1,362 research outputs found

    Abbreviations in medieval medical manuscripts

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    Understanding the large number of abbreviations present in any medieval manuscript is one of the essential skills required by any knowledgeable palaeographer. English medieval manuscripts contain a great variety of abbreviations which were transferred from Latin and applied to the vernacular. As a result, their reasonably standard Latin system lost consistency. Editorial practice should avoid intervention, as it may detract from the originality and the text distinct and stylistic features. However, it is crucial to expand abbreviations coherently to carry out further analysis from a historical linguistic perspective. Thus, this article aims to demonstrate how the way in which a palaeographer transcribes specific abbreviations has an impact on the establishment of the dialectal provenance of a Middle English manuscript. In order to do so, we shall analyse the abbreviations extracted from a corpus of medical manuscripts and bring to light their relevance as far as English historical dialectology is concerned

    The circulation and transmission of pseudo-Hippocratic lunaries in Middle English

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    The aim of the present study is to localise the language of five copies of the pseudo-Hippocratic lunary Þe Booke of Ypocras according to the methodology of LALME, which will show the circulation and textual transmission of the treatise. Lunaries were a well-known prognostic genre in Middle English when they were translated from Latin (Taavitsainen 2012: 93). Nonetheless, many of them are unexplored thus far, because their brevity and transmission along with other prestigious medical writings have made them invisible. Firstly, we have transcribed the five parallel texts ? BL Additional MS 12195, BL Sloane MS 73, GUL Hunter MS 513, BL Harley MS 2378 and Royal College of Physicians MS 384 ? and secondly examined the language of each one. Finally, we have collated and compared them to identify their language of provenance. This research is part of a project that aims to identify the English versions of the treatise and to group the manuscripts genetically in relation to the original texts

    Vocabulario químico en los manuscritos médicos del inglés medio

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    Hunt (1990: 19) has claimed that in medical recipes “mineral and chemical elements are unusual”. Even if the number of elements cannot be compared to the estimated 1,800 plant names attested in Middle English (Sauer 2011: 57), our research reveals that in Middle English medical manuscripts, there is a good number of chemical items including substances like metals and their compounds, extracts from plants, medical earth and man-made medical ingredients. A comprehensive linguistic analysis of the entire material containing these substances in medieval medical manuscripts has yet to be carried out. In order to study the lexis of chemical ingredients, a corpus of about 215,000 words has been specially compiled from different British libraries. The aim is to undertake a linguistic analysis of the lexicon of this field in Middle English based on the data retrieved from representative authentic sources, most of which has never been published. We examine the provenance of the nouns according to their etymology to check whether they are borrowings or native words in the case of simplex terms. We also analyse the structure and the constituents present in nominal combinations according to the usual taxonomies based on Bauer (1983 and 2017) and Marchand (1969), but specialised classifications on the topic are also used (Norri, 1991).Hunt (1990: 19) afirmó que en las recetas médicas los elementos químicos y minerales son inusuales. Aunque el número de elementos no puede compararse con los 1.800 nombres de plantas autentificados en inglés medio (Sauer 2011: 57), nuestra investigación revela que en manuscritos médicos escritos en inglés medio hay un abundante número de términos químicos que incluyen sustancias como metales y sus compuestos, extractos de plantas e ingredientes médicos sintéticos. Por ello, es necesario llevar a cabo un exhaustivo análisis lingüístico en manuscritos médicos medievales que contengan estas sustancias. Para llevar a cabo el estudio del léxico de ingredientes químicos, hemos recopilado un corpus formado por manuscritos de diferentes bibliotecas británicas de aproximadamente 215.000 palabras. Nuestro objetivo es llevar a cabo un análisis lingüístico del léxico de este campo en inglés medio, basado en los datos extraídos de fuentes auténticas, la mayoría de las cuales no han sido nunca publicadas. Hemos examinado la procedencia de los nombres según su etimología para comprobar cuándo se trataba de préstamos o de palabras nativas en el caso de los términos simples. También hemos analizado la estructura y constituyentes de los grupos nominales según las taxonomías de Bauer (1983 and 2017) y Norri (1991)

    Enseñanza de las ciencias básicas y tecnología: adecuaciones didácticas para la formación del pensamiento proyectual

