14 research outputs found

    Using non-invasive stimulation of the undamaged brain to guide the identification of lesion sites that predict language outcome after stroke

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    Disrupting the neural activity in the left anterior supramarginal gyrus (SMG) or opercular part of the left inferior frontal gyrus (pOp) with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has been demonstrated to cause a transient slowing of response times during phonologically more than semantically demanding tasks. Likewise, a wealth of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have shown increased activation in SMG and/or pOp for phonological relative to semantic processing. Here I set out to investigate whether, and how frequently, stroke damage to SMG and/or pOp results in persistent phonological processing impairments in a large sample of 262 right-handed English-speaking adults, who were tested at least 1 year after a left-hemisphere stroke. In Experiment I, I compared the effect of damage to different parts of SMG and pOp that were defined by regions of interest from either TMS or fMRI studies of phonological processing in neurologically-normal individuals. I found that the incidence of phonological processing impairments was predicted significantly better by the presence or absence of damage to SMG and pOp regions defined by TMS studies than SMG and pOp regions defined by fMRI studies. Moreover, the discriminatory power (for segregating patients with and without phonological abilities) of the TMS sites was not improved further when combined with the fMRI sites. In Experiment II, I adapted the borders of the TMS SMG and pOp regions to include the surrounding grey and white matter where the presence or absence of stroke damage was consistently associated with the presence or absence of phonological processing impairments. The presence or absence of damage to these new TMS-guided regions was able to explain the incidence of phonological impairments better than the original TMS regions, even in a new sample of patients that was entirely independent of the region identification process. In Experiment III, I showed that damage to the TMS-guided regions accounted for the incidence of phonological impairments substantially better than damage to an alternative set of regions derived from voxel-based lesion-deficit mapping techniques that search the whole brain for areas that are most frequently damaged in those with phonological impairments. However, the best classification accuracy was observed when the analysis took into account a combination of regions from TMS-guided and voxel-based lesion-deficit mapping approaches. In Experiment IV, I investigated the nature of the functional impairment caused by SMG or pOp lesions and found that damage to either region impaired covert and overt phonological processing abilities more than semantic processing abilities, as predicted by prior TMS and fMRI studies of neurologically-normal subjects. Finally, the behavioural effects of damage were remarkably similar (i.e. no statistically significant differences) for both TMS-guided sites (i.e. pOp and SMG). In conclusion, the fact that damage to the TMS-guided SMG and pOp regions impaired phonological processing abilities years after stroke onset, suggests that these regions are critical for accurate phonological processing (both overt and covert) and that other brain areas are not typically able to fully compensate for the contribution that these regions make to language processing. More broadly, the results illustrate how non-invasive stimulation of the undamaged brain can be used to guide the identification of regions where brain damage is likely to cause persistent behavioural effects. By combining these regions of interest with those derived from other lesion-deficit mapping approaches, I was not only able to explain the presence, but also the absence, of phonological processing impairments in a large cohort of patients

    Degeneracy in the neurological model of auditory speech repetition

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    Both classic and contemporary models of auditory word repetition involve at least four left hemisphere regions: primary auditory cortex for processing sounds; pSTS (within Wernicke's area) for processing auditory images of speech; pOp (within Broca's area) for processing motor images of speech; and primary motor cortex for overt speech articulation. Previous functional-MRI (fMRI) studies confirm that auditory repetition activates these regions, in addition to many others. Crucially, however, contemporary models do not specify how regions interact and drive each other during auditory repetition. Here, we used dynamic causal modelling, to test the functional interplay among the four core brain regions during single auditory word and pseudoword repetition. Our analysis is grounded in the principle of degeneracy-i.e., many-to-one structure-function relationships-where multiple neural pathways can execute the same function. Contrary to expectation, we found that, for both word and pseudoword repetition, (i) the effective connectivity between pSTS and pOp was predominantly bidirectional and inhibitory; (ii) activity in the motor cortex could be driven by either pSTS or pOp; and (iii) the latter varied both within and between individuals. These results suggest that different neural pathways can support auditory speech repetition. This degeneracy may explain resilience to functional loss after brain damage

    The impact of sample size on the reproducibility of voxel-based lesion-deficit mappings

