125 research outputs found

    Местото на методиката во современиот научен и воспитно-образовен систем

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    Во овој труд ќе се задржиме на местото и улогата на методиката во современото образование како едукативен процес, во кој методиката со својот интердисциплинарен карактер се здобива со статус на научна дисциплина, чиј предмет на истражување, не се само методите, туку и целиот систем на образование, кој го гледаме како курикулум, кој претставува нов начин на планирање, организирање и изведување на наставата. Теоријата и практиката на воспитанието и образованието, како една од основните животни и културолошки дејности на човекот го определува и местото на методиката во современиот воспитно-образовен систем и нејзината улога во остварувањето на резултатите од воспитно-образовниот процес


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    Teaching Macedonian language and literature is an interesting field for study and didactics where various program fields merge – it teaches various topics from the fields of LANGUAGE, LITERATURE, DRAMA, FILM etc. The accent of our research is on interpreting literature and its positive impact on developing students’ personality. By applying the theory of reception of artistic contents and the method of literary and aesthetic communication in teaching interpretation of literature works, we made a research of the effects and possibilities of achieving educational and upbringing aims of tuition as well as developing emotional literacy of students

    Choice of contents of literature in primary and secondary education education – an important element and paradigm in the educational curriculum

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    When we talk about developmental processes in education it is obvious that the emphasis is placed first on introducing some new techniques, strategies, information and computer technology, which is good, but on the other hand, all this is just a function of cognitive processes in the development of a child/student. This can be seen in the positive campaign about learning and about how important knowledge is through advertisements in the media and especially according to the motto: Knowledge is force, knowledge is power! Somehow it seems that emotional and elements of upbringing are neglected, although some will say that the very word education "means" upbringing. For us this is a bit questionable, as we are of the opinion that firstly the curricula and the selection of their content play an important role in creating modern teaching, and then come the manners and methods by which the teaching of Macedonian language and literature is realized

    Psychologische und genetische Risikofaktoren und Konsequenzen postoperativer Schmerzen

