87 research outputs found

    Analysis of multinomial counts with joint zero-inflation, with an application to health economics

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    International audienceZero-inated regression models for count data are often used in health economics to analyse demand for medical care. Indeed, excess of zeros often aects health-care utilization data. Much of the recent econometric literature on the topic has focused on univariate health-care utilization measures, such as the number of doctor visits. However, health service utilization is usually measured by a number of dierent counts (e.g., numbers of visits to dierent health-care providers). In this case, zero-ination may jointly aect several of the utilization measures. In this paper, a zero-inated regression model for multinomial counts with joint zero-ination is proposed. Maximum likelihood estimators in this model are constructed and their properties are investigated, both theoretically and numerically. We apply the proposed model to an analysis of health-care utilization

    Détournement des logiques d'état par les élites masculines et problématique foncière en milieu rural Sénégalais

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    Le foncier au Sénégal, plus qu'une ressource physique, offre le lieu de lecture et d'analyse des rapports et interrelations entre les acteurs, surtout en zone rurale. Longtemps sous le monopole d'une certaine élite, l'accès et la gestion de ce patrimoine a été démocratisé par l'État post indépendance et bien avant. Si cette démocratisation a favorisé l'émergence de nouveaux propriétaires fonciers, elle sera remise en cause par une élite prête à reprendre ses droits sur ce qu'elle considère comme son patrimoine inaliénable. Ce retour en force des élites dans la gestion du foncier va connaître un nouvel élan avec l'apparition d'une gestion élitiste qui a favorisé l'accaparement du foncier au détriment des populations rurales surtout des femmes. C'est autour de ces réalités qui caractérisent la gestion et le contrôle du foncier au Sénégal que cette contribution va analyser, en partant des données d'une recherche menée par le Groupe d'études et de recherches genre et sociétés (GESTES) sur « Droits des femmes et accès au foncier : une citoyenneté à conquérir », financée par le Centre de recherches pour le développement international (CRDI

    Analyses, calibration and validation of evapotranspirationmodels to predict grass-reference evapotranspiration in theSenegal river delta

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    Study region: Grass-reference evapotranspiration estimation by the Penman-Monteithmethod (PM-ETo) requires a number of climate variables which are not always availableat all weather stations. Different alternative ETo equations have been developed and theirutilization for various local climate conditions requires analyses of their accuracy as com-pared to the standardized Penman-Monteith method. There is a significant lack of data andinformation on this topic in the Senegal River Delta (SRD). Study focus: The objective of this study was to evaluate, calibrate and validate six EToequations ((Trabert, Mahringer, Penman1948, Albrecht, Valiantzas1 and Valiantzas2) forthe SRD. Although all six equations showed good agreement with the PM-ETo (R2\u3e 0.60)for daily ETo estimates, the Valiantzas2 equation was the best model for the Senegal RiverDelta and had the lowest root mean squared difference (RMSE) of 0.45 mm/day and thelowest percent error of estimate (PE) about 7.1%. New hydrological insights for the region: In the case of data limitations, the equationscalibrated in this study are recommended for ETo estimation in the Senegal River Delta. Theresults of this study could be used by agricultural producers, crop consultants, universityresearchers, policy makers for the agricultural, hydrological, and environmental studies aswell as proper allocation and use and forecasting in the SRD where lowland irrigated riceis predominant

    Etude Comparative de Deux Garnitures (Noix de Pain de Singe et de Jujube) Dans une Colonne Garnie: Hydrodynamique et Transfert de Matière

