243 research outputs found


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    The crystal structure of the title compound, C14H13ClN2O3S, features a three-dimensional network stabilized by inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds between the mol­ecules. The 4-methyl­phenyl­sulfonyl ring forms a dihedral angle of 30.6 (1)° with the 4-chloro­pyridine ring


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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C14H15ClN2O3S, each mol­ecule is connected via inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds to three further mol­ecules, generating a three-dimensional network. The 4-methyl­phenyl­sulfonyl ring forms a dihedral angle of 40.7 (2)° with the 4-chloro­pyridine ring

    Deployment-related quarantining—a risk or resilience factor for German military service members? A prospective analysis during the third–fifth waves of COVID-19

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    BackgroundMandatory deployment-related quarantining added further constraints on soldiers during the pandemic. Contrary to overwhelming research documenting an adverse impact of quarantining on mental health, no adverse short-term mental health effects of pre-deployment quarantining for German soldiers were identified. Therefore, we are interested in a potentially delayed onset, the impact of an additional post-deployment quarantine, and quarantine-associated risk and resilience factors predicting mental health post-deployment.MethodsIn a prospective research design, 928 German soldiers enrolled in the study at the in-processing of pre-deployment quarantine between February 2021 and March 2022. Every German military service member undergoing pre-deployment quarantine could participate. The soldiers were between 18 and 64 years old; 87.5% identified as male and 12.5% as female. Self-reported mental health (Mini-SCL), perceived social support (FSozU-K22), and perceived unit cohesion were assessed three to five times: at the beginning and the end of pre-deployment quarantine (Nt1 = 928, Nt2 = 907), if still mandatory—at the beginning and the end of post-deployment quarantine (Nt3 = 143 and Nt4 = 132), and 3 months post-deployment, on average 7 to 8 months later than pre-deployment quarantine (Nt5 = 308). The analyzed quarantine-associated risk and resilience factors were informedness about COVID-19, infection risk, quarantine benefit, clarity of quarantine protocol, need for intimacy/bonding, norms, stigma, practicality, financial disadvantages, boredom, and health-promoting leadership.ResultsDespite four different mental health trajectories identified, repeated measures ANOVAs revealed a significant improvement in mental health post-deployment (F[2,265] = 21.54, p < 0.001), a small decrease in social support (F[2,266] = 16.85, p < 0.001), and no significant changes in unit cohesion (F[2,264] = 0.482, p = 0.618) 3 months post-deployment. Using stepwise regression, 24% of variance in mental health symptomatology post-deployment is predicted pre-deployment by a clear quarantine protocol, unit cohesion, intimacy/bonding, and social support (F[4,263] = 22.23, p < 0.001). In total, 30% of mental health at the end of post-deployment quarantine is predicted by stigma and a clear quarantine protocol (F[2,99] = 22.22, p < 0.001).ConclusionAlthough no overall adverse impact of quarantining on mental health was found, it is recommended to address perceived stigma and clearly communicate the quarantine protocol, and to further follow up on the perceived decrease in social support

    N-{4-[4-(4-Fluoro­phen­yl)-1-methyl-2-[(R)-methyl­sulfin­yl]-1H-imidazol-5-yl]-2-pyridyl}acetamide dihydrate

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C18H17FN4O2S·2H2O, the organic mol­ecules are linked by inter­molecular O—H⋯O, O—H⋯N and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds with the water mol­ecules, generating a three-dimensional network. The imidazole ring system forms a dihedral angle of 24.9 (2)° with the 4-fluoro­phenyl ring. The pyridine ring is oriented approximately perpendicular [72.24 (8)°] to the imidazole ring system

    Gaming disorder: its delineation as an important condition for diagnosis, management and prevention

