119 research outputs found

    Control of the Modified Chaotic Chua’s Circuit Using Threshold Method

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    В роботi представлена модифiкована хаотична схема Чуа, яка реалiзує хаотичну поведiнку. Приведена система диференцiйних рiвнянь, що описує дану схему при певних значеннях системних параметрiв та початкових умов, генерує хаотичний атрактор. Ця схема має простий нелiнiйний елемент, спроектований так, щоб мати кусково-лiнiйну характеристику, тобто комбiнацiю операцiйного пiдсилювача з двома дiодами, що ввiмкненi назустрiч один одному. Для реалiзацiї нелiнiйностi, для двох дiодiв не потрiбно окремого джерела живлення, достатньо лише одного двополярного живлення для операцiйного пiдсилювача. Приведено схему для дослiдження нелiнiйного елементу та результати комп’ютерного моделювання, тобто вольт-амперну характеристику (ВАХ) при певних значеннях номiналiв компонентiв схеми. Ця модифiкована схема Чуа, яка генерує хаотичний та контрольований атрактор з фiксованим перiодом, може використовуватися в сучасних системах передавання та приймання iнформацiї. Управлiння хаотичними коливаннями є досить важливим процесом в радiотехнiцi та телекомунiкацiях. Число видiлених окремих перiодичних (контрольованих) атракторiв може використовуватися як ключi для маскування iнформацiйного носiя. За допомогою програмного середовища MultiSim проведено схемотехнiчний аналiз i представлено результати моделювання нелiнiйного елемента та модифiкованої хаотичної схеми Чуа. Дослiджена поведiнка системи за допомогою чисельного моделювання, використовуючи вiдомi iнструменти нелiнiйної теорiї, такi як хаотичний атрактор i часовi розподiли хаотичних координат. Приведено опис порогового методу для здiйснення управлiння хаотичними коливаннями та представлено результати практичного застосування даного методу до модифiкованої хаотичної схеми Чуа. Практичними результатами є видiленi 2- та 3-перiоднi контрольованi орбiти iз хаотичного атрактора.Introduction. General scientific fields where can be used circuits that realize chaotic behavior and generate chaotic oscillations are presented.Methods for control of chaotic oscillations are also presented. For modelling, analysis and demonstrate results was selected MultiSim software environment. Modelling and Analysis of Non-Linear Element. This modified Chua’s circuit has a simple non-linear element, designed to have a piecewise-linear characteristic, that is, a combination of an opamp with two diodes that are mutually inline. For realization of nonlinearity, for two diodes do not need a separate power source, only one bipolar power source for the opamp is enough. The scheme for modelling of the nonlinear element and the results of computer simulation, i.e. the volt-ampere characteristic (VAC) at certain values of the components of the scheme’s nominal values, is presented. This modified Chua’s circuit, which generates a chaotic and controlled attractor with a fixed period, can be used in modern transmission and reception systems of information. Modeling and Analysis of the Modified Chaotic Chua’s Generator. System’s behavior is investigated through numerical simulations, by using well known tools of nonlinear theory, such as chaotic attractor and time distributions of the chaotic coordinates. Threshold Method for Control of Chaotic Oscillations. System of equations that realize chaotic oscillations of Chua’s circuit is presented. Using threshold method was practical realization of the control of chaotic attractor. This modified Chua’scircuit that generate a chaotic and controlled attractor with a fixed period can be used in modern systemstransmitting and receiving information. Number of periodic (controlled) attractor can be used as a keys formasking of information carrier. Conclusions. For the first time was used threshold method forcontrol of chaotic oscillations for modified Chua’schaotic generator. This modified Chua’s circuit thatgenerate a chaotic and controlled attractor with afixed period can be used in modern systems transmittingand receiving information. Number of periodic(controlled) attractor can be used as a keys for maskingof information carrier.В работе представлена модифицированная хаотичная схема Чуа, которая реализует хаотическое поведение. Эта схема имеет простой нелинейный элемент, спроектированный так, чтобы иметь кусочно-линейную характеристику. Эта модифицированная схема Чуа, которая генерирует хаотический и контролируемый аттрактор с фиксированным периодом, может использоваться в современных системах передачи и получения информации. Количество периодических (контролируемых) аттракторов может использоваться как ключи для маскировки информационного носителя. С помощью программной среды MultiSim проведен схемотехнический анализ и представлены результаты моделирования нелинейного элемента и модифицированной хаотической схемы Чуа. Исследовано поведение системы с помощью численного моделирования, используя известные инструменты нелинейной теории, такие как хаотичный аттрактор и временные распределения хаотических координат. Приведено описание порогового метода для осуществления управления хаотическими колебаниями и представлены результаты практического применения данного метода к модифицированной хаотической схеме Чуа. Практическими результатами являются выделенные 2- и 3-периодные контролируемые орбиты с хаотического аттрактора

