64 research outputs found

    Dynamic tests on a cohesive and frictional material. Influence of high pressure and high strain rate on compaction and shear.

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    International audienceMany of aggregate composites are made of small size particles mixed with a highly compliant rubbery polymer. When the loading leads to high pressures, the behaviour gets closer to this of cohesive, frictional, and compactable materials. When this kind of material is subjected to an impact, the loading domain is the case of high pressure (from 100 to 1000 MPa) and high strain rate (roughly 1000 s-1). An experimental study is led by using the technique of the SHPB. The specimens are small cylinders placed in a ring which creates a passive confinement by opposing to the radial displacements. The instrumentation of the ring allows to estimate the radial stress and the radial displacement. The main point is that it makes possible the follow-up of the spherical and deviatoric parts of the stress and strain tensors during the test, without restrictive hypothesis on the behaviour of the material. The results show a high sensitivity to the strain rate. The stresses evolutions show that the frictional phenomenon is sensitive even under high pressures

    Application de la turbo-détection à une communication GSM

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    La turbo-détection est une solution efficace pour traiter le problÚme de l'Interférence Entre Symboles générée sur un canal sélectif en fréquences. Associée à un traitement itératif, la concaténation d'un détecteur de symboles, d'un désentrelaceur et d'un décodeur de canal fournissant des décisions pondérées permet de s'affranchir des dégradations de performances liées à la sélectivité du canal. L'utilisation de cette technique pour une communication radiomobile GSM en milieu urbain apporte un gain de 4 à 8 dB en rapport signal à bruit par rapport aux performances des récepteurs GSM usuels, ceci avec un nombre réduit d'itérations

    Understanding the thermomechanical behavior of a TATB-based explosive via microstructure-level simulations. Part I: Microcracking and viscoelasticity

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    International audienceIn view of a better understanding of the thermomechanical behavior of pressed explosives, a Fourier-based computational tool is used to perform numerical homogenization and compare predictions to experimental macroscopic properties. This is first done in a purely thermoelastic context on simplified polycrystalline virtual microstructures, then extended to cracked polycrystalline ones. A further extension is proposed, aiming at predicting the nucleation and propagation of (micro)-cracks. Besides, a mean-field (self-consistent) approach is also followed, providing accurate thermoelastic predictions. It is currently being extended to account for linear (non-ageing) viscoelasticity of the binder. The study of irreversible deformation mechanisms of the TATB crystal, in view of their incorporation in the full-field tool, is the subject of the companion paper

    Caractérisation du comportement à l'interface entre un matériau agrégataire et un acier sous forte pression et à grande vitesse

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    Un essai a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© pour Ă©tudier l'interface entre un matĂ©riau Ă©nergĂ©tique et de l'acier. Le domaine d'intĂ©rĂȘt est celui des fortes pressions (10-100 MPa) et des grandes vitesses relatives (10-100 m/s). Un dispositif consiste Ă  faire glisser un cylindre constituĂ© du matĂ©riau dans un tube en acier. Une prĂ©contrainte est rĂ©alisĂ©e. Elle permet de crĂ©er la contrainte normale au contact et de maintenir l'intĂ©gritĂ© du corps d'Ă©preuve lors de l'essai. Le dĂ©placement relatif rapide est obtenu par des barres de Hopkinson. Les mesures permettent d'accĂ©der au comportement local recherchĂ©

    Binding of the chemokine CXCL12α to its natural extracellular matrix ligand heparan sulfate enables myoblast adhesion and facilitates cell motility

