212 research outputs found

    Spatio-temporal processes drive fine-scale genetic structure in an otherwise panmictic seabird population

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    When and where animals breed can shape the genetic structure and diversity of animal populations. The importance of drivers of genetic diversity is amplified in island populations that tend to have more delineated gene pools compared to continental populations. Studies of relatedness as a function of the spatial distribution of individuals have demonstrated the importance of spatial organisation for individual fitness with outcomes that are conditional on the overall genetic diversity of the population. However, few studies have investigated the impact of breeding timing on genetic structure. We characterise the fine-scale genetic structure of a geographically-isolated population of seabirds. Microsatellite markers provide evidence for largely transient within-breeding season temporal processes and limited spatial processes, affecting genetic structure in an otherwise panmictic population of sooty terns Onychoprion fuscatus. Earliest breeders had significantly different genetic structure from the latest breeders. Limited evidence was found for localised spatial structure, with a small number of individuals being more related to their nearest neighbours than the rest of the population. Therefore, population genetic structure is shaped by heterogeneities in collective movement in time and to a lesser extent space, that result in low levels of spatio-temporal genetic structure and the maintenance of genetic diversity

    Tourism income and economic growth in Greece: Empirical evidence from their cyclical components

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    This paper examines the relationship between the cyclical components of Greek GDP and international tourism income for Greece for the period 1976–2004. Using spectral analysis the authors find that cyclical fluctuations of GDP have a length of about nine years and that international tourism income has a cycle of about seven years. The volatility of tourism income is more than eight times the volatility of the Greek GDP cycle. VAR analysis shows that the cyclical component of tourism income is significantly influencing the cyclical component of GDP in Greece. The findings support the tourism-led economic growth hypothesis and are of particular interest and importance to policy makers, financial analysts and investors dealing with the Greek tourism industry

    Temporal causality and the dynamics of crime in Turkey

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    This study is concerned with understanding of the factors of aggregate, nonviolent and violent crime categories in Turkey for the period 1965-2009. The determinants of all crime categories are related to selected socio-economic factors. Bounds testing approach to cointegration is employed to test the existence of long-run relationship amongst the variables. Cointegration analysis yields the major contributors of crime are income and unemployment. The direction of causalities between the variables are established using within and out of sample causality tests. The findings from this study present the dynamics of aggregate, violent and non-violent crimes to design and implement any relevant policy measures to combat them

    HI in the Outskirts of Nearby Galaxies

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    The HI in disk galaxies frequently extends beyond the optical image, and can trace the dark matter there. I briefly highlight the history of high spatial resolution HI imaging, the contribution it made to the dark matter problem, and the current tension between several dynamical methods to break the disk-halo degeneracy. I then turn to the flaring problem, which could in principle probe the shape of the dark halo. Instead, however, a lot of attention is now devoted to understanding the role of gas accretion via galactic fountains. The current Λ\rm \Lambda cold dark matter theory has problems on galactic scales, such as the core-cusp problem, which can be addressed with HI observations of dwarf galaxies. For a similar range in rotation velocities, galaxies of type Sd have thin disks, while those of type Im are much thicker. After a few comments on modified Newtonian dynamics and on irregular galaxies, I close with statistics on the HI extent of galaxies.Comment: 38 pages, 17 figures, invited review, book chapter in "Outskirts of Galaxies", Eds. J. H. Knapen, J. C. Lee and A. Gil de Paz, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springer, in pres

    The flyby anomaly: a multivariate analysis approach

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    [EN] The flyby anomaly is the unexpected variation of the asymptotic post-encounter velocity of a spacecraft with respect to the pre-encounter velocity as it performs a slingshot manoeuvre. This effect has been detected in, at least, six flybys of the Earth but it has not appeared in other recent flybys. In order to find a pattern in these, apparently contradictory, data several phenomenological formulas have been proposed but all have failed to predict a new result in agreement with the observations. In this paper we use a multivariate dimensional analysis approach to propose a fitting of the data in terms of the local parameters at perigee, as it would occur if this anomaly comes from an unknown fifth force with latitude dependence. Under this assumption, we estimate the range of this force around 300 km .Acedo Rodríguez, L. (2017). The flyby anomaly: a multivariate analysis approach. Astrophysics and Space Science. 362(2):1-7. doi:10.1007/s10509-017-3025-zS173622Acedo, L.: Adv. Space Res. 54, 788 (2014). 1505.06884Acedo, L.: Universe 1, 422 (2015a)Acedo, L.: Galaxies 3, 113 (2015b)Acedo, L.: Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 463(2), 2119 (2016)Acedo, L., Bel, L.: Astron. Nachr. (2016). 1602.03669Adler, S.L.: Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 25, 4577 (2010). 0908.2414 . doi: 10.1142/S0217751X10050706Adler, S.L.: In: Proceedings of the Conference in Honour of Murray Gellimann’s 80th Birthday, p. 352 (2011). doi: 10.1142/9789814335614_0032Anderson, J.D., Laing, P.A., Lau, E.L., Liu, A.S., Nieto, M.M., Turyshev, S.G.: Phys. Rev. D 65(8), 082004 (2002). gr-qc/0104064 . doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.65.082004Anderson, J.D., Campbell, J.K., Ekelund, J.E., Ellis, J., Jordan, J.F.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 100(9), 091102 (2008). doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.091102Atchison, J.A., Peck, M.A., Streetman, B.J.: J. Guid. 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    What Can We Learn about Smoking from 150 Years of Italian Data?

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    This paper estimates dynamic demand models for tobacco consumption in Italy from 1871 to 2010. The empirical analysis is based on an entirely new dataset. Because the tobacco sector was mostly managed by the state, rich and detailed historical documentation is available. Price elasticities are estimated both for aggregate tobacco consumption and its four major components (cigars, cigarettes, cut to- 25 bacco, and snuff) for three separate sub-periods: 1871–1913, 1919–1939, and 1946–2010. Elasticities consistently belong to a narrow set. We discuss the public policy implications of a seemingly iso-elastic tobacco demand function
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