83 research outputs found

    Elza Nadai: a formação da papisa do ensino de História

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    O trabalhodebruça-sesobre a trajetória intelectual de Elza Nadai, no intuito de visualizar os locais institucionais e as proposições teóricas que edificaram a área de pesquisa de ensino de História. O recorte temporal privilegiado situa-se entre as décadas de 1960 a 1980: a graduação naUniversidade de São Paulo, passagem pelo Serviço de Ensino Vocacional, e a entrada na pós-graduação e o início da docência no ensino superior. Elaborava-se uma concepção de ensino de História que partia da problematização da realidade juntamente aos princípios da História Temática, bastante vinculada à defesa dos ideais democráticos e de justiça social, estimulada também pelo movimento estudantil. As fontes mais destacadas foram os trabalhos de pós-graduação de Elza, documentos encontrados nos arquivos do Centro de Memória da Educação da FE/USP e entrevistas orais. As reflexões também buscam elementos da sensibilidade, fatores impulsionadores dos grandes projetos acadêmicos, a afetividade e as relações de poder

    Human-derived NLS enhance the gene transfer efficiency of chitosan

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    Nuclear import is considered as one of the major limitations for non-viral gene delivery systems and the incorporation of nuclear localization signals (NLS) that mediate nuclear intake can be used as a strategy to enhance internalization of exogenous DNA. In this work, human-derived endogenous NLS peptides based on insulin growth factor binding proteins (IGFBP), namely IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-5, were tested for their ability to improve nuclear translocation of genetic material by non-viral vectors. Several strategies were tested to determine their effect on chitosan mediated transfection efficiency: co-administration with polyplexes, co-complexation at the time of polyplex formation, and covalent ligation to chitosan. Our results show that co-complexation and covalent ligation of the NLS peptide derived from IGFBP-3 to chitosan polyplexes yields a 2-fold increase in transfection efficiency, which was not observed for NLS peptide derived from IGFBP-5. These results indicate that the integration of IGFBP-NLS-3 peptides into polyplexes has potential as a strategy to enhance the efficiency of non-viral vectors.FCT: PTDC/BTM/ORG/28121/2017; PD/BD/52424/2013; SFRH/BD/76873/2011;PIRG-GA-2009-249314info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genetic variation among major human geographic groups supports a peculiar evolutionary trend in PAX9

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    A total of 172 persons from nine South Amerindian, three African and one Eskimo populations were studied in relation to the Paired box gene 9 (PAX9) exon 3 (138 base pairs) as well as its 59and 39flanking intronic segments (232 bp and 220 bp, respectively) and integrated with the information available for the same genetic region from individuals of different geographical origins. Nine mutations were scored in exon 3 and six in its flanking regions; four of them are new South American tribe-specific singletons. Exon3 nucleotide diversity is several orders of magnitude higher than its intronic regions. Additionally, a set of variants in the PAX9 and 101 other genes related with dentition can define at least some dental morphological differences between Sub-Saharan Africans and non-Africans, probably associated with adaptations after the modern human exodus from Africa. Exon 3 of PAX9 could be a good molecular example of how evolvability works

    A importância das unidades de conservação na manutenção da diversidade genética de xaxim (Dicksonia sellowiana) no Estado de Santa Catarina

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    Dicksonia sellowiana Presl. (Hooker) (Dicksoniaceae), conhecida como xaxim, é uma pteridófita arborescente, nativa da Mata Atlântica e característica da tipologia Floresta Ombrófila Mista. Espécie de potencial de uso econômico e importância ecológica, encontra-se ameaçada de extinção. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a diversidade genética da espécie avaliada dentro e fora de unidades de conservação (UCs), a fim de verificar a efetividade das mesmas na conservação deste recurso genético. Foram genotipadas 30 populações, ao longo da área de ocorrência da espécie no Estado de Santa Catarina, sendo que sete destas estão em áreas de UC e 23 delas em áreas particulares. Comparadas com as 23 áreas particulares, as sete UCs avaliadas retêm cerca de 90% dos alelos amostrados (24 de 26) e a mesma magnitude em termos de diversidade genética Ĥe = 0,147), além de apresentarem menores valores de endogamia. Os valores de Fˆ st demonstram que metade da variabilidade genética do xaxim encontra-se entre populações, o que sugere que uma boa estratégia de conservação deve incluir grande número de populações. Fica evidenciada a importância das UCs tanto para a conservação da diversidade genética de D. sellowiana, quanto para a realização de pesquisas na temática de uso e conservação de recursos genéticos de plantas. Palavras-chave: conservação in situ; isoenzimas; recursos genéticos vegetais; unidades de conservação

    Inundações no município do Porto em janeiro de 2023: avaliação baseada numa revisão de literatura

