183 research outputs found

    Job Insecurity and Job Performance: A Serial Mediated Relationship and the Buffering Effect of Organizational Justice

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    The study aimed to extend the current knowledge of the relationship between job insecurity and performance. In line with traditional stress theories, work-family and burnout were hypothesized as serial mediators of the negative link between job insecurity and job performance. Also, the current study hypothesized that the association between job insecurity and the mediators [i.e., Work-family conflict (WFC) and burnout] could be buffered by perceived organizational justice among employees. Therefore, we empirically tested a moderated serial mediation model. Participants were 370 employees of an Italian multiservice social cooperative. Data were collected using a self-report questionnaire in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The obtained results indicated that WFC and burnout mediated the association between job insecurity and job performance. Furthermore, perceived organizational justice buffered the relationship between job insecurity and WFC. Concerning job burnout, the association with job insecurity was moderated only among employees perceiving medium and high levels of organizational justice. The moderated serial mediation index provided support to the role of organizational justice in decreasing the association between job insecurity and job performance. This study delves deeper into the variables explaining the relationship between job insecurity and job performance by testing a serial process mechanism that involved WFC and burnout. Additionally, the obtained results provide suggestions to organizations and managers regarding the protective role of organizational justice to sustain employees\u2019 mental health and performance. Practical implications at the organizational and managerial level are provided, along with a focus on the actual impact of the pandemic

    Tackling job insecurity : can a boundaryless career orientation boost job crafting strategies and career competencies?

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    none4siThe present study was aimed at investigating the mediating role played by job crafting and career competencies (i.e., knowing why, knowing how, and knowing whom) within the negative relation between boundaryless career orientation and job insecurity. A sample of 267 Italian employees fulfilled an online self-report questionnaire. Results of bootstrapping models with multiple mediators operating in serial indicated that boundaryless career orientation was negatively related to job insecurity through the subsequent mediation first of job crafting, and then of career competencies. This study provided support for the hypothesized relevance of training interventions focusing on the enhancement of a boundaryless perspective and job crafting strategies among HR best practices.mixedMazzetti, Greta; Lancioni, Chiara; Derous, Eva; Guglielmi, DinaMazzetti, Greta; Lancioni, Chiara; Derous, Eva; Guglielmi, Din

    The Impact of Learning Strategies and Future Orientation on Academic Success: The Moderating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy among Italian Undergraduate Students

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    Promoting academic success among undergraduate students is crucial for tackling the need to foster employability competencies. Low levels of academic attainment in higher education, along with the increasing number of persons participating in tertiary education, represent crucial trends, which need to be studied in order to develop efficient retention practices. The current study aimed to investigate the relationship between relevant factors that can foster academic success: learning strategies, future orientation, and academic self-efficacy. To this purpose, a longitudinal study was performed on a sample of N = 87 undergraduate students from one of the largest Italian universities (63.4% males, 74.2% enrolled in the first year). Participants filled in an online questionnaire at two different time points, with a time lag of 12 months. Results of a moderated mediation model indicated that the relationship between learning strategies at Time 1 (T1) and Grade Point Average (GPA) at Time 2 (T2) was mediated by students\u2019 future orientation. Moreover, this association was moderated by T1 academic self-efficacy. These results suggest that learning strategies positively influence GPA through an enhanced future orientation, in particular when students report high or medium levels of self-efficacy. The current findings invite a thorough review of training interventions for improving academic achievement

    Support from Teaching Staff and Self-efficacy as Determinants of Students' Perceived Employability: a Longitudinal study

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    [EN] Perceived employability acquires, for university students, growing importanceto deal with occupational uncertainty. This study examines how teaching inuniversity influences perceived employability in a sample of Italian final-yearuniversity students. We draw on Conservation on Resources Theory andCareer self-management model to hypothesise a positive impact of supportfrom teaching staff on students' perceived employability. We also contend thatstudents' self-efficacy mediates the relationship between support from teachingstaff and perceived employability. One hundred fifty-one university studentscompleted a survey three times over 10 months. The results confirm thatsupport from teaching staff enhances students' perceived employabilitydirectly and indirectly by shaping students' self-efficacy. Our findings confirmthe role of university teachers and their didactical practice to equip theirstudents with career resources.Petruzziello, G.; Mariani, MG.; Guglielmi, D.; Chiesa, R. (2021). Support from Teaching Staff and Self-efficacy as Determinants of Students' Perceived Employability: a Longitudinal study. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1079-1086. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12957OCS1079108

