2,112 research outputs found

    Socializing Young People to Ethics via Play Experience: Browser Games and Parental Concerns for Safety Online

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    This paper considers an online game and its relation to safety and privacy, in order to examine social and ethical issues raised by parental concern over harmful content. To gain real insights on the responsibility of adults, it develops a hands-on approach that takes into account the major stakeholders, especially young people and the related circle of people around them. Therefore the research question that is raised is: how do browser games provide reassurance to parents about their children’s safety and privacy? The issue of safety online is explored in three parts, using an ethnographic research framework: it explores a specific online game, it provides a profile of participants, it analyses their types of actions in relation to safety and privacy, and discusses the results in terms of incidence of risk, peer-monitoring and community control. The findings show that there is a rather strong tendency to self-regulation, but that tendency is partly due to a strong presence of mediating adults and peers. The results are discussed in terms of incidence of risk, peer-monitoring and networked means of control on the one hand, and in terms of scientific contribution to socialization theory on the other hand. They lead to final considerations on the repertoire of ethical strategies set up online and its meaning for the concerns of adults towards online risk as well as the need for policies on regulation and self-regulation. They also lead to extensions on the socialization to norms and the appropriation of ethics by young people

    Role of Academic Libraries in the age of MOOCs in India

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    The study aims to report the current growth of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and its evolution, features, benefits, various types, International and Indian scenarios, and challenges. The study also examines the role of academic libraries in the expansion of MOOCs in the present era. The study employed web content analysis and questionnaire methods to collect data related to the current growth of MOOCs in India. The study interviewed 75 students and 45 faculties of St. Teresa\u27s College, Ernakulam, to explore their perceptions of MOOCs as a higher education system and how Academic Libraries become their centre for MOOC courses. The study found that 75.3% of respondents joined/completed the MOOC courses, whereas some respondents had no ideas about it. Among the 75.3% of respondents who joined/completed the course, 89.4% of respondents completed one or two certification courses, 7.6% of respondents have completed 3 to 5 classes, and only 3% of respondents have completed between 6 to 10 online courses. The expansions of online education through MOOCs in India, such as the NPTEL and SWAYAM, have positively impacted the growth of Academic libraries

    La téléréalité et les féminismes. La norme d’internalité et les (en)jeux de genre et de sexe

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    Les émissions de téléréalité sont révélatrices d’une certaine conception de la femme, même si elles ne se réclament d’aucun féminisme. Les stéréotypes de la « féminité », c’est-à-dire un ensemble d’attentes concernant la façon dont les femmes doivent se comporter en public comme en privé, y sont sur-représentés, sur un mode quasi pornographique. Cette « quasi-pornographie » a pour fonction de favoriser l’acquisition de la norme d’internalité, c’est-à-dire celle par laquelle la fillette intériorise les critères de réussite et se les approprie, sur la base de la présentation de soi telle qu’elle est renforcée par la téléréalité – le modèle étant la vedette ou son avatar, la Lolita. Ces émissions participent ainsi de la surveillance sociale, surveillance-spectacle qui s’appuie sur l’intérêt des jeunes filles pour les mécanismes d’inclusion et d’exclusion sociale, qui influent sur la constitution de leur identité personnelle. Elles tendent à favoriser le discours féminin, perçu comme en phase avec le modèle télévisé commercial et la notoriété des marques et à évacuer le discours féministe, potentiellement critique à l’égard des pratiques, des déplacements et des dépendances véhiculées par le média. Il se dégage la nette impression d’une régression sur les acquis antérieurs des mouvements sociaux féministes et d’un grand désarroi des représentations collectives devant la précarité de l’émancipation. Cette difficulté à pérenniser les gains place les nouveaux enjeux du féminisme dans l’articulation entre libération des sexes et différence des générations.Reality TV programs reveal a certain vision of women, though they don’t claim any explicit relation to feminism. The stereotypes of femininity (i.e. the expectations about the way in which women are to behave in public as in private spheres) are over-represented, on a quasi-pornographic mode. Such quasi-pornography functions in order to favor the acquisition of the norm of internality whereby a young girl internalizes the social criteria for success and interprets them on the basis of the self-presentation that is re-enforced by reality programming – the role model being the star or its avatar, the Lolita. Such programs partake in social surveillance, turned into a spectacle that feeds on the young girl’s interests in understanding mechanisms of social inclusion and exclusion that in turn will influence the way she will construct her personal identity. They tend to favor a discourse on femininity, in congruence with the audiovisual commercial model and the notoriety of brands, and to exclude a discourse on feminism, that could potentially be critical of the practices, displacements and dependencies created by the media. There results a clear impression of regression from the past inroads of feminist social movements and a great sense of disarray in relation to the precariousness of emancipation. Such difficulty in maintaining feminist gains implies to posit the new stakes of feminism in the need to bridge the gap between the generations as much as between the sexes


