20 research outputs found

    Research methods in management: advances and applications

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    SmartPLS 3: specification, estimation, evaluation and reporting

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    A modelagem de equações estruturais com estimação por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS-SEM) tem sido empregada nas mais variadas áreas de pesquisa, aumentando a quantidade de artigos publicados com o uso desse método de modo exponencial. Há vários motivos para que isso esteja ocorrendo, mas um deles é o fato do software SmartPLS ter facilitado o uso do PLS-SEM. Este artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar sete exemplos didáticos com conjuntos de dados reais e disponíveis àqueles que queiram aprender ou ensinar PLS-SEM, tratando de temas como: avaliação do modelo de mensuração, avaliação do modelo estrutural, multicolinearidade, variável latente de segunda ordem, mediação, moderação com variável numérica e categórica (MGA – multi-group analysis).202488536CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ314242/2018-0; 311530/2018-4The structural equation modeling with partial least squares estimation (PLS-SEM) has been used in a wide variety of research areas, increasing the number of articles published using this method in an exponential way. There are several reasons for this to be happening, but one of them is the fact that the SmartPLS software facilitated the use of PLS-SEM. This article aims to present seven didactic examples with real data sets available to those who want to learn or teach PLS-SEM, dealing with such topics as measurement model evaluation, structural model evaluation, multicollinearity, second-order latent variable, mediation, moderation with numerical and categorical variables (MGA - multi-group analysis

    R&D Management and the Stokes Diagram: An Exploratory Study

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    The Stokes Diagram model was developed to replace the linear mode view of a progression of science by a two dimensional plane in which the vertical dimension represents the search of understanding and the horizontal dimension represents the use. Although this diagram is easy to understand, no cases of organizations or government programs were identified in literature which developed a method to put this proposal in practice. Thus, based on the development of a conceptual and operating model, both dimensions were measured and validated through structural equation modeling, using information from 28 dissertations developed in a Postgraduate program. The results suggest that the proposed method is viable and give some examples of its use to analyze and manage R&D activities.The Stokes Diagram model was developed to replace the linear mode view of a progression of science by a two dimensional plane in which the vertical dimension represents the search of understanding and the horizontal dimension represents the use. Although this diagram is easy to understand, no cases of organizations or government programs were identified in literature which developed a method to put this proposal in practice. Thus, based on the development of a conceptual and operating model, both dimensions were measured and validated through structural equation modeling, using information from 28 dissertations developed in a Postgraduate program. The results suggest that the proposed method is viable and give some examples of its use to analyze and manage R&D activities.The Stokes Diagram model was developed to replace the linear mode view of a progression of science by a two dimensional plane in which the vertical dimension represents the search of understanding and the horizontal dimension represents the use. Although this diagram is easy to understand, no cases of organizations or government programs were identified in literature which developed a method to put this proposal in practice. Thus, based on the development of a conceptual and operating model, both dimensions were measured and validated through structural equation modeling, using information from 28 dissertations developed in a Postgraduate program. The results suggest that the proposed method is viable and give some examples of its use to analyze and manage R&D activities

    Complementary Methods to Mitigate the Misinterpretation of Results Due to Collinearity in International Business Research

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    Objectives of the study: to demonstrate the methodological gaps in empirical work that use structural models in the area of International Business, and prescribe complementary methods to mitigate the problem of collinearity Method: a simulation was developed to evidence the effects of collinearity with respect to the importance and significance of predictors, and actions aimed at controlling the undesired effects of collinearity was developed Main results: the proposition of complementary methods that include grouping the latent variables that present multicollinearity into a second-order model, and the use of the technique that shows the relative importance of predictors Theoretical and methodological contributions: the contribution is based on the complementary methods offered for the academic community to conduct empirical research that are laid out by the findings of this research paper Relevance and originality: from the gaps pointed out in the recent scientific production of the field of knowledge of international business, complementary methods are presented to mitigate the problem of collinearity, which may render the results of empirical studies invalid Social contributions and management: among the main managerial and social implications achieved through our findings of, we stimulate the development of robust, relevant and reliable empirical researc