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    The paper inquiries into the subjects of Basic and Technological Area of Architecture careers, addressing their contribution to the training of project thinking.  For this purpose, an applied methodology is used, with a descriptive-interpretative purpose.  Its development is structured in three stages: conceptual, operational and interpretive.  The first stage defines the theoretical and referential framework.  The second stage describes the analysis of a didactic exercise in an inductive perspective, worked on the Physics subject.  Finally, in the third stage, conclusions were based on the contribution of scientific, technical and technological subjects to the formation of thought and project knowledge, and vice versa; highlighting the integration of deductive, inductive and abductive reasoning, contributing on specific content, operational skills and communication skills for project construction in their knowledge, know-how and know how to be.El artículo indaga en las asignaturas del área básica y tecnológica de las carreras de Arquitectura, abordando su aporte para la formación del pensamiento proyectual. Para ello, se emplea una metodología aplicada, con propósito descriptivo-interpretativo. Su desarrollo se estructura a partir de tres etapas: conceptual, operativa e interpretativa. La primera etapa define el marco teórico y referencial. La segunda etapa describe el análisis de un ejercicio didáctico en clave inductiva, trabajado en la materia Física. Finalmente, en la tercera etapa, se establecen conclusiones en relación al aporte de las asignaturas científicas, técnicas y tecnológicas a la formación del pensamiento y conocimiento proyectual, y viceversa; destacándose la integración del razonamiento deductivo, inductivo y abductivo, aportando en contenidos específicos, competencias operativas y habilidades comunicativas para la construcción proyectual conjunta en su saber, saber hacer y saber ser.

    The influence of lifestyles to cope with stress over mental health in pregnant and postpartum women during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic afected daily life routines and lifestyles of pregnant and postpartum women and increased their stress and risk of sufering from mental health problems. The aim of this study was to analyse which sociodemographic variables, COVID-19 exposure variables and lifestyles to cope with stress variables predicted anxiety, depression, and PTSD symptoms in pregnant and postpartum women during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional design was performed with a sample of 3356 Spanish women participating in the Riseup-PPD-COVID-19 study. These participants completed an online survey composed of measures of anxiety (GAD-7), depression (EPDS), and PTSD related to COVID-19 (Checklist DSM-5), as well as demographics, exposure to COVID-19, and lifestyles to cope with stress. Regarding results, 47.2% showed depression and a third reported anxiety, whereas moderate scores were observed in PTSD symptoms. The most commonly used strategies to cope with stress in the COVID-19 pandemic were talking with friends and family and increasing time with social networks. Better results in mental health were associated with coping strategies such as talking with family and friends or participating in family activities, physical activity, sleeping well at night, eating healthier, and increasing personal care. Furthermore, poor results in mental health were observed in those participants who increased time with screens, ate fast food, reported substance use, and talked more frequently with health professionals. More symptoms were also observed in younger women, primiparous women, and those who reported more exposure to COVID-19. The results underline the need to strengthen the mental health of pregnant and postpartum women

    Effect of hip muscle strengthening exercises on pain and disability in patients with non-specific low back pain—a systematic review

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    Low back pain (LBP) is a health problem that affects 70–80% of the population in Western countries. Because of the biomechanical relationship between the lumbar region and the hip, it is thought that strengthening the muscles of this joint could improve the symptoms of people with LBP. The objective of this study is to evaluate the current evidence on the efficacy of hip strengthening exercises to reduce pain and disability in people with LBP. Clinical trials were collected from the PubMed, PEDro, and Scopus databases published up to September 2022. Based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines and using CASP and PEDro tools for methodological quality assessment, we selected studies that included hip strengthening exercises as part of LBP treatment and measured pain and/or disability parameters. Among the 966 records identified in the search, a total of 7 studies met the established selection criteria. Overall, participants who performed hip strengthening exercises had significantly improved in pain and disability. The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed as “good”. In conclusion, the addition of hip muscle strengthening exercises iterating interacted with LBP, effectively improving pain and disability

    La Audiología en Al-Qanun de Avicena

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    In this review we intend to summarize the most outstanding contributions of Avicenna, included in Al-Qanun, to the field of Audiology. A review of various editions in Arabic and Persian of the fourth treatise of the third volume of Al-Qanun is made, focusing on the chapters corresponding to the study of the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the ear and trying to relate the concepts included with current knowledge . Avicenna's Al-Qanun offers a clear example of the advanced level of understanding of the anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology of the ear as perceived over a thousand years ago and of which many concepts are still valid today. The field of Audiology is a clear example of the involvement of Islamic Medicine and the contribution of Muslim doctors in the study of the anatomy, physiology and diseases of the ear. The scientific contributions of pioneering scholars like Avicenna to the field of Audiology should not be ignored.En esta revisión pretendemos resumir las aportaciones más destacadas de Avicena, incluidas en Al-Qanun, al campo de la Audiología. Se realiza una revisión de varias ediciones en árabe y en persa del cuarto tratado del tercer volumen de Al-Qanun, centrándonos en los capítulos correspondientes al estudio de la anatomía, fi siología y patología del oído e intentando relacionar los conceptos incluidos con los conocimientos actuales. Al-Qanun de Avicena ofrece un claro ejemplo del avanzado nivel de comprensión de la anatomía, la fi siología y fi siopatología del oído como fueron percibidos hace más de mil años y de lo cual muchos conceptos siguen vigentes hasta la actualidad. El campo de la Audiología es un claro ejemplo de la participación de la Medicina Islámica y de la contribución de los médicos musulmanes en el estudio de la anatomía, fi siología y enfermedades del oído. Las contribuciones científi cas de los eruditos pioneros como Avicena al campo de la Audiología no deben ser ignoradas.