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    AKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN SIAMIH (Ageratum conyzoides) TERHADAP BAKTERI Staphylococcus aureusABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak etanol daun siamih (Ageratum conyzoides) terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus. Bakteri yang digunakan didapat dari Laboratorium Mikrobiologi Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Syiah Kuala pada isolat bakteri luka beruang madu (Helarctos malayanus). Identifikasi bakteri dilakukan dengan mengkultur isolat pada media NA miring kemudian ditanam pada media MSA dan dilakukan pewarnaan Gram, uji katalase dan uji hemolisa. Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan cara maserasi dengan pelarut etanol 96%. Ekstrak daun siamih dilakukan uji fitokimia. Hasil uji fitokimia daun siamih menunjukkan bahwa daun siamih memiliki kandungan senyawa alkaloid, steroid, terpenoid, flavonoid dan tanin. Konsentrasi ekstrak yang digunakan adalah 20%, 40%, 60% dan 80%. Kontrol nergatif dengan menggunakan akuades dan kontrol positif menggunakan Amoxicillin dengan tiga kali pengulangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode disc diffusion atau Kirby-Bauer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun siamih dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Staphylococcus aureus pada konsentrasi 20% (0,7 mm), 40% (1,4 mm), 60% (2,2 mm), dan 80 % (3,0 mm). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun siamih memiliki daya hambat terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus aureus dengan kategori lemah.Antibacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Siamih Leaf (Ageratum conyzoides) on Staphylococcus aureus bacteriaABSTRACTThe aim of this research is to know the effect of siamih leaf ethanol extract (Ageratum conyzoides) on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. The bacteria which is used are obtained from the Microbiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Syiah Kuala University on isolate bacteria of the honey bear wound (Helarctos malayanus). Bacterial identification is done by culturing the isolate on lateral NA media then it is planted on MSA media and staining Gram, catalase test and hemolysis test. The extraction is done by maceration with 96% ethanol solvent. Extract of Siamih leaf is done by phytochemical test. The results of pythritic test of Siamih leaf show that Siamih leaf contains alkaloid compounds, steroids, terpenoids, flavonoids and tannins. The extract concentration which is used is 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%. Nergative control by using aquades and positive controls using Amoxicillin with three repetitions. The method used is disc diffusion or Kirby-Bauer method. The results show that Siamih leaf ethanol extract inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria at concentrations of 20% (0,7 mm), 40% (1,4 mm), 60% (2,2 mm), and 80 % (3,0 mm). Thus it can be concluded that the extract of siamih leaf ethanol has inhibitory power to Staphylococcus aureus bacteria with low category

