25 research outputs found


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    This research paper aims to make meaning of normalcy in Ken Kesey’s novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The meaning of normalcy is constructed from characters who are considered as not normal. Therefore, being not normal will be analyzed by Foucault’s idea of madness (1964) as the framework. In particular, the research analyzes textual evidences which indicate the aspects of madness. By employing a narrative approach in a qualitative method which emphasizes on the analysis of the characters in the novel, the finding reveals two main points. First, that normalcy means obedience. In this case, being obedient means being submissive toward the ward’s rules. Second, the idea of normalcy is determined by those who have power. From the analysis, it can be concluded that normalcy is not a fixed construction, it depends on those who hold the authority

    Becoming Normal: An Analysis of Normalcy in Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

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    This research paper aims to make meaning of normalcy in Ken Kesey’s novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The meaning of normalcy is constructed from characters who are considered as not normal. Therefore, being not normal will be analyzed by Foucault’s idea of madness (1964) as the framework. In particular, the research analyzes textual evidences which indicate the aspects of madness. By employing a narrative approach in a qualitative method which emphasizes on the analysis of the characters in the novel, the finding reveals two main points. First, that normalcy means obedience. In this case, being obedient means being submissive toward the ward’s rules. Second, the idea of normalcy is determined by those who have power. From the analysis, it can be concluded that normalcy is not a fixed construction, it depends on those who hold the authority.Keywords: Aleph, Paulo Coelho, journey in literature, life meaning, life purpo


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    ABSTRACT Tuberculosis remains a major public health problem, with an estimated 9 million TB incidence cases, 300,000 of which are drug resistant TB cases and resulted in 1.5 million deaths worldwide in 2013. However, only 58% of new cases, TB cases were confirmed bacteriologically using WHO recommended test including the Xpert® MTB/RIF Rapid Diagnosis. The use of GeneXpert in Indonesia has existed since 2014 and has never been evaluated in its utilization, including in the city of Denpasar, namely in Wangaya Hospital as one of the recipients of the GeneXpert pulmonary TB diagnostic aid. The results of this study showed that the results of GeneXpert examination were much higher in the percentage of Positive TB Case Findings compared to microscopic examination so that there is an increase in the number of positive TB cases by 14.3%. The GeneXpert examination succeeded in giving positive results compared to the microscopic results showing negative results, which were sensitive Rifampicin (14.6%) and resistant Rifampicin (2.4%). However, the utilization of TB suspect examination with GeneXpert has not been maximized in increasing the number of TB patients suspected of having TB, in fact, the percentage of positive TB case finding compared to TB suspicion is increasing. Keywords:GeneXpert, rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis, pulmonary tuberculosis   ABSTRAK Tuberkulosis (TB) tetap menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang utama, diperkirakan telah terjadi 9 juta kasus insiden TB, 300.000 di antaranya adalah kasus TB multidrug resistant (TB MDR) dan mengakibatkan 1,5 juta kematian di seluruh dunia pada tahun 2013. Namun, baru 58% dari kasus baru, kasus TB dikonfirmasi secara bakteriologis menggunakan tes yang direkomendasikan oleh WHO termasuk Tes Cepat Molekuler (TCM) GeneXpert® MTB/RIF (Xpert). Pemanfaatan TCM GeneXpert di Indonesia ada sejak 2014 dan belum pernah dilakukan evaluasi dalam pemanfaatannya termasuk di Kota Denpasar yaitu di RSUD Wangaya sebagai salah satu penerima bantuan alat diagnostik TB Paru TCM GeneXpert. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa hasil pemeriksaan dengan TCM GeneXpert jauh lebih tinggi persentase penemuan kasus positif TBC dibanding dengan pemeriksaan mikroskopis sehingga terdapat peningkatan jumlah kasus positif TBC sebesar 14,3% di RSUD Wangaya pada tahun 2018.  Pemeriksaan TCM GeneXpert berhasil memberikan hasil yang positif di saat hasil pemeriksaan mikroskopis menunjukkan hasil negatif yaitu Rifampisin sensitif (14,6%) dan Rifampisin resisten (2,4%). Pemanfaatan pemeriksaan terduga TB dengan TCM GeneXpert belum maksimal dalam meningkatkan jumlah pemeriksaan pasien terduga TB Paru, walaupun persentase penemuan kasus positif TB dibanding terduga TB meningkat. Kata kunci: Tes cepat molekuler, geneXpert, tuberkulosis par


