17 research outputs found

    Pemberian Bahan Organik, Mikrob Selulolitik Dan Pupuk NPK Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    Kacang tanah (Arachis hypogaea L.) merupakan tanaman legum yang termasuk famili Fabaceae. Produksi kacang tanah mengalami penurunan dari tahun ke tahun. Hal ini diduga karena cara budidaya yang kurang tepat serta daya dukung kemampuan tanah yang terbatas. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produksi kacang tanah melalui pemupukan organik dan anorganik, yaitu dengan pemberian kompos tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) dan pupuk NPK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh interaksi pemberian bahan organik TKKS dengan mikrob Selulolitik dan pupuk NPK, pengaruh pemberian TKKS dengan mikrob selulolitik dan pengaruh pemberian pupuk NPK. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Riau. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap faktorial yang terdiri dari dua faktor. Faktor I pemberian bahan organik TKKS dengan tiga taraf yaitu, 0 t.ha-1, TKKS+mikrob Selulolitik 5 t.ha-1, Kompos TKKS dekomposer mikrob selulolitik 5 t.ha-1. Faktor II pemberian pupuk NPK dengan tiga taraf, NPK 50% (0,625 g per polibag), NPK 75% (0,9375 g per polibag) dan NPK 100% (1,25 g per polibag). Parameter yang diamati adalah jumlah polong per tanaman, jumlah polong bernas per tanaman, persentase polong bernas per tanaman, berat biji kering per tanaman, dan berat 100 biji. Hasil penelitian interaksi pemberian kompos TKKS, TKKS dengan mikrob selulolitik dan pupuk NPK berpengaruh terhadap jumlah polong per tanaman dan berat 100 biji kering

    Screening of Fungi from Oil Palm Rhizosphere in Peat Soils and the Potential as Biological Agents against Ganoderma boninense

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     One of the diseases that attack oil palm plants is stem rot disease. Control efforts that can be done is to use rhizosphere fungi from oil palm plants in peat soils. This study aimed to select fungi from rhizosphere of oil palm plants in peat soil based on morphological characteristics and test their potential as biological agents against Ganoderma boninense. This research was conducted by exploration, observation and experiment by using complete randomized design (RAL). The parameters observed were macroscopic characteristics of fungi from oil palm rhizosphere, disease severity index, fungus inhibition power from oil palm rhizosphere to G. boninense, colony diameter and growth rate of high antagonist rhizosphere fungus, hyperparasitic type of fungus from rhizosphere of oil palm plant with G. boninense and the morphological characteristics of fungi from high antagonist rhizosphere in macroscopic and microscopic. The results showed that 12 rhizosphere fungi isolates and 4 isolates were antagonist to G. boninense. Isolate J5 has a high antagonist power of 70.26% and is a genus Trichoderma, isolate J7 belongs to the genus Trichoderma, isolate J10 genus Aspergillus and isolate J12 genus Mucor


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    The efficiency of fertilizing N on oil palm plants on peatlands in several companies isdone by planting legume cover crop, one of which is Mucuna bracteata. This plantcan form root nodules because it can symbiosis with rhizobium bacteria which willmake fixation of N2 in the air so that the bound N elements can be utilized by plants. This bacterium grows naturally on legume cover crop. This study aims to explore and characterize adaptive rhizobium bacteria in peatlands. The location of sampling is done at PT. Jatimjaya Perkasa, Kubu District, Rokan Hilir Regency. Sampling of root nodules by stratified random sampling. The results obtained by eight bacterial isolates that have relatively similar macroscopic and microscopic characteristics and belong to rhizobium based on the YEMA + CR and YEMA + BTB tests.Keywords: Peat soil, Oil palm, Legume cover crop, Rhizobiu

    Pemberdayaan Kelompok Karang Taruna Desa Langsat Permai dalam Budidaya Ikan Lele dan Cacing Sutra Mendukung Pertanian Terpadu

