110 research outputs found

    Globalno tržište organske hrane

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    Organic agricultural production enables the production of controlled, certified, safe, and high-quality food, and at the same time it provides high economic and ecological profit and preserves a healthy environment. Consumer interests in products of organic origin have been steadily growing for twenty years. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the situation in the global organic food market, as well as to point out the most important motives for consumers to decide on the consumption of organically produced foods. All countries around the world record a trend of continual organic food and beverage market growth. In some countries this growth is expressed with doubledigit numbers. The United States is the largest organic food market, with a total of 35.8 trillion euros. Fruits, vegetables, bread, cereals, drinks, milk and meat have the biggest share in the organic food market in all countries of the world. Fresh fruits take the first position in international trade. Although the production and sale of organic food is concentrated in highly developed countries, less developed countries are becoming important producers and exporters of organic products.Organska poljoprivredna proizvodnja omogućava proizvodnju kontrolisane, sertifikovane, zdravstveno bezbedne, a pritom jako kvalitetne hrane, uz ostvarenje visokog ekonomskog i ekološkog profita i očuvanja zdrave životne sredine. Interes potrošača za proizvode organskog porekla permanentno raste već dvadeset godina. Cilj ovog rada je da dâ pregled stanja na globalnom tržištu organske hrane, kao i da ukaže na najvažnije motive zbog kojih se potrošači odlučuju za konzumaciju organski proizvedenih namirnica. Sve zemlje širom sveta beleže trend kontinuiranog rasta tržišta organske hrane i pića, dok je u nekim zemljama ovo povećanje dvocifreno. Sjedinjene Američke Države predstavljaju najveće tržište organske hrane, sa ukupno 35,8 milijardi evra. Vodeću ulogu na tržištu organske hrane u svim zemljama sveta imaju voće i povrće, hleb, žitarice, piće, mleko i meso. U međunarodnoj trgovini, sveže voće zauzima prvu poziciju. Iako je proizvodnja i prodaja organske hrane koncentrisana u visoko razvijenim zemljama, i manje razvijene zemlje postaju značajni proizvođači i izvoznici organskih proizvoda, u prilog čemu ide činjenica da je izvozni potencijal na tržištu organske hrane neograničen


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    Članak daje pregled dijela prvih mirnodopskih aktivnosti partizanske Jugoslavenske armije u drugoj polovini 1945. godine. Razmatraju se pitanja organizacije, brojnosti, zakonske regulative i rukovođenja, zatim prelazak u mirnodopski život u kasarnama širom Jugoslavije i pitanje osiguranja granica. Rad ističe ulogu Armije na prvim poslijeratnim izborima u studenome 1945., nakon kojih je formalno promijenjeno društveno uređenje i tek su potom demobilizirani suvišni pripadnici Armije.This article offers an overview of the first peacetime activities of the Partisan Yugoslav Army in the second half of 1945. The article covers matters such as organisation, numbers, legal regulations, and command, followed by the transition to peacetime life in barracks throughout Yugoslavia as well as border security. The Yugoslav Army was formed on 1 March 1945 from the Partisan People’s Liberation Army of Yugoslavia. After the formation of the provisional government of Democratic Federative Yugoslavia, the People’s Defence Commission was reformed into the Ministry of People’s Defence headed by Marshal Tito. On 31 May 1945, Marshal Tito signed an order on the formation and location of the highest strategic commands of the six armies of Yugoslavia’s ground forces as well as the Air Force, Navy, military schools, and the internal army – the People’s Defence Corps of Yugoslavia. A separate and new part of the Yugoslav Army was the security service, i.e. the counterintelligence service. This paper examines the first activities of the Partisan army in peacetime – in the barracks – as well as its role in the Trieste crisis and the occupation of a part of Austria. The Army’s role in the first post-war elections on 11 November 1945 is also covered. The demobilisation of excess members of the Army took place only after these elections and the formal change of the social order i.e. the abolition of the monarchy

