3,358 research outputs found

    Recycling of porous bituminous mixtures

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    Once flexible pavements reach minimal bearing capacity, their structural rehabilitation is normally undertaken us ing bituminous mixture overlay. The number of layers and the thickness depend of the existing quality of the pavement and of the required quality determined by the rehabilitation program for a next life period. The rehabilitation of a pavement with a porous bituminous mixture wearing course is usually undertaken without any treatment to increase its bearing capacity. The bearing capacity of this type of mixture can be increased by the use of a grout to fill its voids, increasing its resistance. The new material is produced by spreading a grout over the pavement surface, with the help of rubber scrapers, penetrating the voids of the mixture until it reaches the bottom of the layer. The properties of this material are dependent on void connectivity, in order to allow the grout to flow through them. An adequate viscosity of the grout is essential so as to fill the voids completely. The objective of this paper is to analyse the recycling of porous bituminous mixtures, studying the grout and evaluating new mixture properties in terms of stiffness, fatigue life and permanent deformation

    Bringing endocrine basic science and physician investigators together

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    Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de MedicinaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de MedicinaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de MedicinaSciEL

    Laboratory tests to characterize the mastic of bituminous mixtures

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    The bituminous mixtures are composed by more than one material (i.e. coarse and fine aggregates, filler and bitumen). The components are simultaneously present and contribute to the response of the mixture. Some studies have pointed out the mastic influence in the bituminous mixtures behaviour. The mastic is a mix of bitumen, filler and fine aggregates (maximum dimension of 2 mm) and represents the binder of the coarse aggregates in the bituminous mixtures. This research intends to observe the mechanical behaviour of the mastic as part of the bituminous mixture and it correlation with the bituminous mixtures. The mechanical performance of the mastic was observed in laboratory using tensile, compression and shear tests. Bituminous mixtures with the mastics defined in this work were made and then characterized using the same tests and the results were correlated to the mastic behaviour. The main conclusions explain the influence of the mastic in the performance of a bituminous mixture.(undefined

    Estimate of Effectiveness of Palivizumab in the Prevention of Respiratory Syncytial Virus-Related Hospitalizations in a Cohort of Premature Children

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    As recomendações da Secção de Neonatologia da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pediatria (SNN-SPP) prevêem a profilaxia medicamentosa da infecção por vírus sincicial respiratório (VSR) com palivizumab em idades gestacionais (IG)inferiores a 30 semanas. Alguns Hospitais de Apoio Perinatal Diferenciado seguem práticas mais restritas, limitando o seu uso à extrema prematuridade e/ou a prematuros com doença pulmonar crónica da prematuridade. Objectivos. Estimar a relação custo-eficácia da profilaxia com palivizumab segundo as recomendações da SNN-SPP, através da aplicação de um modelo teórico a uma coorte real de prematuros. Metodologia. Estudo prospectivo histórico. Coorte de crianças nascidas num Hospital de Apoio Perinatal Diferenciado entre 1/10/2002 e 30/04/2005 com IG ² 35 semanas. Considerou- se caso o internamento no mesmo hospital por bronquiolite por VSR nas épocas 2003/04 e 2004/05. Baseando-nos nas recomendações SNN-SPP e no Number Needed to Treat dos estudos IMpact e IRIS, estimámos a redução prevista nas taxas de hospitalização caso a profilaxia fosse efectuada, comparando os seus custos com a redução de custos de hospitalização. Resultados. Dos 356 recém-nascidos elegíveis, nove foram excluídos por óbito e dois por administração de palivizumab. A taxa de hospitalização por bronquiolite por VSR nas 345 crianças incluídas foi 9,3%. No subgrupo com indicação para profilaxia (26 crianças) a taxa de hospitalização foi 15,4%, com uma estimativa de custo médio de hospitalização de Û 6.542,35. Não ocorreu nenhuma morte por infecção por VSR. A redução estimável no número de hospitalizações sob profilaxia seria de 1,5 (IMpact) ou 2,4 (IRIS). O custo necessário para prevenir um internamento seria de Û 26.263,11 na melhor estimativa e Û 57.716,26 na pior estimativa. Conclusão. Com o modelo desenvolvido, não conseguimos demonstrar nesta coorte uma estimativa de relação custo-eficácia favorável à administração de Palivizumab segundo recomendações da SNN-SPP

    Real-time auralisation system for virtual microphone positioning

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    A computer application was developed to simulate the process of microphone positioning in sound recording applications. A dense, regular grid of impulse responses pre-recorded on the region of the room under study allowed the sound captured by a virtual mi- crophone to be auralised through real-time convolution with an anechoic stream representing the sound source. Convolution was performed using a block-based variation on the overlap-add method where the summation of many small sub- convolutions produced each block of output data samples. As the applied RIR filter varied on successive audio output blocks, a short cross fade was applied to avoid glitches in the audio. The maximum possible length of impulse response applied was governed by the size of audio processing block (hence la- tency) employed by the program. Larger blocks allowed a lower processing time per sample. At 23.2ms latency (1024 samples at 44.1kHz), it was possible to apply 9 second impulse responses on a standard laptop computer.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Memória operatória em crianças surdas: estudo de alguns efeitos diferenciais

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    [Resumo] Este estudo procurou clarificar alguns problemas ou perturbações que as crianças surdas podem apresentar ao nível do funcionamento de alguns dos componentes da memória operatória (Baddeley e Hitch, 1974), bem como da atenção. Para avaliação da memória das crianças foram criadas provas informatizadas de memória para palavras, para números e para figuras. Para além disso foram também desenvolvidas duas provas de atenção: uma de atenção concentrada e outra de atenção distribuída. Os resultados serao analisados tendo em conta o grau de surdez das crianças e da escolaridade que possuem no momento de realização das provas

    Influence of the mastique binder in the bituminous mixtures behaviour

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    The flexible road pavements are subjected to the repetitive traffic loading, which, among others factors, originate their natural or premature degradation. The bituminous mixtures behaviour must be evaluated using repetitive loading tests that allow the study of their fundamental properties (i.e. fatigue, permanent deformations, and stiffness modulus) when subjected to the loading conditions which occur in the pavement. The behaviour of the bituminous mixtures is strongly influenced by the mastic properties and thus the objective of this work is to study the influence of the mastic characteristics in the bituminous mixtures behaviour. This behaviour was analysed by the evaluation of the complex modulus and fatigue life using repetitive bending at four points and the permanent deformation evaluated using repetitive simple shear tests at constant height (load control). In this work the mastic was defined as the material (filler, fine aggregate and bitumen) which is bonded to the coarse aggregates in a bituminous mixture.(undefined

    Moradias de custo controlado em betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras

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    No presente trabalho é desenvolvido um betão auto-compactável reforçado com fibras (BACRF) para a construção de habitações de custo controlado. As principais propriedades são apresentadas e utilizadas na análise e dimensionamento do modelo estrutural proposto