1,891 research outputs found

    Minorias sexuais e os limites da liberdade de expressão : o discurso de ódio e a segregação social dos indivíduos LGBT no Brasil

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 34:613.885 O48

    Academic mobility of doctoral students in Brazil: An analysis based on Lattes Platform

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    Objective. In this article, the academic mobility of Brazilian doctoral students moving from their home cities to other Brazilian cities including other countries is examined. Design/Methodology/Approach. The LattesDataXplorer tool was used to extract curriculum data from the Lattes Platform. 308,317 resumes were collected in May 2019, since then the data have been filtered, obtaining relevant data for the research. After extracting the data, they were enriched with the integration of other data sources, thus enabling the characterization of bibliometric networks for the analyses. Results/Discussion. It was possible to measure distances traveled by Brazilian doctors throughout their academic training, as well as to point out the cities, states, and countries whose doctors most meet in the academic journey and the relationships between these locations. Thus, making it possible to obtain a portrait of how the Brazilian scientific exodus occurs. In general, more than 90% of curricula have information on the academic background at each level of education. The average distance of 291 km between birth and place of formation at the graduation level is strongly influenced by outliers. Individuals choose to travel shorter distances throughout the academic training process, being the geographic location a strong influence on the migratory process for training. Conclusions. The United States represents the country where individuals choose to move the most. Regarding international migration, there is more preference for European countries than South American ones. When it comes to intra-regional migration, students prefer those states where the most relevant universities are located. Originality/Value. The article presents the results of original research focusing on the Brazilian scientific community. Distances performed by doctoral students throughout their academic trajectory are measured, as well as the main locations where they tend to move

    What is the best time to tweet a journal article? Quasi-randomized controlled trial

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    Introdução: Os usuários das plataformas de mídia social são frequentemente encorajados a agendar suas postagens para aumentar o número de leitores e o engajamento. Nosso objetivo foi descobrir qual é a melhor hora do dia para tuitar um artigo de periódico. Métodos: De janeiro de 2020 a outubro de 2021, 112 artigos de uma revista médica foram postados no Twitter três vezes cada, uma vez em cada idioma: português, espanhol e inglês. Até dois artigos eram postados a cada semana, sendo que cada um dos tuítes em uma semana era postado em uma hora diferente do dia: 06, 09, 12, 15, 18 ou 21:00. Impressões de tuíte e cliques em URL foram os dois desfechos dos modelos bayesianos de regressão binomial negativa multivariada multinível. Resultados: Nenhum par de horas do dia atingiu 95% de probabilidade a posteriori de incluir a melhor hora para tuitar um artigo de periódico, tanto para impressões como para cliques em URL. Os desfechos esperados, a relação entre os desvios padrão e a variabilidade explicada (R²) todos corroboraram que a hora do dia é de pouca importância quando se tuítam artigos de periódicos. Conclusões: Ao contrário do conselho usual e da pesquisa pré-algoritmo, as equipes editoriais não precisam se preocupar em otimizar a hora do dia em que divulgam seu conteúdo no Twitter.Introduction: Social media users are often advised to time their posts to increase readership and engagement. Our objective was to find out which is the best time to tweet a journal article. Methods: From January 2020 to October 2021, 112 articles from a medical journal were posted on Twitter three times each, once in each language: Portuguese, Spanish and English. Up to two articles were posted each week, with each of the week’s tweets being posted in a different hour of the day: 06, 09, 12, 15, 18 or 21:00. Tweet impressions and URL clicks were the two outcomes of the Bayesian multivariate multilevel negative binomial regression models. Results: No pair of times of the day achieved 95% posterior probability of including the best time to tweet a journal article, both for impressions and URL clicks. The expected outcomes, the ratio between standard deviations, and the explained variability (R²) all corroborated that the time of the day is of little consequence when tweeting journal articles. Conclusions: Contrary to popular advice and pre-algorithm research, journal staff need not bother with optimizing the time of the day when they disseminate their content on Twitter

    Atitudes perante a revisão por pares aberta entre as partes interessadas em uma revista acadêmica no Brasil

