68 research outputs found

    Have European Unemployment Rates Converged?

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    Using di¤erent unit root statistics and the approach of Tomljanovich and Vogelsang (2002), we test for the existence of stochastic and beta-convergence in the unemployment rates of a set of thirteen European countries. Using quarterly data for the period 1984:1-2005:4, we observe that there has taken place a convergence process in the majority of European unemployment rates. This process has become more intense since 1993.Unemployment Rate, European Union, Stochastic Convergence and beta-convergence.

    Do Labor Reforms in Spain Have an Effect on the Equilibrium Unemployment Rate?

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    In this paper, we analyze the impact of several labor reforms in Spain on its equilibrium unemployment rate. To this end, we analyzed the behavior of the observed unemployment rate in Spain during the 1976-2012 period, thereby assessing whether that rate is better characterized as a hysteresis process or, on the contrary, as a stationary process with fluctuations around an equilibrium unemployment rate (NAIRU). In order to achieve this aim, we employed unit root contrasts with structural change. Similarly, in order to calculate the equilibrium unemployment rate, we applied the methodology of multiple structural changes proposed by Bai & Perron (1998, 2003a). This method allows the estimation of breaking dates and the values of unemployment rates for each of the selected regimes. Lastly, we compare the direction in the changes of the equilibrium unemployment rate, as well as the dates of those breaking points, with the dates in which different labor reforms were enacted in Spain. This will allow us to determine whether those reforms had any effect on the Spanish labor market. The obtained results suggest that only the reforms of 1980, 1997 and 2006 had some influence on the equilibrium unemployment rate level in combination with changes in inflation and sectorial employment structure

    Flipped classroom en el logro de la competencia matematica en los estudiantes del tercer grado de secundaria de la Institucion Educativa "Jose Olaya".Satipo,2019

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    “Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo describir la influencia de Flipped classroom en el logro de la competencia matemática en los estudiantes del 3° grado de secundaria de la institución educativa José Olaya – Satipo, 2019. El tipo de investigación es cuantitativa, de nivel descriptivo y diseño cuasi-experimental, se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta, el instrumento fue el cuestionario y la muestra estuvo conformada por un grupo experimental de 40 estudiantes y un grupo control de 38 estudiantes. El análisis y procesamiento de datos se realizó con el software estadístico SPSS versión 24. Para comprobar la hipótesis se utilizó la prueba estadística de distribución “t de Student” con un nivel de significancia del 5%. Al aplicar la prueba de entrada a los estudiantes del grupo experimental, se observó que el 2.5 % lograron puntajes de 4 y 12; como también el 20 % de los estudiantes lograron el puntaje de 5; el 17.5 % de los estudiantes lograron el puntaje de 6, el 15 % de los estudiantes lograron el puntaje de 7 y 10; el 12.5 % de los estudiantes lograron el puntaje de 8 y el 7.5 % de los estudiantes lograron los puntajes de 9 y 11 respectivamente. Después de realizar el programa experimental se aplicó la prueba de salida, en el cual se pudo observar que el promedio del grupo experimental fue mayor que el promedio de la prueba de salida del grupo control, existiendo una diferencia de 3.54 puntos entre promedios. Además, el 50 % de los estudiantes del grupo experimental lograron puntajes menores e igual a 15 y el otro 50% de los estudiantes alcanzaron puntajes mayores de 15. Por lo encontrado en los resultados, se afirma que el método del Flipped clasroom mejora el logro de la competencia matemática.”Tesi