    The Yugoslav People’s Army in the Socialist Republic of Croatia 1959–1969

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    U tekstu koji slijedi dat ćemo pregled organizacijskoga razvoja Jugoslavenske narodne armije u Narodnoj/Socijalističkoj Republici Hrvatskoj tijekom 60-ih godina. U tom periodu provedeno je nekoliko reorganizacija Armije. Cijelo desetljeće počinje reorganizacijom „Drvar” u drugoj polovini 1959., na bazi uvođenja koncepcije takozvane općenarodne obrane i očekivanoga nuklearnog rata, preko nekoliko reorganizacija između 1964. i 1968., pa do vremena nakon agresije snaga Varšavskoga pakta na Čehoslovačku. Članak je nastao na bazi arhivske građe koja se čuva u Upravi za organizaciju, Vojnom arhivu i Muzeju Jugoslovenskoga ratnog vazduhoplovstva, sve u sastavu Ministarstva odbrane Republike Srbije u Beogradu, te dvaju prethodno objavljenih autorovih radova koji se bave istom tematikom, ali u širem vremenskom kontekstu.The article provides an overview of the organisational development of the Yugoslav People’s Army (YPA) in the Socialist Republic of Croatia (SRC) during the 1960s. The organisational development of YPA units in the SRC was generally almost identical to that of YPA units in the other Yugoslav republics. The development of the Navy, however, was different. There were several organisational changes that affected the YPA units in the SRC in this period. The first of these was the plan ‘Drvar’ in 1959, which introduced many new organisational forms inspired by experiences from Yugoslav Partisan warfare in World War II and by war in expected nuclear conditions. Due to some radical solutions that actually burdened the functioning of the YPA, a new organisational plan, ‘Drvar II’, was introduced in 1964 to amend this. It was followed by further reorganisations: one in 1965, which adjusted the names and traditions of the Partisan units and existing YPA units, another in 1966–1968, entitled ‘Snaga’ (Power), which led to the downsizing of the YPA following the notion in the highest Yugoslav military circles that foreign aggression was only possible from the NATO side. The sudden Warsaw Pact aggression on Czechoslovakia in August 1968 brought change in the Yugoslav perception of possible aggressors, which now included the neighbouring communist countries. This led to another organisational change entitled ‘Snaga II’. Looking from a distance, it seems that organisational changes in the YPA during the 1960s were endless. The article also notes the YPA turn to the Soviet Union for the purchasing of the modern military equipment, ranging from main battle tanks to supersonic fighters. It was written on the basis of the still-restricted sources of the Yugoslav General Staff that are kept in the Organisational Department of the Republic of Serbia’s Ministry of Defence


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    The paper analyzes cost effectiveness of invested funds for apple orchard establishment on the family farm located in Rasina District in Central Serbia. It is assumed that the apple orchard establishment on the family farm can contribute to reducing unemployment in rural areas and increasing income of individual farms. As a primary source of information accounting calculations were used, technological table of apple orchard establishment, internal records and the pilot version of the business plan of apple producers at the family farm. For more accurate view and better monitoring of data domestic and foreign literature, internet web sites, available statistical data on the production of apples and publications related to apples production has been used. Methods used for the paper preparation were: calculation of plantation establishment, cash inflows and outflows for the period planned for orchard exploitation, and indicators of economic efficiency. Total cost of planting of apple orchard on the family farm amounts to € 16,080 for one hectare. All economic indicators show positive results. The production is efficient, since the ratio is greater than zero. Planned production is profitable, because profits participate with 71% in total production value. Calculating productivity, it was found that production of one tonne of apples required 822 hours of workers’ labour. Establishing apple orchard is certainly high-budget investment, but it can be concluded that the economic effects of raising apple orchards on the farm was economically justified and cost-effective, based on the analyzed result

    Organizational and economic aspects of implementation of quality standards in the fruit production and processing