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    Pour bien comprendre l’efficacité de transfert de matière dans les biofiltres, les paramètres hydrodynamiques et de transfert de matière ont été étudiés pour deux garnitures différentes (noix de pain de singe et de jujube) dans un réacteur triphasé à lit fixe fonctionnant à co-courant gaz-liquide. Dans le cadre de ce travail, après la caractérisation des graines une étude d’hydrodynamique et de transfert de matière de l’oxygène a été faite. Les expériences ont été réalisées au sein d’une colonne en verre cylindrique de 0,1 m de diamètre et 1,5 m de hauteur. Cette dernière a été remplie avec des noix de pain de singe ou de jujube comme matériaux de garnissage. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que les pertes d’énergie ou la chute de pression (P) est 3,1875 cmCE contre 0,725 cmCE en moyenne respectivement pour le pain de singe et le jujube, la rétention liquide dynamique (εLD) est 0,223 contre 0,348 en moyenne respectivement pour le pain de singe et le jujube ainsi que la capacité d’oxygénation (CO) est 70,282 g.m-3 .h-1 contre 163,674 g.m-3 .h-1 en moyenne respectivement pour le pain de singe et le jujube. Au vue de ces résultats, les noix de jujube présentent sur tous les plans, les meilleures caractéristiques pour être utilisés comme matériaux de garnissage en vue des études pilotes ultérieures. To fully understand the mass transfer efficiency in biofilters, hydrodynamics and mass transfer parameters were investigated for two different fillings (monkey bread and jujube) in a three-phase fixed-bed reactor operating at co-flow gas-liquid. As part of this work, after the characterization of seeds a hydrodynamic study and transfer of oxygen mass were made. The experiments were carried out in a cylindrical glass column 0.1 m in diameter and 1.5 m in height. The latter wasfilled with monkey bread or jujube as filling materials. The results obtained showed that the energy losses or the pressure drop (P) is 3.11875 cmCE against 0.725 cmCE on average respectively for monkey bread and jujube, the dynamic liquid retention (εLD) is 0.223 against 0.348 on average respectively for monkey bread and jujube and the oxygenation capacity (OC) is 70.282 gm-3 .h-1 against 163.674 gm-3 .h-1 on average respectively for monkey bread and jujube. As a result, jujube nuts have the best characteristics on all levels for use as packing materials for pilot studies

    Molecular Diagnostics of Ebola Patient Samples by Institut Pasteur de Dakar Mobile Laboratory in Guinea 2014–2016

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    As part of the laboratory response to the Ebola virus outbreak in Guinea, the Institut Pasteur de Dakar mobile laboratory (IPD-ML) was set up in Donka hospital from 2014 to 2016. EBOV suspected samples collected at Ebola Treatment Centers (ETC) and from community deaths were sent daily to IPD-ML. Analysis was performed using dried oligonucleotide mixes for real-time RT-PCR designed for field diagnostic. From March 2014 to May 2015, a total of 6055 patient samples suspected for EBOV collected from seven regions of Guinea were tested by real-time RT-PCR. These patients’ clinical included serum samples (n = 2537 samples) and swabs (n = 3518 samples) with positivity rates of 36.74 and 6.88% respectively. Females were significantly more affected than males with positivity rates of 22.39 and 17.22% respectively (p-value = 5.721e-7). All age groups were exposed to the virus with significant difference (p-value <= 2.2e-16). The IPD-ML contributed significantly to the surveillance and patient management during the EBOV outbreak in Guinea. Furthermore, dried reagents adapted for field diagnostic of EVD suspect cases could be useful for future outbreak preparedness and response

    Minimizing disruptions to immunization services in the context of COVID-19 in Senegal: lessons learnt and policy options

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    The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the vulnerability of essential health services globally and caused major disruptions, particularly in immunization services. In 2020, an estimated two thirds of 105 countries reported disruptions to routine facility-based and/or outreach immunization services (WHO, 2020b). Within the same year, an estimated 23 million children missed out on basic childhood vaccinations, accounting for the highest number since 2009 and representing a significant increase from 2019 (UNICEF, 2021; WHO, 2021a). Some settings experienced an upsurge in deadly diseases, such as measles outbreaks observed in Nigeria and Côte d’Ivoire between late 2020 and early 2021 (WHO, 2022a). The indirect effects of the pandemic on routine immunization services will likely lead to increased illness and death for many years, particularly among vulnerable populations such as women and children
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