256 research outputs found

    The influence of ion-ion correlations on conductivity in concentrated ionic systems

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    This study delves into the fascinating realm of concentrated ionic systems, such as ionic liquids, superionic materials, organic ionic plastic crystals, and polyelectrolytes, which hold immense potential for energy storage applications. The focus is on understanding the intricate role of ionic correlations in shaping their ionic conductivity behavior. These correlations can either boost or impede conductivity, yet their underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Through extensive investigation of various materials, including ionic liquids with differing anionic masses, pure organic ionic plastic crystals, and doped systems, this research employs advanced techniques like dielectric spectroscopy and innovative momentum conservation models to quantify these correlations. Additionally, the study explores the impact of Li+ doping on the conductivity of organic ionic plastic crystals, providing valuable insights into ways to enhance their conductivity. Ultimately, this research not only contributes to the development of high-conductivity electrolytes for innovative technologies like solid-state batteries but also advances our fundamental understanding of ion transport in concentrated ionic systems

    Exploring aerosol-cloud interaction in Southeast Pacific marine stratocumulus during VOCALS regional experiment

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    The marine stratocumulus clouds are highly sensitive to aerosol perturbations. In this study, we have explored the cloud susceptibility to aerosol using satellite observation and multi-model simulations over the Southeast Pacific Ocean (SEP). The climatology of satellite observation indicates that SEP is a relatively clean area with low aerosol optical depth (AOD). The SEP is a region of marine stratocumulus deck with cloud fraction (CF) reaching as high as 90% in many regions, with relatively low (140 cm−3) cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC) over the marine environment, and it increases as it moves towards the coast. The joint histogram analysis shows that the AOD-CDNC relation shows positive sensitivity and a non-linear CDNC-LWP (liquid water path) relationship; however, a negative sensitivity is dominant. The multimodel analysis shows that most models have a strong positive AOD-CDNC sensitivity, suggesting that the cloud albedo effect leads to net cooling. The general circulation models (GCM) reveal a negative radiative forcing (-0.28 to -1.36Wm−2) at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) when using the flux method. It supports the positive AODCDNC sensitivity and the resulting negative radiative forcing in GCMs. However, the CDNC-LWP shows a diverse relation in the models. In the GCMs, the effect of cloud microphysics is not considered while estimating the net radiative forcing. To include the effect of cloud microphysics in the radiative forcing estimates, we have proposed a statistical approach to calculate the net radiative forcing. The results show that the net radiative forcing is sensitive to the LWP change due to the aerosol perturbation.Die marinen Stratocumulus-Wolken reagieren sehr empfindlich auf Aerosol-Störungen. In dieser Studie haben wir die Anfälligkeit der Wolken für Aerosol anhand von Satellitenbeobachtungen und Multi-Modellsimulationen über dem Südostpazifik (SEP) untersucht. Die Klimatologie der Satellitenbeobachtung zeigt, dass der SEP ein relativ sauberes Gebiet mit geringer Aerosol optischer Dicke (AOD) ist. Der SEP ist eine Region mit mariner Stratocumulus-Decke mit einer Wolkbedeckungsgrad (CF), der in vielen Regionen bis zu 90% erreicht, mit einer relativ niedrigen (140 cm−3) Wolkentröpfchenanzahlkonzentration (CDNC) über der marinen Umgebung, und sie nimmt in Richtung Küste zu. Die gemeinsame Histogramm-Analyse zeigt, dass die AOD-CDNC-Beziehung eine positive Sensitivität und eine nicht-lineare CDNC-LWP-Beziehung (Flüssigwasserpfad) aufweist; allerdings ist eine negative Sensitivität vorherrschend. Die Multi-Modellanalyse zeigt, dass die meisten Modelle eine stark positive AOD-CDNC-Empfindlichkeit aufweisen, was darauf hindeutet, dass der Wolkenalbedo-Effekt eine Nettokühlung bewirkt. Die allgemeinen Zirkulationsmodelle (GCM) zeigen einen negativen Strahlungsantrieb (-0,28 bis -1,36Wm−2) am Oberrand der Atmosphäre (TOA), wenn die Flussmethode verwendet wird. Dies unterstützt die positive AOD-CDNC-Empfindlichkeit und den daraus resultierenden negativen Strahlungsantrieb in GCMs. Der CDNC-LWP zeigt jedoch unterschiedliche Abhängigkeiten in den Modellen. In den GCMs wird die Wirkung der Wolkenmikrophysik bei der Abschätzung des Netto-Strahlungsantriebs nicht berücksichtigt. Um die Auswirkungen der Wolkenmikrophysik auf den Strahlungsantrieb einzubeziehen, haben wir einen statistischen Ansatz zur Berechnung des Nettostrahlungsantriebs gewählt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Nettostrahlungsantrieb empfindlich auf die LWP-Änderung durch die Aerosolstörung reagiert

