163 research outputs found

    Upper Extremity Entrapment Neuropathy

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    Entrapment neuropathy is a condition characterized by motor, sensory and autonomic deficits that occur as a result of compression of the peripheral nerve at certain points along its anatomical course for different reasons. Although each peripheral nerve has anatomical or compression-appropriate areas, this can occur at any point along the course of the nerve. Entrapment neuropathies usually occur in areas where the nerve passes through a channel consisting of bone and fibrous tissue. External and internal factors play a role in the etiology of entrapment neuropathies. Among the factors that cause neuropathy, anatomical variations, trauma, metabolic diseases, tumors, synovitis and vitamin B6 deficiency are the most common ones

    Opioid Overdose: Rural Georgia vs. Urban Georgia - Who\u27s Winning the Battle?

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    INTRODUCTION: The opioid crisis is a major public health issue affecting communities across the United States, including Georgia. The widespread misuse of prescription and illicit opioids has led to a significant increase in opioid-related overdoses and deaths. The impact on Georgia communities has been devastating, affecting individuals from all walks of life and causing significant harm to families and communities. The Georgia Department of Public Health reported that the number of drug overdose deaths in the state rose by 61.9% from 2019 to 2021. Rural and Urban communities in Georgia face unique challenges in addressing this epidemic. Rural communities often have fewer healthcare resources, including fewer addiction treatment facilities and healthcare providers, making it more difficult for people in these areas to get the help they need; whereas Urban communities typically have more resources available to address the opioid crisis. This study will examine the effects of the opioid epidemic in Georgia, focusing on the difficulties encountered by both rural and urban communities. OBJECTIVE: This is a comparative approach study to examine the unique challenges faced by rural and urban communities in addressing the opioid epidemic, including limited access to healthcare and treatment resources. By conducting this research project, providers could gain a deeper understanding of the opioid epidemic and its impact on rural and urban communities and contribute to the development of effective strategies for addressing the epidemic in these communities. METHODS: Conduct a comprehensive systematic review and data extraction of relevant articles that discuss the challenges and barriers impact of the opioid crisis in Rural vs Urban areas. RESULTS: Our findings indicated that a review of the distribution of methadone clinics and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) by county demonstrated that urban communities had a higher number of these facilities compared to rural communities. A comparison of the availability of methadone clinics and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) by county revealed a higher concentration of these resources in urban areas as opposed to rural areas. DISCUSSION: Barriers to community resources exist for Georgia residents located in rural areas, which includes decreased access to healthcare, behavioral health resources, health insurance, educational resources, and opioid reversal agents. Considering these barriers could aid in targeted support for patients living in rural Georgia. An intriguing discovery was made that the rural and urban drug-related overdose mortality rates adjusted for age nationwide in 2019 did not show a statistically significant difference. However, there are variations in accessible resources. A county-level analysis of opioid-related deaths in 2020 revealed that they were predominantly concentrated in North and Southeast Georgia


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    The present paper deals with the commutativity of an associative ring RR and a unital Banach Algebra AA via derivations. Precisely, the study of multiplicative (generalized)-derivations FF and GG of semiprime (prime) ring RR satisfying the identities G(xy)±[F(x),y]±[x,y]Z(R)G(xy)\pm [F(x),y]\pm [x,y]\in Z(R) and G(xy)±[x,F(y)]±[x,y]Z(R)G(xy)\pm [x,F(y)]\pm [x,y]\in Z(R) has been carried out. Moreover, we prove that a unital prime Banach algebra AA admitting continuous linear generalized derivations FF and GG is commutative if for any integer n>1n>1 either G((xy)n)+[F(xn),yn]+[xn,yn]Z(A)G((xy)^{n})+[F(x^{n}),y^{n}]+[x^{n},y^{n}]\in Z(A) or G((xy)n)[F(xn),yn][xn,yn]Z(A)G((xy)^{n})- [F(x^{n}),y^{n}]-[x^{n},y^{n}]\in Z(A)


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    Fen ve teknoloji öğretiminde, öğrencilerin derslerde aktif olmalarını sağlayacak teknoloji destekli etkinliklerle bilgilerini yapılandırmaları önem taşımaktadır. Zihin haritalama tekniği, öğrencilerin bilgiler arasında bağlantılar ve ilişkiler kurmalarını sağlayan, anlamlı öğrenmelerine katkıda bulunan görsel bir tekniktir. Öğrencinin herhangi bir konuya ilişkin hazırladığı zihin haritasını inceleyen bir öğretmen, onun zihinsel yapılandırmasına ilişkin fikir sahibi olabilmekte, gerekli görürse ek etkinlikler düzenleyebilmektedir. Öğrencilerin, Fen ve Teknoloji derslerinde, konulara ilişkin zihin haritaları hazırlayabilmeleri için, öncelikle onları eğitecek olan öğretmenlerin, zihin haritalama tekniğinin Fen ve Teknoloji derslerinde nasıl kullanıldığını öğrenmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu kapsamda, ülkemizin her bölgesinden, en çok Fen ve Teknoloji öğretmenine sahip birer ilinde, yani toplam 7 ilde Fen ve Teknoloji öğretmenlerine, "Fen ve Teknoloji Öğretiminde Zihin Haritalama Tekniği", "Zihin Haritalarının Uygulanmasına Yönelik Çalışmalar", "Mind Manager Programı ve Kullanımı", "Mind Manager Uygulamaları" konularında hizmet içi eğitim seminerleri verilmiştir. Hizmet içi eğitim seminerleri, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'ndan gerekli izinler alındıktan sonra İzmir, Erzurum, Ankara, Diyarbakır, Samsun, Antalya ve Bursa illerinde yapılmıştır. Bu konulara ilişkin eğitim süresi, 1,5 iş günü, toplam 8 saattir. Bu çalışmada, Fen ve Teknoloji öğretmenlerinin, yapılan uygulamalar sırasında hazırlamış oldukları zihin haritası örneklerine yer verilmiştir. In science teaching, it is significant that students construct their knowledge with technologically supported activities and become active in lessons. Mind mapping is a visual technique, which contributes to meaningful learning and enables students to correlate and link their knowledge. A teacher that analyzes his/her students' mind maps can have an idea of their mental construction and offer additional activities if needed. It is essential that science and technology teachers learn how to use and apply mind mapping techniques in Science and Technology course so that the students could prepare mind maps well. Within this scope, in-service training seminars were held in 7 cities of Turkey, one city from each region where the science and technology course teachers are the highest in number. The subjects of the seminars were; "Mind Mapping Technique in Science and Technology Teaching", "Activities on Mind Map Applications", "The Mind Manager Program and Using It" and "Applications of The Mind Manager Program". The seminars were held in İzmir, Erzurum, Ankara, Diyarbakır, Samsun, Antalya and Bursa. Total duration of a seminar equals to 1,5 workday or 8 hours. This study includes examples of mind maps which science and technology teachers prepared during the seminars

    Evaluation of aerobic stabilization of biological treatment sludges

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    Ülkemizde uygulanan çevre mevzuatı gerekleri, atıksu arıtma tesislerinde oluşan çamurun arıtımını ve nihai uzaklaştırılmasını zorunlu kılmaktadır. Evsel ve endüstriyel atıksu arıtma tesislerinden kaynaklanan arıtma çamurları üzerinde yapılan analizler sonucu, bu çamurların özellikle toplam ve çözünmüş organik karbon değerlerinin yönetmelikteki değerleri sağlamadığı ve çamurların bu parametreler bakımından tehlikeli atık sınıfında değerlendirmesi gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında Marmara Bölgesi’nde yer alan çeşitli evsel ve endüstriyel arıtma tesisinden kaynaklanan çamurların organik madde içerikleri değerlendirilmiş ve bu çamurların stabil hale getirilmesi için aerobik stabilizasyon işlemi uygulanmıştır. Aerobik stabilizasyon reaktörlerinde, 15 gün süreyle organik madde içeriklerinin değişimi UAKM, TOK ve ÇOK parametreleri esas alınarak ve evsel çamur numuneleri için zehirlilik parametresi de dikkate alınarak incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre aerobik stabilizasyon sonunda genel olarak TOK değerleri azalırken, ÇOK değerlerinde çamur numunelerine bağlı olarak artış ya da azalmalar gözlenmiştir. İncelenen evsel çamurların ikisinde de TOK konsantrasyonu %50’den daha fazla azalırken ÇOK değerlerinde artış tespit edilmiştir. Endüstriyel atıksu arıtma çamurları arasında en yüksek TOK giderimi %62 ile Nevresim Endüstrisi çamurunda gözlenmiş olup, bu endüstri ÇOK giderimde de en yüksek verimi sağlamıştır. Elde edilen bu sonuçlar ışığında, aerobik stabilizasyon işleminin uygulanma aşamasından önce her tesis için ayrıca değerlendirme yapılması gerekliliğini ortaya koymuştur. Her çamur örneği için standartların sağlanması aerobik stabilizasyon ile mümkün olamamasına rağmen, bu işlemin bazı organik maddelerin giderilmesini sağladığı aerobik stabilizasyon sonrasında evsel numunelerdeki zehirliliğin tamamen giderilmesi ile ortaya konmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Çamur, stabilizasyon, aerobik, evsel- endüstriyel-tehlikeli atık.The main waste-product of the biological wastewater treatment processes is the excess sludge which needs to be disposed properly to prevent the entry of the pollutants back into the water cycle, especially after the disposal of the wasted sludge cakes into the landfill area. During the adaptation period of European Union membership of Turkey, the increase in the number of both municipal and industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) due to the stringent new regulations for wastewater treatment will pose more significant sludge disposal and sanitation problems in the future for Turkey. Treatment and ultimate disposal of domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plant sludges is obligated according to the regulations in Turkey. Treatment sludges categorized in three different groups namely: inert sludge, non-hazardous sludge and hazardous sludge according to the characteristics of the sludge. The total organic carbon (TOC) concentration of the sludge itself and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration in the eluent of the sludge are mainly used for this classification. The higher levels of TOC and DOC values qualifies the domestic and industrial wastewater treatment sludges as hazardous sludge. The principal objective of sludge treatment is its stabilization, that is a controlled decomposition of easily degradable organic matter resulting in a significant reduction of volatile suspended solids (VSS) content, a change of an unpleasant smell into an earthy one, and an elimination of sludge putrescibility. Aerobic biological stabilization at ambient conditions has traditionally been undertaken for the stabilization of treatment sludges originated from both domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants. In this study the characterization of the different treatment sludges originated from domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants in Turkey was investigated and the stabilization level of these sludges was evaluated by using aerobic stabilization process. The stabilization level of sludges was evaluated by monitoring the VSS, TOC and DOC content of the sludge. Moreover, ecotoxicological assays were conducted on domestic wastewater treatment plant sludges to observe the effect of stabilization on the toxicity. Respirometric and modeling studies were also performed to assess the decrease in the organic content of the domestic wastewater treatment plant sludge during aerobic stabilization. The results of analysis conducted on the sludge itself and sludge eluent indicated that the sludges are in hazardous nature. These results suggest that the treatment sludge generated from both domestic and industrial treatment plants have to stabilized before ultimate disposal. During the course of the aerobic stabilization experiments, VSS, TOC and DOC measurements were performed at the beginning and 15 days after the beginning (at the end of the stabilization experiment) in order to monitor the extent of VSS, TOC and DOC removal. Measured TOC and DOC concentrations during the stabilization experiments of studied treatment sludges did not show a consistent trend during the 15 days of stabilization. However, the stabilization of the industrial wastewater treatment plants sludges showed a paralel stabilization to the domestic sludge. However, it is important to conduct laboratory studies prior to the application of aerobic stabilization to a treatment plant on the case basis. The acute toxicity as EC20 (%) and EC50 (%) shows the toxic value in terms of effective concentrations (%) of tested solutions that result in 20 and 50% of bioluminescence decrease. The EC20 and EC50 values were found between 0.3 and 7.3% for the studied raw domestic sludges which is in accordance with the literature data. Significant decrease in the toxicity of domestic wastewater treatment plant sludges were observed at the end of the 15 days of aerobic stabilization. The evaluation of the results obtained in this study showed that aerobic stabilization could be an alternative for stabilization of sludges originated from domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants. However, the organic content of the sludges mainly depend on the influent wastewater characterization of wastewater treatment plant which affects the stabilization performance. Sludge stabilization results indicate higher VSS, TOC and DOC removal efficiencies for domestic wastewaters compared to the industrial sludges. Although aerobic stabilization was not successful for the compliance with the standards in each case, the removal of toxicity exerted by sludges after 15 day-stabilization suggest that at least some toxic organic material has been succesfully biodegraded during the stabilization. In order to provide appropriate municipal and industrial sludge management in Turkey, more elaborate research and engineering experience should be gained. Keywords: Sludge, stabilization, aerobic, domestic- industrial-hazardous waste