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    Terwujudnya pertanian terpadu di Desa Langsat Permai, Kecamatan Bunga Raya, Kabupaten Siak diinisiasi melalui kegiatan PPDM di tahun 2019 dengan pembangunan usaha perikanan berupa keramba ikan pada kanal di sekitar lahan pertanian. Pada tahun 2021, telah dilaksanakan kegiatan pember­dayaan petani dalam optimalisasi budidaya ikan lele di dalam keramba sekaligus pendampingan dalam pembuatan pakan ikan berbasis limbah pertanian. Namun, bibit ikan yang akan dibudidayakan masih didatangkan dari luar desa. Oleh karena itu, pada tahun 2022 dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan pembenihan ikan lele dan pembuatan pakan ikan cacing sutra yang dikembangkan dari fermentasi kotoran sapi dibantu dengan bakteri selulolitik. Mitra kegiatan yang menjadi sasaran kegiatan yaitu anggota kelompok karang taruna Desa Langsat Permai. Pendampingan kelompok karang taruna dimulai dari penentuan jantan betina ikan lele, penentuan induk yang siap untuk dipijahkan, proses penyuntikan ikan dengan hormon ovaprin, dan perawatan benih ikan yang telah dihasilkan dari proses pemijahan. Berdasarkan hasil pendampingan yang telah dilakukan, penge­tahuan dan keterampilan anggota kelompok karang taruna meningkat diban­dingkan sebelum kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan, sedangkan pada budidaya cacing sutra diketahui bahwa fermentasi kotoran sapi belum cukup optimal sehingga ditambahkan ampas tahu sebagai tambahan media budidaya cacing sutra.&nbsp

    Isolation and Identification of Cellulolytic and Lignolytic Bacteria from the Gut Oryctes rhinoceros L. Larvae Decomposition of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches

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    One of the organisms that helps in decomposition of oil palm empty fruit bunches is Oryctes rhinoceros L. larvae. This is because of in the gut of the larvae there are many cellulolytic bacteria and lignoliytic. The process of accelerating the decomposition of oil palm empty fruit bunches into compost can be done by optimizing the work of the bacteria. The aim of this research is to obtain cellulolytic and lignolytic bacteria from larvae O. rhinoceros L.. The research succeeded to isolate 24 isolates of cellulolytic bacteria and lignolytic bacterial isolates from the gut of O. rhinoceros larvae. Based on qualitative test, 9 isolate bacteria produced cellulolytic index above 2. The highest cellulolytic index was generated by ORL19 isolate, while the lignolytic index obtained ORL6 isolate. Based on macroscopic and microscopic identification of bacteria, biochemical and physiological tests,  it was found ORL 6 belongs to the genus Bacillus sp. while the ORL 19 belongs to the genus Citrobacter sp.

    Water Management through Canal Blocking to Improving Rice Productivity in Langsat Permai Village, Bunga Raya District, Siak Regency, Riau Province

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    The low productivity of paddy in Langsat Permai Village, Bunga Raya District, Siak Regency, one of them is causes the unavailability of sufficient water for crop cultivation, so it is necessary to do water management by making canal blocking to be used on rice plants in the area. This is done to meet the water needs of rice plants during the dry season. Therefore, assistance is provided through water management in Langsat Permai Village, Bunga Raya District, Siak Regency. Mentoring strategies are carried out by discussing directly with farmer groups about the impact of making canal blocking. Through this activity, the availability of water for rice plants during the dry season is fulfilled. Production of 1 Ha of rice before the blocking canal produced 4-5 tons/harvest to 6-7.8 tons/harvest after the canal blocking

    The Growth and Yield of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) with Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer Application by Cellulolytic Microbes in Peat