    Rheological Properties of Aged Crude Hard Wood Pyrolysis Oil

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    Upon storage of the pyrolysis oil, aging reactions may initiate phase separation and change of the rheological properties. These changes lead to unfavourable fuel characteristics in handling, transportation and applications. Efforts have been made for alleviation including methods on how to avoid these aging effects and development of equipment capable of handling aged pyrolysis liquids with unfavourable fuel characteristics. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore the rheological properties of phase separated pyrolysis liquid fuel. Two batches of a well – stored poplar wood pyrolysis oils were used for the investigation; one batch was diluted with water to represent the oils undergoing severe phase separation (forced phase separation), and another batch was not diluted. Steady and dynamic rheological tests were conducted at various temperatures. Homogeneous (whole oil) and the bottom phases of pyrolysis oils were used. Results revealed that the whole oils of both diluted and undiluted oils exhibited low viscosity Newtonian behaviours at higher temperatures and high viscosity non-Newtonian behaviours at low temperatures. The bottom phases of both diluted and undiluted oils exhibited nonNewtonian behaviours with significant higher viscosity than the whole oils. The strain and frequency sweep dynamic tests showed existence of weak structures in the whole oils and strong network structures in the bottom phases. This study suggests that the handling, transportation and application of the pyrolysis oils undergoing phase separation are possible when the oils are treated with higher temperatures predominantly in turbulent state


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    Abstrak Pragmatik merupakan salah satu cabang linguistik yang membahas mengenai hubungan antara bahasa dan konteks yang menjadi dasar penjelasan pengertian bahasa. Pemahaman bahasa merujuk kepada fakta bahwa untuk mengerti suatu ungkapan atau ujaran bahasa diperlukan pengetahuan tentang hubungan dengan konteks-konteks pemakaiannya. Kajian pragmatik meliputi deiksis, implikatur, presuposisi, tindak tutur dan aspek-aspek struktur wacana lainnya. Presuposisi adalah sesuatu yang diasumsikan oleh penutur sebelum disampaikan kepada mitra tutur sebagai tindakan yang menghasilkan suatu tuturan. Presuposisi memiliki rujukan atau referensi dasar, rujukan tersebut berbentuk indikator. Melalui indikator tersebut penelitian ini akan memberi jalan penganalisisan bagaimana mitra tutur mengerti maksud penutur. Presuposisi tidak hanya dapat ditemukan dalam bentuk komunikasi lisan, melainkan dapat juga ditemukan dalam media cetak, contohnya cerpen. Sumber data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah cerita pendek bergenre fiksi Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde yang merupakan salah satu karya Jules Verne. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis presuposisi yang terdapat dalam cerita pendek Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde karya Jules Verne. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa teknik catat. Peneliti mencatat data-data yang mengdung indikator praanggapan dalam cerita pendek Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde karya Jules Verne. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan sebelas data berupa tuturan yang mengandung indikator presuposisi, yaitu: dua (2) data presuposisi Eksistensial, satu (1) data presuposisi Leksikal, tujuh (7) data presuposisi Struktural, dan satu (1) data presuposisi Non faktual. Kata Kunci: presupposisi, pragmatik, Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde


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    Child labor is one of the Philippines' most crucial problems, and emanates from a range of economic and social factors. This research was undertaken to describe the precarious situation of child sex workers in Cebu, Davao, Manila, and Pampanga who are in the tourism industry. Rooted on the Push-Pull factors theory and a descriptive design, it utilized an archival data-gathering method. The data were compiled from the researches done previously on child labor in the tourism industry in the Philippines that included 1046 respondents from the four provinces. Findings revealed that as they work in the establishments and streets, many of these child sex workers are 17 years old (49%), Catholic (88%), female (64%), born in the city/municipality where they work (38%), eldest child in the family (33%), have 3-4 siblings, and are living with their families (48%). A big bulk (67%) of them work to give financial support to help their families or they want to earn easy money. A good number (36%) of them work in bars/pub houses/nightclubs/gay bars/discos, and as entertainers (37%). The higher paid child sex worker earn an average of Php 900.00 per day. At the extreme high end, a few earned an average of Php 5,000 a night but their average daily earnings is only Php 400. Seven hundred-two (51%) are happy with their present jobs, while 678 (49%) also experience pain as they work. All child sex workers covered in the study were offered some form of assistance from the government, NGO’s, the Church, and school, like scholarship, jobs, and livelihood, but only 440 or 42% of them were ready to accept help. The process of reducing, if not eliminating, child labor is a vision that requires the commitment and cooperation of the government, employers, trade unions, and other sectors of society

