5 research outputs found


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    Penelitian dengan judul “Pengaruh Multimedia Interaktif Berbentuk Adventure Game Menggunakan Algoritma Backtracking dengan Model CORE ( Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending ) Terhadap Pemahaman Siswa SMK Pada Mata Pelajaran Pemrograman Dasar ” Ini berlatar belakang penggunaan media pembelajaran di sekolah untuk siswa SMK masih sangat terbatas dikarenakan beberapa faktor. Penelitian dengan metode mix method yang bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun multimedia interaktif berbentuk adventure game , mengetahui bahwa multimedia interaktif ini akan dapat berpengaruh pada pemahaman konsep materi serta mengetahui respon siswa terhadap multimedia. Langkah – langkah penelitian terdiri dari lima tahapan yaitu analisis; desain/perancangan; pengembangan yang terdiri dari antarmuka multimedia, penerapan model pembelajaran CORE yang terdiri dari tahapan Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, dan Extending; implementasi, dan penilaian respon berupa hasil evaluasi yang kemudian dibantu algoritma backtracking untuk dilanjutkan pemberian balikan (feedback) apakah harus mempelajari materi kembali atau tidak, dan pembelajaran akan berulang sampai siswa lulus pada suatu materi; kemudian multimedia dirancang untuk mendapatkan respon positif siswa dengan rata – rata persentase 81,2% dan rata – rata persentase kelayakan 89,1% oleh ahli media dan materi. Kemudian membandingkan hasil rata – rata nilai kelas X 73,1 dan kelas XI 80 setelah penggunaan multimedia. Dengan demikian multimedia pembelajaran berbentuk adventure game yang dikembangkan layak untuk diimplementasikan dalam proses pembelajaran. Kata kunci : Pemrograman dasar, Multimedia, Adventure Game, Backtracking, Mix method, Pemahaman. The research paper entitled “Influence of Interactive Multimedia the Form of Adventure Game by Using Backtracking Algorithm with CORE (connecting, organizing, reflecting, extending) Model Against of Comprehension Vocational High School Student in Basic Programming” was ground by multimedia for student vacational high school is limited because of some factor. Research with method is mix method, aimed at designing interactive multimedia of adventure game, finding out that multimedia can influence of understanding and to know student responding of multimedia. Steps of this research consist of five steps, they are: analysis, design; included of interface multimedia, application of CORE model, they are Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, and Extending. Responding evaluation, such us evaluation result then assisted by backtracking algorithm to advance to giving feedback whether it should be re-learn material or not and learning would be repeat to the end of material anda learners could pass materials; multimedia designed get positive students responds with the average of 81,2% and average percentage of 89,1% viability by multimedia expert and material expert. Then compare average class X 73,1 and class XI 80 after used multimedia. Thus multimedia interaktif based adventure game developed feasible to be implementer in the learning process. Key Words : Pemrograman dasar, Multimedia Interaktif, Adventure Game, Algoritma Backtracking, Mix method, Pemahaman


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    Penelitian dengan judul “Pengaruh Multimedia Interaktif Berbentuk Adventure Game Menggunakan Algoritma Backtracking dengan Model CORE ( Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, Extending ) Terhadap Pemahaman Siswa SMK Pada Mata Pelajaran Pemrograman Dasar ” Ini berlatar belakang penggunaan media pembelajaran di sekolah untuk siswa SMK masih sangat terbatas dikarenakan beberapa faktor. Penelitian dengan metode mix method yang bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun multimedia interaktif berbentuk adventure game , mengetahui bahwa multimedia interaktif ini akan dapat berpengaruh pada pemahaman konsep materi serta mengetahui respon siswa terhadap multimedia. Langkah – langkah penelitian terdiri dari lima tahapan yaitu analisis; desain/perancangan; pengembangan yang terdiri dari antarmuka multimedia, penerapan model pembelajaran CORE yang terdiri dari tahapan Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, dan Extending; implementasi, dan penilaian respon berupa hasil evaluasi yang kemudian dibantu algoritma backtracking untuk dilanjutkan pemberian balikan (feedback) apakah harus mempelajari materi kembali atau tidak, dan pembelajaran akan berulang sampai siswa lulus pada suatu materi; kemudian multimedia dirancang untuk mendapatkan respon positif siswa dengan rata – rata persentase 81,2% dan rata – rata persentase kelayakan 89,1% oleh ahli media dan materi. Kemudian membandingkan hasil rata – rata nilai kelas X 73,1 dan kelas XI 80 setelah penggunaan multimedia. Dengan demikian multimedia pembelajaran berbentuk adventure game yang dikembangkan layak untuk diimplementasikan dalam proses pembelajaran. Kata kunci : Pemrograman dasar, Multimedia, Adventure Game, Backtracking, Mix method, Pemahaman. The research paper entitled “Influence of Interactive Multimedia the Form of Adventure Game by Using Backtracking Algorithm with CORE (connecting, organizing, reflecting, extending) Model Against of Comprehension Vocational High School Student in Basic Programming” was ground by multimedia for student vacational high school is limited because of some factor. Research with method is mix method, aimed at designing interactive multimedia of adventure game, finding out that multimedia can influence of understanding and to know student responding of multimedia. Steps of this research consist of five steps, they are: analysis, design; included of interface multimedia, application of CORE model, they are Connecting, Organizing, Reflecting, and Extending. Responding evaluation, such us evaluation result then assisted by backtracking algorithm to advance to giving feedback whether it should be re-learn material or not and learning would be repeat to the end of material anda learners could pass materials; multimedia designed get positive students responds with the average of 81,2% and average percentage of 89,1% viability by multimedia expert and material expert. Then compare average class X 73,1 and class XI 80 after used multimedia. Thus multimedia interaktif based adventure game developed feasible to be implementer in the learning process. Key Words : Pemrograman dasar, Multimedia Interaktif, Adventure Game, Algoritma Backtracking, Mix method, Pemahaman