    Atmospheric Neutrino Induced Muons in the MINOS Far Detector

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    The Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search (MINOS) is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. The MINOS Far Detector, located in the Soudan Underground Laboratory in Soudan MN, has been collecting data since August 2003. The scope of this dissertation involves identifying the atmospheric neutrino induced muons that are created by the neutrinos interacting with the rock surrounding the detector cavern, performing a neutrino oscillation search by measuring the oscillation parameter values of {Delta}m{sub 23}{sup 2} and sin{sup 2} 2{theta}{sub 23}, and searching for CPT violation by measuring the charge ratio for the atmospheric neutrino induced muons. A series of selection cuts are applied to the data set in order to extract the neutrino induced muons. As a result, a total of 148 candidate events are selected. The oscillation search is performed by measuring the low to high muon momentum ratio in the data sample and comparing it to the same ratio in the Monte Carlo simulation in the absence of neutrino oscillation. The measured double ratios for the ''all events'' (A) and high resolution (HR) samples are R{sub A} = R{sub low/high}{sup data}/R{sub low/high}{sup MC} = 0.60{sub -0.10}{sup +0.11}(stat) {+-} 0.08(syst) and R{sub HR} = R{sub low/high}{sup data}/R{sub low/high}{sup MC} = 0.58{sub -0.11}{sup +0.14}(stat) {+-} 0.05(syst), respectively. Both event samples show a significant deviation from unity giving a strong indication of neutrino oscillation. A combined momentum and zenith angle oscillation fit is performed using the method of maximum log-likelihood with a grid search in the parameter space of {Delta}m{sup 2} and sin{sup 2} 2{theta}. The best fit point for both event samples occurs at {Delta}m{sub 23}{sup 2} = 1.3 x 10{sup -3} eV{sup 2}, and sin{sup 2} 2{theta}{sub 23} = 1. This result is compatible with previous measurements from the Super Kamiokande experiment and Soudan 2 experiments. The MINOS Far Detector is the first underground neutrino detector to be able to distinguish the charge of the muons. The measured charge is used to test the rate of the neutrino to the anti-neutrino oscillations by measuring the neutrino induced muon charge ratio. Using the high resolution sample, the {mu}{sup +} to {mu}{sup -} double charge ratio has been determined to be R{sub CPT} = R{sub {mu}{sup -}/{mu}{sup +}}{sup data}/R{sub {mu}{sup -}/{mu}{sup +}}{sup MC} = 0.90{sub -0.18}{sup +0.24}(stat) {+-} 0.09(syst). With the uncertainties added in quadrature, the CPT double ratio is consistent with unity showing no indication for CPT violation

    Augmentation of antioxidative potential of in vitro propagated Mentha piperita L.

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    131-137Mentha piperita L., as an aromatic culinary herb and a source of variety of phytochemicals including effective antioxidants, is overexploited by food industry. It demands rapid conservation by means of in vitro propagation of improved clones. Here, we have made an attempt to evaluate and augment the antioxidative potential of M. piperita L. by additing a precursor to the tissue culture derived clones and compared it with the in vivo plants so that tissue culture derived plants can serve as an alternative source of drug. M. piperita L. were analyzed for total phenol, flavonoids, total antioxidant activity, free radical scavenging activity and lipid peroxidase activity. Total phenol content in in vivo plants was lesser than in in vitro. In case of total flavonoid content, it also varies through the season where tissue culture derived plants showed similar and continuous production of total flavonoids content. The percentage inhibition of the in vitro plant extract of precursor fed clone was higher than that of in vivo plant extract. Antioxidant capacity of ascorbic acid was used as a reference standard from which plant extracts with potential antioxidant activity were compared. After addition of precursor, the in vitro mint plant proved more efficient in inhibiting lipid peroxidation after one hour than the in vivo plant, which has high absorbance value indicating lipid peroxide formation