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    Limitations of productive land causing agricultural extension leads on marginal land. Peatlands are one type of land including the criteria for marginal land. Destruction of peatland ecosystems arising from land management and the selection of one commodity which is not in accordance with the characteristics of peatland. Damage criteria peat in government regulations to function cultivation is more than 0,4 m below the peat surface. One alternative for the agricultural development of peatlands associated with groundwater levels ≤0,4 m to do with the development of food crops, especially rice crops. This is because the root system of the rice crop is only about 40-50 cm categorized shallow roots, thus suitable for development on peatland shallow. This study aims to determine the response growth and yield of rice plants with organic and inorganic fertilizer application by microbial cellulolytic on peat soil. The experimental was conducted from November 2017 to January 2018 in Laboratory of Soil Science and Plant Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture at Universitas of Riau. The research was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of 7 treatments and 4 replicates so on May 28 experimental units. As for the treatment Control, 50% inorganic fertilizer, 100% inorganic fertilizer, 80 grams of composted rice straw, 160 grams of litter rice straw + 160 ml consortium of microbes, 80 grams of composted rice straw + 50% inorganic fertilizer, 160 grams of rice straw litter + 160 ml of microbial consortium selulitik + 50% inorganic fertilizer. The results showed that addition of 160 g of rice straw litter + 160 ml of microbial + 50% inorganic fertilizer consortium was the best treatment by producing tillers reaching 54,87 tillers, the number of grain per panicle reached 130.57 grains with crop grain weight reaching 57.27 grams, with a percentage of empty the lowest is 3.62%

    The Growth of Oil Palm Seedlings using a Combination Medium of Organic Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch and NPK Fertilizer at Main Nursery

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    Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) holds a very strategic role in the Indonesia economy. Plants that have reached the economical age of 25 years need to be replanted using qualified oil palm seedling. The qualified seedling is obtained through proper fertilization. The combination of NPK fertilizer and organic material of oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) which has been given a cellulolytic bacterial consortium can provide sufficient nutrients for the growth of oil palm seedlings. The study aimed to determine the effect of giving a combination of OPEFB organic material, cellulolytic bacterial consortium, and NPK fertilizer on the growth of oil palm seedling (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) at main nursery. This experiment used a single factor experiment arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatments were a 100% NPK, a OPEFB compost, a 50% NPK + OPEFB compost, a 50% NPK + OPEFB + Cellulolytic bacterial consortium, and a OPEFB + cellulolytic bacterial consortium. The results showed that the application of inorganic fertilizers combined with organic fertilizers (a OPEFB compost and a OPEFB + cellulolytic bacterial consortium) had a good effect on each parameter. Giving organic fertilizer without inorganic fertilizer had not affected plant growth on all parameters. Application of a OPEFB compost and a OPEFB + cellulolytic bacterial consortium can reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers by 50%


