4,057 research outputs found

    Single-molecule electrical contacts on silicon electrodes under ambient conditions

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    The ultimate goal in molecular electronics is to use individual molecules as the active electronic component of a real-world sturdy device. For this concept to become reality, it will require the field of single-molecule electronics to shift towards the semiconducting platform of the current microelectronics industry. Here, we report silicon-based single-molecule contacts that are mechanically and electrically stable under ambient conditions. The single-molecule contacts are prepared on silicon electrodes using the scanning tunnelling microscopy break-junction approach using a top metallic probe. The molecular wires show remarkable current–voltage reproducibility, as compared to an open silicon/nano-gap/metal junction, with current rectification ratios exceeding 4,000 when a low-doped silicon is used. The extension of the single-molecule junction approach to a silicon substrate contributes to the next level of miniaturization of electronic components and it is anticipated it will pave the way to a new class of robust single-molecule circuits

    The origin of the Acheulean: the 1.7 million-year-old site of FLK West, Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania)

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    The appearance of the Acheulean is one of the hallmarks of human evolution. It represents the emergence of a complex behavior, expressed in the recurrent manufacture of large-sized tools, with standardized forms, implying more advance forethought and planning by hominins than those required by the precedent Oldowan technology. The earliest known evidence of this technology dates back to c. 1.7 Ma. and is limited to two sites (Kokiselei [Kenya] and Konso [Ethiopia]), both of which lack fauna. The functionality of these earliest Acheulean assemblages remains unknown. Here we present the discovery of another early Acheulean site also dating to c. 1.7 Ma from Olduvai Gorge. This site provides evidence of the earliest steps in developing the Acheulean technology and is the oldest Acheulean site in which stone tools occur spatially and functionally associated with the exploitation of fauna. Simple and elaborate large-cutting tools (LCT) and handaxes co-exist at FLK West, showing that complex cognition was present from the earliest stages of the Acheulean. Here we provide a detailed technological study and evidence of the use of these tools on the butchery and consumption of fauna, probably by early Homo erectus sensu lato

    Evangelical Visitor- October 2, 1911. Vol. XXV. No. 20.

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    Evangelical Visitor published in Harrisburg, Pa., for the exposition of true, practical piety and devoted to the spread of evangelical truths and the unity of the church. Published in the interest of the church of the Brethren in Christ on October 2, 1911. Vol. XXV. No. 20

    Mutual optical injection in coupled DBR laser pairs

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    We report an experimental study of nonlinear effects, characteristic of mutual optical coupling, in an ultra-short coupling regime observed in a distributed Bragg reflector laser pair fabricated on the same chip. Optical feedback is amplified via a double pass through a common onchip optical amplifier, which introduces further nonlinear phenomena. Optical coupling has been introduced via back reflection from a cleaveended fibre. The coupling may be varied in strength by varying the distance of the fibre from the output of the chip, without significantly affecting the coupling time. © 2008 Optical. Society of America

    Genetic heterogeneity in the toxicity to systemic adenoviral gene transfer of interleukin-12

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    Despite the efficacy of IL-12 in cancer experimental models, clinical trials with systemic recombinant IL-12 showed unacceptable toxicity related to endogenous IFNgamma production. We report that systemic administration of a recombinant adenovirus encoding IL-12 (AdCMVmIL-12) has a dramatically different survival outcome in a number of mouse pure strains over a wide range of doses. For instance at 2.5 x 10(9) p.f.u., systemic AdCMVmIL-12 killed all C57BL/6 mice but spared all BALB/c mice. Much higher IFNgamma concentrations in serum samples of C57BL/6 than in those from identically treated BALB/c were found. Causes for heterogeneous toxicity can be traced to differences among murine strains in the levels of gene transduction achieved in the liver, as assessed with adenovirus coding for reporter genes. In accordance, IL-12 serum concentrations are higher in susceptible mice. In addition, sera from C57BL/6 mice treated with AdCMVmIL-12 showed higher levels of IL-18, a well-known IFNgamma inducer. Interestingly, lethal toxicity in C57BL/6 mice was abolished by administration of blocking anti-IFNgamma mAbs and also by simultaneous depletion of T cells, NK cells, and macrophages. These observations together with the great dispersion of IFNgamma produced by human PBMCs upon in vitro stimulation with IL-12, or infection with recombinant adenovirus encoding IL-12, suggest that patients might also show heterogeneous degrees of toxicity in response to IL-12 gene transfer

    Amalan Etika Kerja Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam Malaysia : Satu Kajian di Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi Malaysia