    Concentric double hollow grid cathode discharges

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    A new cathode system, consisting of two concentric spherical hollow grids with two aligned orifices, is investigated by space-resolved Langmuir probe measurements and non-linear dynamics analysis. Negative biases of this spherical hollow grids arrangement lead to the formation of two complex space charge structures in the regions of the orifices. The overall dynamics of the current-voltage characteristic (I–V characteristic) of each discharge is characterized by strong oscillatory behaviour with various waveforms correlated with jumps in the static I–V characteristics. Space-resolved measurements through the two aligned orifices of the two grids show a peak increase of the electron temperature and particle density in the regions of the two space-charge structures. The effects of the biases and Ar pressure on the overall spatial distribution of all plasma parameters are investigated. Two important working points of the concentric double hollow grid cathode discharges are revealed which could make this configuration suitable as an electron source

    Impact analysis of climate change on rail systems for adaptation planning: A UK case

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    Climate change poses critical challenges for rail infrastructure and operations. However, the systematic analysis of climate risks and the associated costs of tackling them, particularly from a quantitative perspective, is still at an embryonic phase due to the kaleidoscopic nature of climate change impacts and lack of precise climatic data. To cope with such challenges, an advanced Fuzzy Bayesian Reasoning (FBR) model is applied in this paper to understand climate threats of the railway system. This model ranks climate risks under high uncertainty in data and comprehensively evaluates these risks by taking account of infrastructure resilience and specific aspects of severity of consequence. Through conducting a nationwide survey on the British railway system, it dissects the status quo of primary climate risks. The survey implies that the top potential climate threats are heavy precipitation and floods. The primary risks caused by the climate threats are bridges collapsing and bridge foundation damage due to flooding and landslips. The findings can aid transport planners to prioritise climate risks and develop rational adaptation measures and strategies

    Empirical evaluation of microtremor H/V spectral ratio

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    The objective of this work is to perform a purely empirical assessment of the actual capabilities of the horizontal-to-vertical (H/V) spectral ratio technique to provide reliable and relevant information concerning site conditions and/or site amplification. This objective has been tackled through the homogeneous (re)processing of a large volume of earthquakes and ambient noise data recorded by different research teams in more than 200 sites located mainly in Europe, but also in the Caribbean and in Tehran. The original recordings were first gathered in a specific database with information on both the sites and recorded events. Then, for all sites close to an instrumented reference, average site-to-reference spectral ratios (“spectral ratio method” (SSR)) were derived in a homogeneous way (window selection, smoothing, signal-to-noise ratio threshold, averaging), as well as H/V ratios (“HVSRE–RF”) on earthquake recordings. H/V ratios were also obtained from noise recordings at each site (either specific measurements, or extracted from pre- or post-event noise windows). The spectral curves resulting from these three techniques were estimated reliable for a subset of 104 sites, and were thus compared in terms of fundamental frequency, amplitude and amplification bandwidth, exhibiting agreements and disagreements, for which interpretations are looked for in relation with characteristics of site conditions. The first important result consists in the very good agreement between fundamental frequencies obtained with either technique, observed for 81% of the analyzed sites. A significant part of the disagreements correspond to thick, low frequency, continental sites where natural noise level is often very low and H/V noise ratios do not exhibit any clear peak. The second important result is the absence of correlation between H/V peak amplitude and the actual site amplification measured on site-to-reference spectral ratios. There are, however, two statistically significant results about the amplitude of the H/V curve: the peak amplitude may be considered as a lower bound estimate of the actual amplification indicated by SSR (it is smaller for 79% of the 104 investigated sites), and, from another point of view, the difference in amplitude exhibits a questioning correlation with the geometrical characteristics of the sediment/basement interface: large SSR/HV differences might thus help to detect the existence of significant 2D or 3D effects.Published75-1084.1. Metodologie sismologiche per l'ingegneria sismicaJCR Journalreserve

    Functional bowel disorders with diarrhoea: Clinical guidelines of the United European Gastroenterology and European Society for Neurogastroenterology and Motility

