571 research outputs found

    Leadership Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover in Luxury Hotels in China

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    Some midlevel managers in the China\u27s luxury hotel industry lack leadership strategies for engaging employees to reduce employee turnover. Employee turnover rates in China\u27s hotel industry have reached the 30% mark, affecting hotels\u27 bottom lines. This high employee turnover rate is impacting the hotels\u27 performance, and negatively affecting the industry\u27s profitability. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore employee engagement strategies luxury hotel industry midlevel managers apply to reduce turnover. The conceptual framework for this study was the three levels of leadership model created by Scouller. The participants in this study were 5 midlevel department managers from 3 luxury hotels in China, who demonstrated strong employee engagement leadership strategies to reduce turnover. Data were collected using semistructured interviews as the primary source, and companies\u27 related websites and internal documents about training and talent development. After analysis of the data through qualitative content analysis, 4 themes emerged, including corporate culture-related strategies, talent development-related strategies, leadership-related strategies, and mentorship- and coaching-related strategies. The results of this study may contribute to positive social change by improving leadership competencies to strengthen economic output, increase job opportunities, and improve and sustain employment benefiting employees, families, and communities

    Adherence to the Balanced Scorecard in public and private companies

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    Diversos estudos têm apontado que a busca das empresas abertas em atender às expectativas dos acionistas pode muitas vezes ter como conseqüência a tomada de decisões com foco no lucro imediato. Isso teria como conseqüência a perda de oportunidades de investimento em projetos mais lucrativos, com retorno a médio e longoprazo. Alguns pesquisadores entendem que esse fato pode ser sanado com o uso de instrumentos de gestão que proporcionem o equilíbrio entre aspectos financeiros e não-financeiros na empresa. Dentre esses pesquisadores, Kaplan e Norton afirmam ser essa a principal virtude do Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Considerando o problema a que esse instrumento visa a solucionar, o presente estudo buscou identificar se as suas características são mais aderentes às empresas abertas do que às fechadas. A questão foi investigada através de uma survey envolvendo a participação de executivos de 77 empresas com faturamento acima de R10milho~es.Anaˊlisesdedistribuic\co~esdefrequ¨e^ncia,testesquiquadradoetestesPhieCrameˊrsVforamrealizadoscomoapoiodaferramentaSPSS.OsresultadosindicamqueascaracterıˊsticasdoBSCsa~omaisaderentesaˋsempresasabertasdoqueaˋsfechadas,sendoosaspectosfinanceirospredominantesnasempresascomac\co~esnegociadasnaBolsadeValores.Variousstudieshaveindicatedthatpubliccompaniessearchtomeetshareholderexpectationscanoftenleadtodecisionmakingwithashorttermprofitfocus.Thiswouldleadtothelossofinvestmentopportunitiesinmoreprofitablemediumandlongtermreturnprojects.Someresearchersbelievethatthisproblemcanbesolvedbyusingmanagementtoolsthatfavorabalancebetweenfinancialandnonfinancialaspectsinthecompany.Amongtheseresearchers,KaplanandNortonarguethatthisisthemainvirtueoftheBalancedScorecard(BSC).ConsideringtheproblemBSCintendstosolve,thisstudyaimstoidentifyifitscharacteristicsaremoreadherenttopublicthantoprivatecompanies.Theproblemwasinvestigatedthroughasurveyinvolvingexecutivesfrom77companieswithannualrevenuesaboveR10 milhões. Análises de distribuições de freqüência, testes qui-quadrado e testes Phi e Cramérs V foram realizados com o apoio da ferramenta SPSS. Os resultados indicam que as características do BSC são mais aderentes às empresas abertas do que às fechadas, sendo os aspectos financeiros predominantes nas empresas com ações negociadas na Bolsa de Valores.Various studies have indicated that public companies search to meet shareholder expectations can often lead to decision making with a short-term profit focus. This would lead to the loss of investment opportunities in more profitable medium and long-term return projects. Some researchers believe that this problem can be solved by using management tools that favor a balance between financial and non-financial aspects in the company. Among these researchers, Kaplan and Norton argue that this is the main virtue of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Considering the problem BSC intends to solve, this study aims to identify if its characteristics are more adherent to public than to private companies. The problem was investigated through a survey involving executives from 77 companies with annual revenues above R10 million. Frequency distribution analyses, chi-square tests and Phi and Cramérs V tests were applied, with the support of SPSS software. The results indicate that BSC characteristics are more adherent to public than to private companies, with financial aspects prevailing in companies whose shares are negotiated in the Stock Exchange

    The Use of Intensity Techniques for Noise Source Identification in Small Machinery