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    The objectives of this study is to determine the level of work ethic among the employees of the Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development (MECD) and also to determine whether there are significant difference in work ethic characteristics among the MECD employees based on demographic variables namely gender, age, marital status and educational level as well as work variables namely job category, income and tenure of service. This study was conducted on a sample of 187 MECD employees using a 73-item questionnaire to measure all 12 pillars of The Twelve Pillars Work Ethic. T-test, one-way ANOVA test and Post HOC Tukey HSD test were used in the analysis to test whether there are significant difference in work ethic characteristics based on demographic and work variables among the MECD employees. The empirical results indicate that the level of work ethic among the MECD employees are good with a mean score of 3.89. Results further reveal that MECD work ethic characteristics differs significantly across gender, age, educational level, job category, income and tenure of service whereas there is no difference based on marital status. The findings have theoritical implications towards a better understanding of the relationship between demographic variables as well as work variables and work ethic. It is also hope that the findings of this study could assist the MECD management formulate sound strategies to improve the present programs and to implement new programs towards enhancing the work ethic of MECD employees

    Evaluation of different bowel preparations for small bowel capsule endoscopy: a prospective, randomized, controlled study

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    To obtain an adequate view of the whole small intestine during capsule endoscopy (CE) a clear liquid diet and overnight fasting is recommended. However, intestinal content can hamper vision in spite of these measures. Our aim was to evaluate tolerance and degree of intestinal cleanliness during CE following three types of bowel preparation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a prospective, multicenter, randomized, controlled study. Two-hundred ninety-one patients underwent one of the following preparations: 4 L of clear liquids (CL) (group A; 92 patients); 90 mL of aqueous sodium phosphate (group B; 89 patients); or 4 L of a polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution (group C; 92 patients). The degree of cleanliness of the small bowel was classified by blinded examiners according to four categories (excellent, good, fair or poor). The degree of patient satisfaction, gastric and small bowel transit times, and diagnostic yield were measured. RESULTS: The degree of cleanliness did not differ significantly between the groups (P = 0.496). Interobserver concordance was fair (k = 0.38). No significant differences were detected between the diagnostic yields of the CE (P = 0.601). Gastric transit time was 35.7 +/- 3.7 min (group A), 46.1 +/- 8.6 min (group B) and 34.6 +/- 5.0 min (group C) (P = 0.417). Small-intestinal transit time was 276.9 +/- 10.7 min (group A), 249.7 +/- 13.1 min (group B) and 245.6 +/- 11.6 min (group C) (P = 0.120). CL was the best tolerated preparation. Compliance with the bowel preparation regimen was lowest in group C (P = 0.008). CONCLUSIONS: A clear liquid diet and overnight fasting is sufficient to achieve an adequate level of cleanliness and is better tolerated by patients than other forms of preparation

    Low temperature magneto-morphological characterisation of coronene and the resolution of previously observed unexplained phenomena

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    The polyaromatic hydrocarbon coronene has been the molecule of choice for understanding the physical properties of graphene for over a decade. The modelling of the latter by the former was considered to be valid, as since it was first synthesised in 1932, the physical behaviour of coronene has been determined extremely accurately. We recently discovered however, an unforeseen polymorph of coronene, which exists as an enantiotrope with the previously observed crystal structure. Using low-temperature magnetisation and crystallographic measurements, we show here for the first time that the electronic and magnetic properties of coronene depend directly on the temperature at which it is observed, with hysteretic behaviour exhibited between 300 K and 100 K. Furthermore we determine that this behaviour is a direct result of the appearance and disappearance of the newly-discovered polymorph during thermal cycling. Our results not only highlight the need for theoretical models of graphene to take into account this anomalous behaviour at low temperatures, but also explain puzzling experimental observations of coronene dating back over 40 years

    Reduction of the ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) leads to visual impairment in vertebrates

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    In vertebrates, mitochondria are tightly preserved energy producing organelles, which sustain nervous system development and function. The understanding of proteins that regulate their homoeostasis in complex animals is therefore critical and doing so via means of systemic analysis pivotal to inform pathophysiological conditions associated with mitochondrial deficiency. With the goal to decipher the role of the ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (IF1) in brain development, we employed the zebrafish as elected model reporting that the Atpif1a−/− zebrafish mutant, pinotage (pnttq209), which lacks one of the two IF1 paralogous, exhibits visual impairment alongside increased apoptotic bodies and neuroinflammation in both brain and retina. This associates with increased processing of the dynamin-like GTPase optic atrophy 1 (OPA1), whose ablation is a direct cause of inherited optic atrophy. Defects in vision associated with the processing of OPA1 are specular in Atpif1−/− mice thus confirming a regulatory axis, which interlinks IF1 and OPA1 in the definition of mitochondrial fitness and specialised brain functions. This study unveils a functional relay between IF1 and OPA1 in central nervous system besides representing an example of how the zebrafish model could be harnessed to infer the activity of mitochondrial proteins during development