504 research outputs found

    Contribuições do viés atencional no comportamento alimentar em obesos graves

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    Drug Hypersensitivity Associated with Dental Treatments

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    Objective: To characterize drug hypersensitivity associated with dental treatments. Material and Methods: Data from 5,302 dental patients extracted from the Faculty of Dental Medicine were used to investigate drug use history, drug hypersensitivity, and associations with oral health outcomes. The chi-square test was used, and values of p ≤ 0.05 were considered statistically  significant. Results: The frequency of patients’ self-reported drug hypersensitivity was 26.42% (n = 1,401). The highest frequencies were for opioid/narcotic analgesics (20.84%, n = 292), antibiotics (18.13%, n = 961), and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (10.46%, n = 141). Most of the patients (68.65%, n = 3,640) reported using medications, mostly for cardiovascular disease (43.1%, n = 1,569), for psychiatric/neurological disorders (39.75%, n = 1,447), drugs that affect the endocrine system (32.55%, n= 1,185), and drugs for pain (24.92%, n = 907). Higher drug hypersensitivity frequencies were associated with older White female subjects (p<0.0001). Associations were also identified between drug hypersensitivity and history of the following dental procedures: tooth extractions (p=0.003), root canal treatment (p=0.0004), prosthodontic treatments (p<0.0001), and orthodontic treatments (p=0.007). Conclusion: A high frequency of self-reported drug hypersensitivity in dental patients was found, with a higher occurrence in older White women and those with a history of more extensive and invasive dental care


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    O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar a viabilidade do que não seria provável para um deficiente físico amputado de membro inferior: realizar escalada indoor, assim como apresentar se há benefícios na prática e se esta pode ser um instrumento de inclusão social.  Um estudo de caso foi realizado a partir da visão de um professor especialista em esporte adaptado e dois amputados de membros inferiores que vivenciaram o esporte. Para isso, foi utilizado um questionário diferente para cada entrevistado, elaborado pelas autoras da pesquisa e aplicados pessoalmente como forma de melhor interagir com cada um deles. A partir da análise desses instrumentos e de pesquisa bibliográfica, foi possível concluir que o ser humano, diante da deficiência física, é capaz de se superar e alcançar benefícios não só físicos, mas também psicológicos, despertados pela sua vivência com a escalada. Esta vivência o leva a buscar provar para si mesmo, pela necessidade que o acompanha, do que ele é capaz, fazendo desta experiência uma importante ferramenta de inclusão social. 

    The effect of the behavioral treatment for enuresis on other behavior problems

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    O objetivo do estudo foi investigar o efeito do tratamento para enurese sobre os escores de outros problemas de comportamento. Foram coletadas as informações de 97 prontuários de crianças e adolescentes atendidos no período de 2002 a 2006 em uma clínica-escola de psicologia, em programa específico para enurese com uso do alarme de urina. Os dados sobre problemas de comportamento foram avaliados por meio do Child Behavior Checklist, respondido pelas mães antes e depois do tratamento. Foi encontrada uma redução significativa nos escores de problemas de comportamento, independentemente do sucesso ou não no tratamento para enurese.This work aimed to investigate the treatment effect for enuresis on other behavior problems' scores. Clinical records of 97 enuretic children and adolescents, receiving urine alarm treatment in a university clinic center from 2002 to 2006, were analyzed. Behavior problems' data were assessed through the Child Behavior Checklist, filled by the mothers at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. Results indicate a significant reduction on behavior problems' scores at the end of treatment, despite of enuresis treatment outcome.FAPESPCNP