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    Глобални трендови на тржишту хране заснивају се на све већем инсистирању на квалитетним и здравствено безбедним производима. Купци од својих добављача захтевају не само одговарајући квалитет производа и услуга, већ и одређени доказ о управљању тим квалитетом. Оваква ситуација је у последње време, у нашој земљи, актуелизовала питање увођења и сертификације стандарда квалитета у сектору производње хране, па самим тим и у производњи и преради воћа. Ово добија на значају када се узме у обзир чињеница да је потражња за воћем и прерађевинама од воћа у порасту. Тренд раста може да се очекује и у будућности, с обзиром на раст броја људи и нивоа њихове свести о значају конзумирања ове врсте прехрамбених производа за здравље људи. Како у Републици Србији постоје готово све претпоставке за успешано остваривање ове врсте производње, у наведеним чињеницама треба препознати велику развојну могућност. Имајући у виду значај напред наведеног, у раду је реализовано истраживање, како би се утврдило каква је примена стандарда квалитета, као и могућност и неопходност њихове примене у сектору производње и прераде воћа у Републици Србији. Истраживано је и како увођење стандарда квалитета утиче на промене организационих и економских аспеката производње. Анализиране су промене које је неопходно извршити да би се увео стандард, проблеми који се при тим јаљају, важнији ефекти увођење стандарда квалитета, као и утицај ових промена на пословање пословних система. Истраживање је спроведено на узорку од 127 пословна система. За прикупљање, обраду и анализу прикупљених података и литературе коришћен је већи број истраживачких метода: метод посматрања, анализе садржаја, историјски метод, интервју, анкета, табеларна анализа, хипотетичко- дедуктивни метод, дескриптивни метод, компаративни метод, метод анализе и синтезе. Информације о резултатима истраживања дате су преко основних показатеља дескриптивне статистике. Коришћени су још и: Шапиро-Вилков тест, Левенеов тест, т-тест, анализа варијансе, Ман-Витнијев У-тест, Хи квадрат тест и Спирманов тест корелације ранга...The trends in the global food market are now influenced by the increasing demand for the quality and safe products. Consumers expect the suppliers not only to conform to the quality standard of products and services but also to show how the quality is managed. Recently, such trends have actualized the issue of implementation and certification of quality standards in the food sector in our country, and consequently in the production and processing of fruit. The issue becomes more significant when the fact is considered that the demand for fresh and processed fruits is increasing. The growth trend could be expected to continue in the future, given the increase of the population and awareness of the importance of consumption of these types of food products for human health. Since almost all prerequisites for the successful realization of this production exist in the Republic of Serbia, development opportunities should be identified in said facts. Taking into account the importance of aforementioned issues, the research was conducted in order to determine the overall climate in relation to the implementation of quality standards, including the need for and the necessity of the application of these standards in the fruit production and processing in the Republic of Serbia. The research explored in-depth the impact of the implementation of quality standards on the organisational and economic aspects of the fruit production and processing. The changes required for the standard to be implemented were analyzed and evaluated, occurring problems, potential challenges, as well as the impact of these changes on the business operations. The research covered a sample of 127 businesses. Methods used for the collection, processing and analysis of data and the related literature, are observation, content analysis, the historical research method, interviews, questionnaires, table analysis, the hypothetical-deductive model, the descriptive method, the comparative method, analysis and synthesis. The results are presented in the form of simple descriptive statistics. Other methods used are the Shapiro-Wilk test, the Levene’s test, analysis of variance, the Mann-Whitney U test, the Chi-square test and the Spearman Correlation test..

    Agrarni potencijali u reindustrijalizaciji Srbije - potrebe i mogućnosti revitalizacije industrije agrarnih inputa

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    After transitional debacles and failures, structural degradation and recession, reindustrialization is imposed as a crucial stage in the economic development of Serbia. The production-market potentials of the agro-complex (as a complex economic subsystem of pre-farm, farm and post-farm activities) and its place in the national economy open the significant possibilities of the revitalization of the industries of agrarian inputs (agricultural machines and equipment, mineral fertilizers and pesticides). Considering the structural significance of the pre-farm agrarian sector in the Serbian economy, this paper analyzes the fundamental features of production and the foreign-trade exchange, especially the dynamics and changes in the volume and structure of production and the import of agrarian inputs. On that basis, through a target comparative analysis of multi-year data series (1986-2011), the paper explores the trends of production and employment, identifies transitional distortions and the growing import dependence of the Serbian economy and the agro-complex in particular, considers the agrarian potentials in a possible reindustrialization primarily via the revitalization of the industry of agrarian inputs, and highlights a special phenomenon of the opportunity costs of the Serbian agrarian development.Nakon tranzicionih neuspeha i promašaja, strukturne degradacije i recesije, reindustrijalizacija se nameće kao nužna etapa u privrednom razvoju Srbije. Proizvodno- tržišni potencijali agrokompleksa (kao složenog privrednog subsistema predfarmskih, farmskih i postfarmskih delatnosti) i njegovo mesto u nacionalnoj ekonomiji, otvara značajne mogućnosti revitalizacije industrija agrarnih inputa (poljoprivrednih mašina i opreme, mineralnih đubriva i pesticida). Sagledavajući strukturni značajpredfarmskog agrarnog sektora u srpskoj ekonomiji, u radu se analiziraju osnovna obeležja proizvodnje i spoljnotrgovinske razmene, posebno dinamika ipromene obima i strukture proizvodnje i uvoza agrarnih inputa. Na toj osnovi se, ciljnom komparativnom analizom višegodišnjih serija podataka (1986-2011), u radu se istražuju trendovi proizvodnje i zaposlenosti, identifikuje uvozna zavisnost, sagledavaju agrarni potencijali u mogućoj reindustrijalizaciji i ukazuje na poseban fenomen oportunitetnih troškova agrarnog razvoja Srbije

