489 research outputs found

    Multi-branch Convolutional Neural Network for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation

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    In this paper, we present an automated approach for segmenting multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions from multi-modal brain magnetic resonance images. Our method is based on a deep end-to-end 2D convolutional neural network (CNN) for slice-based segmentation of 3D volumetric data. The proposed CNN includes a multi-branch downsampling path, which enables the network to encode information from multiple modalities separately. Multi-scale feature fusion blocks are proposed to combine feature maps from different modalities at different stages of the network. Then, multi-scale feature upsampling blocks are introduced to upsize combined feature maps to leverage information from lesion shape and location. We trained and tested the proposed model using orthogonal plane orientations of each 3D modality to exploit the contextual information in all directions. The proposed pipeline is evaluated on two different datasets: a private dataset including 37 MS patients and a publicly available dataset known as the ISBI 2015 longitudinal MS lesion segmentation challenge dataset, consisting of 14 MS patients. Considering the ISBI challenge, at the time of submission, our method was amongst the top performing solutions. On the private dataset, using the same array of performance metrics as in the ISBI challenge, the proposed approach shows high improvements in MS lesion segmentation compared with other publicly available tools.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in NeuroImag

    Weakly Supervised Geodesic Segmentation of Egyptian Mummy CT Scans

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    In this paper, we tackle the task of automatically analyzing 3D volumetric scans obtained from computed tomography (CT) devices. In particular, we address a particular task for which data is very limited: the segmentation of ancient Egyptian mummies CT scans. We aim at digitally unwrapping the mummy and identify different segments such as body, bandages and jewelry. The problem is complex because of the lack of annotated data for the different semantic regions to segment, thus discouraging the use of strongly supervised approaches. We, therefore, propose a weakly supervised and efficient interactive segmentation method to solve this challenging problem. After segmenting the wrapped mummy from its exterior region using histogram analysis and template matching, we first design a voxel distance measure to find an approximate solution for the body and bandage segments. Here, we use geodesic distances since voxel features as well as spatial relationship among voxels is incorporated in this measure. Next, we refine the solution using a GrabCut based segmentation together with a tracking method on the slices of the scan that assigns labels to different regions in the volume, using limited supervision in the form of scribbles drawn by the user. The efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated using visualizations and validated through quantitative measures and qualitative unwrapping of the mummy

    Scanner Invariant Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation from MRI

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    This paper presents a simple and effective generalization method for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) segmentation when data is collected from multiple MRI scanning sites and as a consequence is affected by (site-)domain shifts. We propose to integrate a traditional encoder-decoder network with a regularization network. This added network includes an auxiliary loss term which is responsible for the reduction of the domain shift problem and for the resulting improved generalization. The proposed method was evaluated on multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation from MRI data. We tested the proposed model on an in-house clinical dataset including 117 patients from 56 different scanning sites. In the experiments, our method showed better generalization performance than other baseline networks

    MultiLink Analysis: Brain Network Comparison via Sparse Connectivity Analysis

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    Abstract The analysis of the brain from a connectivity perspective is revealing novel insights into brain structure and function. Discovery is, however, hindered by the lack of prior knowledge used to make hypotheses. Additionally, exploratory data analysis is made complex by the high dimensionality of data. Indeed, to assess the effect of pathological states on brain networks, neuroscientists are often required to evaluate experimental effects in case-control studies, with hundreds of thousands of connections. In this paper, we propose an approach to identify the multivariate relationships in brain connections that characterize two distinct groups, hence permitting the investigators to immediately discover the subnetworks that contain information about the differences between experimental groups. In particular, we are interested in data discovery related to connectomics, where the connections that characterize differences between two groups of subjects are found. Nevertheless, those connections do not necessarily maximize the accuracy in classification since this does not guarantee reliable interpretation of specific differences between groups. In practice, our method exploits recent machine learning techniques employing sparsity to deal with weighted networks describing the whole-brain macro connectivity. We evaluated our technique on functional and structural connectomes from human and murine brain data. In our experiments, we automatically identified disease-relevant connections in datasets with supervised and unsupervised anatomy-driven parcellation approaches and by using high-dimensional datasets

    Improving FREAK Descriptor for Image Classification

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    International audienceIn this paper we propose a new set of bio-inspired descrip- tors for image classification based on low-level processing performed by the retina. Taking as a starting point a descriptor called FREAK (Fast Retina Keypoint), we further extend it mimicking the center-surround organization of ganglion receptive fields.To test our approach we com- pared the performance of the original FREAK and our proposal on the 15 scene categories database. The results show that our approach out- performs the original FREAK for the scene classification task

    Segmentation of Kidney and Tumor using Auxiliary Information

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    Automatic segmentation of organs and tumors is a prerequisite of many clinical application in radiology. The anatomical variability of organs in the abdomen and especially of tumors makes it difficult for many methods to obtain good segmentations. in this report we present a cascade of two convolutional neural networks allowing to segment an organ followed by the segmentation of a tumor. The advantage of the proposed pipeline is that the preliminary organ segmentation, which is a simpler task, helps the further segmentation of the tumor. The proposed system was evaluated using the KiTS19 challange dataset

    Improving FREAK Descriptor for Image Classification

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    International audienceIn this paper we propose a new set of bio-inspired descrip- tors for image classification based on low-level processing performed by the retina. Taking as a starting point a descriptor called FREAK (Fast Retina Keypoint), we further extend it mimicking the center-surround organization of ganglion receptive fields.To test our approach we com- pared the performance of the original FREAK and our proposal on the 15 scene categories database. The results show that our approach out- performs the original FREAK for the scene classification task

    Traces Of Human Functional Activity: Moment-To-Moment Fluctuations In Fmri Data

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    Dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) shows evidence of large-scale networks with highly dynamic (re) configurations. We propose a novel approach to extract traces of human brain function by the construction of a trajectory in a meaningful low-dimensional space. This allows studying dFC in more detail and identify possible meaningful brain states from the moment-to-moment fluctuations of the brain signals during resting state or naturalistic conditions such as passive movie watching. Specifically, we explored dynamic organization of sub-networks derived from the time-dependent graph Laplacian in combination with Riemannian manifold distance to measure dissimilarity over time of dFC and to subsequently build the trajectory of brain activity. As a proof-of-principle, we show results for an fMRI dataset containing both rest and movie epochs in 15 healthy participants. The movie condition varied (i.e., fearful, joyful, and neutral movie excerpts) and clearly influenced the subsequent resting-state period in terms of FC brain state