    Mediating effect of burnout dimensions on musculoskeletal pain : the role of emotional intelligence and organisational identification

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    Aim/Purpose The present study aims to frame the relationship between job and personal resources (namely, organizational identification and emotional intelligence), burnout, and musculoskeletal disorders (i.e., back pain, upper limb pain, lower limb discomfort), into the theoretical framework provided by the JD-R health model. Background Empirical research indicates a connection between burnout and the onset of musculoskeletal problems, one of the most important occupational health issues affecting all jobs and organizations. In light of the JD-R health model, we investigated the association between personal and job resources with burnout and musculoskeletal disorders. Methodology An anonymous online questionnaire was answered by 320 workers (82.4% female, Mage = 42.18; SDage = 12.24) investigating their perceived level of burnout, the presence of musculoskeletal pain (back, neck, and shoulder), and their level of organizational identification and emotional intelligence. Descriptive analysis, correlation, and moderated mediation model were performed using SPSS. Contribution We confirmed the role of personal and organizational resources in the salutogenic process considered by the JD-R health model. Emotional intelligence, decreasing the perceived level of burnout, limited the development of musculoskeletal disorders. Moreover, when organizational identification presented low and medium levels, the association between emotional intelligence and burnout strengthened. Findings Our results showed a negative, indirect effect of emotional intelligence on musculoskeletal disorders via burnout. Moreover, we found a moderation of organizational organization, indicating that at low and medium levels of identification, the association between emotional intelligence and burnout is stronger. Recommendation for Researchers In addition to work factors involved in the link between burnout and musculoskeletal disorders, it is also important to consider personal and emotional factors, which can decrease the occurrence of adverse consequences. Future Research Future research developments could contribute to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms linking emotional intelligence, burnout, and musculoskeletal problems, as well as consider objective indicators of burnout levels or consider using ecological data collection methodologies (e.g., ecological momentary assessment), to identify patterns and associations between burnout and musculoskeletal disorders

    Conflitto lavoro/famiglia, burnout e work engagement negli insegnanti: Il ruolo moderatore delle risorse lavorative e personali

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    The present study contributes to the literature on the Job Demands-resources model in the italian school context. the aim of this paper is to examine how the interaction between work-family conflict (i.e., a typical job demand) and opportunities to learn and to develop and self-efficacy (i.e., typical job and personal resources, respectively) affect the core dimensions of burnout (exhaustion and depersonalization) and work engagement (vigor and dedication). Hypotheses were tested with a cross-sectional design among 143 teachers of a junior high school in the north of Italy. Results of moderated multiple regression analysis partially supported the hypotheses as the opportunities to learn and to develop buffered against the aversive effects of work-family conflict on depersonalization, whereas self-efficacy moderated the relationship between work-family conflict and vigor. From a practical viewpoint, our findings suggest that opportunities to learn and to develop and self-efficacy are important re- sources that help teachers to reduce the negative effects related to work-family conflict.El presente estudio contribuye a la literatura sobre el modelo de demandas y recursos laborales en el contexto escolar italiano. El objetivo del artículo es examinar cómo la interacción entre el conflicto trabajo-familia (es decir, una típica demanda laboral), las oportunidades para aprender y desarrollarse, y la autoeficacia (es decir, recursos laborales y personales típicos, respectivamente) afectan a las dimensiones personales del burnout (agotamiento y despersonalización) y del involucramiento en el trabajo (vigor y dedicación). Las hipótesis fueron probadas con un diseño transversal con 143 maestros de escuela secundaria del norte de italia. los resultados del análisis de regresión múltiple moderada apoyaron hipótesis tales como que las oportunidades para aprender y desarrollarse son un amortiguador contra los efectos aversivos del conflicto trabajo-familia sobre la despersonalización, mientras que la autoeficacia modera la relación entre el conflicto trabajo-familia y el vigor. Desde un punto de vista práctico, nuestros hallazgos sugieren que las oportunidades para aprender y desarrollarse, y la autoeficacia son recursos importantes que ayudan a los maestros a reducir los efectos negativos relacionados con el conflicto trabajo-familia.O presente estudo contribui à literatura sobre o modelo de demandas e recursos laborais no contexto escolar italiano. O objetivo do artigo é examinar como a interação entre o conflito trabalho-família (é dizer, uma típica demanda laboral), as oportunidades para aprender y se desenvolver, e a auto-eficácia (é dizer, recursos laborais e pessoais típicos, respectivamente) afeitam as dimensões pessoais do esgotamento e despersonalização, e do envolvimento no trabalho (vigor e dedicação). As hipóteses foram experimentadas com uma programação transversal com 143 professores de colégio do norte da Itália. Os resultados da análise de regressão múltiple moderada apoiaram hipóteses tais como que as oportunidades para aprender e se desenvolver são um amortecedor contra os efeitos aversivos do conflito trabalho-família sobre a despersonalização, enquanto que a auto-eficácia modera a relação entre o conflito trabalho-família e o vigor. Desde um ponto de vista prático, nossos achados sugerem que as oportunidades para aprender e se desenvolver, e a auto-eficácia são recursos importantes que ajudam aos professores a reduzir os efeitos negativos relacionado com o conflito trabalho-famíli

