41 research outputs found


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    AbstrakFilm Jawara Kidul, Tinuk dan KTP adalah tiga pemenang kategori umum Festival Video Edukasi (FVE) 2016. Ketiga film tersebut dikaji dengan teori semiologi Roland Barthes untuk mengungkap perihal mitos atau wacana yang berusaha dibangun oleh film tersebut melalui tanda-tanda kebudayaan. Dalam hal ini, film dianggap sebagai produk budaya karena memproduksi dan mereproduksi tanda maupun wacana kebudayaan. Selain itu juga, film dianggap sebagai alat komunikasi publik dalam menyampaikan pesan melalui tanda-tanda kebudayaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitataif yang berusaha mengungkap makna dalam fenomena kebudayaan, serta memahami pengalaman dan pemikiran manusia. Selain itu, penelitian ini menggunakan sudut pandang konstruktivisme budaya, yang menganggap bahwa budaya merupakan bentukan secara sosial dan politik. Maka dari itu, budaya kerap diandaikan sebagai wacana dan mitos. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa film Jawara Kidul berusaha untuk membangun mitos kesaktian dan kejantanan yang menunjukkan adanya wacana dominasi laki-laki. Film ini membangun wacana Jawara yang laki-laki, jantan, sakti sekaligus relijius. Sedangkan film Tinuk berusaha membangun mitos kelas sosial, yang menyajikan wacana kelas sosial bawah dan kelas sosial atas. Masyarakat kelas sosial bawah kemudian tak sanggup untuk membeli barang kelas menengah atas. Terakhir yakni film KTP, yang berusaha untuk membangun mitos negara. Dalam film tersebut, negara diwacanakan sebagai pihak pengayom yang berusaha membantu persoalan masyarakat, khususnya kelas sosial bawah. Negara juga diwacanakan ikut terlibat aktif dalam bermusyawarah bersama warga masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Budaya, Mitos, Dominasi, Kelas Sosial dan Negar


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk memahami aktivitas interaksi pada komunitas virtual serta unsur komunikasi visual yang terjadi di dalam akun instagram @potonganfilm. Akun instagram @potonganfilm merupakan satu dari sekian banyaknya media online yang menciptakan komunitas virtual dengan penyajian konten yang menarik mengenai film sebagai lingkup informasinya. Akun instagram @potonganfilm mampu membentuk komunitas virtual dengan terciptanya interaksi, diskusi, serta bertukar pikiran antar pengguna. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan etnografi virtual melalui pendekatan analisis media siber yang mencakup 4 level, yaitu level ruang media, level dokumen media, level objek media, dan level pengalaman. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa level ruang media pada akun tersebut berisikan informasi dan review film opini pemilik akun tersebut dengan menampilkan grafis informasi beberapa film. Pada level dokumen, unggahan yang disajikan akun instagram @potonganfilm meliputi; judul film, tahun film, tahun film, poster film, dan screenshot potongan film (legal). Serta akun ini telah memenuhi unsur komunikasi visual yaitu: garis, bentuk, tekstur, gelap terang, ukuran, warna, dan tipografi. Pada objek media, interaksi dan aktivitas para pengikut ialah memberikan komentar pada postingan. Level pengalaman media, sebagian besar pengikut mengikuti akun tersebut karena mendapatkan informasi tentang film dengan penyajian yang menarik

    Finding the Early Identity for Children in the Film of Laskar Pencerah

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    This research aims to reveal the message in the film 'Laskar Pencerah'. It provides an overview of the wider community and how non-formal education can provide alternatives and educational inspiration through the learning community. It uses descriptive qualitative to build the meaning of the message in the film 'Laskar Pencerah' and to understand the phenomenon by describing it in words. In collecting data, it uses observations viewed through the YouTube channel. The data are used to explore the meaning of the film's story, explain, give, and detail the film's message. Furthermore, the research shows that the main character of a child who wants to continue to learn although limited in his life to achieve what he aspires to with continuous efforts. His efforts and hard work shape the child's character and help him find his identity early on

    Penciptaan Video Seni Melalui Representasi Kekerasan dalam Program Komedi Televisi “Opera van Java”