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    This study investigated how sample size affects the reproducibility of findings from univariate voxel-based lesion-deficit analyses (e.g., voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping and voxel-based morphometry). Our effect of interest was the strength of the mapping between brain damage and speech articulation difficulties, as measured in terms of the proportion of variance explained. First, we identified a region of interest by searching on a voxel-by-voxel basis for brain areas where greater lesion load was associated with poorer speech articulation using a large sample of 360 right-handed English-speaking stroke survivors. We then randomly drew thousands of bootstrap samples from this data set that included either 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, or 360 patients. For each resample, we recorded effect size estimates and p values after conducting exactly the same lesion-deficit analysis within the previously identified region of interest and holding all procedures constant. The results show (1) how often small effect sizes in a heterogeneous population fail to be detected; (2) how effect size and its statistical significance varies with sample size; (3) how low-powered studies (due to small sample sizes) can greatly over-estimate as well as under-estimate effect sizes; and (4) how large sample sizes (N ≥ 90) can yield highly significant p values even when effect sizes are so small that they become trivial in practical terms. The implications of these findings for interpreting the results from univariate voxel-based lesion-deficit analyses are discussed.</p

    Enhanced left superior parietal activation during successful speech production in patients with left dorsal striatal damage and error-prone neurotypical participants

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    Functional imaging studies of neurotypical adults report activation in the left putamen during speech production. The current study asked how stroke survivors with left putamen damage are able to produce correct spoken responses during a range of speech production tasks. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, activation during correct speech production responses was assessed in 5 stroke patients with circumscribed left dorsal striatal lesions, 66 stroke patient controls who did not have focal left dorsal striatal lesions, and 54 neurotypical adults. As a group, patients with left dorsal striatal damage (our patients of interest) showed higher activation than neurotypical controls in the left superior parietal cortex during successful speech production. This effect was not specific to patients with left dorsal striatal lesions as we observed enhanced activation in the same region in some patient controls and also in more error-prone neurotypical participants. Our results strongly suggest that enhanced left superior parietal activation supports speech production in diverse challenging circumstances, including those caused by stroke damage. They add to a growing body of literature indicating how upregulation within undamaged parts of the neural systems already recruited by neurotypical adults contributes to recovery after stroke

    Damage to Broca’s area does not contribute to long-term speech production outcome after stroke

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    Broca’s area in the posterior half of the left inferior frontal gyrus has long been thought to be critical for speech production. The current view is that long-term speech production outcome in patients with Broca’s area damage is best explained by the combination of damage to Broca’s area and neighbouring regions including the underlying white matter, which was also damaged in Paul Broca’s two historic cases. Here, we dissociate the effect of damage to Broca’s area from the effect of damage to surrounding areas by studying long-term speech production outcome in 134 stroke survivors with relatively circumscribed left frontal lobe lesions that spared posterior speech production areas in lateral inferior parietal and superior temporal association cortices. Collectively, these patients had varying degrees of damage to one or more of nine atlas-based grey or white matter regions: Brodmann areas 44 and 45 (together known as Broca’s area), ventral premotor cortex, primary motor cortex, insula, putamen, the anterior segment of the arcuate fasciculus, uncinate fasciculus and frontal aslant tract. Spoken picture description scores from the ComprehensiveAphasia Test were used as the outcome measure. Multiple regression analyses allowed us to tease apart the contribution of other variables influencing speech production abilities such as total lesion volume and time post-stroke. We found that, in our sample of patients with left frontal damage, long-term speech production impairments (lasting beyond 3 months post-stroke) were solely predictedby the degree of damage to white matter, directly above the insula, in the vicinity of the anterior part of the arcuate fasciculus, with no contribution from the degree of damage to Broca’s area (as confirmed with Bayesian statistics). The effect of white matter damage cannot be explained by a disconnection of Broca’s area, because speech production scores were worse after damage to the anterior arcuate fasciculus with relative sparing of Broca’s area than after damage to Broca’s area with relative sparing of the anterior arcuate fasciculus. Our findings provide evidence for three novel conclusions: (i) Broca’s area damage does not contribute to long-term speech production outcome after left frontal lobe strokes; (ii) persistent speech production impairments after damage to the anterior arcuate fasciculus cannot be explained by a disconnection of Broca’s area; and (iii) the prior association between persistent speech production impairments and Broca’s area damage can be explained by co-occurring white matter damage, above the insula, in the vicinity of the anterior part of the arcuate fasciculus

    Network anatomy in logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia

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    The logopenic variant of primary progressive aphasia (lvPPA) is a neurodegenerative syndrome characterized linguistically by gradual loss of repetition and naming skills resulting from left posterior temporal and inferior parietal atrophy. Here, we sought to identify which specific cortical loci are initially targeted by the disease (epicenters) and investigate whether atrophy spreads through predetermined networks. First, we used cross-sectional structural MRI data from individuals with lvPPA to define putative disease epicenters using a surface-based approach paired with an anatomically fine-grained parcellation of the cortical surface (i.e., HCP-MMP1.0 atlas). Second, we combined cross-sectional functional MRI data from healthy controls and longitudinal structural MRI data from individuals with lvPPA to derive the epicenter-seeded resting-state networks most relevant to lvPPA symptomatology and ascertain whether functional connectivity in these networks predicts longitudinal atrophy spread in lvPPA. Our results show that two partially distinct brain networks anchored to the left anterior angular and posterior superior temporal gyri epicenters were preferentially associated with sentence repetition and naming skills in lvPPA. Critically, the strength of connectivity within these two networks in the neurologically-intact brain significantly predicted longitudinal atrophy progression in lvPPA. Taken together, our findings indicate that atrophy progression in lvPPA, starting from inferior parietal and temporoparietal junction regions, predominantly follows at least two partially nonoverlapping pathways, which may influence the heterogeneity in clinical presentation and prognosis