    Agronomic iron-biofortification by activated hydrochars of spent coffee grounds

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    This work was supported by projects PY20_00585 and RDPTC-2018 (AT17_6096_OTRI UGR) from Andalusian Ministry of Economic Transformation, Knowledge, Industry and Universities and FEDER.Iron biofortification has been of main interest for tackling iron deficiency anemia, one of the highest prevalence among micronutrient deficiencies (hidden hunger) in developing countries. This study investigated the effect of activated spent coffee grounds (SCG) and its hydrochars at three temperatures (160 degrees C, 180 degrees C, 200 degrees C) as bio-chelates to level up the iron content of lettuce. Four bio-chelates (ASCG-Fe, AH160-Fe, AH180-Fe and AH200-Fe) were obtained by activation and Fe-functionalization. A pot trial was conducted at doses of 0.2% of the bio-chelates on lettuce with two controls: soil without biofortifying agents (control) and a commercial chelate (control-Fe). Outcomes showed no significant differences (p < 0.05) in soil properties nor in plant growth and morphology, indicating absence of phytotoxicity. All bio-chelates enhanced iron content of plants between 41% (AH200-Fe) and 150% (AH160-Fe) compared to control. The best biofortification effect performed by AH160-Fe was similar to control-Fe (169%), also in terms of soil-plant efficiency both products showed the same transfer factor of 0.07. A proportional impact (up to 150%) was seen on the contribution to the recommended daily intake (RDI). Moreover, higher contents of Mn (29%) and Cu (133%) was evidenced in lettuce with the application of ASCG-Fe and AH180-Fe. These findings suggest activated SCG hydrochars, better than SCG, at small (sub-toxic) doses can successfully achieve agronomic iron biofortification.Andalusian Ministry of Economic Transformation, Knowledge, Industry and Universities PY20_00585, RDPTC-2018 (AT17_6096_OTRI UGR)FEDE

    Redox mediation at poly(o-aminophenol) coated electrodes: mechanistic diagnosis from steady state polarization curves

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    In this work, the mediated reduction and oxidation of Fe(CN) 6 3-/4- and Fe 3+ in poly(o-aminophenol) coated electrodes is analyzed by means of diagnosis diagram based on the features of steady state current-potential curves. This analysis allows to identify the current determining process and to reproduce the experimental characteristics of the polarization curve from the relevant kinetic and thermodynamical parameters with a minimum amount of experimental measurements.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Redox mediation at poly(o-aminophenol) coated electrodes: mechanistic diagnosis from steady state polarization curves

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    In this work, the mediated reduction of Fe(CN)63- and Fe3+ in poly(o-aminophenol) coated electrodes is analyzed by means of a diagnosis diagram based on the features of the steady state current-potential curves. This analysis allows to identify the current determining process and to reproduce the experimental characteristics of the polarization curve from the relevant kinetic and thermodynamic parameters with a minimum amount of experimental measurements

    Redox mediation at poly(o-aminophenol) coated electrodes: mechanistic diagnosis from steady state polarization curves

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    In this work, the mediated reduction of Fe(CN)63- and Fe3+ in poly(o-aminophenol) coated electrodes is analyzed by means of a diagnosis diagram based on the features of the steady state current-potential curves. This analysis allows to identify the current determining process and to reproduce the experimental characteristics of the polarization curve from the relevant kinetic and thermodynamic parameters with a minimum amount of experimental measurements

    Hydrochars Derived from Spent Coffee Grounds as Zn Bio-Chelates for Agronomic Biofortification

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    Previous studies have attributed both phytotoxicity and the capacity to mobilize nutrient elements to the presence of polyphenols and melanoidins in spent coffee grounds (SCG) and SCG-hydrochars obtained through hydrothermal carbonization (HTC). This work aimed to evaluate SCG and two SCG-hydrochars obtained at 160 and 200 °C that were functionalized with Zn salts (bio-chelates), to achieve the in vitro biofortification of lettuce. Two application modes were established: (1) a fixed Zn concentration of 10 mg kg−1 of soil and (2) a fixed dose of 0.5% bio-product. Soil alone (control A) and commercial chelates (control B) were used as controls. Outcomes showed that SCG-hydrochars retain the capacity to mobilize Zn compared to SCG. However, the chelating capacity was reduced (Zn: 94%) and the toxicity was significantly increased (p < 0.05) with higher temperatures of HTC (200 °C). Both fresh and dry lettuce weights were less affected at doses of 0.5% of bio-product and registered a maximum increase of 136% of Zn in the plant content. The present study approaches the possibility of using these by-products as bioinorganic fertilizers at subtoxic doses, although more research is neededPY20_00585 from FEDER and RDPTC-2018 (AT17_6096_OTRI UGR) from the Andalusia n Ministry of Economic Transformation, Knowledge, Industry and Universities