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    Abstract Background: Pulmonary tuberculosis is the most serious opportunistic infection in HIV/AIDS subjects and is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in developing countries. Objective: To describe  the results of HIV / TB examination in Merauke District Hospital Method: Study design is cross-sectional using data from “Studi evaluasi deteksi kasus TBC dengan alat tes cepat molekuler di Indonesia tahun 2018”. Descriptive data analysis is applied based on secondary data of PLWHA patients who visited Merauke District Hospital to examine Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB). Results: The proportion of PLWHA was almost three times higher (8.5%) compared to other 43 health facilities (3,0%). The highest proportion of PLWHA is productive age of 15-54 years (94.9%) and male (54.5%). The proportion of children (aged <15 years) with HIV is six times higher (3%) compared to other 43 health facilities (0,5%). The results of MTB with molecular rapid tests in 43 health facilities is higher in PLWHA compared to non-PLWHA (34.4%:32.0%), and the opposite is true for Merauke District Hospital (22.2%:29.4%). Conclussion: HIV epidemic in Merauke has been on the general population particularly in productive and children category. This high level of HIV has an impact on increasing transmission to children and HIV-TB co-infection. Keywords: HIV, HIV-TB co-infection, reproductive age, children, RSUD Merauke Abstrak Latar belakang: Tuberkulosis paru adalah salah satu infeksi oportunistik yang paling serius pada HIV/AIDS dan merupakan penyebab utama kematian dan morbiditas di negara-negara berkembang. Tujuan: Diperoleh gambaran hasil pemeriksaan HIV-TB di RSUD Merauke. Metode: Disain studi adalah potong lintang menggunakan data “Studi evaluasi deteksi kasus TB dengan alat tes cepat molekuler (TCM) di Indonesia tahun 2018”. Analisis deskriptif data sekunder pasien HIV yang berkunjung ke RSUD Merauke yang diperiksa MTB. Hasil: Proporsi ODHA di RSUD Merauke hampir tiga kali lebih tinggi (8,5%) dibandingkan dengan 43 fasilitas kesehatan lainnya (3,0%). Persentase tertinggi adalah pada umur produktif 15-54 tahun (94,9%) dan laki-laki (54,5%). Proporsi anak (<15 tahun) dengan HIV enam kali lebih tinggi (3,0%) dibandingkan dengan 43 fasilitas kesehatan lainnya (0,5%). Hasil pemeriksaan konfirmasi bakteriologi MTB dengan TCM pada 43 fasilitas kesehatan tinggi pada ODHA dibanding non ODHA (34,4%:32,0%), dan situasi sebaliknya pada RSUD Merauke (22,2%:29,4%). Kesimpulan: Epidemi HIV di Merauke sudah mencapai tingkat populasi umum, terutama pada kelompok produktif dan anak. Tingginya angka HIV akan berdampak pada tingginya penularan pada anak dan koinfeksi HIV-TB.   Kata kunci: HIV, HIV koinfeksi TB, umur produktif, anak, RSUD Merauk

    Karakterisasi Dan Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Famili Arecaceae Di Kampus 1 UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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    Natural resources are the main component in building a biological culture system in the span of the earth. Efforts to manage natural resources, especially plants, are characterized by utilization according to their characteristics. The Arecaceae family (palm) belongs to the plant family of the oldest among flowering plants. This research was conducted through an exploratory survey on plants of the Arecaceae family in the area of Campus 1, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University, Bandung. There were nine plant species found with a total number of individuals of all species totaling 148. The diversity index of palm plants in the Campus I area of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung obtained a result of 1.59. The utilization of Arecaceae plants is very diverse for each organ, namely fruits, roots, flowers, leaves, roots, and stems which are divided into five categories of needs, food sources, traditional medicines, building materials, handicrafts, and other uses


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    ABSTRAK PENGARUH CANGKANG TELUR AYAM SEBAGAI SUBSTITUSI SEMEN TERHADAP KUAT TEKAN BETON Beton merupakan suatu material yang terdiri dari campuran semen, air, agregat halus, agregat kasar, dengan atau tanpa bahan tambah. Beton merupakan salah satu bahan konstruksi yang sering digunakan di bidang Teknik Sipil seperti pada bangunan jembatan, jalan, dan lain-lain. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan cangkang telur ayam sebagai subtitusi semen terhadap kuat tekan beton. Cangkang telur ayam sering ditemui di rumah makan Martabak HAR, terutama di kota Palembang. Dalam penlitian ini, cangkang telur ayam dihaluskan hingga lolos saringan ayakan no. 200 (0,075 mm). Pengujian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi kuat tekan, dimana benda uji yang digunakan berupa silinder 15cm × 30cm. Variasi cangkang telur ayam 0%, 1%, 2,5%, dan 5%. Dimana pengujian tekan dilakukan pada hari ke-3, 7, 14, dan 28. Dengan mutu beton yang direncanakan adalah fc’ 25. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan cangkang telur ayam terhadap kuat tekan beton umur 28 hari dengan variasi 1% sebesar 29,736 MPa, dan untuk variasi 2,5% sebesar 25,077 MPa, lalu untuk variasi 5% sebesar 16,407 MPa, bila dibandingkan dengan kuat tekan beton tanpa cangkang telur (Beton Nnormal) sebesar 41,204 MPa


