The Development of Students’ Sociocultural Values through Wayang Golek as a Learning Source in Social Studies


The background of problem: Social studies learning tends to be uncontextual. The potency of local environment, especially local culture, is not used optimally by the teacher in learning process. Conceptionally, social studies subject is closely related to the environment, therefore social studies learning should use optimally the potency of environment in order to be meaningful. The additional values of local culture learning are to enable them in understanding various social studies concepts and phenomena in their environment and to improve students’ appreciation on their local culture. The form of local culture that will be a learning source in this study is wayang golek (traditional Sundanese puppet show), as a prominent identity of Sundanese art. Generally the problem that will be studied is how to develop wayang golek learning source in social studies learning to develop sociocultural values for Junior High School students. The method of study: This study used qualitative and quantitative approaches by Research and Development design. Data collecting technique used observation, documentation, interview and questionnaire. The location of study was Junior High School 3 Wado, Sumedang Regency, West Java, Indonesia.  The subjects of study were the students and teachers. The Study Finding: Learning design is conducted by arranging lesson plan, developing material, selecting the appropriate method, selecting learning source and media, and designing the evaluation. The implementation is by pre, whilst and post- activity stages. The developed cultural social values are cageur (healthy), bageur (good), bener (right), pinter (smart); silih asah (teaching each other), silih asih (loving each other), silih asuh (taking care each other); religious, discipline, bravery, cleanliness and orderliness. The mean score of social studies learning implementation by using wayang golek as learning source to develop the students’ sociocultural  values is 61.39 which means it belongs to “very good” category. Keywords: social studies, sociocultural values, learning source

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