11 research outputs found

    Effect of Spinning Cycling Training on Body Composition in Women

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    In this study the effects of a 6 week spinning cycling training on the body composition of women were investigated. Twelve sedentary women (32-47 years old) voluntarily participated in this study. The 6-week training program consisted of exercise sessions on 3 days per week. The intensity of the training program that was kept low in the beginning was increased in the subsequent weeks. The training sessions including the warm-up and cool down lasted for 30-60 minutes. The analyses on the body compositions were measured regularly every week with bioelectrical impedance method. In data analysis descriptive statistics and repeated-measures analysis of variance were used. In the end of the 6-week spinning workouts positive changes were observed in many parameters related to body composition. Particularly after the 3rd week the significant changes recorded were noteworthy. At the end of the 6th week those who were overweight by World Health Organization (WHO) standards moved onto normal weight category and those who were obese became overweight. In conclusion it was seen that the spinning cycling workouts were seen as as effective method to lose weight and reduce the body fat ratio among women in this age group. This exercise method may be recommended for getting good results among obese and overweight women in a short period of time

    Evaluation of Analytical Process in Clinical Laboratories: Six Sigma Methodology

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    Amaç: Laboratuvarların analitik güvenilirliği iç kalite kontrol, dış kalite kontrol verilerinin istatistiksel yöntemlerle analiziyle kanıtlanır. Bu yöntemlerden Altı Sigma Metodolojisinde performans, süreç sigma değerleri ile belirlenir. Altı Sigma Metodolojisi sürecin mükemmellikten sapma derecesini gösterir. Bu çalışmada; laboratuvarımızda sık çalışılan testlerin analitik süreç performanslarını Altı Sigma Metodolojisine göre değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Temmuz - Ekim 2014 iç kalite kontrol verileri laboratuvar bilgi sisteminden elde edildi. Seçilen testler için laboratuvar ortalama, standart sapma, varyasyon ve varyasyon katsayısı hesaplandı. Aylık süreç sigma seviyeleri "(% TEa -% Bias) / % CV" formülüne göre hesaplandı. Sonuçlar sigma değeri = 6 iyi olarak üç gruba ayrıldı. Bulgular: Süreç sigma değeri =6. Results: Tests having a process sigma level of <= 4; in July: level 1; Glucose, Creatinine, level 2; Urea, Glucose, Creatinine, Total Protein, in August: level 1; Alb, ALP, Urea, Glucose, Creatinine, Total Protein, level 2; Alb, ALT, Urea, Glucose, Creatinine, Total Protein September: level 1; Urea, Glucose, Total Protein, level 2; Glucose, Total Protein. Conclusion: This study showed that tests with low process sigma levels in our laboratory can be determined and these tests may ve evaluated as a whole with preanalytical and postanalytical processes. Six sigma methodology may provide a detailed assessment of measurement processes with problematic analytical process sigma levels and controlling the variables


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    WOS: 000408878600002PubMed ID: 30581326Background: The Six-Sigma Methodology is a quality measurement method in order to evaluate the performance of the laboratory. In the present study, it is aimed to evaluate the analytical performance of our laboratory by using the internal quality control data of immunoassay tests and by calculating process sigma values. Methods: Biological variation database (BVD) are used for Total Allowable Error (TEa). Sigma values were determined from coefficient of variation (CV) and bias resulting from Internal Quality Control (IQC) results for 3 subsequent months. If the sigma values are >= 6, between 3 and 6, and 6 was found for TPSA and TSH for the both levels of IQC for 3 months. When the sigma values were analyzed by calculating the mean of 3 months, folate, LH, PRL, TPSA, TSH and vitamin B12 were found > 6. The mean sigma values of CA125, CA15-3, CA19-9, CEA, cortisol, ferritin, FSH, FT3, PTH and testosteron were > 3 for 3-months. However, AFP, CA125 and FT4 produced sigma values < 3 for varied months. Conclusions: When the analytical performance was evaluated according to Six-Sigma levels, it was generally found as good. It is possible to determine the test with high error probability by evaluating the fine sigma levels and the tests that must be quarded by a stringent quality control regime. In clinical chemistry laboratories, an appropriate quality control scheduling should be done for each test by using Six-Sigma Methodology