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    AbstrakVideo seni merupakan sistem komunikasi yang bisa menjadi medium perlawanan kulturalterhadap industri pertelevisian yang sangat dominan. Video seni cenderung bebas dan mampumenjadi sebuah kultur media baru atau new media art, tidak terikat elemen filmis terutamaalur dan kronologi, terkadang juga terdapat karya yang absurd. Berbeda dengan tayangantelevisi yang cenderung lebih mengedepankan aspek komersial semata. Dalam hal tersebut,tulisan ini menyoroti representasi kekerasan yang ada pada program tayangan komedi “Operavan Java” dengan menggunakan teori representasi khususnya pendekatan konstruksionis dariStuart Hall agar lebih mendapatkan kajian yang mendalam. Kekerasan yang muncul dalamtayangan tidak hanya sekadar dimaknai sebagai hal yang negatif semata, namun akan menjadihal yang menarik ketika dibawa ke sebuah penciptaan video seni. Video Art Creation Through the Representation of Violence on Television Comedy Program“Opera van Java”. Video art is the communication system that will be able to become themedium of cultural resistance against the domination of television industry. Video Art tends tobe free and able to be a culture of new media or new media art, not tied to the filmic elementmainly the plot and chronology, sometimes there are also containing the works that considered“absurd”. In contrast to TV footage that tends to be more emphasized on the commercialaspects alone. In doing so, this paper highlights the representation of violence that existson the program of Opera Van Java Comedy. Using the constructionist approach to theory ofrepresentation, especially from Stuart Hall to get an in depth study. Violence appears in theimpressions are not meant merely as purely negative thing, but it will be an interesting thingwhen it is brought to a creation of a video art


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    "Wei" is a family-style short film released in 2020. This research will discuss religious tolerance in diverse societies like Indonesia. The film "WEI" is the subject of research that describes the values of religious tolerance through family relations in the film story. This research aims to know the meaning of tolerance in this film. The method used is narrative analysis; this film will identify the meaning, character development, and tolerance values in the story's beginning, middle, and end. The values of tolerance include recognition of family rights and mutual understanding between the film characters. This film illustrates that religious tolerance can grow through the appreciation of individual rights and understanding between different religious beliefs. This study concludes that tolerance is essential in social life, especially in the family, because tolerance itself is one of the reasons for the harmony of families with differences or religious convictions. As a family film, this film differs from some family films in Indonesia, where the main character, from the beginning to the end, has no dialogue. Still, the expression and character can explain the character's purpose to the audience in the film; this is the distinction between the Film Wei and the other family films

    Visual narrative of the pandemic as a form of health communication in the digital age

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    Many disease information problems are caused by a lack of knowledge and public misunderstanding of health information. Health communication includes disseminating health information to the public to achieve healthy living behaviours, creating awareness, changing attitudes and providing motivation for individuals to adopt recommended healthy behaviours to be the main objectives of health communication. This study aims to analyze the use of visual narratives in health promotion during a pandemic that focuses on non-technical aspects. In addition, knowing the health promotion strategy includes visuals, communication, and media. The research method used is qualitative. This research tries to understand phenomena in their natural setting and context, namely that researchers do not try to manipulate the observed phenomena. The data collection method in this study is observation and literature study. In this research procedure, the first stage is planning, the second stage is field data study and data analysis, and the third stage is drawing conclusions. The results showed that the Ministry of Health, through the Directorate of Health Promotion and Community Empowerment, has prepared integrated promotional facilities, including publication, print, and audiovisual media. This promotional tool is a website that can be accessed to view and download promotional media. Visual narratives are selected very comprehensively based on field data obtained from regions in Indonesia. The ignorance of health promotion workers causes the error in the use of narratives in the health promotion media in making promotional means for information of a local nature. Due to the lack of knowledge of the health promotion team in the region in choosing the right narrative for the promotional media used


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    This study aims to describe visual storytelling in the animated film Leaving Home as a nonverbal communication medium that provides education to the audience. The power of nonverbal communication as a form of visual storytelling in the animated film Leaving Home is the researcher's motive to examine how a nonverbal animation can be interpreted universally. The nonverbal communication of the animated film Leaving Home embodies writing into moving images. An animator must have the ability to visual storytelling to make the imagination in telling stories (synopsis-text) into scripts (visual-written). An animator, also an animation film creator, must understand the rules of scriptwriting to communicate the message implied in his work. An excellent visual understanding will help an animator visualize the picture's language into an exciting story. The technique of conveying visual storytelling stories in animation sometimes finds obstacles in understanding the story due to improper use of visual language. This research uses qualitative methods to uncover the phenomenon of nonverbal communication through visual storytelling in the animated film Leaving Home to explain in more detail. The results showed that nonverbal communication is omnipresent, including nonverbal aspects of each communicative action. In the interactions seen in the story of the animated film Leaving Home, all its nonverbal channels come into play. This study also represents the imagination visualized in animated films as more hyperbolic. After conducting a study of nonverbal visual storytelling communication in the animated film Leaving Home, it can be concluded that films with animation techniques can be presented with visual storytelling packaged in an artistic visual language. So visual storytelling can be a literacy animation technique in conveying information and opening up opportunities for animation creators to communicate nonverbally to the audience