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    Irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea (IBS-D) and functional diarrhoea (FDr) are the two major functional bowel disorders characterized by diarrhoea. In spite of their high prevalence, IBS-D and FDr are associated with major uncertainties, especially regarding their optimal diagnostic work-up and management. A Delphi consensus was performed with experts from 10 European countries who conducted a literature summary and voting process on 31 statements. Quality of evidence was evaluated using the grading of recommendations, assessment, development, and evaluation criteria. Consensus (defined as >80% agreement) was reached for all the statements. The panel agreed with the potential overlapping of IBS-D and FDr. In terms of diagnosis, the consensus supports a symptom-based approach also with the exclusion of alarm symptoms, recommending the evaluation of full blood count, C-reactive protein, serology for coeliac disease, and faecal calprotectin, and consideration of diagnosing bile acid diarrhoea. Colonoscopy with random biopsies in both the right and left colon is recommended in patients older than 50 years and in presence of alarm features. Regarding treatment, a strong consensus was achieved for the use of a diet low fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides and polyols, gut-directed psychological therapies, rifaximin, loperamide, and eluxadoline. A weak or conditional recommendation was achieved for antispasmodics, probiotics, tryciclic antidepressants, bile acid sequestrants, 5-hydroxytryptamine-3 antagonists (i.e. alosetron, ondansetron, or ramosetron). A multinational group of European experts summarized the current state of consensus on the definition, diagnosis, and management of IBS-D and FDr

    Live to cheat another day: bacterial dormancy facilitates the social exploitation of beta-lactamases

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    The breakdown of antibiotics by β-lactamases may be cooperative, since resistant cells can detoxify their environment and facilitate the growth of susceptible neighbours. However, previous studies of this phenomenon have used artificial bacterial vectors or engineered bacteria to increase the secretion of β-lactamases from cells. Here, we investigated whether a broad-spectrum β-lactamase gene carried by a naturally occurring plasmid (pCT) is cooperative under a range of conditions. In ordinary batch culture on solid media, there was little or no evidence that resistant bacteria could protect susceptible cells from ampicillin, although resistant colonies could locally detoxify this growth medium. However, when susceptible cells were inoculated at high densities, late-appearing phenotypically susceptible bacteria grew in the vicinity of resistant colonies. We infer that persisters, cells that have survived antibiotics by undergoing a period of dormancy, founded these satellite colonies. The number of persister colonies was positively correlated with the density of resistant colonies and increased as antibiotic concentrations decreased. We argue that detoxification can be cooperative under a limited range of conditions: if the toxins are bacteriostatic rather than bacteridical; or if susceptible cells invade communities after resistant bacteria; or if dormancy allows susceptible cells to avoid bactericides. Resistance and tolerance were previously thought to be independent solutions for surviving antibiotics. Here, we show that these are interacting strategies: the presence of bacteria adopting one solution can have substantial effects on the fitness of their neighbours

    Non-operative management of the sigmoid volvulus – case presentation

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    Sigmoid volvulus happens when the sigmoid wraps around itself and its mesentery. Sigmoid volvulus accounts for 2% to 50% of all colonic obstructions. This pathology generally affects adults, and it is more common in males. The etiology is multifactorial and controversial; the main symptoms are diffuse abdominal pain, distention and constipation, while the pregnant signs are abdominal distention and tenderness. Laboratory findings are not pathognomonic: abdominal X-ray radiographs show a dilated sigmoid colon and multiple intestinal air-fluid levels, abdominal CT and MRI demonstrate a whirled sigmoid mesentery. Flexible endoscopy reveals a spiral sphincter-like twist of the mucosa. The diagnosis of sigmoid volvulus is established by clinical, radiological, endoscopic, and sometimes operative findings. Although flexible endoscopic detorsion is advocated as the primary treatment choice, emergency surgery is required for patients who present with peritonitis, bowel gangrene, or perforation, or for patients whose non-operative treatment is unsuccessful. Although emergency surgery includes various non-definitive or definitive procedures, resection with primary anastomosis is the most commonly recommended procedure. After a successful non-operative detorsion, elective sigmoid resection and anastomosis is recommended. The overall mortality is 10% to 50%, while the overall morbidity is 6% to 24%

    Cholelitiasis in an adult patient with mild hereditary spherocytosis – a case report

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    Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is an inherited abnormality of the red blood cell, caused by defects in structural membrane proteins. The condition is dominantly inherited in 75% of people. The severity of the disorder is related to the type and amount of membrane disruption, which is genetically determined. A patient who suffers from this disorder is commonly found in a surgical ward when the disease becomes unmanageable by a hematologist. Surgeons encounter complications such as: jaundice, splenomegaly, gallstone sand severe anemia. We present the case of a 66-year-old woman with a history of hereditary spherocytosis who presented at the emergency room for pain in the right upper quadrant, jaundice and anemia and was diagnosed with gallbladder stones and common bile duct obstruction

    Myocyte membrane and microdomain modifications in diabetes: determinants of ischemic tolerance and cardioprotection

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