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    Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende publikationsbasierte Dissertation umfasst eine Literaturübersicht und zwei klinische Studien, die in drei unabhängigen Publikationen veröffentlicht wurden. Die Publikationen werden zu Beginn des jeweiligen Kapitels zitiert, der die Inhalte der entsprechenden Publikation darstellt. Die vorliegende Dissertation befasst sich mit den wechselseitigen Beziehungen zwischen psychologischen und geneti-schen Risikofaktoren und dem postoperativen Schmerz. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Ermittlung klinisch relevanter Aussagen zur Verbesserung der Identifikation von Patienten mit erhöhtem Risiko für die Entwicklung chronischer Schmerzen infolge eines chirurgischen Eingriffs. Als Modell für postoperative Schmerzen wurde in den klinischen Studien die kosmetische Korrektur einer angeborenen Deformität des Brustkorbs, bekannt als Trichterbrust, verwendet. Diese Patienten sind jung und weisen präoperativ keine schwerwiegende Schmerzerfahrung auf. Aus diesem Grund bot dieses Operationsmodell herausragende Bedingungen für die Untersuchung des Übergangs zum chronischen Schmerz. Aus der Literaturübersicht erwies sich das Auftreten chronischer Schmerzen nach Operationen als ein häufiges Phänomen mit einer Abhängigkeit der Epidemiologie von der Art des chirurgischen Eingriffs. Depressivität, sowie schmerzspezifische psychologische Faktoren zeigten eine starke Aussagekraft als Risikofaktoren. Die selbstberichtete Hypervigilanz im Sinne eines Monitoring des Schmerzes schien ein Risikofaktor für die langfristige schmerzassoziierte Beeinträchtigung darzustellen [Dimova, V. & Lautenbacher, S. (2010). Chronische Schmerzen nach Operationen. Epidemiologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung psychologischer Risikofaktoren. AINS 45, 488-494]. In Studie 1 lieferten ausgewählte schmerz-assoziierte genetische Polymorphismen einen schwachen Beitrag für die Erklärung des Verlaufs postopera-tiven Outcomes bis zu 1 Jahr nach der Trichterbrustoperation. Im Vergleich konnte die selbstberichtete Vigilanz für Schmerz die längerfristig verbleibende Beeinträchti-gung durch den postoperativen Schmerz erklären [Dimova, V., Lötsch, J., Hühne, K., Winterpacht, A., Heesen, M., Parthum, A., Weber, P. G., Carbon, R., Griessinger, N., Sittl, R. & Lautenbacher, S. (2015). Associations of genetic and psychological factors with persistent pain after cosmetic thoracic surgery, Journal of Pain Research, 8, 829-844]. In Studie 2 trug der akute postoperative Schmerz als Konsequenz zur einen unmittelbaren kurzfristigen psychologischen Sensibilisierung in der Patientenpopulation bei. Dieser Befund weist auf die generelle Implikation hin, dass ein ein-maliges intensives Schmerzereignis zur Veränderung kognitiv-emotionaler Prozesse führen kann [Dimova, V., Horn, C., Parthum, A., Kunz, M., Schöfer, D., Carbon, R., Griessinger, N., Sittl, R. & Lautenbacher, S. (2013). Does severe acute pain provoke lasting changes in attentional and emotional mechanisms of pain-related processing? A longitudinal study. PAIN, 154 (12), 2737-2744]. Zusammenfassend hebt die vorliegenden Dissertation folgende drei wissenschaftli-che Befunde hervor: Schmerzspezifische psychologische Risikofaktoren stellen potente Prädiktoren für postoperative Schmerzen dar. Ihr Erklärungswert kann den schmerzassoziierter genetischer Marker übersteigen, wie es für die selbstberichtete Schmerzvigilanz gezeigt wurde. Eine einmalige intensive Schmerzepisode beeinflusst negativ die kognitiv-emotionale Schmerzverarbeitung.Abstract In the present dissertation, the results of a literature survey and two clinical studies published as three separate scientific publications are reported. The publication corresponding to the respective study is cited at the beginning of the particular chapter describing this study. The aim of the studies was to investigate the relationships between psychological as well as genetic factors and postoperative pain with the purpose to identify patients at risk of developing chronic pain conditions after surgery, in the particular example of thoracic surgery for funnel chest correction. The cosmetic correction of congenital chest malformation known as funnel chest was used as a model for postoperative pain because the patients are usually young and without severe pain experience prior to surgery. These conditions allowed for investigating the relationships between postoperative pain and its risk factors without confounding effects of preoperatively existing pain. The review of available studies suggested that an alarmingly high proportion of patients undergoing surgery develop chronic pain. The rates depend on the type of surgical manipulation. Mood as well as pain-related cognitive-emotional mechanisms seem to be potential risk factors for the development of chronic pain [Dimova, V. & Lautenbacher, S. (2010). Chronische Schmerzen nach Operationen. Epidemiologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung psychologischer Risikofaktoren. AINS, 45, 488-494]. In study 1, genetic variants functionally related to pain showed no meaningful impact on the time course of pain intensity and disability up to one year after surgery. They exerted also only small effects on final postoperative outcome. In contrast, a higher level of self-reported pain vigilance was a risk factor for long-lasting pain disability [Dimova, V., Lötsch, J., Hühne, K., Winterpacht, A., Heesen, M., Parthum, A., Weber, P. G., Carbon, R., Griessinger, N., Sittl, R. & Lautenbacher, S. (2015). Associations of genetic and psychological factors with persistent pain after cosmetic thoracic surgery, Journal of Pain Research, 8, 829-844]. In study 2, the acute postoperative pain, representing in this clinical sample a singular major pain episode, provoked in turn changes in cognitive and emotional mechanisms of pain processing that could not outlast the acute postoperative phase. Even if such changes were short-lived, they may act as risk factors that adversely affect the patient’s postoperative recovery [Dimova, V., Horn, C., Parthum, A., Kunz, M., Schöfer, D., Carbon, R., Griessinger, N., Sittl, R. & Lautenbacher, S. (2013). Does severe acute pain provoke lasting changes in attentional and emotional mechanisms of pain-related processing? A longitudinal study. PAIN, 154 (12), 2737-2744]. Summarized, the present dissertation highlights the following aspects: Pain-related psychological risk factors seem to be powerful predictors of postoperative outcome. Their effects on long-term postoperative outcome may even exceed the effects of pain-related genetic markers as shown for the pain vigilance. An intense pain episode such as postoperative pain acts negatively on cognitive-emotional processing

    Designing descriptors of learning outcomes for Higher Education qualification

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    Learning outcomes represent one of the essential building blocks for transparency within higher education systems and qualifications. All aspects of their application were examined in the context of Bologna developments. Learning outcomes have been defined as: statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to do at the end of a period of learning. A key element in contemporary qualifications frameworks is the specification of learning outcomes. The range of outcomes can be categorised and specified in various ways. Traditionally higher education was relatively explicit about the knowledge (outcomes) to be achieved, or at least the knowledge covered by the curriculum. The qualification descriptor represents a description or measurable indicator of learning outcomes and achievements for which the student has been assessed and which the student should be able to demonstrate for the qualification that is awarded. The specifics in the design of descriptors for different levels of qualifications for higher education are explained in detail in this paper

    Влијание на начинот на ферментација врз квалитетот на црвените вина произведени од локалитетот Виница

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    Винските сорти Вранец, Мерло и Франковка се едни од најкултивираните сорти грозје во Македонија и на Балканот. Во современото производство на вино се користат комерцијални видови на квасци кои на некој начин гарантираат добивање на квалитетен финален производ. Брзата и контролирана ферментација, отпорност на високи температури, алкохол, шеќер и сулфур диоксид се само дел од причините за употребата на комерцијалните квасци. Меѓутоа зголемената употреба на таквите квасци доведува до губење на автохтоните квасци. Автохтоните квасци ги поседуваат најдобрите карактеристики типични за секој регион на култивирање, кои се потврдуваат со производство на квалитетни вина. Главната цел на истражувањето е да се споредат вината и нивните карактеристики кога се добиени со ферментација со автохтони(диви) и комерцијални квасци. Граници во производството на виното речиси и да не постојат, секој винар има свои афинитети и стил на производств