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    The chemokine CXCL12α is a potent chemoattractant that guides the migration of muscle precursor cells (myoblasts) during myogenesis and muscle regeneration. To study how the molecular presentation of chemokines influences myoblast adhesion and motility, we designed multifunctional biomimetic surfaces as a tuneable signalling platform that enabled the response of myoblasts to selected extracellular cues to be studied in a well-defined environment. Using this platform, we demonstrate that CXCL12α, when presented by its natural extracellular matrix ligand heparan sulfate (HS), enables the adhesion and spreading of myoblasts and facilitates their active migration. In contrast, myoblasts also adhered and spread on CXCL12α that was quasi-irreversibly surface-bound in the absence of HS, but were essentially immotile. Moreover, co-presentation of the cyclic RGD peptide as integrin ligand along with HS-bound CXCL12α led to enhanced spreading and motility, in a way that indicates cooperation between CXCR4 (the CXCL12α receptor) and integrins (the RGD receptors). Our findings reveal the critical role of HS in CXCL12α induced myoblast adhesion and migration. The biomimetic surfaces developed here hold promise for mechanistic studies of cellular responses to different presentations of biomolecules. They may be broadly applicable for dissecting the signalling pathways underlying receptor cross-talks, and thus may guide the development of novel biomaterials that promote highly specific cellular responses

    Characterization of the viscoelastic behaviour of a plastic-bonded explosive

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    International audienceAn experimental study of the viscoelastic behaviour of a composite explosive material with an octogen content of almost 95% is presented. The addition of a plastic binder results in a material that, following isostatic compaction, exhibits a quasi-brittle behaviour that is strongly dependent on the strain rate. Some mechanical spectrometry tests were carried out in order to characterise this behaviour. The measurements were analysed using a time–temperature equivalence method. We also propose possible explanations for the irreversible phenomenon observed during the tests

    Etude expérimentale du frottement entre l'acier et un matériau fragile sous haute vitesse et haute pression

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    L objectif de la thĂšse est la caractĂ©risation expĂ©rimentale du frottement entre l acier et un matĂ©riau fragile. Les pressions et les vitesses de glissement qu on cherche Ă  atteindre sont respectivement de l ordre de 10 Ă  100 MPa et l ordre de 10 Ă  100 m/s. Les tribomĂštres classiques ne peuvent pas ĂȘtre utilisĂ©s car les pressions qu on cherche Ă  atteindre sont suffisamment Ă©levĂ©es pour mener le matĂ©riau fragile Ă  rupture. Pour pallier cette difficultĂ©, le matĂ©riau doit ĂȘtre confinĂ©. Un Ă©chantillon cylindrique du matĂ©riau est alors insĂ©rĂ© dans un tube en acier qui fait Ă  la fois office de confinement et de surface de frottement. Avec cette configuration, comme nous ne pouvons pas effectuer de mesures directes au niveau de l interface, les paramĂštres de frottement sont identifiĂ©s Ă  partir de mesures indirectes et de modĂšles analytique et numĂ©rique. Deux types de dispositifs ont Ă©tĂ© conçus pour effectuer Ă  la fois des essais d orientation en quasistatique et des essais sur barres de Hopkinson. Les essais quasi-statiques permettent une identification fiable du frottement et montrent que des pressions de 100 MPa peuvent ĂȘtre obtenues avec notre configuration sans dĂ©grader le matĂ©riau fragile. En revanche, les essais sur barres de Hopkinson ne donnent pas satisfaction. Un dispositif spĂ©cifiquement adaptĂ© Ă  la dynamique rapide a alors Ă©tĂ© conçu. Il permet d identifier le frottement sous des pressions de 100 MPa et des vitesses de10 m/s.The aim of the thesis is the experimental characterisation of the friction between steel and a brittle material. The desired pressures and the desired sliding velocities are respectively of the order of 10-100 MPa and 10-100 m/s. Usual tribometers cannot be used because the desired pressures are high enough to fracture the brittle material. The material has to be confined to overcome this difficulty. A cylindrical sample of the material is therefore inserted into a steel tube which acts both as a confinement and a sliding surface. Such a configuration does not enable to carry on direct measurements on the interface, the friction parameters are thus identified from indirect measurements and from analytical and numerical models. Two types of set-up have been designed to carry on both quasi-static tests and tests on split Hopkinson pressure bars. Quasi-static tests enable a reliable identification of friction and show that the desired pressures can be reached with our configuration whilst retaining the brittle material integrity. Unfortunately, the results obtained with split Hopkinson pressure bars are not satisfactory. A set-up specifically adapted to dynamic situations has thus been designed. It enables identification of friction under pressure of 100 MPa and velocities of 10 m/s.ORLEANS-SCD-Bib. electronique (452349901) / SudocSudocFranceF