    Quality of reporting methodological procedures in national publications in the area of business administration: the case of structural equation modelling

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    Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade da descrição dos procedimentos metodológicos de artigos que utilizaram a modelagem em equações estruturais (MEE), incluindo a análise fatorial confirmatória e a path analysis, e que foram publicados na RAE, RAUSP, REAd, O&S, RAC e RAE-eletrônica entre 2001 e 2010. A partir da revisão da literatura metodológica, foi elaborado um check list para avaliar as treze etapas da MEE, sendo validado com 33 especialistas. Os principais resultados da análise de 68 artigos encontrados foram: a impossibilidade de replicar os estudos devido à falta de informações e o uso de estratégias exploratórias sem a posterior validação. Por outro lado, a justificativa do método utilizado e a explicação das implicações teóricas dos resultados são aspectos que têm sido atendidos plenamente. O check list foi um importante subproduto desta pesquisa, pois, a partir dele, são propostas novas linhas de investigação e até mesmo seu uso como ferramenta didática.The aim of this research is to evaluate the quality of the description of the methodological procedures reported in articles that employed structural equation modeling (SEM), including confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis, which were published in RAE, RAUSP, Read, O&S, RAC and RAE-eletrônica journals between 2001 and 2010. A checklist for evaluating the articles was derived from the literature and was validated with 33 experts. The main results of the analysis of the 68 articles found were: an inability to replicate studies due to a lack of information and the use of exploratory research strategies without further validation. On the other hand, justifying the use of SEM use and the explanation of the theoretical implications of research findings are aspects that were fully met by the papers. The checklist itself is an important byproduct of this research, given that new lines of research regarding the application of the SEM method are derived from it and it can also be used as a teaching tool in research methodology courses

    Implementing quality systems to certification of small and medium automotive business.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever como as empresas pesquisadas implementaram seus sistemas da qualidade, procurando identificar as diferenças e semelhanças entre a implementação em pequenas e médias empresas, bem como as diferenças e semelhanças entre a implementação da ISO 9000 e da QS-9000. A partir da pesquisa bibliográfica foram levantados os aspectos mais importantes para a implementação do sistema da qualidade, que depois foram agrupados em categorias e serviram de base para a elaboração do modelo conceitual. Para o estudo múltiplo de caso, oito empresas participaram da pesquisa de campo através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, sendo que para cada combinação de norma e tamanho haviam duas empresas. Após a descrição dos casos foi feita a análise em profundidade de acordo com as categorias: administração, recursos, gestão de RH, planejamento, apoio técnico, organização e tecnologia existentes antes da implementação e resultados obtidos com a implementação. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicam que tanto para as empresas pequenas como para as médias têm sido utilizadas várias formas para a implementação do sistema da qualidade e as principais diferenças encontradas deveram-se ao tipo de norma aplicada (ISO 9000 ou QS-9000). Finalmente são feitas algumas recomendações práticas para a implementação de sistemas da qualidade.The purpose of this study is to describe how the companies investigated has been implemented your quality system, to looking for identify the differences and similarity between the implementation in small and medium companies, as well as the differences and similarity between the implementation of the ISO 9000 and the QS-9000. From the bibliografical research were risen the most important aspects for the quality system implementation, after they were clustered in categories and they were used to support for the conceptual model preparation. To the multiple case study, eight companies took part in the field research through semi-structured interviews, being for each standard and size arrangement there were two companies. After the cases description was made the in depth analysis in accordance to the categories: management, resources, HR management, planning, technical support, existent organization and technology before the implementation and the results achieved with the implementation. The results of this research indicate such as small companies such as for the medium have been used many ways to quality system implementation and the main differences was found occured by to the standards used (ISO 9000 or QS-9000). Finally some practical recomendations are made to the quality system implementation

    The education of production and operations management in the city of São Paulo: a comparative study of programs and didatic books used in the graduation courses in business administration.