    How distributed processing produces false negatives in voxel-based lesion-deficit analyses

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    In this study, we hypothesized that if the same deficit can be caused by damage to one or another part of a distributed neural system, then voxel-based analyses might miss critical lesion sites because preservation of each site will not be consistently associated with preserved function. The first part of our investigation used voxelbased multiple regression analyses of data from 359 right-handed stroke survivors to identify brain regions where lesion load is associated with picture naming abilities after factoring out variance related to object recognition, semantics and speech articulation so as to focus on deficits arising at the word retrieval level. A highly significant lesion-deficit relationship was identified in left temporal and frontal/premotor regions. Post-hoc analyses showed that damage to either of these sites caused the deficit of interest in less than half the affected patients (76/162 = 47%). After excluding all patients with damage to one or both of the identified regions, our second analysis revealed a new region, in the anterior part of the left putamen, which had not been previously detected because many patients had the deficit of interest after temporal or frontal damage that preserved the left putamen. The results illustrate how (i) false negative results arise when the same deficit can be caused by different lesion sites; (ii) some of the missed effects can be unveiled by adopting an iterative approach that systematically excludes patients with lesions to the areas identified in previous analyses, (iii) statistically significant voxel-based lesion-deficit mappings can be driven by a subset of patients; (iv) focal lesions to the identified regions are needed to determine whether the deficit of interest is the consequence of focal damage or much more extensive damage that includes the identified region; and, finally, (v) univariate voxel-based lesiondeficit mappings cannot, in isolation, be used to predict outcome in other patients

    Automated Detection of Speech Timing Alterations in Autopsy-Confirmed Nonfluent/Agrammatic Variant Primary Progressive Aphasia.

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    Motor speech function, including speech timing, is a key domain for diagnosing nonfluent/agrammatic variant primary progressive aphasia (nfvPPA). Yet, standard assessments use subjective, specialist-dependent evaluations, undermining reliability and scalability. Moreover, few studies have examined relevant anatomo-clinical alterations in patients with pathologically confirmed diagnoses. This study overcomes such caveats using automated speech timing analyses in a unique cohort of autopsy-proven cases. In a cross-sectional study, we administered an overt reading task and quantified articulation rate, mean syllable and pause duration, and syllable and pause duration variability. Neuroanatomical disruptions were assessed using cortical thickness and white matter (WM) atrophy analysis. We evaluated 22 persons with nfvPPA (mean age: 67.3 years; 13 female patients) and confirmed underlying 4-repeat tauopathy, 15 persons with semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (svPPA; mean age: 66.5 years; 8 female patients), and 10 healthy controls (HCs; 70 years; 5 female patients). All 5 speech timing measures revealed alterations in persons with nfvPPA relative to both the HC and svPPA groups, controlling for dementia severity. The articulation rate robustly discriminated individuals with nfvPPA from HCs (area under the ROC curve [AUC] = 0.95), outperforming specialist-dependent perceptual measures of dysarthria and apraxia of speech severity. Patients with nfvPPA exhibited structural abnormalities in left precentral and middle frontal as well as bilateral superior frontal regions, including their underlying WM. The articulation rate correlated with atrophy of the left pars opercularis and supplementary/presupplementary motor areas. Secondary analyses showed that, controlling for dementia severity, all measures yielded greater deficits in patients with nfvPPA and corticobasal degeneration (nfvPPA-CBD, n = 12) than in those with progressive supranuclear palsy pathology (nfvPPA-PSP, n = 10). The articulation rate robustly discriminated between individuals in each subgroup (AUC = 0.82). More widespread cortical thinning was observed for the nfvPPA-CBD than the nfvPPA-PSP group across frontal regions. Automated speech timing analyses can capture specific markers of nfvPPA while potentially discriminating between patients with different tauopathies. Thanks to its objectivity and scalability; this approach could support standard speech assessments. This study provides Class III evidence that automated speech analysis can accurately differentiate patients with nonfluent PPA from normal controls and patients with semantic variant PPA