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    Intensity techniques are now widely used for two purposes: sound power determination and source identification. The work described in this presentation illustrates an application of the latter type. As part of a noise control program for a small domestic appliance, a narrow‐band intensity measurement system was developed based on a face‐to‐face microphone probe, a two‐channel FFT analyzer, and a personal computer. The probe was used to measure the nearfield normal intensity on planes parallel to the device\u27s major surfaces. Graphical display of these data allowed the radiated sound field to be visualized at any desired frequency. Further, it was possible to distinguish between various types of component sources by examining the field in detail. For example, airborne sound that is generated within the device and radiates to the exterior through apertures or “leaks” was plainly visible. Radiation from the exterior surface of the device resulting from direct vibrational excitation of the surface and from structure‐borne vibration could also be identified. Knowledge of this type was used to advantage to guide the noise control treatment program. Nearfield surveys conducted after these modifications yielded a particularly vivid indication of the effects and benefits of the individual modifications

    In vitro evaluation of marginal and internal adaptation after occlusal stressing of indirect class II composite restorations with different resinous bases and interface treatments. "Post-fatigue adaptation of indirect composite restorations”

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    The present study evaluated the influence of different composite bases and surface treatments on marginal and internal adaptation of class II indirect composite restorations, after simulated occlusal loading. Thirty-two class II inlay cavities were prepared on human third molars, with margins located in cementum. A 1-mm composite base extending up to the cervical margins was applied on all dentin surfaces in the experimental groups; impressions were made and composite inlays fabricated. The following experimental conditions were tested: no liner (control group), flowable composite treated with soft air abrasion (experiment 1), flowable composite sandblasted (experiment 2) and restorative composite sandblasted (experiment 3). All specimens were submitted to 1,000,000 cycles with a 100-N eccentric load. Tooth-restoration margins were analysed semi-quantitatively by scanning electron microscopy before and after loading; internal adaptation was also evaluated after test completion. The percentage of perfect adaptation in enamel was 79.5% to 92.7% before loading and 73.3% to 81.9% after loading. Perfect adaptation to dentin was reduced before loading (54.8% to 77.6%) and after loading (41.9% to 63%), but no difference was found among groups for pre- and post-loading conditions. No debonding occurred between the base and composite luting. A significant, negative influence of cyclic loading was observed. The results of the present study support the use of flowable or restorative composites as base/liner underneath large class II restorations. Soft air abrasion represents a potential alternative to airborne particle abrasion for treating cavities before cementation. The application of a composite base underneath indirect composite restorations represents a feasible non-invasive alternative to surgical crown lengthening to relocate cavity margins from an intra-crevicular to supra-gingival positio

    Economia criativa, gastronomia e propriedade intelectual : a importância do sistema de indicações geográficas no desenvolvimento nacional, com foco nos casos do Brasil e da Itália

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    A gastronomia tem um papel importante no desenvolvimento da economia brasileira, ponto que essa monografia procura defender sob à luz da economia criativa. Contudo, não existe forma fácil de mensurar o impacto da gastronomia na economia e, para resolver esse impasse, adentrou-se no ramo da propriedade intelectual e, mais precisamente, numa de suas divisões, o sistema de indicações geográficas, pois muitos dos produtos que recebem esse tipo de certificação são, também, bens gastronômicos, ou que servem como ingredientes para preparos culinários. Fazem parte da base teórica autores da área da economia criativa, como Klamer, Frey e Throsby e também da gastronômica, como Brillat-Savarin e Dória. Os modelos brasileiro e italiano serão analisados de forma mais aprofundada, este último visto como exemplo mundial, para um melhor entendimento de como o sistema de indicações geográficas impacta as suas respectivas economias e sociedades, valendo-se de instituições oficiais internacionais e nacionais de cada país, como o INPI, a Comissão Europeia e a Qualivita.Gastronomy plays an important role in developing Brazilian economy, point which this monography tries to defend using creative economy as theoretical basis. However, there’s no easy way to measure the impact that culinary arts have in an economy, therefore the intellectual property system was chosen and, more specifically, the geographical indications system, because a lot of products that receive this kind of certification are also gastronomic goods, or can be used as ingredients in culinary preparations. Concepts brought by creative economy authors like Klamer, Frey and Throsby and gastronomic authors like Brillat-Savarin and Dória will be discussed in this work. Also, Brazil’s and Italy’s models were chosen, the latter is seen as a world example, for a better understanding of how geographical indications impact in each economy and society, using official institutions like INPI, European Commission and Qualivita


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    Página 38 a 43Vereinskirche? Obrigkeitskirche? Gemeindekirche?Theophil DietschiPágina 43 a 47Einige vorläufige Glossen zu einer vorläufigen BemerkungH. Dresse