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    An orderly & transparent administrative management of Preschool institutions is critical to improving the service performance of any Preschool institution. The recording of income and expenditure at Little Moslem Preschool, Bojongsoang, Bandung, is currently still being manually carried out. This practice already causes several problems, such as difficulties finding data when needed, calculation errors, and making reports that related parties do not become readily accessible due to data factors. Apart from this, no security system can be accessed directly by interested parties for peace and comfort in the school environment. Therefore, a solution is needed in financial administration applications, CCTV assistance, and applications for monitoring security and activities in Little Moslem Preschool. As mentioned earlier, administrative & assistive goals can be realized through a combination of modules within a PHP-based application connected to the network. This program is accompanied by training on the use of the application by managers, teachers, and parents of Little Moslem Preschool students. Based on the survey, 98,45% of participants had understood and used this application, so that in addition to being able to face digital challenges, with this activity it is hoped that the creation of an early childhood education institution that has quality, good service, and satisfying service of the institution's users is eventually made possible. --- Pengelolaan lembaga PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini) harus tertib, transparan, dan teratur secara administrasi demi meningkatkan kinerja Lembaga/instansi PAUD tersebut. Pencatatan pendapatan dan pengeluaran di PG dan TK IT Little Moslem, Bojongsoang, Bandung, saat ini masih dilakukan secara manual. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan beberapa permasalahan muncul seperti kesulitan pencarian data ketika dibutuhkan, adanya kesalahan perhitungan, dan dan kesalahan dalam pembuatan laporan karena faktor data yang tidak mudah diakses oleh pihak terkait. Selain hal tersebut, belum tersedia sistem keamanan yang dapat diakses secara langsung oleh pihak-pihak berkepentingan demi ketenangan dan kenyamanan di lingkungan sekolah. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan solusi berupa aplikasi administrasi keuangan, bantuan CCTV, serta aplikasi untuk monitoring keamanan dan kegiatan dalam PG dan TK IT Little Moslem yang dapat dipantau melalui aplikasi berbasis PHP yang terhubung ke jaringan. Program ini disertai pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi tersebut oleh pengelola, guru-guru, dan orang tua siswa PAUD Little Moslem. Berdasarkan hasil survey, sebanyak 98,45% peserta memahami dan menggunakan aplikasi pengelolaan administrasi keuangan berbasis PHP, sehingga selain mampu menghadapi tantangan digital, dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan terwujudnya Lembaga PAUD yang memiliki mutu, layanan yang baik, serta dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna Lembaga PAUD

    Mental Health Helper: Intelligent Mobile Apps in the Pandemic Era

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    Every human being faces various episodes of events that can cause changes in mental health conditions, including this coronavirus pandemic disease. The ups and downs of the psychological turmoil dynamics resulted, and also traumatic feelings can occur continuously or for a certain period. It can cause an adverse response for those who experience it and even cause anxiety or mental disorders. The implementation of restrictions on community activities during these pandemic circumstances makes people who want to check their mental health condition difficult to meet the experts or professionals such as psychologists. Therefore, the application that can detect these anxiety disorders as early as possible to minimize unwanted effects was developed. In the making of the application, an expert system is used to determine the results of the diagnosis. The expert system requires knowledge that is produced from experts, especially in the psychology field. The data that has been obtained will be processed and then yield the results determined from the classification of anxiety types using several methods in Artificial Intelligence. Several tests were carried out 50 times using Certainty Factor methods to obtain an accuracy rate of 96%. It has similar accuracy compared to the Naïve Bayes method. This application called Mental Health Helper has a validity and reliability test to prove that this application is valid and reliable. It has better performance than previous researches, which still only has two classes of diseases

    Development of mobile billing application system for PAMDES water meter data logging

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    Along with the growth of Sindangsari's population, the water requirement in this village has increased. So, the drinking water company (PAMDES) in this village must be able to manage the available water to meet the necessities of public life. Now, the water company is still collecting and recording water meters manually. It is very risky to consider the water condition in the village because an officer can make a human error while recording the water meter's value. When the water meter recorder is damaged, the officer estimates the water meter's value. An application is needed to manage bills and record water meters to avoid this in previous studies using the Internet of Things (IoT) or mobile applications that must be sent online to the server in real-time. This solution is not suitable for the internet condition in Indonesia, which is not evenly distributed to remote villages. This study proposes to use a mobile application that can store data on mobile devices. When the internet connection is unavailable, it can be sent later when it is available again. In this study, data obtained that the condition of the meter recorder from 672 customers, 37 water meters recorder is damaged. In addition, water meter data is also obtained for the following month's bill and data on average water usage of 10,661m3 per month. With these data, it is found that the minimum water requirement is 10,661 m3 per month. It is hoped that the application for billing management and recording of PAMDES water meters in Sindangsari village, Cikoneng sub-district, Ciamis district can help increase PAMDES management capacity