    Regionalna obeležja tržišne proizvodnje šećerne repe i suncokreta u Srbiji

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    The paper analyzes the trends in the development of industrial crop production in the case of sugar beet and sunflower in Serbia from 1976 to 2013. Grouping of regions (4 regions without Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija) and districts (25 districts) in Serbia in 2013, according to the characteristics of land capacity, production of sugar beet and sunflower and level of development, was carried out by cluster analysis. Based on the median value of the important characteristics of available land capacity, production volume and economic development in municipalities, I-distance method were ranked districts in Serbia from 1 to 25. Similarities between the sugar beet and sunflower production regions in Serbia were determined by the method of complete-linkage clustering, and the results were presented in the dendrogram. According to data for 2013 it was found that 99.8% of sugar beet production and 93.9% of sunflower production in Serbia comes from the Vojvodina region. The average yields per hectare for analyzed crops in the areas of the Vojvodina region, on average, were by up to 10% higher compared to the yields in Serbia. According to the characteristics of land capacity and production, areas of the Vojvodina region belong to the highest rank 1-7, while according to the characteristics of the development level, these areas belong to rank 2-13.U radu su analizirane tendencije u razvoju proizvodnje industrijskog bilja, na primeru šećerne repe i suncokreta u Srbiji od 1976. do 2013. godine. Grupisanje regiona (4 regiona, bez KiM) i oblasti (25 oblasti) u Srbiji za 2013. godinu, prema obeležjima zemljišnih kapaciteta, proizvodnje šećerne repe i suncokreta i nivoa razvijenosti, izvršeno je primenom klaster analize. Na osnovu medijalne vrednosti važnijih obeležja raspoloživih zemljišnih kapaciteta, obima proizvodnje i privredne razvijenosti po opštinama, metodom I-odstojanja izvršeno je rangiranje oblasti u Srbiji od 1-25. Sličnosti oblasti proizvodnje šećerne repe i suncokreta u Srbiji predstavljene su metodom kompletnog povezivanja hijarhijske klaster analize, a rezultati su predstavljeni dendrogramom. Prema podacima za 2013. godinu, utvrđeno je da 99,8% proizvodnje šećerne repe i 93,9% proizvodnje suncokreta Srbije potiče iz Regiona Vojvidine. Prosečni prinosi po ha analiziranih biljnih kultura u oblastima Regiona Vojvodine u proseku su veći do 10% u odnosu na prinose u Srbiji. Prema obeležijima zemljišnih kapaciteta i proizvodnje, oblasti Regiona Vojvodine pripadaju najvišem rangu 1-7, dok prema obeležijima nivoa razvijenosti ove oblasti pripadaju rangu 2-13

    Biljna proizvodnja po konceptu organske poljoprivrede u svetu i Republici Srbiji - istorijat i trenutno stanje