    Retrospective Respect for Education - Male Australian Footballers retrospectively appreciate education post-matriculation

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    Introduction and Purpose: Males who excel at sport whilst still at school trivialize education in favour of sport. This study of 12 male Australian footballers aims to examine the hierarchy between education and sport of Australian footballers. Material and Method: Four rugby league,four rugby union and four Australian Rules footballers underwent life history interviews and showed clear prioristation of sport during school. Results: However, the importance of education post-secondary school was recognized by these footballers. This change in perspective supports current research and extends the research by describing perspectives of Australian Footballers post-secondary school. Summary: These findings are interesting in that they demonstrate the initial ascendancy of sport and the retrospective significance of education over sport

    Pengaruh Macam Gula terhadap Kualitas Yoghurt Kacang Buncis (Phaseolus Vulgaris) Varietas Jimas Berdasarkan Hasil Uji Organoleptik

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    Kacang buncis merupakan salah satu jenis kacang-kacangan yang masih belum banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat. Kacang buncis berpotensi dibuat minuman sejenis susu asam yang disebut yoghurt kacang buncis. Pemanfaatan kacang buncis menjadi bahan utama yoghurt diperoleh dari hasil fermentasi bakteri asam laktat. Proses pembuatan yoghurt kacang buncis menggunakan variasi gula yaitu gula pasir, gula aren, dan gula palem yang berfungsi dalam pembentukan tekstur dan memberi rasa manis dalam proses pembuatan yoghurt sehingga diperoleh keseimbangan antara rasa asam dan manis. Digunakan variasi gula agar dapat diketahui jenis gula yang menghasilkan yoghurt yang berkualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1)menganalisis pengaruh macam gula terhadap tekstur yoghurt kacang buncis; 2) menganalisis pengaruh macam gula terhadap aroma yoghurt kacang buncis; 3) menganalisis pengaruh macam gula terhadap rasa yoghurt kacang buncis. Jenis penelitian ini ialah penelitian eksperimen dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan untuk setiap perlakuan. Obyek penelitian ekperimen ini terdiri macam gula yaitu gula pasir, gula aren dan gula palem yang diperoleh dari pasar besar Kota Malang. Tahapan pembuatan yoghurt kacang buncis dibagi menjadi 2 tahapan yaitu pembuatan sari kacang buncis dan pembuatan yoghurt kacang buncis. Pembuatan sari kacang buncis terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu siapkan kacang buncis sebanyak 500 gram;penyortiran kacang buncis dari kotoran; pencucian kacang buncis; perendaman kacang selama 12 jam; perebusan kacang buncis sampai lunak; penghalusan kacang buncis yang ditambah dengan 1,5 liter air minum kemasan merk Aqua dengan blender; penyaringan kacang buncis sehingga diperoleh sari kacang buncis. Pembuatan yoghurt kacang buncis meliputi beberapa tahapan yaitu pemberian susu skim sebanyak 60 gram dan variasi gula berupa gula pasir, gula aren dan gula palem sebanyak 50 gram ke dalam sari kacang buncis diaduk sampai homogen; pasteurisasikan sari kacang buncis pada suhu 80OC selama 10 menit; Dinginkan sampai mencapai suhu 45OC. Inokulasikan starter merk Biokul sebanyak 60 ml per 1 liter sari kacang buncis diaduk sampai merata; tuangkan ke dalam ice cream cup; Inkubasikan pada suhu kamar (26O-27OC) selama 1 x 24 jam. Metode uji organoleptik mengacu pada standar yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Standarisasi Nasional tahun 1992 dengan No SNI 01-2981-1992, yang meliputi tekstur, aroma dan rasa disebutkan bahwa kriteria yoghurt dengan kualitas yang baik yaitu memiliki tekstur kental/semi padat, aroma normal yang khas dan rasa khas yaitu asam. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2016 di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Malang. Kualitas yoghurt kacang buncis yang ditentukan berdasarkan hasil uji organoleptik, meliputi tekstur, aroma dan rasa yang dilakukan oleh 15 responden terlatih. Hasil penelitian uji organoleptik ini selanjutnya akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis varian tunggal. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa: 1) tidak ada pengaruh macam gula yang digunakan terhadap tekstur yoghurt kacang buncis yang dihasilkan; 2) tidak ada pengaruh pemilihan macam gula yang digunakan terhadap aroma yoghurt kacang buncis yang dihasilkan; 3) tidak ada pengaruh pemilihan macam gula yang digunakan terhadap rasa yoghurt kacang buncis yang dihasilkan


