3,426 research outputs found

    Thin film instability with thermal noise

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    We study the effects of stochastic thermal fluctuations on the instability of the free surface of a flat liquid film upon a solid substrate. These fluctuations are represented as a standard Brownian motion that can be added to the deterministic equation for the film thickness within the lubrication approximation. Here, we consider that while the noise term is white in time, it is coloured in space. This allows for the introduction of a finite correlation length in the description of the randomized intermolecular interaction. Together with the expected spatial periodicity of the flow, we find a dimensionless parameter, β\beta, that accounts for the relative importance of the spatial correlation. We perform here the linear stability analysis (LSA) of the film under the influence of both terms, and find the corresponding power spectra for the amplitudes of the normal modes of the instability. We compare this theoretical result with the numerical simulations of the complete non-linear problem, and find a good agreement for early times. For late times, we find that the stochastic LSA predictions on the dominant wavelength remains basically valid. We also use the theoretical spectra to fit experimental data from a nanometric melted copper film, and find the corresponding times of the evolution as well as the values of the parameter, β\beta

    El delito de detenciones ilegales practicadas por funcionarios públicos y autoridades = Crime of illegal detentions practiced by public officials and authorities

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    La libertad personal es uno de los bienes más preciados del individuo, un derecho fundamental que será inherente a la dignidad de todo ser humano. Las detenciones suponen la privación de libertad de una persona, siendo una de las formas más limitativas a este derecho. El Código Penal español contiene dos preceptos, los artículos 167 y 530, que regulan situaciones en las que autoridad o funcionario público privan a un particular del derecho a la libertad ambulatoria consagrado en el art. 17 de la Constitución Española. La existencia de estos dos preceptos va a dar lugar a multitud de controversias que la doctrina junto a la jurisprudencia ha ido solventando con el paso de los años. Fruto de ello surge este trabajo, el cual se va a dedicar a resolver y analizar los problemas generados a la hora de aplicar estos preceptos, junto al estudio de la protección que el derecho internacional ha venido dando a este bien jurídico

    Intervención en un caso de TEL desde el uso del metalenguaje

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    En diversas ocasiones, y por factores de distinta índole, el lenguaje y la capacidad de comunicación que presentan los niños se encuentra limitada. Es el Trastorno Específico del Lenguaje (TEL), uno de esos condicionantes, una patología del lenguaje muy heterogénea y con multitud de dificultades lingüísticas asociadas. Tomando conciencia de la necesidad que supone atender los trastornos del lenguaje para el desarrollo personal y social de alumnado, en el presente TFG se plantea una intervención en un caso de TEL desde el uso del Metalenguaje, lenguaje que se emplea para describir y hablar de la propia lengua, y cuya implantación en la intervención supone grandes beneficios para la mejora del desarrollo lingüístico del alumno. Tras una fundamentación teórica previa, se diseña la propuesta de intervención mencionada, en la que se recogen todos aquellos aspectos y procesos necesarios para que su desarrollo sea óptimo, entre los que destacan la metodología y las actividades propuestas, elementos con un componente lúdico y activo.Sometimes, and due to different kinds of factors, the language and communication capacity that children present is limited. It is the Specific Language Disorder (SLI), that is one of those determining factors, a very heterogeneous language pathology and with a multitude of associated linguistic difficulties. Aware of the need to address language disorders for the personal and social development of students, in this final degree work an intervention is proposed in a case of SLI from the use of Metalanguage, a language used to describe and talk about the own language, and whose implementation in the intervention entails great benefits for the improvement of the student's linguistic development. After a previous theoretical foundation, the mentioned intervention proposal is designed, in which all those aspects and processes necessary for its optimal development are collected, among which the methodology and the proposed activities stand out, elements with a playful and active component.Departamento de PsicologíaGrado en Educación Primari

    El cuento ilustrado como recurso para el desarrollo de la creatividad

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    En mi trabajo fin de grado presento una propuesta en la que trabajar la creatividad a partir de la elaboración de un cuento. Tomando como referencia las teorías de varios autores relevantes tanto en el tema de la creatividad como en el del cuento así como en el tema del dibujo presento una propuesta para realizar en un aula de 3 años. Partiendo de la premisa de que todo ser humano posee una creatividad innata, pretendo comprobar como brota la creatividad de los niños de primer nivel de educación infantil ofreciéndoles actividades lúdicas y motivadoras.In my work end of grade presented a proposal in which work the creativity from the elaboration of a story. With reference to the theories of various relevant authors on the subject of creativity, the story and the theme of the drawing, I present a proposal to carry out in a classroom of 3 years. Starting from the premise that every human being has an innate creativity, I intend to check how arises the creativity of children in first level of education providing fun and motivating activitiesGrado en Educación Infanti

    Functional disorders in non-culprit coronary arteries and their implications in patients with acute myocardial infarction