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    O ensino de Administração da Produção e Operações (APO) foi investigado em quatro formas complementares: através da revisão da literatura; análise dos conteúdos dos livros didáticos; análise das questões do Exame Nacional de Cursos (Provão) e análise dos programas das disciplinas de APO dos cursos de graduação em Administração de Empresas da FEA-PUC-SP, FEA-USP e FGV-EAESP, que foram consideradas as principais escolas de Administração do município de São Paulo. Quanto aos conteúdos de APO, os resultados convergiram para uma lista de 25 tópicos principais que deveriam ser tratados tanto nos livros didáticos de APO, quanto nos cursos de graduação em Administração de Empresas. Através das respostas aos questionários enviados aos professores, bem como contatos telefônicos, por e-mail e in loco, foram obtidas informações que complementaram a análise do conteúdo de APO, mas também permitiram as seguintes comparações: as três escolas possuem de quatro a cindo disciplinas obrigatórias de APO, totalizando 230 horas no curso, que ainda conta com disciplinas optativas, sendo que a FEA-USP oferece apenas uma disciplina, enquanto a FEA-PUC-SP e a FGV-EAESP oferecem oito; Slack et al. (2002) é o livro mais recomendado para as disciplinas de Administração da Produção e operações, mas para as disciplinas ligadas à Administração de Materiais não há um livro que predomine, além disso, os professores têm complementado seus cursos com apostilas; o método de ensino e o sistema de avaliação nas três escolas possuem vários pontos em comum e o Provão não tem sido utilizado como recurso didático; finalmente, nas três escolas o corpo docente está organizado em áreas ou departamentos, sendo a área de produção uma das menores na FEA-USP e na FGV-EAESP. Sendo poucos os professores, deveriam, então, ter alto número de carga horária. Apesar disso, os professores do Departamento de Produção da FGV-EAESP possuem a menor carga horária na graduação, quando comparados com as outras duas escolas.Production and Operations Management (POM) teaching has been investigated in four different supporting ways: from literature review, books content, Brazil´s National Exam questions, and discipline program analysis, all of them related to POM, and taking place in FEA-USP (Faculdade de Economia e Administração Business Economics College of University of São Paulo) Business Management Courses, PUC-SP (Catholic University of São Paulo), and FGV-EAESP, most renowned Business Schools in São Paulo. Results concerning POM drove to 25 main listed topics which should be referred not only in POM school books, but also in Management graduation courses. Upon answers to the questions sent to professors, phone contacts, e-mails and locals, some information was collected, which led to the following comparison levels: the mentioned schools above have 4 or 5 primary course disciplines related to POM, totalizing 230 hours, and there are still free choice program students. FEA-USP offers just one disicipline, while FEA-PUC-SP, and FGV-EAESP offer eight. Slack et al. (2002) is the most recomended book concerning POM disciplines, but for the ones related to Material Management there is no such prevailing book. Besides, professors have been meeting their courses content goal using their own notes. Teaching methods, and grading systems in those schools have common views and the National Exam has not been used as a reference or a pattern. Finally, the faculty in those three schools is divided into areas or departments. The Production area is one of the smallest in FEA-USP and FGV-EAESP, and as a result of it, FGV-EAESP Production Department professors have the smallest number of classes in graduation courses, compared to the other two schools, though as they are so few, those teachers were expected to have great numbers of classes