    Medijska pismenost i ljudska prava: obrazovanje za održiva društva

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    This paper builds on the collaborative work of media researchers and professionals as well as education decision makers and teachers that met in Graz, 5- 7 December 2007, at the invitation of the Council of Europe. The purpose of the workshop was to determine the validity of media education and to verify that human rights could be an added value to such an education. Three main questions were debated, that built on each other: 1) “Which media literacy?” focused on an assessment of the various definitions of media education, trying to come to terms with the distinction between old and new media, old and new literacies. 2) “Which competences, skills, attitudes and values?” considered the core elements for developing coherent literacy training programmes and sought to identify the integration of human rights in current methods of teaching. 3) “How to develop these competences, skills, attitudes and values?” discussed concrete examples of best practice, especially those dealing with interactions between public and private sectors and old and new media. It also examined how to evaluate the efficacy of empowerment practices and policies, raising issues of awareness, self-regulation and the role of the state and of Intergovernmental Organizations such as the Council of Europe. The results emphasized priority actions for different actors in the field of media literacy, and assessed possible cooperation between actors while high-lighting the most important outcomes concerning the three key issues. The first research question, about the feasibility of a comprehensive and inclusive approach to media education was answered positively, with many examples showing that it was already a work in progress. The second research question, about the added-value of human rights, was also verified, though it appears that the introduction of human rights values in the curriculum needs special attention and a modular approach.Članak se temelji na zaključcima i rezultatima zajedničkog rada medijskih stručnjaka, medijskih profesionalaca i donositelja odluka u području obrazovanja te predavača okupljenih u Grazu od 5. do 7. prosinca 2007. na poziv Vijeća Europe. Svrha radionice je bila donijeti zaključke o vrijednosti obrazovanja za medije i potvrditi da znanja o ljudskim pravima trebaju biti dodana vrijednost takvom obrazovanju. Na skupu se raspravljalo o ova tri glavna pitanja: 1) “Koju medijsku pismenost? S obzirom na različite definicije medijskog obrazovanja, nastojalo se doći do definicija razlikujući stare i nove medije, stare i nove pismenosti. 2) “Koje osobine, vještine, stavove i vrijednosti?” treba smatrati ključnim elementima u razvoju jedinstvenog programa medijske pismenosti uz zahtjev za uključenjem ljudskih prava u postojeće metode podučavanja. 3) “Kako razviti te sposobnosti, vještine, stajališta i vrijednosti?” uz raspravljanje o konkretnim primjerima iz prakse, posebice onim primjerima interakcije između javnih i privatnih sektora, novih i starih medija. Također se istraživalo kako vrednovati učinkovitost jačanja prakse i načela ostvarenja, postavljajući pitanja svjesnosti, samoregulacije i uloge države i međudržavnih organizacija kao što je Vijeće Europe. Istaknute su prioritetne akcije za različite sudionike u području medijske pismenosti uz procjenu moguće suradnje među njima, te su razmotreni najvažniji ishodi glede tri ključna pitanja. Prvo istraživačko pitanje, o mogućnosti sveobuhvatnog pristupa medijskom obrazovanju, dobilo je pozitivan odgovor s mnogim primjerima koji pokazuju da je to već posao koji je u postupku. Drugo istraživačko pitanje, o dodanoj vrijednosti ljudskih prava, također je potvrđeno, iako se čini da uvođenje ljudskih prava u nastavne curriculume zahtijeva posebnu pozornost i modularni pristup
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