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    Unlike conventional agriculture, organic farming, as a form of sustainable agriculture, and its production methods preserve and upgrade biodiversity of the soil and biodiversity of the entire ecosystem by protecting the environment, plants, and human health. It appeared at the beginning of XX century in Poland and has been spreading in many countries worldwide ever since. In 2015, this type of agricultural production was implemented at a global level on an area of 50.9 million ha. The largest areas are located in Oceania (22.8 mil. ha) and Europe (12.7 mil. ha), whereas grass areas make up the most, and arable land makes up only 15% there of. In the period 2014-2015, the area increased by 6.5 mil. ha at the global level. In 2015, the largest increase was recorded in Oceania (23.2%) and in 98 countries around the world, while a decrease was recorded in 32 countries. Europe performs ¼ of the world's organic production. In Serbia, organic production makes up 15298 ha (13398 ha belongs to arable land, 1899 ha to meadows and pastures). The largest number of producers is located in Vojvodina, and in Western and Southern Serbia. Cereals have a leading role with a production area of 2182.89 ha. Having in mind the great potentials for organic production in Serbia, experts' plan for the next decade is to increase the area for this type of agricultural production by 20%.Organska poljoprivredna proizvodnja, kao vid održive poljoprivrede, za razliku od konvencionalne poljoprivrede, svojim metodama proizvodnje povećava plodnost zemljišta, čuva i unapređuje njegov biodiverzitet, kao i biodiverzitet čitavog ekosistema, štiteći životnu sredinu, zdravlje biljaka, životinja i čoveka, uz primenu najviših standarda kvaliteta proizvodnje. Pojavljuje se početkom dvadesetog veka u Poljskoj, nastavljajući širenje u mnogobrojnim zemljama širom sveta do današnjih dana, te tako, u 2015. godini zauzima površinu od 50.9 miliona ha na globalnom nivou. Najveće površine pod ovim vidom poljoprivredne proizvodnje nalaze se u Okeaniji (22.8 miliona ha) i Evropi (12.7 miliona ha), pri čemu u strukturi površina dominiraju travne površine, a obradive čine svega 15%. Na globalnom nivou, u toku perioda od 2014-2015. godine, površine su uvećane za 6.5 miliona ha. U 2015. godini, najveće uvećanje zabeleženo je u Okeaniji (za 23.2%), kao i u 98 zemalja širom sveta, dok je pad zabeležen u 32 zemlje. U Evropi je skoncentrisana ¼ svetske organske proizvodnje. U Srbiji, organska proizvodnja se odvija na površini od 15298 ha (13398 ha pripada obradivom zemljištu, a 1899 ha livadama i pašnjacima), pri čemu se najveći broj proizvođača nalazi u Vojvodini, a zatim u Zapadnoj i Južnoj Srbiji. Žita, sa proizvodnim površinama od 2182.89 ha, zauzimaju vodeću ulogu. S obzirom na izuzetne potencijale za organsku proizvodnju u Srbiji, plan stručnjaka je da se u narednoj deceniji površine pod ovim vidom poljoprivredne proizvodnje uvećaju za 20%

    Global organic food market

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    Organic agricultural production enables the production of controlled, certified, safe, and high-quality food, and at the same time it provides high economic and ecological profit and preserves a healthy environment. Consumer interests in products of organic origin have been steadily growing for twenty years. The aim of this paper is to give an overview of the situation in the global organic food market, as well as to point out the most important motives for consumers to decide on the consumption of organically produced foods. All countries around the world record a trend of continual organic food and beverage market growth. In some countries this growth is expressed with doubledigit numbers. The United States is the largest organic food market, with a total of 35.8 trillion euros. Fruits, vegetables, bread, cereals, drinks, milk and meat have the biggest share in the organic food market in all countries of the world. Fresh fruits take the first position in international trade. Although the production and sale of organic food is concentrated in highly developed countries, less developed countries are becoming important producers and exporters of organic products


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    Nowadays microprocessors are among the most complex electronic systems that man has ever designed. One small silicon chip can contain the complete processor, large memory and logic needed to connect it to the input-output devices. The performance of today's processors implemented on a single chip surpasses the performance of a room-sized supercomputer from just 50 years ago, which cost over $ 10 million [1]. Even the embedded processors found in everyday devices such as mobile phones are far more powerful than computer developers once imagined. The main components of a modern microprocessor are a number of general-purpose cores, a graphics processing unit, a shared cache, memory and input-output interface and a network on a chip to interconnect all these components [2]. The speed of the microprocessor is determined by its clock frequency and cannot exceed a certain limit. Namely, as the frequency increases, the power dissipation increases too, and consequently the amount of heating becomes critical. So, silicon manufacturers decided to design new processor architecture, called multicore processors [3]. With aim to increase performance and efficiency these multiple cores execute multiple instructions simultaneously. In this way, the amount of parallel computing or parallelism is increased [4]. In spite of mentioned advantages, numerous challenges must be addressed carefully when more cores and parallelism are used.This paper presents a review of microprocessor microarchitectures, discussing their generations over the past 50 years. Then, it describes the currently used implementations of the microarchitecture of modern microprocessors, pointing out the specifics of parallel computing in heterogeneous microprocessor systems. To use efficiently the possibility of multi-core technology, software applications must be multithreaded. The program execution must be distributed among the multi-core processors so they can operate simultaneously. To use multi-threading, it is imperative for programmer to understand the basic principles of parallel computing and parallel hardware. Finally, the paper provides details how to implement hardware parallelism in multicore systems