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    Scholarly journals should consider the attitudes of their communities before adopting any of the seven traits of open peer review. Unfortunately, surveys from the Global North might not generalize to the Global South, where double-blind peer review is commonplace even among journals on natural sciences and medicine. This paper reports the findings of a survey on attitudes to open peer review among four stakeholder groups of a scholarly-led medical journal in Brazil: society members and journal readers, authors, and reviewers. Compared to a previous survey recruiting mostly researchers on natural sciences from Europe, this survey found similar support to open peer review in general and for most of its traits. One important exception was open identities, which were considered detrimental by most participants, even more so in this survey than in the previous one. Interestingly, participants were not so dismissive of open identities when expressing whether they agreed with statements about its specific consequences. Because preprints are increasingly popular but incompatible with double-blind review, future research should examine the effects of transitioning from double-blind to open identities, especially on gender bias. Meanwhile, scholarly journals with double-blind review might prefer to begin by adopting other traits of open review or to make open identities optional at first.Periódicos científicos deveriam considerar as atitudes de suas comunidades antes de adotar qualquer um dos sete traços da revisão por pares aberta. Infelizmente, inquéritos do Norte Global podem não generalizar para o Sul Global, onde a revisão por pares duplo-cega é comum mesmo entre periódicos das ciências naturais e medicina. Este artigo relata os achados de um inquérito sobre as atitudes perante a revisão por pares aberta em quatro grupos de partes interessadas em um periódico médico no Brasil: membros da associação, e leitores, autores e revisores do periódico. Em comparação a um inquérito prévio recrutando principalmente pesquisadores em ciências naturais da Europa, este inquérito encontrou suporte semelhante à revisão por pares em geral e à maioria de seus traços. Uma importante exceção foram as identidades abertas, um traço que foi considerado prejudicial pela maioria dos participantes, neste inquérito ainda mais do que no prévio. É digno de nota que as identidades abertas não tenham sido tão rejeitadas assim quando os participantes expressaram se concordavam ou não com assertivas sobre as consequências específicas desse traço. Uma vez que os preprints são crescentemente populares, mas incompatíveis com a revisão duplo-cega, pesquisas futuras deveriam examinar os efeitos de uma transição da revisão duplo-cega para identidades abertas, especialmente sobre o viés de gênero. Enquanto isso, periódicos científicos com revisão duplo-cega podem preferir adotar outros traços de revisão aberta, ou tornar as identidades abertas inicialmente opcionais

    Luiz Roberto Salinas Forte’s “retrato calado” as political action

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    The abject torture inflicted on professor Luiz Roberto Salinas Fortes by the last Brazilian dictatorship meant to him a barbaric effort to snatch something specifically human from him; a word. To stand against this undignified word pulled out of him in the darkness of the prison cell, Salinas artistically created a speech meant to bring the gloom in which he was absorbed to the light of the public sphere. The outcome is Retrato calado, (literally "Mute portrait", but a wordplay out of "Retrato falado" Portuguese for "facial composite"), a book containing a noble speech about ignoble acts and sketching a portrait that unveils a person who is broken into pieces but is struggling to keep his integrity. Transcending the almost inevitable paths of allegation and grievance, Salinasappears rather as someone who fulfills his duty to bring into the light of public sphere what was done to him; a duty out of the love for the world, where one can find his integrity. In this authentic political action, the philosophy professor embodies and exemplifies the dignity of the public speech by speaking about its opposite.Durante a odiosa tortura a que foi submetido pela ditadura civil-militar brasileira, o professor Luiz Roberto Salinas Fortes viu o aparato do estado se servir da mais bárbara violência para dele extrair algo especificamente humano; uma palavra. Contra esta palavra indigna arrancada na escuridão da cela, Salinas decidiu elaborar um discurso e trazer à luz do espaço púbico as sombras que o tragaram. O resultado é Retrato calado, livro que contém uma nobre fala sobre atos abjetos. Enquanto fala, entretanto, este sujeito estilhaçado se mostra de modo indiscutivelmente íntegro, pois, sem se reduzir à quase inevitável via da denúncia e do lamento, Salinas se coloca como quem cumpre o dever de trazer à luz o que lhe fizeram na escuridão; um dever fundado no cuidado com o mundo. Nesta autêntica ação política, o professor de filosofia encarna e exemplifica a dignidade da fala pública apontando para seu contrário


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    This article presents some aspects of Hannah Arendt’s critique of modernity. The main reasons of Arendt’s claim that the hallmark of modernity is world alienation are shown here. The origins of this alien-ation are to be found in the three events that stand at the threshold of modern age: the discovery of America, the Reformation and, most im-portantly, the invention of the telescope and the subsequent philosophy of Descartes. After showing the different kinds of alienation related to each one of these events, and specially the role played by science within this process, I present some contemporary implications of this aliena-tion in order to put forward a hypothesis according to which, from an Arendtian point of view, the idea of hypermodernity makes more sense than that of post-modernity.Este artigo apresenta certos aspectos da crítica à modernidade feita por Hannah Arendt. O percurso se baseia na exposição das princi-pais razões pelas quais a autora afirma que a característica fundamental da era moderna é a alienação do mundo. Esta alienação tem sua origem no descobrimento da América, na Reforma protestante e, sobretudo, no par formado pela invenção do telescópio e a filosofia de Descartes. De-pois de indicar os tipos de alienação do mundo correspondentes a cada um destes eventos, com destaque para o papel da ciência neste proces-so, apresenta-se certos desdobramentos contemporâneos desta alienação que talvez permitam avançar a hipótese de que, de um ponto de vista arendtiano,  a  ideia  de  hipermodernidade  é  mais  pertinente  que  a  de pós-modernidade

    Heave-imposed Motion in Vertical Risers: A Reduced-order Modelling Based on Bessel-like Modes

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    AbstractThe heave-imposed excitation in vertical risers is a problem of scientific and technological interest, since it can lead to parametric instabilities on one hand, and fatigue failure with disastrous environmental and financial consequences on the other. The paper addresses a reduced-order analytical model of risers using Bessel-like modes as projecting functions and compares its dynamical response to experimental results from a towing tank test