1,272 research outputs found

    Using Padlet On Math Collaborative Learning In An Engineering Course

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    This paper describes a study, with the objective of evaluating the possibilities of knowledge construction through collaborative learning (CL) in the innovative Padlet environment. During the practical classes of a math curricular unit of an engineering course, activities and assessments were carried out using Padlet. Program themes are organized by columns as a wall. Each students group accesses a problem proposal using a QR-Code. In the first part of the class, the group must solve the problem correctly, using all the materials and technologies they deem necessary. In the second part, each group will correct another group’s problem. The teacher provides the necessary support with the role of advisor in carrying out the proposed problems. Through the direct observation of the teacher during CL classes using Padlet, the experiences of the authors and the evaluation of the students in these contents, it was possible to collect information that allowed demonstrating that the students developed capacities and reached competences, some of them specific to professionals in the area of this course. Students’ opinion gathered with a questionnaire will also be very important data to be presented regarding their interest in this collaborative activity. In conclusion, this paper will describe, analyse, and discuss the interest in using a CL environment for the development of knowledge and for student motivation in teaching/learning math for engineers. Students’ perspectives will be observed regarding their motivation and interest, allowing teachers to expand the range of perspectives on the contents covered and enriching the necessary discussions for future activities development

    Deus está nos detalhes. Ouro, prata e policromia

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    The visible polychromy of a wooden sculpture representing St. John the Evangelist, from Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon (Portugal) presents several techniques that complement each other on the creation of a sumptuous estofado. This case-study allowed the survey on gilding, silvering and polychromy practices, and observations on their execution are briefly reported and documented with results from a multi-analytical approach. Examination included digital photomicrography and the observation of micro-samples cross-sections, while material identification resorted to several analytical methods that included scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).La policromía visible de una escultura de madera representando a San Juan Evangelista, de Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbona (Portugal) presenta varias técnicas que se complementan en la creación de un estofado suntuoso. Este estudio de caso permitió el examen de procesos de dorado, plateado y policromía, y las observaciones a su ejecución son reportadas y documentadas con resultados del enfoque multi-analítico. El examen incluyó fotomicrografía digital y observación de secciones transversales de muestras de policromía, la identificación material recurriendo a diversos métodos analíticos, incluyendo microscopía electrónica de barrido con espectroscopia de rayos X (SEM-EDS) y difracción de rayos X (XRD).A policromia visível de uma escultura em madeira representando S. João Evangelista, do Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisboa (Portugal) apresenta várias técnicas que se complementam na criação de um sumptuoso estofado. Este caso de estudo permitiu o exame de processos de douramento, prateamento e policromia, sendo as observações da sua execução reportadas e documentadas com os resultados de uma abordagem multi-analítica. O exame incluiu fotomicrografia digital e observação de cortes transversais de amostras de policromia, recorrendo a identificação material a vários métodos analíticos, incluindo microscopia eletrónica de varrimento associada a espectroscopia raios-X por dispersão de energia (SEM-EDS) e difração de raios-X (XRD)

    Using Science and Technology to Unveil The Hidden Delicacy Terfezia arenaria, a Desert Truffle

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    Terfezia arenaria is a desert truffle native to the Mediterranean Basin region, highly appreci- ated for its nutritional and aromatic properties. Despite the increasing interest in this desert truffle, T. arenaria is not listed as an edible truffle authorized for trade in the European Union. Therefore, our objective was to showcase T. arenaria’s nutritional and chemical composition and volatile profile. The nutritional analysis showed that T. arenaria is a good source of carbohydrates (67%), proteins (14%), and dietary fibre (10%), resulting in a Nutri-Score A. The truffle’s volatile profile was domi- nated by eight-carbon volatile compounds, with 1-octen-3-ol being the most abundant (64%), and 29 compounds were reported for the first time for T. arenaria. T. arenaria’s nutritional and chemical compositions were similar to those of four commercial mushroom and truffle species, while the aromatic profile was not. An electronic nose corroborated that T. arenaria‘s aromatic profile differs from that of the other four tested mushroom and truffle species. Our data showed that T. arenaria is a valuable food resource with a unique aroma and an analogous composition to meat, which makes it an ideal source for plant-based meat products. Our findings could help promote a sustainable future exploitation of T. arenaria and ensure the quality and authenticity of this delicacy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tourism sector competitiveness in Portugal: applying Porter's Diamond

