22 research outputs found

    Penerapan Metode Resitasi Berbasis Internet untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Sistem Reproduksi di Kelas XI (Penelitian pada Siswa Kelas XI MAN Cianjur)

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    Saat ini pendidikan di Indonesia sangat memprihatinkan dan menempati peringkat terendah di dunia, salah satu dari sekian banyak problematika pendidikan di Indonesia adalah rendahnya prestasi siswa. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh guru sebagai designer belajar mengajar dalam memilih metode, media, sumber belajar, dan pemanfaatan teknologi dalam belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran menggunakan metode resitasi berbasis internet, peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan metode resitasi berbasis internet dan metode konvensional, serta tanggapan siswa terhadap metode resitasi berbasis internet pada materi sistem reproduksi. Metode penelitiannya yaitu Quasi Experiment dengan Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Penelitian dilaksanakan di kelas XI IPA 4 dengan metode konvensional dan XI IPA 6 dengan metode resitasi berbasis internet, masing-masing berjumlah 40 siswa di MAN Cianjur. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian meliputi uji normalitas, homogenitas, dan hipotesis. Keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dengan metode resitasi berbasis internet pada materi sistem reproduksi kelas XI yaitu 85%, 86%, dan 93,75%. Hasil belajar siswa di kelas XI IPA 6 memperoleh nilai rata-rata tes awal 38,5, tes akhir sebesar 68,75, dan N-Gain sebesar 0,48 dengan kriteria sedang. Sedangkan kelas XI IPA 4 memperoleh nilai rata-rata tes awal sebesar 37,5 tes akhir sebesar 65,87, dan N-Gain sebesar 0,45 dengan kriteria sedang. Uji hipotesis tes awal menunjukkan Zhitung < Ztabel = 1,22 < 1,65, maka H0 diterima Ha ditolak, tes akhir menunjukkan Zhitung < Ztabel = 1,11 < 1,65 maka H0 diterima Ha ditolak, N-Gain menunjukkan Zhitung < Ztabel = 0,95 < 1,65 maka H0 diterima Ha ditolak. Tanggapan siswa terhadap pembelajaran dengan penerapan metode resitasi berbasis internet yaitu aspek metode resitasi berbasis internet 96,25%, apersepsi 82,5%, aktivitas 89,38%, penugasan 75%, dan perasaan senang 97,5% menyatakan setuju. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan metode resitasi berbasis internet tidak dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi sistem reproduksi kelas XI

    The Development of Students’ Sociocultural Values through Wayang Golek as a Learning Source in Social Studies

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    The background of problem: Social studies learning tends to be uncontextual. The potency of local environment, especially local culture, is not used optimally by the teacher in learning process. Conceptionally, social studies subject is closely related to the environment, therefore social studies learning should use optimally the potency of environment in order to be meaningful. The additional values of local culture learning are to enable them in understanding various social studies concepts and phenomena in their environment and to improve students’ appreciation on their local culture. The form of local culture that will be a learning source in this study is wayang golek (traditional Sundanese puppet show), as a prominent identity of Sundanese art. Generally the problem that will be studied is how to develop wayang golek learning source in social studies learning to develop sociocultural values for Junior High School students. The method of study: This study used qualitative and quantitative approaches by Research and Development design. Data collecting technique used observation, documentation, interview and questionnaire. The location of study was Junior High School 3 Wado, Sumedang Regency, West Java, Indonesia.  The subjects of study were the students and teachers. The Study Finding: Learning design is conducted by arranging lesson plan, developing material, selecting the appropriate method, selecting learning source and media, and designing the evaluation. The implementation is by pre, whilst and post- activity stages. The developed cultural social values are cageur (healthy), bageur (good), bener (right), pinter (smart); silih asah (teaching each other), silih asih (loving each other), silih asuh (taking care each other); religious, discipline, bravery, cleanliness and orderliness. The mean score of social studies learning implementation by using wayang golek as learning source to develop the students’ sociocultural  values is 61.39 which means it belongs to “very good” category. Keywords: social studies, sociocultural values, learning source

    Living Values Education Model in Learning and Extracurricular Activities to Construct the Students’ Character