    Chemodectoma in a Bitch

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    Background: Chemodectomas, better known as tumors of the base of the heart, arise from aortic bodies, respiratory chemoreceptors located near or inside the aortic arch or originate from receptors located in the carotid arteries. Relatively rare, they affect dogs and, to a lesser extent, felines. They gain great importance when they influence the function of the cardiovascular system, with animals showing clinical signs related to congestive heart failure. Clinical diagnosis is based on symptomatology and complementary tests such as radiography, electrocardiography and echocardiography, while the definitive diagnosis is obtained by cytological and histopathological exams. This study aims to reports a case of malignant chemodectoma in a bitch, whose main symptomatology was neurological and not cardiovascular. Case: A 1-year-old Rottweiler bitch was attended with neurological alterations compatible with vestibular syndrome, hyporexia, dysphagia, apathy, melena, emesis, and purulent nasal discharge on the right nostril. On physical examination, the animal showed depressed level of consciousness, poor body condition, bilateral quemosis, paralysis of the right eye, inspiratory dyspnea and muffling of cardiac auscultation, besides a subcutaneous nodule between the scapulae. On neurological evaluation, horizontal nystagmus, head tilt to the right side, ventromedial strabismus and facial nerve paralysis on the right side were observed so that the localization of the lesion was set in peripheral vestibular system. During anesthesia for esophageal tube placement, a mass from the hard palate to the oropharynx was noted, making endotracheal intubation impossible to perform. Biopsy of this nodule was performed, and tracheostomy was indicated, but the owner opted for euthanasia before the procedure. Necropsy revealed white soft masses in the bilateral retromandibular region, on the subcutaneous tissue near the scapulae, in the right ear and since nasopharynx to the soft palate, in addition to sparse white nodules in the heart, lung, carotid artery, kidneys, right ovary, mesentery near to the spleen, and axillary lymph node. Histologically, the nodules were characterized by neoplastic cells population organized in short bundles or cords, arranged around small blood vessels surrounded by delicate connective tissue. Neoplastic cells infiltrated muscles and blood and lymphatic vessels were filled by multiple neoplastic emboli. The histological pattern of the cells allowed the diagnosis of chemodectoma. Discussion: The bitch from this case had 1-year-old when diagnosed with chemodectoma, differently from most cases from literature, that are between 7 to 15 years old. Furthermore, primarily cardiac tumors are considered rare, being chemodectoma the most common, often reported in Boxer and Boston Terrier dogs, but unusual in Rottweilers. Despites some articles mentioning seizure and Horner Syndrome secondary to a carotid body chemodectoma, neurological signs are not commonly observed in these cases. The presence of the tumor in the middle ear region of the right side supports the occurrence of peripheral vestibular syndrome and facial nerve paralysis on the same side. Because it is a neoplasm that is usually detected late during the course of the disorder, most patients either cannot obtain diagnosis in vivo, as in this reported animal, which was in such a critical condition that underwent euthanasia, or there are no more possible therapeutic choices. In the patient described, there were numerous metastatic masses and nodules spread throughout the body. Although the typical clinical signs in animals with chemodectomas are often related to heart disease, neurological signs may also be present. This report emphasizes the importance of chemodectoma being included as a differential diagnosis in young dogs and even in breeds such as Rottweiler. Keywords: aortic body neoplasia, paraganglioma, vestibular syndrome

    A construção do aprendizado no Sistema de Saúde: visão dos acadêmicos de medicina

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    Este trabalho é um relato de experiência do Programa de Integração na Estratégia Saúde da Família (PIESF), do curso de Medicina da UniEVANGÉLICA, realizada por acadêmicos que cursaram esta disciplina entre os anos 2008 e 2011. O objetivo do estudo foi mostrar o PIESF segundo a percepção dos discentes frente aos três blocos de estudo que integram a disciplina, fundamentado na metodologia da problematização. Este ensaio baseou-se em registros de portifólios elaborados do primeiro ao sexto períodos e nos dados armazenados em um grupo de discussões online do sétimo e oitavo períodos. Os quatro anos cursados na disciplina propiciaram aos discentes um acúmulo de experiências e aprendizados que excedem o campo teóricoe traduzem vivências práticas conquistadas pelo contato com a comunidade. Conclui-se, ao término da experiência, que a disciplina PIESF alcança objetivos mais abrangentes do que seu significado propõe, promovendo a introdução dos alunos em diversos níveis de atenção à saúde. O Programa amplia o conhecimento dos acadêmicos sobre o sistema de saúde brasileiro e forma profissionais dotados de uma visão crítica passível de contribuir para melhorar o sistema existente

