18 research outputs found

    Introduction and Comparison of Novel Decentral Learning Schemes with Multiple Data Pools for Privacy-Preserving ECG Classification

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    Artificial intelligence and machine learning have led to prominent and spectacular innovations in various scenarios. Application in medicine, however, can be challenging due to privacy concerns and strict legal regulations. Methods that centralize knowledge instead of data could address this issue. In this work, 6 different decentralized machine learning algorithms are applied to 12-lead ECG classification and compared to conventional, centralized machine learning. The results show that state-of-the-art federated learning leads to reasonable losses of classification performance compared to a standard, central model (-0.054 AUROC) while providing a significantly higher level of privacy. A proposed weighted variant of federated learning (-0.049 AUROC) and an ensemble (-0.035 AUROC) outperformed the standard federated learning algorithm. Overall, considering multiple metrics, the novel batch-wise sequential learning scheme performed best (-0.036 AUROC to baseline). Although, the technical aspects of implementing them in a real-world application are to be carefully considered, the described algorithms constitute a way forward towards preserving-preserving AI in medicine

    An eHealth System for Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Based on Accelerometer and Pressure Data

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    Pressure ulcers are a common skin disease which is associated with pain, reduced autonomy, social isolation, and reduced quality of life. There are several systems for monitoring of pressure ulcer-related risk factors on the market, but up to now no satisfactory solution is available, especially for people with medium pressure ulcer risk. We present a novel pressure ulcer risk assessment and prevention system, which combines the advantages of accelerometer and pressure sensors for monitoring pressure ulcer risk factors. Sensors are used for detection of repositionings of the person lying on the mattress. Sensor data are sent to a tablet where they are analysed and presented graphically. The system was evaluated in a long-term test at the homes of people of the target group. Results indicate that the system is able to detect movements of persons while lying in bed. Weak correlation in between mobility and Braden pressure ulcer risk was found (correlation factor = 0.31). From our data, long-term trends could be visualized as well as 24 h mobility profiles. Such graphical illustrations might be helpful for caregivers in order to optimize care of people with medium to high pressure ulcer risk

    KALIS – An eHealth system for biomedical risk analysis of drugs

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    Shoshi A, Müller U, Shoshi A, Ogultarhan V, Hofestädt R. KALIS – An eHealth system for biomedical risk analysis of drugs. In: Hayn D, Schreier G, eds. Health Informatics Meets eHealth: Digital Insight – Information-Driven Health & Care. Proceedings of the 11th eHealth2017 Conference. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. Vol 236. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2017: 128-135.Background: In Germany, adverse drug reactions and events cause hospitalizations, which lead to numerous thousands of deaths and several million Euros in additional health costs annually. Objectives: Approximately one in two deaths could be avoided by an appropriate system for risk analysis of drugs. Methods: The integration and storage of several data sources from life sciences are an ongoing need to address various questions with respect to drug therapy. A software architecture for data integration was implemented in order to build up a new data warehouse named KALIS-DWH, which includes pharmacological, biomolecular and patient-related data. Results: Based on this comprehensive KALIS-DWH, an eHealth system named KALIS for biomedical risk analysis of drugs was implemented. The task-specific modules of KALIS offer efficient algorithms for analyzing medication and supporting decision-making in drug therapy. Conclusion: KALIS is meant to be a web-based information system for health professionals and researchers. KALIS provides comprehensive knowledge and modules for risk analysis of drugs, which can contribute to minimizing prescribing errors

    Experimenting with Generative Adversarial Networks to Expand Sparse Physiological Time-Series Data

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    Machine Learning research and its application have gained enormous relevance in recent years. Their usage in medical settings could support patients, increase patient safety and assist health professionals in various tasks. However, medical data is often sparse, which renders big data analytics methods like deep learning ineffective. Data synthesis helps to augment small data sets and potentially improves patient data integrity. The presented work illustrates how Generative Adversarial Networks can be applied specifically to small data sets for enlarging sparse data. Following a state-of-the-art analysis is conducted, experimental methods with such networks are documented, which have been applied to three different data sets. Results from all three sets are presented and take-away messages are summarized. Concluding, the results' quality and limitations of the work are discussed