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    Online gaming has greatly increased in popularity in recent years, and with this has come a multiplicity of problems due to excessive involvement in gaming. Gaming disorder, both online and offline, has been defined for the first time in the draft of 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11). National surveys have shown prevalence rates of gaming disorder/addiction of 10%–15% among young people in several Asian countries and of 1%–10% in their counterparts in some Western countries. Several diseases related to excessive gaming are now recognized, and clinics are being established to respond to individual, family, and community concerns, but many cases remain hidden. Gaming disorder shares many features with addictions due to psychoactive substances and with gambling disorder, and functional neuroimaging shows that similar areas of the brain are activated. Governments and health agencies worldwide are seeking for the effects of online gaming to be addressed, and for preventive approaches to be developed. Central to this effort is a need to delineate the nature of the problem, which is the purpose of the definitions in the draft of ICD-11

    A Formação na Maturidade como Apropriação da Própria História de Vida

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    No presente artigo, a disposição e a competência para a apropriação da própria história de vida são consideradas como modos de formação1 na maturidade. Estas se relacionam com fatores históricos e sócio-políticos e estão inscritas em contextos multigeracionais de formação e processos de desenvolvimento ao longo da vida. Nesta perspectiva, conceitos como geração, geracionalidade, geratividade e transmissão transgeracional ganham destaque e serão aprofundados no texto. A linha argumentativa que sustenta este ponto de vista baseia-se em estudos de países de língua alemã sobre crianças da Segunda Guerra Mundial que envelheceram. Apesar de se tratar de uma situação específica, nos parece possível a extensão das reflexões também para o contexto brasileiro

    Integration of Devices into Internet-based Information Systems using Java and XML

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    Der Trend zur Vernetzung von Geräten unterschiedlichster Art, z.B. aus den Bereichen Automatisierungstechnik, Gebäudeautomation und Büroperipherie, ist seit längerer Zeit zu beobachten. Oft werden in diesem Kontext geräte- oder anwendungsspezifische Protokolle wie z.B. Feldbusprotokolle verwendet. Durch die zunehmende Verbreitung des Internet und des WWW als Medium zum uniformen Zugriff auf verteilte Informationen wächst der Wunsch nach Konsolidierung dieser Protokolle durch Internet-basierte Konzepte. Die Einbindung von Geräten in Internet-basierte Informationssysteme ermöglicht die standardisierte, weltweit ortstransparente Verwaltung von Gerätedaten mit modernen Konzepten der Informatik. Das zentrale Problem bei dieser Einbindung ist die Heterogenität der Gerätedatenkodierungen und der Zugangswege zu den Daten. Diese Arbeit stellt innovative Konzepte und entsprechende Fallstudien zur Lösung dieses Problems vor. Die entwickelten Konzepte beruhen auf der uniformen Repräsentation heterogener Daten durch textuelle XML-Fragmente, wobei die entsprechenden Datentypen jeweils durch Referenzen auf externe Java-Logik definiert werden. Diese Java-Logik kann bei Bedarf dynamisch instanziiert und zur Realisierung einer datentypspezifischen Erfassung, (De)Serialisierung und Analyse der Daten verwendet werden.Today, there is a growing trend to interconnect devices of any kind by networks (e.g. in the areas of automation engineering, home automation, consumer electronics and office peripherals). While the corresponding communication protocols are often dedicated and restricted to specific application contexts, the Internet and especially the WWW provide an opportunity to hide this variety of protocols beneath a uniform communication paradigm. The integration of devices into Internet-based information systems allows the management of device related data by means of modern IT concepts in a standardized way and independent of spatial restrictions. The main challenge in this approach is to handle the inherent heterogeneity of the device data and of the access paths to the data. This work presents new concepts, corresponding prototype implementations and case studies addressing this problem. The key concept relies on a uniform information representation scheme based on XML documents. These documents are referencing external Java logic residing somewhere on the Internet. The corresponding Java classes can be loaded and instantiated dynamically from within device description documents providing static information about the devices. The Java logic provides the dynamic part of the information and implements the knowledge to (re)translate device specific data encodings into/from their textual XML representation and the knowledge how to access the individual data pieces via the corresponding network
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