    Um estudo sobre a aderência do Balanced Scorecard às empresas abertas e fechadas

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    Various studies have indicated that public companies search to meet shareholder expectations can often lead to decision making with a short-term profit focus. This would lead to the loss of investment opportunities in more profitable medium and long-term return projects. Some researchers believe that this problem can be solved by using management tools that favor a balance between financial and non-financial aspects in the company. Among these researchers, Kaplan and Norton argue that this is the main virtue of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Considering the problem BSC intends to solve, this study aims to identify if its characteristics are more adherent to public than to private companies. The problem was investigated through a survey involving executives from 77 companies with annual revenues above R10million.Frequencydistributionanalyses,chisquaretestsandPhiandCrameˊrsVtestswereapplied,withthesupportofSPSSsoftware.TheresultsindicatethatBSCcharacteristicsaremoreadherenttopublicthantoprivatecompanies,withfinancialaspectsprevailingincompanieswhosesharesarenegotiatedintheStockExchange.Diversosestudoste^mapontadoqueabuscadasempresasabertasematenderaˋsexpectativasdosacionistaspodemuitasvezestercomoconsequ¨e^nciaatomadadedeciso~escomfoconolucroimediato.Issoteriacomoconsequ¨e^nciaaperdadeoportunidadesdeinvestimentoemprojetosmaislucrativos,comretornoameˊdioelongoprazo.Algunspesquisadoresentendemqueessefatopodesersanadocomousodeinstrumentosdegesta~oqueproporcionemoequilıˊbrioentreaspectosfinanceirosena~ofinanceirosnaempresa.Dentreessespesquisadores,KaplaneNortonafirmamseressaaprincipalvirtudedoBalancedScorecard(BSC).Considerandooproblemaaqueesseinstrumentovisaasolucionar,opresenteestudobuscouidentificarseassuascaracterıˊsticassa~omaisaderentesaˋsempresasabertasdoqueaˋsfechadas.Aquesta~ofoiinvestigadaatraveˊsdeumasurveyenvolvendoaparticipac\ca~odeexecutivosde77empresascomfaturamentoacimadeR10 million. Frequency distribution analyses, chi-square tests and Phi and Cramérs V tests were applied, with the support of SPSS software. The results indicate that BSC characteristics are more adherent to public than to private companies, with financial aspects prevailing in companies whose shares are negotiated in the Stock Exchange.Diversos estudos têm apontado que a busca das empresas abertas em atender às expectativas dos acionistas pode muitas vezes ter como conseqüência a tomada de decisões com foco no lucro imediato. Isso teria como conseqüência a perda de oportunidades de investimento em projetos mais lucrativos, com retorno a médio e longoprazo. Alguns pesquisadores entendem que esse fato pode ser sanado com o uso de instrumentos de gestão que proporcionem o equilíbrio entre aspectos financeiros e não-financeiros na empresa. Dentre esses pesquisadores, Kaplan e Norton afirmam ser essa a principal virtude do Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Considerando o problema a que esse instrumento visa a solucionar, o presente estudo buscou identificar se as suas características são mais aderentes às empresas abertas do que às fechadas. A questão foi investigada através de uma survey envolvendo a participação de executivos de 77 empresas com faturamento acima de R10 milhões. Análises de distribuições de freqüência, testes qui-quadrado e testes Phi e Cramérs V foram realizados com o apoio da ferramenta SPSS. Os resultados indicam que as características do BSC são mais aderentes às empresas abertas do que às fechadas, sendo os aspectos financeiros predominantes nas empresas com ações negociadas na Bolsa de Valores

    Light polymerization during cavity filling: influence of total energy density on shrinkage and marginal adaptation

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the marginal adaptation and shrinkage stress development of a micro hybrid restorative composite as a function of energy density. Linear displacement and shrinkage forces were measured with custom-made devices for energies of 4,000, 8,000, 16,000 and 32,000mJ/cm2 at a constant power density of 800mW/cm2. Marginal adaptation of composite restorations cured with the same energy density was evaluated before and after mechanical loading with 300,000 cycles at 70N. The group "4,000mJ/cm2” showed the lowest shrinkage force [2.9(0.2)kg] and linear displacement [23.5(0.7)μm] but led to the worst marginal adaptation after loading [46.4(23.5)%CM] probably due to under-curing. When the maximum energy of 32,000mJ/cm2 was applied, a slight increase in shrinkage forces [3.6(0.2)kg and 29.2(0.8)μm], and a slight decrease in marginal adaptation after loading [75.4(11.5)%CM] were observed, but these changes were not significantly different in comparison to groups cured with energies of 8,000 and 16,000mJ/cm2. For the resin composite tested in this study, no differences in marginal adaptation could be detected above the energy threshold of 8,000mJ/cm2