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    Neste trabalho, foram analisadas as inundações ocorridas no Porto - Portugal em 7 de janeiro de 2023, que resultaram em um intenso escoamento superficial devido à forte precipitação. Para entender melhor as causas dessas inundações, realizamos uma revisão da literatura. Através de pesquisas em plataformas Google Scholar e Science Direct, identificamos 14 referências relevantes, incluindo artigos científicos e dissertações de mestrado, que abordam estratégias de mitigação e prevenção de inundações urbanas. Essas estratégias envolvem melhorias na infraestrutura de drenagem, planejamento urbano sustentável, sistemas de alerta precoce e conscientização pública sobre os riscos. No dia 7 de janeiro de 2023, a cidade enfrentou uma série de inundações que resultaram em danos materiais significativos. As áreas mais afetadas incluíram não apenas a rua Mouzinho da Silveira, mas também a rua Barão de Forrester e a rua dos Clérigos. Essas regiões foram particularmente atingidas pelo avanço das águas, causando danos consideráveis e prolongando os efeitos das inundações na cidade. As estratégias propostas, como a limpeza dos detritos das obras do metro, estudos hidrológicos e melhorias nas infraestruturas e sistemas de drenagem, podem ajudar a prevenir inundações futuras. Também é importante conscientizar a população sobre o risco de inundações e promover a participação de todos na definição e implementação das estratégias. Conclui-se que a implementação integrada dessas estratégias pode fortalecer a resiliência do Porto às inundações, minimizando danos materiais e riscos à segurança.In this work, we analyzed the floods that occurred in Porto - Portugal on January 7, 2023, which resulted in intense surface runoff due to heavy precipitation.To better understand the causes of these floods, we conducted a literature review. Through searches on Google Scholar and Science Direct platforms, we identified 14 relevant references, including scientific articles and master theses, that address mitigation and prevention strategies for urban flooding. These strategies involve improvements in drainage infrastructure, sustainable urban planning, early warning systems and public awareness of the risks. On January 7, 2023, the city faced a series of floods that resulted in significant material damage. The most affected areas included not only Mouzinho da Silveira Street but also Barão de Forrester Street and Cl�\xA9rigos Street. These regions were particularly impacted by the advancing waters, causing considerable damage and prolonging the effects of the floods in the city. The proposed strategies, such as cleaning debris from the metro works, hydrological studies and improvements in infrastructure and drainage systems, can help prevent future flooding. It is also important to make the population aware of the risk of flooding and to promote everyone's participation in defining and implementing the strategies. It is concluded that the integrated implementation of these strategies can strengthen the Porto's resilience to flooding, minimizing material damage and safety risks. The adaptation of these strategies to local characteristics and the collaboration between government authorities, urban planning experts and local communities are essential to address the challenges and promote effective flood management in Porto

    Score CTo-aBCDE : um novo score preditor de sucesso nas CTOs

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    © 2020 Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Introduction: Patient selection for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in chronic total occlusions (CTOs) is crucial to procedural success. Our aim was to identify independent predictors of success in CTO PCI in order to create an accurate score. Methods: In a single-center observational registry of CTO PCI, demographic and clinical data and anatomical characteristics of coronary lesions were recorded. Linear and logistic regression analysis were used to identify predictors of success. A score to predict success was created and its accuracy was measured by receiver operating curve analysis. Results: A total of 377 interventions were performed (334 patients, age 68±11 years, 75% male). The success rate was 65% per patient and 60% per procedure. Predictors of success in univariate analysis were absence of active smoking (OR 2.02, 95% CI 1.243-3.29; p=0.005), presence of tapered stump (OR 5.2, 95% CI 2.7-10.2; p8 with high probability (95%). Conclusion: In our sample only anatomical characteristics were predictors of success. The creation of a score to predict success, with good accuracy, may enable selection of cases that can be treated by any operator, those in which a dedicated operator will be desirable, and those with an extremely low probability of success, which should be considered individually for conservative management, surgical revascularization or PCI by a team experienced in CTO.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spittlebug damage on tropical grass and its impact in pasture-based beef production systems

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    Spittlebugs are the main pest of tropical pastures and Marandu palisade grass (Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu) is the most representative cultivated pasture in the tropics. Our objective was to characterize Marandu palisade grass responses subjected to Mahanarva (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) attack and to estimate the losses in terms of beef production from pasture-based systems. A set of five experiments were carried out. Three consecutive years of monitoring showed that Mahanarva spittlebugs increased their abundance after first rains with three to four peaks throughout the wet season. A decrease of 66% on herbage yield was observed in the greenhouse trial, with an average decrease of 61% on pools of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, crude protein, neutral-detergent fiber and in vitro digestible dry matter of Marandu palisade grass. Results from field experiments corroborated with greenhouse trial showing decreases on herbage yield varying from 31 to 43% depending on level of fertilization and grazing severity of Marandu palisade grass. Finally, an unprecedented 154-ha field experiment indicated that Mahanarva decreases 74% the beef productivity (i.e. kg body weight ha-1) of Nellore heifers grazing Marandu palisade grass