    The role of the nurse in obstetrics

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    The human organism is composed of a large number of organic systems, but the reproductive system is of particular importance for this work. Through the creation, maturation and fertilization of the sex cells, it is possible to extend and transfer human genes. Female sex organs are a whole that can have a diverse pathology. There are a number of symptoms and diagnostic tests that give a clear indication of the condition of the genitals, sometimes requiring treatment (even surgical). Surgical treatment takes place in the operating rooms, where there are special working conditions, special professional staff and special gynecological and obstetric instruments, where the nurse - anesthetist has special importance, role and competences

    Contribution of home availability, parental child-feeding practices and health beliefs on children’s sweets and salty snacks consumption in Europe: Feel4Diabetes-Study

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    The Feel4Diabetes-Study has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grant Agreement: n degrees 643708). The content of this article reflects only the authors' views, and the European Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. The funding body had no role in the design of this study and collection, analysis and interpretation of the data and inwriting this manuscript.Adoption of healthy dietary and snacking habits could support optimum physical and mental development in children as they define health in adulthood. This study assessed parameters associated with children’s snacking such as food home availability, parenting practices, and parents’ health beliefs. In this cross-sectional study 12, 039 children, 49.4% boys 5-12 years old, participating in the European Feel4Diabetes-Study were included. Children’s weekly consumption of sweets and salty snacks, home availability of snacks, food parenting practices, and health beliefs were assessed via questionnaires. Logistic regression was applied to explore associations of a) home availability of snacks, b) food parenting practices (permissiveness and rewarding with snacks) and c) parent’s opinions on deterministic health beliefs with children’s consumption of sweets and salty snacks. Results showed that home availability (sweets: ORadj 4.76, 95%CI: 4.32, 5.23; salty snacks: ORadj: 6.56, 95%CI: 5.64, 7.61), allowing to consume (sweets: ORadj: 3.29, 95%CI: 2.95, 3.67; salty snacks: ORadj: 3.41, 95%CI: 2.98, 3.90) and rewarding with sweets/salty snacks (sweets: ORadj: 2.69, 95%CI: 2.23, 3.24; salty snacks: ORadj: 4.34, 95%CI: 3.57, 5.28) ‘sometimes/or less frequently’ compared to ‘always/or often’ were associated with lower weekly consumption of sweets and snacks. Parents’ disagreement compared to agreement with deterministic health beliefs and inattentive eating were associated with lower consumption of salty snacks and sweets in children. Overall, the findings of this study indicate that attempts to promote healthy snacking habits in children should aim to improve parental dietary habits, food parenting practices, health beliefs, and reducing home availability of unhealthy foods and snacks.European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program 64370

    Effective strategies for childhood obesity prevention via school based, family involved interventions: a critical review for the development of the Feel4Diabetesstudy school based component

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    Background: Although there are many interventions targeting childhood obesity prevention, only few have demonstrated positive results. The current review aimed to gather and evaluate available school-based intervention studies with family involvement targeting dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviors among primary schoolchildren and their families, in order to identify the most effective strategies. Methods: Studies published between 2000 and January 2015 were retrieved from scientific electronic databases and grey literature. The databases used included MEDLINE/PubMed, Web-of-Science, CINAHL and Scopus. Included studies had to be experimental controlled studies and had duration over 1 school year, had family involvement, combined PA and dietary behaviors and were implemented in school setting. A complementary search was executed to update the review to cover the period from February 2015 to January 2019. Results: From the studies examined (n = 425), 27 intervention programs (33 publications) fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Among these, 15 presented significant effect on weight status and/ or overweight/ obesity or clinical indices, 3 presented significant effect on most energy balance-related behaviors (EBRBs) while 9 presented significant effect on some/few EBRBs or determinants. Strategies implemented in effective interventions were: teachers acting as role-models and being actively involved in the delivery of the intervention, school policies supporting the availability of healthy food and beverage choices and limiting unhealthy snacks, changes in the schoolyard, in the recess rules and in the physical education classes to increase physical activity, and involving parents in the intervention via assignments, meetings, informative material and encouraging them to improve the home environment. Use of incentives for children, social marketing techniques, collaboration with local stakeholders were found to increase effectiveness. Programs that focused only on educational sessions and material for parents, without promoting relevant environmental and policy changes, were found to be less effective. Cultural adaptations have been suggested to increase the intervention’s acceptance in specific or vulnerable population groups. Conclusions: Several effective strategies were identified in the reviewed programs. Outcomes of the current review were taken into account in developing the Feel4Diabetes-intervention and summed up as recommendations in the current work in order to facilitate other researchers designing similar childhood obesity prevention initiatives. Keywords: Obesity prevention, Type 2 diabetes prevention, Primary school children, Families, School based intervention.The Feel4Diabetes-study has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme [Grant Agreement: n degrees 643708]. The content of this article reflects only the authors' views and the European Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein