55 research outputs found

    Rendezvous in Networks in Spite of Delay Faults

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    Two mobile agents, starting from different nodes of an unknown network, have to meet at the same node. Agents move in synchronous rounds using a deterministic algorithm. Each agent has a different label, which it can use in the execution of the algorithm, but it does not know the label of the other agent. Agents do not know any bound on the size of the network. In each round an agent decides if it remains idle or if it wants to move to one of the adjacent nodes. Agents are subject to delay faults: if an agent incurs a fault in a given round, it remains in the current node, regardless of its decision. If it planned to move and the fault happened, the agent is aware of it. We consider three scenarios of fault distribution: random (independently in each round and for each agent with constant probability 0 < p < 1), unbounded adver- sarial (the adversary can delay an agent for an arbitrary finite number of consecutive rounds) and bounded adversarial (the adversary can delay an agent for at most c consecutive rounds, where c is unknown to the agents). The quality measure of a rendezvous algorithm is its cost, which is the total number of edge traversals. For random faults, we show an algorithm with cost polynomial in the size n of the network and polylogarithmic in the larger label L, which achieves rendezvous with very high probability in arbitrary networks. By contrast, for unbounded adversarial faults we show that rendezvous is not feasible, even in the class of rings. Under this scenario we give a rendezvous algorithm with cost O(nl), where l is the smaller label, working in arbitrary trees, and we show that \Omega(l) is the lower bound on rendezvous cost, even for the two-node tree. For bounded adversarial faults, we give a rendezvous algorithm working for arbitrary networks, with cost polynomial in n, and logarithmic in the bound c and in the larger label L

    Almost-Optimal Deterministic Treasure Hunt in Arbitrary Graphs

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    A mobile agent navigating along edges of a simple connected graph, either finite or countably infinite, has to find an inert target (treasure) hidden in one of the nodes. This task is known as treasure hunt. The agent has no a priori knowledge of the graph, of the location of the treasure or of the initial distance to it. The cost of a treasure hunt algorithm is the worst-case number of edge traversals performed by the agent until finding the treasure. Awerbuch, Betke, Rivest and Singh [3] considered graph exploration and treasure hunt for finite graphs in a restricted model where the agent has a fuel tank that can be replenished only at the starting node ss. The size of the tank is B=2(1+α)rB=2(1+\alpha)r, for some positive real constant α\alpha, where rr, called the radius of the graph, is the maximum distance from ss to any other node. The tank of size BB allows the agent to make at most B\lfloor B\rfloor edge traversals between two consecutive visits at node ss. Let e(d)e(d) be the number of edges whose at least one extremity is at distance less than dd from ss. Awerbuch, Betke, Rivest and Singh [3] conjectured that it is impossible to find a treasure hidden in a node at distance at most dd at cost nearly linear in e(d)e(d). We first design a deterministic treasure hunt algorithm working in the model without any restrictions on the moves of the agent at cost O(e(d)logd)\mathcal{O}(e(d) \log d), and then show how to modify this algorithm to work in the model from [3] with the same complexity. Thus we refute the above twenty-year-old conjecture. We observe that no treasure hunt algorithm can beat cost Θ(e(d))\Theta(e(d)) for all graphs and thus our algorithms are also almost optimal

    Profil de l’ionogramme sanguin chez les enfants brûlés du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Pédiatrique Charles de Gaulle de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

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    Les brûlures de l’enfant peuvent être à l’origine de troubles ioniques graves, entrainant une morbi-mortalité importante. Ce travail avait pour objectif de décrire les perturbations de l’ionogramme sanguin chez les enfants brûlés, afin de contribuer à l’amélioration des soins. Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale rétrospective allant du 01 janvier 2017 au 30 juin 2019. Ont été inclus les enfants hospitalisés dans le service de chirurgie du CHU pédiatrique Charles de Gaulle pour brûlure et chez lesquels un ionogramme sanguin a été réalisé. L’étude a porté sur 212 enfants, avec un âge moyen de 38,52 mois et un sex ratio de 1,12. La surface corporelle brûlée moyenne était de 26,60% et le délai moyen d’admission de 5,71 heures. La mortalité était de 16,98%. L’ionogramme sanguin à l’entrée a retrouvé une hyponatrémie (27,88%), une hypobicarbonatémie (53,95%), une hypoprotidémie (26,67%) et une hyperchlorémie (53,59%). Au contrôle, ces troubles ioniques étaient toujours présents. S’y sont associées une hypocalcémie (30,43%), une hypomagnésémie (27,27%) et une hyperphosphatémie (28,79%). La natrémie, la bicarbonatémie et la protidémie à l’entrée étaient significativement plus basses chez les patients décédés. Les brûlures de l’enfant sont fréquentes. Leur évolution est marquée par des perturbations de l’ionogramme sanguin et une mortalité élevée.Mots clés : Brûlure, Ionogramme sanguin, Enfants, Burkina Faso. &nbsp; English title: Blood ionogram profile in burned children at the Charles de Gaulle University Pediatric Hospital of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)Burns in children can be the cause of serious ionic disorders, leading to significant morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to describe the disturbances in the blood ionogram of burnt children, in order to contribute to the improvement of care. This was a retrospective cross-sectional study from 01 January 2017 to 30 June 2019. Children hospitalised in the surgery department of the Charles de Gaulle Pediatric University Hospital for burns and in whom a blood ionogram was carried out were included. Our study involved 212 children, with an average age of 38.52 months and a sex ratio of 1.12. The average body surface area burned was 26.60% and the average admission time was 5.71 hours. Mortality was 16.98%. The blood ionogram at the entrance showed hyponatremia (27.88%), hypobicarbonatremia (53.95%), hypoprotidemia (26.67%) and hyperchloremia (53.59%). At the control, these ionic disorders were still present. They were associated with hypocalcaemia (30.43%), hypomagnesemia (27.27%) and hyperphosphatemia (28.79%). Natremia, bicarbonateemia and protidemia were significantly lower on admission in patients who died in the course of the evolution. Childhood burns are frequent at the CHUP-CDG; their evolution is marked by disturbances of the blood ionogram and high mortality.Keywords: Burns, Blood Ionogram, Children, Burkina Faso

    Diversite Phlebotomienne Dans Trois Villages De La Commune De Bouake (Côte D’ivoire) Durant La Periode De Mars A Juin 2019

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    La leishmaniose cutanée est une parasitose due à des protozoaires du genre Leishmania et répandue dans le monde. Une enquête médicale réalisée dans trois villages de la ville de Bouaké, autour de cas suspects de leishmaniose cutanée, a permis de confirmer la présence de cette pathologie dans ces villages. Dans le cadre de l’identification des acteurs du cycle épidémiologique de la leishmaniose cutanée, une étude entomologique a été conduite dans ces villages afin d’identifier les phlébotomes potentiels vecteurs de leishmanies. Les pièges huileux et les pièges lumineux CDC, ont été posés entre mars et juin 2019, suivant une méthode de rotation entre les sites de piégeage. Ils ont été posés entre 17h et 18h et relevés le lendemain matin entre 7h et 8h. La diversité spécifique des espèces identifiées a été déterminée à partir des indices écologiques d’équitabilité et de Hill. Ces pièges ont permis la capture de 135 phlébotomes, dont 78 ont été morphologiquement identifiés. Le genre Sergentomyia constituait 91% de nos récoltes contre 9% pour le genre Phlebotomus. Ph. bergeroti, Ph. rodhaini et Ph. sergenti étaient les espèces du genre Phlebotomus, capturées dans ces sites. Des travaux approfondis portant sur l’identification du parasite à la fois chez les phlébotomes et chez l’homme doivent être effectués, afin d’identifier les phlébotomes incriminés dans la transmission des leishmanies à Bouaké. Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a parasitosis caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania and is widespread worldwide. A medical survey carried out in three villages of the city of Bouaké, around suspected cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis, confirmed the presence of this pathology in these villages. As part of the identification of the actors of the epidemiological cycle of cutaneous leishmaniasis, an entomological study was conducted in these villages in order to identify potential phlebotomus vectors of leishmaniasis. Oil traps and CDC light traps were set between March and June 2019, following a rotation method between trapping sites. They were set between 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm and were collected the next morning between 7:00 am and 8:00 am. The specific diversity of the identified species was determined from the ecological indices of equitability and Hill's ecological indices. These traps allowed the capture of 135 sandfish, 78 of which were morphologically identified. The genus Sergentomyia constituted 91% of our harvests against 9% for the genus Phlebotomus. Ph. bergeroti, Ph. rodhaini and Ph. sergenti were the species of the genus Phlebotomus caught at these sites. Further work on the identification of the parasite in both sandflies and humans should be carried out in order to identify the sandflies incriminated in the transmission of leishmania in Bouaké

    Mortality from gastrointestinal congenital anomalies at 264 hospitals in 74 low-income, middle-income, and high-income countries: a multicentre, international, prospective cohort study

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    Summary Background Congenital anomalies are the fifth leading cause of mortality in children younger than 5 years globally. Many gastrointestinal congenital anomalies are fatal without timely access to neonatal surgical care, but few studies have been done on these conditions in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). We compared outcomes of the seven most common gastrointestinal congenital anomalies in low-income, middle-income, and high-income countries globally, and identified factors associated with mortality. Methods We did a multicentre, international prospective cohort study of patients younger than 16 years, presenting to hospital for the first time with oesophageal atresia, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, intestinal atresia, gastroschisis, exomphalos, anorectal malformation, and Hirschsprung’s disease. Recruitment was of consecutive patients for a minimum of 1 month between October, 2018, and April, 2019. We collected data on patient demographics, clinical status, interventions, and outcomes using the REDCap platform. Patients were followed up for 30 days after primary intervention, or 30 days after admission if they did not receive an intervention. The primary outcome was all-cause, in-hospital mortality for all conditions combined and each condition individually, stratified by country income status. We did a complete case analysis. Findings We included 3849 patients with 3975 study conditions (560 with oesophageal atresia, 448 with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, 681 with intestinal atresia, 453 with gastroschisis, 325 with exomphalos, 991 with anorectal malformation, and 517 with Hirschsprung’s disease) from 264 hospitals (89 in high-income countries, 166 in middleincome countries, and nine in low-income countries) in 74 countries. Of the 3849 patients, 2231 (58·0%) were male. Median gestational age at birth was 38 weeks (IQR 36–39) and median bodyweight at presentation was 2·8 kg (2·3–3·3). Mortality among all patients was 37 (39·8%) of 93 in low-income countries, 583 (20·4%) of 2860 in middle-income countries, and 50 (5·6%) of 896 in high-income countries (p<0·0001 between all country income groups). Gastroschisis had the greatest difference in mortality between country income strata (nine [90·0%] of ten in lowincome countries, 97 [31·9%] of 304 in middle-income countries, and two [1·4%] of 139 in high-income countries; p≤0·0001 between all country income groups). Factors significantly associated with higher mortality for all patients combined included country income status (low-income vs high-income countries, risk ratio 2·78 [95% CI 1·88–4·11], p<0·0001; middle-income vs high-income countries, 2·11 [1·59–2·79], p<0·0001), sepsis at presentation (1·20 [1·04–1·40], p=0·016), higher American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score at primary intervention (ASA 4–5 vs ASA 1–2, 1·82 [1·40–2·35], p<0·0001; ASA 3 vs ASA 1–2, 1·58, [1·30–1·92], p<0·0001]), surgical safety checklist not used (1·39 [1·02–1·90], p=0·035), and ventilation or parenteral nutrition unavailable when needed (ventilation 1·96, [1·41–2·71], p=0·0001; parenteral nutrition 1·35, [1·05–1·74], p=0·018). Administration of parenteral nutrition (0·61, [0·47–0·79], p=0·0002) and use of a peripherally inserted central catheter (0·65 [0·50–0·86], p=0·0024) or percutaneous central line (0·69 [0·48–1·00], p=0·049) were associated with lower mortality. Interpretation Unacceptable differences in mortality exist for gastrointestinal congenital anomalies between lowincome, middle-income, and high-income countries. Improving access to quality neonatal surgical care in LMICs will be vital to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3.2 of ending preventable deaths in neonates and children younger than 5 years by 2030

    L'impact des politiques d'attractivité nationales sur l'industrie européenne : étude de cas de l'industrie pharmaceutique

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    Le mémoire aborde les mesures mises en œuvre par les États pour attirer des capitaux étrangers dans le secteur pharmaceutique. Il évalue l'impact de ces mesures sur l'attractivité d'un pays et, pour finir, il confronte les résultats à la réalités des faits.Master [120] en Ingénieur de gestion, Université catholique de Louvain, 201