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    Yellow phosphorus is a protoplasmic poison (a potent hepatotoxin). Fulminant poisoning results from ingestion of more than 1 to 2 g. An 18 y old adult male presented with ingestion of rodenticide poison containing 3 percent phosphorous in paste form. He was asymptomatic during the first day of hospitalization. He developed jaundice on the second day. On evaluation, his total leukocyte count was 1.800 (109/l) on the day of admission, which improved to 4.400 (109/l) on the 7th day. His platelet count was 1.53 (109/l) on the day of admission, which decreased daily till 0.80 (109/l) on the 7th day of hospitalization. His prothrombin time started deranging from the second day of admission with a crest of 38 s and INR 2.98 noted on the 5th day. He was given N-acetyl cysteine on the 5th day following which PT/INR began to improve and reached to a baseline normal. The regimen of N-acetyl cysteine used was a loading dose of 150 mg/kg IV over 1 h, followed by 50 mg/kg IV over 4 h and 100 mg/kg IV over 16 h. He was also treated with fresh frozen plasma and intravenous vitamin k. The man made a dramatic recovery and became stable.Keywords: India, Kerala, Kottakkal, Phosphorous, Poisoning, N-acetyl cysteine, Hepatitis, Hepatic failur

    Rapid, Brushless Self-assembly of a PS-b-PDMS Block Copolymer for Nanolithography

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    AbstractBlock copolymers (BCP) are highly promising self-assembling precursors for scalable nanolithography. Very regular BCP nanopatterns can be used as on-chip etch masks. The first step in the processing of BCP thin films is usually the chemical modification of the substrate surface, typically by grafting of a brush layer that renders the surface energy neutral relative to the constituent blocks. We provide here a first study on rapid, low temperature self-assembly of PS-b-PDMS (polystyrene-block-polydimethylsiloxane) on silicon substrates without a brush layer. We show that it forms line and antidot patterns after short solvo-thermal annealing. Unlike previous reports on this system, low temperature and short annealing time provide self-assembly in homogeneous thin films covering large substrate areas. This on-chip mask was then used for pattern transfer to the underlying silicon substrate. SEM (scanning electron microscope) images reveal silicon nanowires relative to the PDMS patterns of the BCP mask

    An ab initio issues on renewable energy system integration to grid

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    With the introduction of new technologies such as Renewable Energy Resources (RER), Energy Storage Systems (ESS), Smart Grid technologies, Micro-Grid technologies, Distributed Generation (DG), etc., in the generation, transmission and distribution sectors, slowly but surely the entire power system scenario is changing, and it is up to the power system planners, researchers, regulators, operators and policy-makers to ensure that the power system adapts to the changes as smoothly as possible; which is easier said than done. With change comes the unknown (issues and challenges) and unless a majority of these unknowns are identified, analyzed and addressed properly, the system cannot achieve its maximum potential. The proper management, operation and integration of renewable and alternate sources of energy to existing grid is one of the promising ventures to increase the capacity of grid and at the same time make the grid more eco-friendly. This paper presents a review of the challenges and issues associated with renewable energy integration to grid and some of the existing techniques that are in use to address these issues. In order to make this review paper as detailed as possible, we have tried to identify the many issues and their corresponding solutions as much as possible