    Among the physical fitness workouts, the efficiency of the weight training and zumba exercises on the body composition in men and women

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    Among the physical fitness workouts; whereas the weight training is one of the most prevalent physical activities used for men, the zumba dance workouts has become popular for women in the last decade, as an entertaining alternative approach. In this research, the effects of the weight training on the body composition in men and the zumba dance workouts in women have been studied. 90 sedentary individuals (44 men, average age: 30.70 ± 6.44; 46 women, average age: 29.13 ± 5.80) attending a fitness center had received weight training and zumba classes (during 2 months, 3 days each week, each session 45/60 minutes). The exercise intensity that had been kept low at the beginning was increased in the following weeks for both programs. The body composition analysis have been carried out at the start and then monthly, through bioelectrical impedence method. During the process; the medical histories of the participants as well as their levels of readiness for and participation to the physical activities have been monitored. Both sex have been evaluated separately. The descriptive statistics techniques and repeated measures ANOVA have been used to analyze the data. At the end of the study, the positive effects of both exercise programs on the body compositions of the sedentary men and women have been observed. As a conclusion, it has been recorded with the present study once again that the weight training is still an efficient and valid method for men and also, the zumba workouts are efficient for women as a popular method

    Among the physical fitness workouts, the efficiency of the weight training and zumba exercises on the body composition in men and women

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    Among the physical fitness workouts; whereas the weight training is one of the most prevalent physical activities used for men, the zumba dance workouts has become popular for women in the last decade, as an entertaining alternative approach. In this research, the effects of the weight training on the body composition in men and the zumba dance workouts in women have been studied. 90 sedentary individuals (44 men, average age: 30.70 ± 6.44; 46 women, average age: 29.13 ± 5.80) attending a fitness center had received weight training and zumba classes (during 2 months, 3 days each week, each session 45/60 minutes). The exercise intensity that had been kept low at the beginning was increased in the following weeks for both programs. The body composition analysis have been carried out at the start and then monthly, through bioelectrical impedence method. During the process; the medical histories of the participants as well as their levels of readiness for and participation to the physical activities have been monitored. Both sex have been evaluated separately. The descriptive statistics techniques and repeated measures ANOVA have been used to analyze the data. At the end of the study, the positive effects of both exercise programs on the body compositions of the sedentary men and women have been observed. As a conclusion, it has been recorded with the present study once again that the weight training is still an efficient and valid method for men and also, the zumba workouts are efficient for women as a popular method

    Diabetes Mellitus is Frequent, But Retinopathy is Rare in Acromegaly: A Cross-sectional Study

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    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Background: &lt;/strong&gt;The roles of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in diabetic retinopathy (DR) are well recognized, but the prevalence and pathogenesis of retinopathy in acromegaly are not fully understood. We established the frequency and severity of glucose intolerance and retinopathy—and the relationship between them—in patients with acromegaly.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Methods: &lt;/strong&gt;All patients with acromegaly under the care of the Department of Endocrinology, Baskent University Hospital were enrolled. Fundoscopy was carried out by two experienced ophthalmologists. Acromegaly disease state was evaluated by basal GH and IGF-1 measurements, and an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) when appropriate. Glucose tolerance states were assessed by means of fasting and postprandial plasma glucose concentrations, glycohemoglobin measurement and an OGTT when appropriate. The relationships between retinopathy, acromegaly disease activity and glucose tolerance states were examined.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Results: &lt;/strong&gt;The cohort comprised 49 patients with acromegaly (24 women), with a median disease duration of 25 months (range 1–420 months). Thirty-three had active disease, with median concentrations of GH of 5.54 ng/ml (0.72–172 ng/ml) and IGF-1 of 541.5 ng/ml (203–1,985 ng/ml). The prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) was 30.6% (n =15; 10 patients had active acromegaly, five of whom had uncontrolled DM). Two patients had retinopathy (4.1%); both had active acromegaly and uncontrolled DM at the time of examination.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Conclusions: &lt;/strong&gt;The prevalence of DM was twice that of a reference population, but that of DR was lower than expected. Our findings suggest that disease activity in acromegaly might not contribute to retinopathy.&lt;/p&gt


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