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    The tourism sector has stood out for its enormous capacity for growth on a global scale and holding a relevant role both as a tool for the competitiveness and as a driver of regional development. This profile stems not only from its multiplier effects but also the opportunities susceptible to identification within the scope of offsetting regional disparities in growth and prosperity. The objective of this research project consists of evaluating the competitiveness of the regional areas and directorates of tourism in Portugal with the methodology applied requiring the input of primary data (a sample of 446 companies), through a questionnaire aimed at companies displaying the activities characteristic of the World Tourism Organisation satellite account. Through the application of Porter’s Diamond Model, we arrived at a conceptual model through recourse to the Partial Least Square – Path Modelling technique with the objective of analysing the relationships unfolding among the determinant variables to competitiveness in the tourism sector. Despite the results returned proving clear, we also verify that encapsulating competitiveness proves no easy task given how Portugal reports regions with simultaneously very varied and very specific characteristics.O sector do turismo destaca-se pela enorme capacidade de crescimento a nível mundial, desempenhando um papel relevante tanto como ferramenta para a competitividade como enquanto motor do desenvolvimento regional. Este perfil decorre não apenas dos seus efeitos multiplicadores, mas também das oportunidades suscetíveis de identificação no âmbito da compensação das disparidades regionais no crescimento e prosperidade. O objetivo desta investigação consiste em avaliar a competitividade das áreas regionais e direções do turismo em Portugal. Utilizamos dados primários (uma amostra de 446 empresas), através de um questionário destinado a empresas que exibem as atividades características da conta satélite da Organização Mundial de Turismo. Através da aplicação do Modelo de Diamante de Porter, alcançamos um modelo conceitual através do recurso à técnica de Partial Least Square – Path Modelling com o objetivo de analisar as relações que se desdobram entre as variáveis determinantes para a competitividade no setor de turismo. Apesar de os resultados retornados serem claros, verificamos também que o encapsulamento da competitividade não se revela uma tarefa fácil, dado o fato de Portugal englobar regiões com características simultaneamente muito variadas e muito específicas

    Finding optimal microorganisms to increase crop productivity and sustainability under drought – a structured reflection

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    Considering the more frequent and longer drought events due to climate change, improving plant drought tolerance became a priority. The search for plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) able to improve plant drought tolerance has been long addressed, but with inconsistent results. Here, we summarize the PGPR mechanisms that improve plant drought tolerance, identify the pitfalls in current PGPR isolation and selection routines, and discuss the key points to define new strategies to get optimal PGPR for plant drought tolerance. Drought and host genotype impact rhizo-communities, and host-mediated selection strategies may be used to obtain a drought-adapted rhizomicrobiome that can be a source for PGPR isolation. Alternatively, an integrated omics-level analysis can improve our knowledge on the mechanisms of rhizomicrobiome construction, and a targeted approach can be designed, which will be focused on key PGP traits. New strategies to build PGPR consortia for improvement of plant drought tolerance are also suggested.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Caracterização material das técnicas de douramento e pintura de um ícone pós-bizantino

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    This study aims to identify the materials used in the production of a post-byzantine icon from the Museum of Évora’s collection. The icon, representing the “Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen holding the Holy Cross” was once dated as being from the 10th century. Throughout a multi-analytical approach, combining area exams with spectroscopic techniques, this study tried to confirm its actual chronology. The results obtained revealed that it is most likely an icon from the late 17th or 18th century.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo la identificación de los materiales utilizados en la producción de un icono pos bizantino perteneciente a la colección del Museo de Évora. Este icono tiene representado el “Emperador Constantino y su madre Elena manifestando la Cruz” y había sido datado del siglo X. A través de un abordaje diversificado, combinando exámenes de área con técnicas espectroscópicas, hemos intentado confirmar su datación. Los resultados obtenidos han revelado que será probablemente un icono de finales del siglo XVII o incluso del siglo XVIII.Este estudo teve como objetivo a identificação dos materiais utilizados na produção de um ícone pós-bizantino pertencente à coleção do Museu de Évora. Este ícone, representando o “Imperador Constantino e a sua mãe Helena manifestando a Cruz”, foi datado como sendo do século X. Através de uma abordagem analítica diversificada, combinando exames de área com técnicas espectroscópicas, tentámos confirmar a sua datação. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que será provavelmente um ícone dos finais do século XVII ou do século XVIII

    Microbial consortium increases maize productivity and reduces grain phosphorus concentration under field conditions

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    Background:The use of microbes that improve plant phosphorus (P) use efficiency is an avenue to boostcrop yields while alleviating environmental impacts. We tested three microbial inoculants (Rhizoglomusirregularealone – designated AMF;Pseudomonas putidaalone – designated PSB; andR. irregulareandP. putidain consortium – designated AMF+PSB), combined with chemical fertilizers, in an intensive maizeagricultural system.Results:As hypothesized: (i) despite the native soil microbial community and the application of P fertil-izer, the microbial inoculants enhanced plant P uptake from the soil by 14–60%, and consequentlyimproved P acquisition efficiency; (ii) PSB and AMF+PSB plants produced ±50% more biomass per unitof P taken up, and consequently enhanced plant internal P use efficiency (i.e. the biomass producedper unit of P); and (iii) the combined inoculation of AMF and PSB provided the best results in terms ofproductivity and P use efficiency. Further, the microbial inoculants altered P allocation within the plant,reducing grain P concentration.Conclusion:By testing the microbial inoculants under field conditions, our study clearly shows that themicrobial consortium (AMF+PSB) increased maize productivity, and at the same time improved P use effi-ciency. Further, the use of these microbial inoculants was shown to be compatible with conventionalagricultural management practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Early Carboniferous synorogenic basins evolution of the Ossa-Morena and

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    The stratigraphic record of the Early Carboniferous in Iberia reveals that synorogenic deposition was important and occurred simultaneously in basins influenced by extension and contraction with gravitational instability. In NW Iberia (Galicia – Trás-os-Montes Zone) contraction was dominant and the deposition took place in a forebulge outwards from the nappe stacking front. Here, synorogenic deposits were strongly affected by folding and thrusting as they were imbricated and incorporated in the allochthonous pile. In a different way, in SW Iberia (Ossa-Morena Zone) synorogenic deposition was influenced by extension and happened simultaneously with the onset of significant magmatism