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    This study aims to determine the types and ways of application of organic matter and the combination of both of the rice yields in peat growing media. This research has been carried out in the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agric ulture, Riau University, Campus Bina Widya Km 12.5, Simpang Baru Panam Sub-District, Tampan District, Pekanbaru, Riau. This research was carried out for 4 months, starting from May to August 2018. The research was conducted experimentally arranged according to a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial pattern consisting of 2 factors. Factor I: organic matter of plant waste (O), namely: O1 (125 g rice straw), O2 (125 g soybean litter), O3 (oil palm empty fruit bunches 125 g) and Fact II: how to apply organic material (C), namely: C1 (mixed) and C2 (spread). The results obtained were analyzed using variance analysis and continued with the double range duncan's new multiple range test (DNMRT) at 5% level. However, the type of organic rice paddy yields results in the weight of the milled dry grain which is 106.94 g-138.23 g, the weight of 1,000 grains that is 26.40 g-26.95 g and soybean litter on the percentage of rice grain grain 86.24 g-88.00 g. Giving application method in the distribution gives results on the weight of dry milled unhulled rice that is 125.21 g-126.02 g, the weight of 1,000 grains that is 26.65 g-26.79 g and the percentage of unhulled grain that is 86.76 g-87 , 74 g and the combination of the type of organic rice paddy and the application method in the distribution gives the results of the weight of the milled dry rice which is 102.94 g - 140.87 g, the weight of 1,000 items, which is between 26.29 g - 27.27 g and soybean litter organic material types and application method are mixed namely 84.94 g - 88.50 g.Key words : application method, rice plant, rice straw, soybean litter, TKKS.This study aims to determine the types and ways of application of organic matter and the combination of both of the rice yields in peat growing media. This research has been carried out in the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agric ulture, Riau University, Campus Bina Widya Km 12.5, Simpang Baru Panam Sub-District, Tampan District, Pekanbaru, Riau. This research was carried out for 4 months, starting from May to August 2018. The research was conducted experimentally arranged according to a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial pattern consisting of 2 factors. Factor I: organic matter of plant waste (O), namely: O1 (125 g rice straw), O2 (125 g soybean litter), O3 (oil palm empty fruit bunches 125 g) and Fact II: how to apply organic material (C), namely: C1 (mixed) and C2 (spread). The results obtained were analyzed using variance analysis and continued with the double range duncan's new multiple range test (DNMRT) at 5% level. However, the type of organic rice paddy yields results in the weight of the milled dry grain which is 106.94 g-138.23 g, the weight of 1,000 grains that is 26.40 g-26.95 g and soybean litter on the percentage of rice grain grain 86.24 g-88.00 g. Giving application method in the distribution gives results on the weight of dry milled unhulled rice that is 125.21 g-126.02 g, the weight of 1,000 grains that is 26.65 g-26.79 g and the percentage of unhulled grain that is 86.76 g-87 , 74 g and the combination of the type of organic rice paddy and the application method in the distribution gives the results of the weight of the milled dry rice which is 102.94 g - 140.87 g, the weight of 1,000 items, which is between 26.29 g - 27.27 g and soybean litter organic material types and application method are mixed namely 84.94 g - 88.50 g.Key words : application method, rice plant, rice straw, soybean litter, TKK

    IbDM Pengelolaan Tata Air melalui Canal Blocking dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Cabai di Desa Langsat Permai Kecamatan Bunga Raya Kabupaten Siak, Provinsi Riau

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    Air merupakan unsur penting yang dibutuhkan dalam budidaya tanaman cabai di Desa Langsat Permai. Selama ini, petani Desa Langsat  Permai memanfaatkan air kanal yang berada di sekitar lahan untuk usaha budidaya cabai maupun tanaman lainnya. Akan tetapi, petani sulit mendapatkan air apabila terjadi musim kemarau sehingga menghambat usaha budidaya tanaman yang mereka lakukan. Berangkat dari permasalahan tersebut, kegiatan Iptek bagi Desa Mitra (IbDM) melakukan pembangunan canal blocking yang bertujuan untuk mengelola ketersediaan air khususnya pada musim kemarau. Pembangunan canal blocking tersebut sangat memberikan manfaat pada peningkatan hasil produksi cabai dimana tahun 2018 produksi cabai sebesar 14-15 ton/Ha dibandingkan pada tahun 2017 hanya berkisar 10-11 ton/Ha. Tidak hanya produksi cabai yang meningkat, pembangunan canal blocking ini juga memberikan dampak kepada meluasnya lahan sawit yang dikonversi menjadi lahan budidaya tanaman pangan maupun hortikultura. Terlihat dari jumlah lahan sawit yang dikonversi menjadi lahan pertanian tanaman pangan dan hortikultura sebesar 26 Ha pada tahun 2018. Hal ini sangat mendukung program Pemerintah Kabupaten Siak dimana pemerintah mendorong kegiatan pertanian baik pangan maupun hortikultura dibandingkan perkebunan sawit. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah Kabupaten Siak dalam hal ini Bupati dan Kepala Dinas terkait melakukan kegiatan panen raya pada tahun 2018. Kegiatan ini sangat menguntungkan petani karena mereka dapat mengajukan beberapa sarana dan prasarana guna meningkatkan budidaya tanaman khususnya cabai. Pemerintah Kabupaten Siak juga mendorong Desa Langsat Permai menjadi salah satu daerah agrowisata berbasis tanaman cabai yang menampilkan budidaya cabai sampai penanganan pascapanen cabai