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    School is a place to construct the students’ character through various activities such as learning and extracurricular activities. These activities should be based on living values so that they are easily internalized and performed to construct the students’ character. The study uses research and development design. The first year of study is a development and validation stage of living values education model. Data collection technique uses observation, interview, documentation study and focus group discussion. Data analysis technique uses interactive model. The subjects of study are the students, teachers and headmasters of  two junior high school  and two senior high school in Bandung, Indonesia. The findings of study show that: 1) the living values education model in learning activity is the integration of living values into material, method, media, learning source and assessment. The integration of living values education into learning is conducted by contextual learning strategies (problem-based learning and work-based learning) with living values learning in pre, whilst and post activities (value reflection); 2) the living values education model in extracurricular activities of  boy scout is conducted through general activity, outbound/character activity, competition, and camping. Living values are constructed through learning and extracurricular activity such as discipline, cooperative, solidarity, tolerance, care, togetherness, bravery, responsibility, compactness, entrepreneurship, creativity, independence, honesty, social skill and competence. Keyword: living values education, learning, extracurricular activity, boy scout, and characte

    Kearifan Ekologi dalam Tradisi Bubur Suro di Rancakalong Kabupaten Sumedang

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    Tradisi Bubur Suro di Rancakalong Kabupaten Sumedang merupakan kearifan lokal sebagai wujud syukur masyarakat kepada Sang Pencipta serta memiliki fungsi dalam menjaga dan memelihara kesinambungan alam (suistainability). Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai kearifan ekologi yang terdapat dalam tradisi Bubur Suro. Masalah penelitian dirumuskan dalam dua pertanyaan penelitian yaitu: (1) Bagaimanakah proses pelaksanaan tradisi Bubur Suro? (2) Nilai-nilai kearifan ekologi apa yang terdapat dalam tradisi Bubur Suro? Metode penelitian adalah deskriftif kualitatif dengan model etnografi. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan terdapat nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dalam tradisi Bubur Suro yang berhubungan dengan upaya masyarakat dalam menjaga kesinambungan hubungan antara manusia dengan manusia, manusia dengan alam, serta manusia dengan sang pencipta. Upaya menjaga kesinambungan alam tampak dalam memelihara keanekaragaman hayati (sarebu rupa), kesinambungan (babasan sarereaeun), hidup hemat dan sederhana (konsep patih goah), hidup tertib dan teratur (tataliparanti, dawegan dipares), gotong-royong serta simbol kersa nyai sebagai bentuk perlindungan terhadap tanaman lokal. The Bubur Suro tradition in Rancakalong Sumedang is one of the local wisdoms which has a function as an expression of the gratitude of the people to the Creator for mantaining the suistainabality of the cosmos. This research's aims is to identify the values of ecological wisdom contained in Bubur Suro tradition. The problem is formulated into two research questions, namely: (1) How is the Bubur Suro tradition being perfomed? (2) What ecological wisdom values are found in it? The method used is descriptive qualitative method with ethnografic model. The results show that there are local wisdom values in the Bubur Suro tradition which was related to humans efforts to maintain the sustainability of harmonious relationship among fellow human beings, nature, and the Creator. Efforts to preserve the sustainability of nature are evident in maintaining biodiversity (sarebu form), sustainability (babasan sarereaeun), frugal and simple living (patih goah), well-ordered living (tataliparanti, dawegan dipares), mutual cooperation and the symbol of kersa nyai as a form of protection of local plants

    Pemanfaatan Komunitas Mataholang Sebagai Sumber Belajar Sejarah Tingkat SMA Guna Mengembangkan Kesadaran Sejarah Berbasis Sejarah Publik