    A terapia antiplaquetária na alta hospitalar e prognóstico a longo prazo na síndrome de Takotsubo: dados do Registro Nacional Espanhol (RETAKO)

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    Síndrome de Takotsubo; Disfunción endotelial; Tratamiento antiplaquetarioSíndrome de Takotsubo; Disfunció endotelial; Tractament antiplaquetariTakotsubo syndrome; Endothelial dysfunction; Antiplatelet treatmentIntroduction Endothelial dysfunction and platelet activation have been highlighted as possible mediators in Takotsubo syndrome (TTS). Nevertheless, to date, evidence on the usefulness of antiplatelet therapy in TTS remains controversial. The aim of our study is to evaluate long-term prognosis in TTS patients treated with antiplatelet therapy (APT) at hospitalization discharge. Material and methods An ambispective cohort study from the Spanish National Takotsubo Registry database was performed (June 2002 to March 2017). Patients were divided into two groups: those who received APT at hospital discharge (APT cohort) and those who did not (non-APT cohort). Primary endpoint was all-cause death. Secondary endpoints included the composite of recurrence or readmission and a composite of death, recurrence or readmission. Results From a total of 741 patients, 728 patients were alive at discharge. Follow-up was performed in 544 patients, who were included in the final analysis: 321 patients (59.0%) in the APT cohort and 223 patients (41.0%) in the non-APT cohort. The APT cohort had a better clinical presentation and received more heart failure and acute coronary syndrome-like therapies (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers: 75.1% vs. 51.1%; p<0.001, betablockers: 71.3% vs. 50.7%; p<0.001, statins: 67.9% vs. 33.2%; p<0.001). After adjusting for confounder factors, APT at discharge was a protective factor for all-cause death (adjusted hazard ratio (HR) 0.315, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.106-0.943; p=0.039) and the composite endpoint of all-cause death, recurrence or readmission (adjusted HR 0.318, 95% CI: 0.164-0.619; p=0.001) at month 25 of follow-up. Conclusion Patients with TTS receiving APT at discharge presented better prognosis up to two-years of follow-up compared with their counterparts not receiving APT

    Can mixed forests sequester more CO2 than pure forests in future climate scenarios? A case study of Pinus sylvestris combinations in Spain

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    Producción CientíficaAdapting forests to climate change is a critical issue for forest management. It requires an understanding of climate effects on forest systems and the ability to forecast how these effects may change over time. We used Spanish Second National Forest Inventory data and the SIMANFOR platform to simulate the evolution of CO2 stock (CO2 Mg · ha−1) and accumulation rates (CO2 Mg · ha−1 · year−1) for the 2000–2100 period in pure and mixed stands managed under different Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) in Spain. We hypothesized that (1) the more optimistic climate scenarios (SSP1 >  > SSP5) would have higher CO2 stock and accumulation rates; (2) mixed stands would have higher CO2 stock and accumulation rates than pure stands; and (3) the behavior of both variables would vary based on forest composition (conifer–conifer vs. conifer–broadleaf). We focused on Pinus sylvestris L., and its main mixtures with Pinus nigra, Pinus pinaster, Fagus sylvatica and Quercus pyrenaica. The SSP scenarios had correlating CO2 stock values in which SSP1 > SSP2 > SSP3 > SSP5, ranging from the most optimistic (SSP1) to the most pessimistic (SSP5). Though pure stands had higher CO2 stock at the beginning, differences with regard to mixed stands were drastically reduced at the end of the simulation period. We also found an increase in the aboveground CO2 proportion compared to belowground in conifer–broadleaf mixtures, while the opposite trend occurred in conifer–conifer mixtures. Overall CO2 accumulation rates decreased significantly from the beginning to the end of the simulation period, but our results indicated that this decline would be less drastic in mixed stands than in pure ones. At the end of the simulation period, CO2 accumulation rates were higher in mixed stands than in pure stands for all mixtures, fractions (aboveground and belowground) and SSPs. Knowing the evolution of mixed forests in different climate scenarios is relevant for developing useful silvicultural guidelines in the Mediterranean region and optimizing forestry adaptation strategies. Better understanding can also inform the design of management measures for transitioning from pure stands to more resource efficient, resistant and resilient mixed stands, in efforts to reduce forest vulnerability in the face of climate change. This work highlights the importance and benefits of mixed stands in terms of CO2 accumulation, stand productivity and species diversity.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (proyecto de investigación de Doctorado Industrial - [Beca DI-15–07722])Programa Torres Quevedo (Beca PTQ-12–05409).Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL