501 research outputs found


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    In order to make-up of education quality of exist in our state require to be conducted by a efforts to develop the existing schools. The efforts can be done to pass the development of management of education and recognition of renewal model go to school. The development of education management cover the: development of function of education management, indicator of education management, and education service. Model of school Renewal require to be scciaJized and its implementation have to be adapted for by a situation and ccndition of each school. Renewa/ characteristic go to school ccnsisted of the: open communications, decision making with, paying attention teacher requirement, paying attention student requirement, integritybetween school and society. Renewal model for the development of go to school to cover two especial process, that is a) headmaster desire to increase communications intensity is among role player, b) responsibility of role player in decision making in order to trouble-shooting


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    In order to make-up of education quality of exist in our state require to be conducted by a efforts to develop the existing schools. The efforts can be done to pass the development of management of education and recognition of renewal model go to school. The development of education management cover the: development of function of education management, indicator of education management, and education service. Model of school Renewal require to be scciaJized and its implementation have to be adapted for by a situation and ccndition of each school. Renewa/ characteristic go to school ccnsisted of the: open communications, decision making with, paying attention teacher requirement, paying attention student requirement, integritybetween school and society. Renewal model for the development of go to school to cover two especial process, that is a) headmaster desire to increase communications intensity is among role player, b) responsibility of role player in decision making in order to trouble-shooting


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    A Model of the Senior High School Management in the 21st Century. Globalization brings about wide impacts, including demands for development in the educational field. The development of secondary education, especially senior high schools, needs to be well planned in order that it can be well implemented. One of the problems arising in the senior high school development is one related to management. This can be solved using a reliable management model, called a model of the senior high school management in the 21st century. This model is based on five principles, i.e.: (1) improvement of the quality of senior high schools, (2) implementation of modern management, (3) implementation of balanced scorecard, (4) implementation of good governance, and (5) application and development of ICT. Keywords: management model, 21st century management syste


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    The rapid development of science and technology resulted in increasing human needs that impact on increasing the level of competition in global workforce. Vocational schools as an educational institutions that were designed to produced graduates who were ready to worked need to maintained the quality of graduates continuously in order to competed in global marketplace. One attempts that must be done is to do a school self-evaluation to determine the condition and performances of schools. The high flurry of vocational school sometimes makes experiencing difficulties in school self-evaluation. it was required a school self-evaluation system that was easily used by vocational schools as a tool to improve the quality of education. Webbased self-evaluation system is one of solution to conduct an evaluation analysis easily and quickly. This article will discuss about the web-based vocational school self-evaluation as a tool to improve the quality of education. Then it also discusses how to designed and implemented web-based school self-evaluation in vocational education especially in Indonesia


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    This research aims at investigating the needs for image media of "be a scientist" developed using Adobe Flash CS3 program containing the materials of the influence of religion and Islamic culture in Indonesia for learning History of grade X Vocational School and examining the feasibility of "be a Scientist" media developed using Adobe Flash CS3 program containing the materials of the influence of religion and Islamic culture in Indonesia which was developed to be used in the process of learning the history for grade X of Vocational school. This research employed Research and Development (R & D) method. The product developed is in the form of "be a scientist" image media using Adobe Flash CS3 program that is appropriate for a learning resource in History subjects. The stages of research include: (1) the preliminary stage, (2) the planning stage of the model as the development of the initial product form, (3) the testing, evaluation and revision stages, and (4) the implementation stage or effectiveness test. Data were colected using FGD (Focus Group Discussion), questionnaires, interviews, observations, and documentation techniques. The validity of the instrument is achieved through expert judgement, while the validity of qualitative data is carried out using source triangulation techniques, theories and methods. Quantitative data analysis was performed using descriptive analysis techniques and qualitative data was carried out using an interactive models. The results show that: Adobe Flash CS 3 media images were needed in vocational schools for the development of history learning. The results of the assessment performed by the experts on material and media indicate that "be a scientist" image media using Adobe Flash CS3 program for history learning in Vocational High Schools has a good level of feasibility. This shows that the "be a Scientist" media using the Adobe Flash CS3 program contaiing the material of religious influence and Islamic culture in Indonesia is suitable for history learning in Vocational High Schools grade X. Keywords: media, Adobe Flash CS3 program, history, Vocational Schoo

    Factors affecting students’ choice of educational administration major: Why do students join the program?

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    The study examined factors affecting Behavioral Intention (BI) regarding students’ choice of educational administration as their major. Samples were taken from Indonesian students. The process was begun with the adaptation of survey instruments from previous studies validated through content validity. In testing the normality, Skewness and Kurtosis values were computed. Reliability assessment was applied through Cronbach’s alpha. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were both conducted for the constructs. In examining the relationship, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis using AMOS 23.0 was applied to 257 responses. The findings informed that two relationships were significant while the other two are insignificant. Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC) and Attitude (AT) significantly predicted BI, while Subjective Norm (SN) and Facilitating Condition (FC) did not significantly predict BI. The current study can expand an in-depth contribution and reference for further researchers as a basis of the empirical evidence in relation to the validated survey questionnaire. Access to the questionnaire may contribute to educational stakeholders establishing policies to improve students’ interests in studying in an educational administration study program