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    Materi pembelajaran sejarah untuk mengembangkan kesadaran sejarah dapat diperoleh dari memanfaatkan berbagai sumber belajar yang ada, salah satunya pemanfaatan Komunitas Mataholang Bandung yang berbasis sejarah publik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dinamika Komunitas Mataholang Bandung dan pemanfaatannya sebagai sumber belajar guna mengembangkan kesadaran sejarah berbasis sejarah publik. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi berperanserta, wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumentasi. Lokasi penelitian di sekretariat komunitas yang terletak di Kampung Karees, Kota Bandung dengan subyek penelitian koordinator, pengurus/anggota, dan pembina komunitas. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Komunitas Mataholang Bandung dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah untuk mengembangkan kesadaran sejarah berbasis sejarah publik. Simpulan penelitian adalah Komunitas Mataholang Bandung mengangkat materi sejarah yang kurang bahkan belum diketahui oleh masyarakat sehingga dapat menambah wawasan kesejarahan dan komunitas ini turut mendiversifikasi sumber belajar sejarah melalui kegiatan yang diadakannnya sehingga materi dalam kegiatan tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai pengayaan pembelajaran sejarah di sekolah. Saran penelitian adalah Komunitas Mataholang Bandung dapat bekerjasama secara resmi dengan Pemerintah Kota Bandung, Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bandung, Dinas Kebudayaan & Pariwisata Kota Bandung, dan sekolah-sekolah di wilayah Kota Bandung dan sekitarnya untuk mendiversifikasi materi kesejarahan lokal di Kota Bandung dan sekitarnya agar dapat digunakan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah maupun materi pengembangan kegiatan kesejarahan

    Local Wisdom of the Oral Tradition of Kerinci’s Pno Adat in Social Studies Instruction

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    This article aims to provide an overview of the results of research on the value of local wisdom in the oral tradition of the indigenous people of Kerinci as a source of social studies learning in schools. Data were collected using ethnographic methods and action research. The results of the study indicate that 1) Pno  adat in Kerinci contains character education values which are used as guidelines for behavior by the community, 2) The values in Pno adat include religious, legal, social care, and environmental care values, 3) the values in customary law can be used as material in social studies instruction based on local wisdom. The important meaning contained in each traditional Pno expression is very important to make social studies instruction more meaningful for students. The important values in Kerinci's Pno adat can be seen in three important aspects for students. First, the students' interest and passion for learning has increased. Second, teachers and books are no longer the main source of learning, and thirdly, the preservation of local culture in the form of local traditions can be done through education in schools

    Local Wisdom of the Oral Tradition of Kerinci’s Pno Adat in Social Studies Instruction

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    This article aims to provide an overview of the results of research on the value of local wisdom in the oral tradition of the indigenous people of Kerinci as a source of social studies learning in schools. Data were collected using ethnographic methods and action research. The results of the study indicate that 1) Pno  adat in Kerinci contains character education values which are used as guidelines for behavior by the community, 2) The values in Pno adat include religious, legal, social care, and environmental care values, 3) the values in customary law can be used as material in social studies instruction based on local wisdom. The important meaning contained in each traditional Pno expression is very important to make social studies instruction more meaningful for students. The important values in Kerinci's Pno adat can be seen in three important aspects for students. First, the students' interest and passion for learning has increased. Second, teachers and books are no longer the main source of learning, and thirdly, the preservation of local culture in the form of local traditions can be done through education in schools

    Nonformal education for indigenous community in Indonesia: an initial review

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    To fulfill each citizen's right in gaining equal education especially during the 9-year primary education, the National Education Department of Indonesia as developed two types of education -formal and nonformal education. Nonformal education is preferred by the indigenous learners because it is not too restrictive to the participants as it allows them to gain education while working to support their meagre living. This article discusses about the challenges faced by the indigenous communities in Indonesia, namely the Naga Village Society and the Sea People with respect to education and training. The study found that for the Naga Village people, the indigenous knowledge or local wisdom should be included in the school curriculum as part of an innovative move to develop the community. Apart from Sundanese as an indigenous content taught in the first grade, the Naga Village children are also being taught the skills to plait bamboo, farming and "pencak silat" (a form of martial arts). Similarly, the Sea children are having difJiculty with the formal arrangement in the learning process at the public school. The habit of wandering at sea has formed their attitudes and behaviours to adapt to their drifting environment that is usually influenced by wind movement and season. Formal schooling is not the only means to improve the quality of human resources and should not be forced on indigenous society. In nonformal education, the place of study does not necessarily be in a school building but it could be at home or on boat based on its environment. Besides the emphasis on 3R (reading, writing and arithmetic), the Sea children are being taught geometry, navigation, sea biology, oceanography, astronomy and fish processing -subjects that are relevant to their daily life