    Gamification in stroke rehabilitation

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    Stroke rehabilitation aims to improve patients’ abilities to realize daily life activities and, consequently, regain their self-confidence and improve independence and quality of life. Gamification can be defined as the application of game-design elements, dynamics, and principles such as competition, narratives, point-scoring, and awards in non-game contexts, including rehabilitation. It has emerged as a therapeutic alternative or complement to traditional rehabilitation to make motor practice more intense and increase a person’s motivation, interest, and satisfaction by bringing meaningful and intrinsically motivational playful experiences. Compared to the same amount of conventional therapy, gamification can increase the number of movements and involve safe and intensive rehabilitation exercises, essential for a successful rehabilitation process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The role of fat mass and obesity associated gene (fto) in satiety and binge eating disorder

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    Obesity is a major health problem and one of the biggest predictors of the development of chronic diseases. Variations in the Fat mass and obesity associated gene (FTO) have been shown to associate strongly with obesity. Among patients with severe obesity, there is a subpopulation that presents an eating disorder known as Binge Eating Disorder. Because of its expression in the hypothalamus, FTO could be associated with modulation of satiety and, perhaps, play a role in the genesis of BED, contributing to severe obesity. A search in PubMed was carried out with the following terms: Morbid Obesity AND FTO, FTO AND Satiety Response, Binge Eating Disorder AND FTO. No restriction on the date of publication, language or type of design was applied. Sixteen articles were found. Twelve were related to FTO and grade III obesity, and three were related to FTO and satiety. Ten studies were excluded. Thus, six articles were evaluated in this review. The scarce literature limits further conclusions about the potential impact of the associations with FTO in the treatment of obesity, but all articles included in this revision show association with at least one SNP of FTO. Further studies are required to clarify these associations, especially in relation to rs9939609 (A/T), because, up to this moment, it seems to be the one variant with greatest impact on obesity in humans

    Development of a novel resin with antimicrobial properties for dental application

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    The adhesion of biofilm on dental prostheses is a prerequisite for the occurrence of oral diseases. Objective: To assess the antimicrobial activity and the mechanical properties of an acrylic resin embedded with nanostructured silver vanadate (β-AgVO3). Material and Methods: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of β-AgVO3 was studied in relation to the species Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, and Candida albicans ATCC 10231. The halo zone of inhibition method was performed in triplicate to determine the inhibitory effect of the modified self-curing acrylic resin Dencor Lay - Clássico®. The surface hardness and compressive strength were examined. The specimens were prepared according to the percentage of β-AgVO3 (0%-control, 0.5%, 1%, 2.5%, 5%, and 10%), with a sample size of 9x2 mm for surface hardness and antimicrobial activity tests, and 8x4 mm for the compression test. The values of the microbiologic analysis were compared and evaluated using the Kruskal-Wallis test (α=0.05); the mechanical analysis used the Shapiro-Wilk's tests, Levene's test, ANOVA (one-way), and Tukey's test (α=0.05). Results: The addition of 10% β-AgVO3 promoted antimicrobial activity against all strains. The antimicrobial effect was observed at a minimum concentration of 1% for P. aeruginosa, 2.5% for S. aureus, 5% for C. albicans, and 10% for S. mutans. Surface hardness and compressive strength increased significantly with the addition of 0.5% β-AgVO3 (p;0.05). Conclusions: The incorporation of β-AgVO3 has the potential to promote antimicrobial activity in the acrylic resin. At reduced rates, it improves the mechanical properties, and, at higher rates, it does not promote changes in the control