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    ABSTRACTConcrete is a construction material that is often used in civil engineering such as building bridges, roads, and others. The purpose of this reserach is to determine the influences addition of chicken eggshell as a cement substitution at the Compressive Strength. Chicken eggshell often found in Martabak HAR Restaurant, especially in Palembang. In these studies, the shell egg mashed up to escape the Sieve Filter No. 200 (0.074 mm). The testing that was done in this study include strong press, where test objects that are used in the form of cylinder 15 cm × 30 cm. Variations of chicken eggshells 0%, 1%, 2,5% and 5%. Where testing is done at the press day , , , and . With the quality of concrete planned is fc ' 25. Of the results showed the use of chicken egg shells againts the powerful press concrete age 28 days with a variation of 1% of 29,736 MPa, and 2,5% for variations of 25,077 MPa, then to a variation of 5% 16,407 MPa, compared with the strong press egg shells without concrete (Normal Concrete) of 41,204 MPa. Keyword : Normal Concrete; Chicken Eggshell; Compressive Strength of Concrete ABSTRAKBeton merupakan salah satu bahan konstruksi yang sering digunakan di bidang Teknik Sipil seperti pada bangunan jembatan, jalan, dan lain-lain. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan cangkang telur ayam sebagai subtitusi semen terhadap kuat tekan beton. Cangkang telur ayam sering ditemui di rumah makan Martabak HAR, terutama di kota Palembang. Dalam penlitian ini, cangkang telur ayam dihaluskan hingga lolos saringan ayakan no. 200 (0,075 mm). Pengujian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi kuat tekan, dimana benda uji yang digunakan berupa silinder 15cm × 30cm. Variasi cangkang telur ayam 0%, 1%, 2,5%, dan 5%. Dimana pengujian tekan dilakukan pada hari ke-3, 7, 14, dan 28. Dengan mutu beton yang direncanakan adalah fc’ 25. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan cangkang telur ayam terhadap kuat tekan beton umur 28 hari dengan variasi 1% sebesar 29,736 MPa, dan untuk variasi 2,5% sebesar 25,077 MPa, lalu untuk variasi 5% sebesar 16,407 MPa, bila dibandingkan dengan kuat tekan beton tanpa cangkang telur (Beton Nnormal) sebesar 41,204 MPa. Kata Kunci : Beton Normal; Cangkang Telur Ayam; Kuat Tekan Beto


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa, hasil belajar dan mengetahui respon siswa. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus dan terdiri dari tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI IPA 1 SMA PGRI 6 Banjarmasin dengan jumlah 39 orang. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes dan non tes. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik observasi, tes hasil belajar kognitif dan angket. Anaslisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pada aktivitas guru dari skor rata-rata sebesar 52,17 (tinggi) menjadi sebesar 66,5 (sangat tinggi), aktivitas siswa meliputi aktivitas memperhatikan, bertanya, mendengarkan, menyumbangkan gagasan, menaruh minat, merumuskan soal, dan memecahkan soal dengan skor rata-rata keseluruhan sebesar 23 (cukup tinggi) menjadi 29 (tinggi), ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa pada ranah kognitif dengan perolehan skor sebesar 66,62% meningkat menjadi 83,85%. Hasil belajar ranah afektif dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 13,53 (cukup baik) menjadi 20,39 (baik), hasil belajar ranah psikomotorik dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 12,58 (cukup terampil) menjadi 14,89 (terampil). Respon siswa terhadap model problem posing pada materi larutan penyangga menunjukkan bahwa jawaban pernyataan siswa lebih dominan dengan pernyataan sangat setuju dan setuju daripada jawaban ragu-ragu, tidak setuju, dan sangat tidak setuju

    Community Participation Process in Community-Based Tourism Development in Waerebo Traditional Village, Manggarai Regency, Flores

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    Waerebo traditional village is one of the villages in Flores that has managed to rise through tourism development. The tourism business in Waerebo is owned and managed by the community. This study aims to determine the process of community participation in the development of community-based tourism. This study uses a qualitative method. Primary data were collected through observation and in-depth interviews with institutions and parties involved in the development. Assistance with a participatory approach through the placement of facilitators to live with the community is carried out by partners from the Waerebo Cultural Conservation Institute. The training activities followed by practice by the community, accompanied by facilitators, have shown good results. The community is involved in all stages, from planning, implementing activities, and evaluating activities. Community participation from planning to implementation is essential in developing CBT and maintaining destination resilience. The CBT approach is able to increase people's income, help maintain traditional houses, forest roads, provide diesel and solar electricity, and improve their children's education