    Qualità della vita lavorativa e rischio di mobbing: l’effetto moderatore del clima sociale

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    The aim of the present study is to identify the psychosocial factors that are more related to the risk of workplace bullying in the organizational contexts. According to the work environment hypothesis, job demands, job control, perception of equity and leadership have been considered. It has been hypothesized that all these variables infl uence directly negative acts and also their effects are moderated by perception of colleagues. In order to investigate these relationships, a self-report questionnaire has been administered to 148 participants who represented all the population of a structure of private health care. The main results showed that job demands and leadership are the organizational antecedents more related to workplace bullying. Furthermore, the perception of colleagues has a moderating effect especially between job characteristics, like job demand, and negative acts, while this effect is weaker between relational antecedent, as leadership, and bullying. The data seem to con- fi rm that mobbing prevention can be implemented starting from the psychosocial work environment and management of relationships involving leader and colleagues.El objetivo del presente estudio es identificar cuáles son los factores psicosociales que se  asocian a un mayor riesgo de acoso en los contextos laborales. En particular, en línea con la hipótesis situacional se tuvieron en cuenta la demanda laboral, el control, la percepción de equidad y el liderazgo. Específicamente se plantea una influencia directa de estos factores sobre las acciones negativas perpetradas en los lugares de trabajo y un efecto moderador de las percepciones de los colegas entre los factores considerados y el riesgo de acoso laboral. El estudio, llevado a cabo en una institución privada hospitalaria, incluyó la aplicación de un cuestionario de auto-reporte a todos los trabajadores de la organización (N = 148). Los resultados han evidenciado que son, sobre todo, la demanda laboral y el liderazgo los que influencian directamente las acciones negativas, mientras que el efecto es más débil entre los antecedentes de carácter más relacional, como el liderazgo, y el acoso laboral. Los datos confirman que la prevención del acoso laboral debe ser implementada a partir del ambiente psicosocial de trabajo y de la gestión de las relaciones que impliquen a los colegas y a los superiores

    Positive aging in demanding workplaces: The gain cycle between job satisfaction and work engagement

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    Nowadays organizations have to cope with two related challenges: maintaining an engaged and highly performing workforce and, at the same time, protecting and increasing employees' well-being and job satisfaction under conditions of a generalized increase of job demand, in an increasingly growing older population. According to the motivational process of the JD-R model, a work environment with many organizational resources will foster work engagement, which in turn will increase the likelihood of positive personal and organizational outcomes, such as job satisfaction, performance, and intention to stay. However, it is not clear how this motivational process could work in different age cohorts, as older workers may have different priorities to those of younger colleagues. Postulating the existence of a gain-cycle in the relationship between work engagement and outcomes, in this study we tested a longitudinal moderated mediation model in which job satisfaction increases over time through an increment in work engagement. We hypothesized that this process is moderated by job demand and aging. We collected data in public administrations in Northern Italy in order to measure work engagement and job satisfaction. 556 workers aged between 50 and 64 replied to the survey twice (the first time and 8 months later). The findings confirmed a moderated mediation model, in which job satisfaction at time 1 increased work engagement, which in turn fostered job satisfaction 8 months later, confirming the hypothesized gain-cycle. This relationship was shown to be moderated by the joint influence of job demand intensity and age: higher job demands and younger age are related to the maximum level of level gain cycle, while the same high level of job demands, when associated with older age, appears unable to stimulate a similar effect. The results confirm that, on one hand, older workers cannot be seen as a homogeneous group and, on the other hand, the importance of considering the role played by the gain cycle of resources. Our findings show that age matters, and that greater consideration should be devoted to age differences in order to design appropriate human resources practices that foster work engagement and satisfaction

