29 research outputs found

    Prescrição gramatical e uso linguístico: a questão da concordância no português do Brasil

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    The aim of this paper is twofold, first, to raise questions on language teaching and, second, to focus on plural agreement in Brazilian Portuguese, a stigmatized phenomenon frequently used to exemplify and explain the differences between Brazilian and European Portuguese. The position argued is that there is a plurality of norms and that is necessary to relate linguistic to social data and observe the phenomenon from place to place, in order to understand the variable patterns of agreement detected. The analyzed sample was extracted from informal interviews of The Linguistic Atlas of Brazil, men and women with high or low formal education. We conclude that the empirical findings and demographic data should be taken into account, if we pursue an effective language teaching

    Suzana Alice Marcelino da Silva Cardoso (1937-2018)

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    L’Atlas des parlers de Bahia (APFB) et la géographie linguistique au Brésil

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    Cet article se veut être une réflexion sur l’importance du premier atlas régional brésilien (AFPB) pour le développement de la géographie linguistique au Brésil. On discute (i) les raisons pour lesquelles ce n’est que dans les années 1960 que les recherches dialectales deviennent une réalité ; (ii) la méthode utilisée pour le recueil des échantillons représentatifs des parlers régionaux ; et (iii) l’incorporation, tout au long du temps, d’autres variables sociales — au‑delà de la différenciation diatopique — dans la présentation des résultats.This paper brings some reflections on the role of the publication of the first regional Brazilian linguistic Atlas (APFB) to the development of dialectal studies in our country. It discusses (i) the reasons why dialectal researches become reality only at the beginning of the 60’s; (ii) the scientific methodology of gathering representative oral speech samples; and (iii) the incorporation across time of other social variables—besides diatopic differentiation—on displaying the results

    Suzana Alice Marcelino da Silva Cardoso (1937-2018) In Memoriam

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    Rosa Virginia Mattos e Silva (1940- 2012)

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    A propósito do uso de ter e haver em lexias verbo-nominais: análise contrastiva português-espanhol

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    Abstract An overview of socio-discursive nature of verb phrases with ter/tener and haver/haber, in the so-called light verbs constructions, in Brazilian Portuguese and European and American Spanish (Madrid and Buenos Aires), based on spoken samples extracted from the NURC-Brazil Project and the Macrocorpus of standard speech of most important cities of the hispanic world. The analyses comfirm the hypotheses of (i) different degrees of functionality of those verbs to the formation of a periphrasis in a continuum, related to the possibility of acceptance of several kinds of intervenient elements between the verb and the abstract noun; (ii) the fact that this use is a consequence of the processes of grammaticalization end lexicalization and (iii) that it is necessary to take in account constraints of different nature.Resumo: Panorama geral de natureza sócio-discursiva de lexias verbo-nominais com os verbos ter/tener e haver/haber, nas chamadas construções com verbos leves, no português brasileiro e no espanhol de Madri e Buenos Aires, com base em dados de língua falada do Projeto NURC-Br e do Macrocorpus da Norma Linguística Culta das Principais Cidades do Mundo Hispânico. A análise comprova a hipótese (i) de existência de diversos graus de funcionalidade do verbo na formação da perífrase em um continuum relacionado à possibilidade de aceitação de determinantes e/ou outros elementos intervenientes entre o verbo e o nome abstrato; (ii) de seu uso ser consequência dos processos de gramaticalização e de lexicalização e (iii) ser necessário considerar restrições de natureza diversa

    Ter/Haver-Constructions and Verbal Agreement

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    The aim of this paper is twofold: (i) to analyze the use of the verbs ter and haver in the history of Portuguese and, more specifically, in a recent stage of Brazilian Portuguese, in which the possessive ter is used as an existential verb; and (ii) to discuss some properties involving ter and haver in possessive and existential domains, in both European and Brazilian Portuguese, pointing to the possibility of verbal agreement with ter/haver-existential constructions. Exploring results from previous analyses it is shown that some properties of existential constructions, in contemporary Brazilian Portuguese, can derive from changes involving subject position, related to the weakening of flectional paradigm