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    KAJIAN KETERCAPAIAN STANDAR PENGELOLAAN DI SD SE KECAMATAN DEPOK SLEMAN  Sugiyono, Lantip Diat Prasojo, dan Nurtanio Agus Purwanto PPS Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]  ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui (1) seberapa besar pencapaian standar pengelolaan SD di Kecamatan Depok Kabupaten Sleman, (2) faktor-faktor apa yang menjadi penghambat dan pendukung dalam ketercapaian standar pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei untuk menggali data baik secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 9 SD di Kecamatan Depok yang diambil secara purposive sampling, dengan mempertimbangkan SD klister 1, klister 2, dan klister 3. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik FGD, angket, dokumen, observasi, dan wawancara. Validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen angket menggunakan validasi ahli. Keabsahan data kualitatif divalidasi dengan model informan review, dan triangulasi data. Analisis data kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis deskriptif dan data kualitatif dengan model analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pencapaian setiap indikator pada standar pengelolaan untuk Sekolah Dasar (SD) di Kecamatan Depok Kabupaten Sleman tingkat pencapaian yang tertinggi adalah pada indikator pengawasan dan evaluasi (90.5%), dan yang terendah adalah  indikator Sistem Informasi Manajemen Sekolah (73.0%) dan Kepemimpinan Sekolah (76.9%). Hambatan dan usaha yang dialami sekolah dalam pencapaian Standar pengelolaan pendidikan antara lain belum adanya model standar pengelolaan, petugas pengelolaan yang sesuai dengan keahliannya belum memadai, belum mampu mengelola sistem informasi manajemen yang memadai untuk mendukung administrasi pendidikan, visi, misi, tujuan dan rencana kerja yang sesuai. Usaha yang dilakukan berkoordinasi dengan stakholder khususnya sekolah untuk membuat model pengelolaan sesuai sekolah masing-masing, mensinkronkan antara visi,misi, dan kerja sekolah, merekrut petugas pengelolaan  yang mampu mengelola sistem informasi manajemen untuk mendukung kegiatan pendidikan yang lebih adaptif terhadap dinamika pendidikan. Kata kunci: kajian, standar nasional, pengelolaan STUDY OF ACHIEVEMENT OF MANAGEMENT STANDARDS IN SD DISTRICT OF DEPOK SLEMAN ABSTRACT            The purpose of this study is to find out (1) how much the achievement of the standard management of elementary school in Depok Regency Sleman District, (2) what factors are the obstacles and supporters in achieving the standards of educators and education personnel. This research uses survey methods to explore data both qualitatively and quantitatively. The sample in this study were 9 elementary schools in Depok Subdistrict which were taken by purposive sampling, taking into account the elementary clister 1, clister 2, and clister 3. The data collection techniques used FGD techniques, questionnaires, documents, observations, and interviews. Validity and reliability of the questionnaire instrument using expert validation. The validity of the qualitative data is validated with the informant review model, and data triangulation. Quantitative data analysis with descriptive analysis techniques and qualitative data with interactive analysis models. The results showed that the achievement of each indicator in the management standard for Primary Schools (SD) in Depok District of Sleman Regency the highest level of achievement was the indicator of supervision and evaluation (90.5%), and the lowest was the indicator of School Management Information System (73.0%) and School Leadership (76.9%). Obstacles and efforts experienced by schools in achieving education management standards include the lack of a standard management model, management officers who are in accordance with their expertise are inadequate, unable to manage adequate management information systems to support education administration, vision, mission, goals and work plans that are corresponding. Efforts are made to coordinate with stakholders especially schools to create management models according to their respective schools, synchronize the vision, mission and work of schools, recruit management officers who are able to manage management information systems to support educational activities that are more adaptive to the dynamics of education. Keywords: studies, national standards, managemen

    The Validation of the Information Systems Success Model: LMS Integration during Covid-19

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    This study adapted DeLone & McLean information system success model (D&M IS success model) regarding the implementation of learning management system (LMS) during Covid-19. Six variables are included; system quality, information quality, service quality, system usage, user satisfaction, and net benefits with 23 initial items. A total of 279 undergraduate students from a public university in Indonesia participated in this study. The factor structure of the instrument was investigated using a survey design. The survey data were calculated using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Six variables emerged from the EFA methods, establishing a valid and reliable model; a few items were eliminated due to cross-loading. The suggested model was successfully mapped as a consequence of the results. The CFA confirmed that the instrument was suitable for the Indonesian setting. The findings led to the development of 19 reliable and valid items. The measured scale has psychometric qualities, allowing for future research with a tool to capture D & M IS success model technology integration

    The Development of Management Model Program of Vocational School Teacher Partnership with Business World and Industry Word (DUDI)

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    This study aims to: (1) formulate program management model and management model of vocational productive teacher partnership with DUDI; (2) evaluate model performance; (3) examine the effectiveness of collegial decentralization partner management models and formal centralization. This research uses R and D method with the procedure (1) data and information gathering; (2) product design; (3) design validation; (3) trials; (5) implementation and; (6) dissemination. The trial of the partnership management model is 60 vocational teachers participating in the partnership program of 4 expert competencies. The trial subject was determined by cluster random sampling technique. The data on the implementation of partnership program is obtained from the facilitator's assessment which is then analyzed using One way Anova and Scheffe. The management model of Vocational School productive teacher partnership program with DUDI is formulated using 5 management functions namely planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating (POIME). The result of variance analysis obtained F 102,51 and sig 0,00 <0,05. Anova scheffe advanced test shows no difference in the results of two groups of teachers who apply formalized model of centralization
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