    Expérience scolaire et développement psychosocial : une recherche sur les adolescents

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    L’école représente une tâche de développement importante et joue un rôle majeur dans le processus de croissance de l’individu. On peut cependant affirmer également le contraire, c’est-à-dire que la croissance d’un individu joue un rôle important dans le processus d’adaptation et de réussite scolaire. Les deux objectifs du présent travail découlent de ces constats préalables : 1) vérifier si l’outil élaboré ad hoc pour cette recherche peut relever quelques-unes des manifestations typiques de la réussite scolaire et de l’identité psychosociale de l’adolescent ; 2) observer si ces deux domaines sont en corrélation ou indépendants. Près de 3 000 élèves des collèges et lycées d’une région du Nord de l’Italie ont participé à cette recherche. L’analyse factorielle exploratoire a fait ressortir douze aspects saisis par le questionnaire. Les résultats de l’analyse factorielle confirmatoire ont indiqué un moindre ajustement aux données du modèle à deux facteurs (adaptation scolaire et difficultés dans le développement psychosocial) qui sont en corrélation. Des analyses supplémentaires ont mis en évidence des différences importantes entre les deux cycles d’études (collèges vs lycées) et les deux sexes.School adjustment represents both a developmental task and an important factor for the psychological and social advancement of young people. The opposite could, however, be true : psychosocial identity of adolescents plays an important role in school adjustment and academic success. Thus, the present research aims at estimating : 1) the psychometric properties of a questionnaire, developed for this research, to measure psychosocial identity and academic success and, 2) to evaluate whether these two fields are independent or correlated. Almost 3 000 students, attending junior and senior high schools in a region of the North of Italy, answered the questionnaire. Twelve factors were obtained through exploratory factor analysis. The confirmatory factor analysis showed that a better fit is obtained when school maladjustment and psychosocial identity are correlated. Further analyses showed differences between the two genders-males and females, and younger and older adolescents whether at junior high or at senior high school

    Les intérêts professionnels selon le modèle hexagonal de Holland

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    La théorie du choix vocationnel de Holland distingue six catégories d’intérêts professionnels (Réaliste, Investigateur, Artistique, Social, Entreprenant, Conventionnel), correspondant à des profils de personnalité différents. L’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser les problématiques fondamentales dans le débat actuel sur les intérêts professionnels selon le modèle de Holland. On a administré le Questionnaire sur les Préférences Professionnelles (Q.P.P.) à 534 élèves en classe terminale des lycées (65,2 % de filles). Le test de randomisation a permis de confirmer la structure hexagonale, mais la vérification à travers le modèle structurel met en cause l’hypothèse de la régularité géométrique de l’hexagone. Pour ce qui concerne le genre, les résultats obtenus à travers l’analyse à plusieurs échantillons et la « différence de CI » ne confirment pas l’égalité structurelle du modèle RIASEC par genre. Globalement, il apparaît que les filles ont un système de préférences professionnelles moins structuré par rapport aux règles du modèle de Holland.Holland’s theory of vocational choice distinguishes six categories of professional interest (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional) corresponding to different personality profiles. The aim of this study is to examine a number of issues at the centre of the debate around the vocational interests model based on Holland’s theory. The Vocational Preference Inventory (Q.P.P.-Italian version) was administered to 534 students in the last year of secondary school. The randomization test confirmed the hexagonal structure, whilst verification using the structural equations model raised doubts concerning the geometrical regularity of the hexagon’s CIrcumplex hypothesis. As regards gender differences, the results of the multi- sample analysis and the CI difference highlighted a structure of vocational interests that differed according to gender. Females seem in general to have a system of vocational preferences less structured according to Holland’s model than males do
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