    Implementing quality systems to certification of small and medium automotive business.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever como as empresas pesquisadas implementaram seus sistemas da qualidade, procurando identificar as diferenças e semelhanças entre a implementação em pequenas e médias empresas, bem como as diferenças e semelhanças entre a implementação da ISO 9000 e da QS-9000. A partir da pesquisa bibliográfica foram levantados os aspectos mais importantes para a implementação do sistema da qualidade, que depois foram agrupados em categorias e serviram de base para a elaboração do modelo conceitual. Para o estudo múltiplo de caso, oito empresas participaram da pesquisa de campo através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, sendo que para cada combinação de norma e tamanho haviam duas empresas. Após a descrição dos casos foi feita a análise em profundidade de acordo com as categorias: administração, recursos, gestão de RH, planejamento, apoio técnico, organização e tecnologia existentes antes da implementação e resultados obtidos com a implementação. Os resultados desta pesquisa indicam que tanto para as empresas pequenas como para as médias têm sido utilizadas várias formas para a implementação do sistema da qualidade e as principais diferenças encontradas deveram-se ao tipo de norma aplicada (ISO 9000 ou QS-9000). Finalmente são feitas algumas recomendações práticas para a implementação de sistemas da qualidade.The purpose of this study is to describe how the companies investigated has been implemented your quality system, to looking for identify the differences and similarity between the implementation in small and medium companies, as well as the differences and similarity between the implementation of the ISO 9000 and the QS-9000. From the bibliografical research were risen the most important aspects for the quality system implementation, after they were clustered in categories and they were used to support for the conceptual model preparation. To the multiple case study, eight companies took part in the field research through semi-structured interviews, being for each standard and size arrangement there were two companies. After the cases description was made the in depth analysis in accordance to the categories: management, resources, HR management, planning, technical support, existent organization and technology before the implementation and the results achieved with the implementation. The results of this research indicate such as small companies such as for the medium have been used many ways to quality system implementation and the main differences was found occured by to the standards used (ISO 9000 or QS-9000). Finally some practical recomendations are made to the quality system implementation

    O processo de aprendizagem individual a partir do erro vivenciado por gestores de empresas de base tecnológica

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    The purpose behind this article was to identify and analyse, in the context of technology-based firms, the process by which individual error was addressed and how its occurrence led to learning. Through a basic qualitative research study, nine managers were interviewed from Brazilian-based technology firms. The main results indicate that the situation-problem, in which the effects of errors are manifest, is established upon an important stage for error detection and correction. Also, a procedural path was outlined for individual learning from errors at work, which shows how the stages of error detection and correction articulate with elements that positively influence learning. Such perspectives imply that approaches to the phenomenon should consider that the effectiveness of learning from errors is dependent upon individual involvement in treating the problem.O objetivo, neste artigo, foi identificar e analisar, no contexto de empresas de base tecnológica, o processo por meio do qual o erro individual foi abordado e levou à aprendizagem a partir de sua ocorrência. Mediante um estudo qualitativo básico, entrevistaram-se nove gestores de empresas de base tecnológica sediadas no Brasil. Os principais resultados indicam que a análise das situações-problema em que os efeitos dos erros se manifestam constituem-se em um importante estágio do processo de detecção e correção do erro. Também, delineou-se um percurso processual para a aprendizagem individual a partir do erro, no trabalho, pelo qual se evidencia como os estágios de detecção e correção do erro articulam-se com elementos que influenciam positivamente a aprendizagem. Tal perspectiva implica que as abordagens ao fenômeno devem considerar que a efetividade da aprendizagem a partir do erro é dependente do envolvimento do indivíduo no tratamento do erro.El objetivo de este artículo fue identificar y analizar, en el contexto de las empresas de base tecnológica, el proceso mediante el cual se abordó el error individual y se logró aprendizajes a partir de su ocurrencia. A través de un estudio cualitativo básico, se entrevistaron a nueve gerentes de empresas de base tecnológica con sede en Brasil. Los resultados principales indican que las situaciones problemáticas, donde se manifiestan los efectos de los errores, constituyen una etapa importante para detección y corrección de errores. Además, se describió una ruta de procedimiento para aprender individualmente, a partir del error en el trabajo, por lo cual se evidencia como las etapas de detección y corrección del error se articulan con elementos que influyen positivamente en el aprendizaje. Tal perspectiva implica en que los enfoques al fenómeno deben considerar que la efectividad del aprendizaje a partir del error depende de la participación del individuo en el tratamiento del error