galicia (Spain). The medical records were reviewed and an oral examination was performed of patients diagnosed with oral bisphosphonate-related ONJ in the previous 3 years. Results: We detected 20 cases of ONJ (24 lesions) related to oral bisphosphonates (alendronate [16 patients] and ibandronate [4 patients]), which were mainly administered as treatment for osteoporosis (17 patients). The mean interval between initiation of treatment and confirmation of a diagnosis of ONJ was 66±43 months (range, 6-132 months); in 7 patients (35%) the interval was less than 36 months. The past history revealed hypertension in 13 cases (65%) and diabetes in 4 (20%); 7 patients (35%) were on corticosteroid treatment. Oral surgery had been previously performed in 13 patients (65%) and the remaining 7 patients (35%) had removable dental prostheses. The lesions most frequently affected the posterior mandible (62.5%). The majority of the lesions (75%) were classified as stage 2, although lesions were identified in all established clinical stages (including 2 stage 0 lesions). Conclusion: In conclusion, in the present series, ONJ induced by oral bisphosphonates typically develops in women around 70 years of age, taking alendronate, that underwent oral surgery. Most lesions are located in the posterior mandible and are classified as stage 2 at diagnosis. Some patients presented no known risk factors, suggesting that there may be risk factors still to be identified. There are well-defined patterns of clinical presentation that can facilitate early diagnosis of ONJ

    Feasibility and reliability of the functional movement screen battery in adults with intellectual disability

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGBackground: The feasibility and reliability of the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) battery for predicting injury risk have been widely studied in athletic, military, public service and healthy populations. However, scant research has been carried out in people with disabilities. This study aimed at identifying the feasibility and reliability of the FMS battery when administered to adults with intellectual disability (ID). Methods: Adults from a residential and day care centre over 18 years of age, diagnosed with ID and able to follow simple instructions, were included in the study. All participants with behavioural or health problems that prevented the completion of the FMS battery were excluded. All exercises were video recorded to assure proper scoring. Three assessors (one trained and two novices) scored each of the FMS subtests performed separately from the videos. Feasibility was based on completion rates. Reliability of the composite test scores was analysed using intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs). Results: A total of 30 people with ID (mean age: 35.5 ± 7.12 years; 33.3% women) completed all assessments. The battery showed to be feasible, although difficulties when performing two of the subtests were observed among those with moderate and severe ID. Mean total scores from the three assessors ranged from 7.83 to 8.90. An inverse trend was observed indicating that the higher the ID level, the lower the total FMS score. Test–retest reliability was good for the trained assessor (ICC = 0.89) and mostly moderate for both novice assessors (ICC range: 0.60 to 0.76). Moderate to good inter-rater reliability was observed (ICC range: 0.65 to 0.80). Conclusion: The FMS battery is a reliable tool that can be performed by people with ID, albeit with certain difficulties, especially in those with moderate to severe impairment. The battery does not seem to be useful for identifying people with ID at risk of suffering a sport injury. Adequately powered, well-designed studies are required to determine if the FMS battery is appropriate for identifying changes in functional performance in this population