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    Approximately 30-50% of patients with ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction have multivessel disease. The physiology of the non-culprit artery (NCA) is complex and represents a challenge to physicians as, while these plaques are presumably stable, clinical data show that they frequently lead to major adverse cardiovascular events. In addition the presence of microvascular and endothelial dysfunction may have prognostic implications and interfere with current physiological indices for stenosis severity assessment. In this review we aim to summarize current methods to study the microcirculation, discuss the evidence available regarding the endothelium and the microvascular compartment of the NCA; the best strategies to perform a complete revascularization based on proven ischemia; real limitations associated to hyperemic stenosis indices; and the potential role of novel resting-indices in this specific acute context

    The Tutorial Action Program as complement of the educational action in the European Higher Education Area, EHEA

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    El presente trabajo se inserta dentro del estudio de los cambios introducidos como consecuencia del nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). En concreto, se analiza el papel del Programa de Acción Tutorial desde la perspectiva de profesores y alumnos. Para ello, se ha tomado la experiencia del Programa profesor-tutor de la Escuela Universitaria de Estudios Empresariales de la Universidad de Oviedo y se han estudiado las características de los profesores participantes en dicho Programa, así como la valoración que han hecho los estudiantes del mismo a través de una encuesta. Los resultados obtenidos revelan la necesidad de introducir cambios para facilitar la transformación de la actual labor docente en un modelo que incorpore las funciones formativas-educativas. Por último, se realizan una serie de propuestas para que las tutorías académicas sean gratificantes para el profesor y explotadas al máximo por los alumnos.This paper is inserted into the study of changes resulting from the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In particular, it is focused on the role of the Tutorial Action Program from the perspective of teachers and students. For the purposes of this work, the experience of the Program lecturer - tutor of the Escuela de Estudios Empresariales of the University of Oviedo is considered. The characteristics of the lecturers participating in this Program, as well as the valuation that the students have done of it through a survey, are studied. The obtained results reveal the need to introduce changes to facilitate the transformation of the current teaching in a model that incorporates training and educational functions. Finally, we make some proposals for academic tutoring to be rewarding for the teacher and fully exploited by the students

    Effects of slowed gastrointestinal motility on levodopa pharmacokinetics

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    P. 67-72Autonomic disorders are often seen in Parkinson's disease, with disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract occurring most frequently. These disorders, mainly a delay in gastric emptying and slowed gastrointestinal motility, can modify the pharmacokinetics and effectiveness of drugs used to treat Parkinson's disease and administered orally. In this study, we evaluated in a rabbit model the pharmacokinetics of levodopa (administered with carbidopa) in the context of gastrointestinal motility slowed by the administration of an anticholinergic drug. Levodopa+carbidopa (20:5 mg/kg) and the anticholinergic biperiden (100 μg/kg) were orally administered to rabbits over one of two time periods (7 or 14 days) to verify the stabilization of levodopa concentrations. The values of the area under the curve (AUC) and Cmax were higher on the final day of treatment with an increase in AUC of 25% on day 7 and 33.4% on day 14; for Cmax, the increase was 15% on day 7 and 12.8% on day 14. The values of AUC and Cmax were lower than those obtained when levodopa was administered to rabbits with normal gastrointestinal motility. The values obtained for Cmin (baseline sample obtained before administration) also increased with treatment duration (24% and 47.4% on days 7 and 14, respectively). These values were higher than those obtained in the absence of anticholinergic administration. We conclude that, under our experimental conditions of slowed gastrointestinal motility, levodopa absorption diminishes, and final concentrations and Cmin are higher than under conditions of normal motility.S

    Taxonomic composition and ecological characteristics of the endemic flora of the lower Duero Basin (Iberian Peninsula)

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    The taxonomical composition and an analysis of four ecological characteristics of the 46 endemic species occurring in the lower Duero Basin (CW Iberian Peninsula) have been made. A comparative analysis of the results reveals that this endemic flora does not comply with the general patterns previously observed in other floras. Predominant life forms are hemicryptophytes (43%) and chamaephytes (22%). As far seed-dispersal is concerned, 54% of the endemic species lack any noteworthy adaptative feature. 89% of the endemic species are pollinated by animals (mostly by insects) and only 1 species is dioecious. Following binary classification of the above characteristics have been used to plot statistically significant associations.La composition taxonomique et une analyse de quatre caracteristiques ecologiques des 46 especes endemiques rencontrees dans le bassin inferieur du Duero (CW de Ia Peninsula lberique) ont ete realisees. Une analyse comparative des resultats montre que cette !lore endemique ne correspond pas aux schemas generaux observes precedemment dans d'autres flares. Les formes biologiques predominantes son! les Mmicryptophytes (43%) et les chamephytes (22%). En ce qui conceme le mode de dispersion des diaspores, 54% des especes endemiques son! depourvues de tout aspect adaptatif particulier. 89% des especes endemiques son! pollinisees par des animaux (essentiellement des insectes) et une seule espece est dioique. En se basant sur une classification binaire, les caracteristiques precedentes ont eta utilisees pour representer graphiquement les associations statistiquement significatives.We would like to thank Dr. Tyteca for the translation of the French texts. This research was supported by a grant from Castilla y Leon Autonomous Government (SA 037/02)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio