2,573 research outputs found

    Les stratégies de traduction dans des traités internationaux signés par le Brésil et la France : un regard sur la terminologie juridique

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    Ce travail se propose d’analyser, à partir d’une étude exploratoire des traités internationaux signés par le Brésil et la France, le traitement donné à la terminologie et la façon dont celle-ci se construit dans un contexte impliquant la réglementation juridique et le bilinguisme. Nous partons du principe selon lequel la terminologie des traités est étroitement liée aux stratégies de traduction adoptées par les deux communautés concernées. De là, nous procédons à une analyse comparative des traités ayant pour base des principes de terminologie, qui envisagent la dimension textuelle et communicative de la langue de spécialité, et des principes de traduction, qui voient le texte traduit en tant que produit d’une situation communicative donnée, socioculturellement définie. À partir de cette analyse, qui met en évidence l’interférence du processus de traduction dans la constitution de la terminologie des lois, certaines préférences à propos des stratégies de traduction dans les deux cultures concernées apparaissent également et, par voie de conséquence, le caractère singulier de la production traductionnelle.The goal of the present study is to examine how terminology is dealt with and how terms are composed in a context involving legal regulations and bilingualism. To this end, an exploratory and contrastive study of the international treaties signed between Brazil and France was conducted. The analysis of the texts was based on terminology theories that take the textual and communicative dimensions of language into account, and on translation studies that view the translated text as a product of a culturally and socially determined communicative event. Highlighting the interference of the translation process in establishing legal terminology, the analysis also revealed preferences for certain translation strategies in each culture, thus underlining the specific nature of the product of the translation

    Characterization of a Fluorescent Protein Reporter System

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    Chemical and biological threats are ever present and attacks have occurred throughout the world in both war and peace-time. Multiple government agencies, academia, and private industry are developing detection capabilities to address such threats. The research presented in this paper supports development of a modular synthetic biology based system that detects and reports the presence of a threat agent. Synthetic biology builds upon past research in genetic engineering and seeks to combine broad applications within biotechnology in novel ways. This basic research project will help to demonstrate a proof-of-concept design which will guide future studies on the development of a modular sensor platform. In this study, in vitro and in vivo techniques were used to evaluate a reporter system composed of the Tobacco Etch Virus (TEV) protease and an engineered fluorescent fusion protein for their combined effectiveness as a reporter system. The TEV protease demonstrated the ability to cleave the fusion protein construct to produce a measureable output signal. The coupling of this reporter system with a riboswitch recognition element showed that this system can be applied to detecting chemicals. Further studies to modify this recognition element suggest modularity for future biosensors to detect chemicals of military interest

    Teaching Statistics at a Superior School of Business Management: Realities and Challenges

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    Trabalho apresentado em 8th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS8), julho 2010, Ljubljana, EsloveniaN/


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    Two phenomena are occurring simultaneously within the agribusiness sector: customers are requiring tighter product specifications and agricultural chains are becoming more coordinated. However, the exact relationship between these two phenomena is not clear. This research explores that relationship. Five New Zealand fresh meat chains were the focus of multiple case-study research, which used a chain-level (multi-dyadic) approach. Chains were assessed as to the nature of product specifications demanded at the end-customer level, as well as to the nature of inter-firm relationships. Interestingly, tighter product specifications in themselves do not lead to more coordinated chains; coordination seems to be linked to the level of effort required to meet product specifications.Industrial Organization, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Exploring Natural Language Processing and Sentence Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis of Online Restaurant Reviews

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    This paper explores the application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods in sentiment analysis of restaurant reviews available online, for a sample of restaurants in the Algarve region. The primary objective was to develop an automated method that could efficiently extract and categorize relevant sentiments relating to five key attributes of customer satisfaction, namely food quality, service, ambient, price and restaurant’s location. Using the F1 Score the proposed method was compared against human classification benchmarks. The results showed that Universal Sentence Encoding (USE) was a suitable method for implementation due to its acceptable F1 score performance, ease of accessibility and reduced cost. The use of semantic embeddings can provide valuable insights from online reviews that could benefit the restaurant management and in general the data-driven decision-making processes businesses in the gastronomic sector

    Construire un outil d'aide à la production écrite au cycle 3 : la carte mentale

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    L'écriture n'est pas une activité anodine et nécessite la mise en œuvre de divers processus de niveaux cognitifs différents. Nous nous intéressons ici à une manière d'aider et faciliter la production d'écrits narratifs par les élèves de cycle 3, en construisant avec eux un outil allégeant la planification de l'écriture : la carte mentale. Après un travail préparatoire sur la structure narrative, nous avons construit ensemble cet outil qu'ils avaient ensuite la possibilité d'utiliser pour produire un récit narratif cohérent. Notre objectif était alors d'étudier l'impact d'un travail préalable sur le schéma narratif ainsi que celui de la carte mentale sur les productions des élèves

    Importância do fortalecimento das redes informais de apoio: Projecto Oficinas de Pais

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    El proyecto "Oficinas de País / Bolsas de País" diseñado dentro de una asociación entre el ISPA, Instituto Universitario, y la Asociación Pais-em-Rede, tiene como objetivo apoyar y fortalecer a los padres de los niños y jóvenes discapacitados, la creación de una red de apoyo centrada en la familia que permita al desarrollo de sus competencias parentales, como proponen Dunst, Trivette e Deal (1988, 1994). El proyecto ofrece tres niveles diferentes de participación: (1) los grupos de apoyo emocional (GAE); (2) Grupos de habilitación y empoderamiento, grupos (COR); (3) y los padres como cuidadores. En el primer nivel, el objetivo principal es permitir a los padres ver la importancia de su red social. De acuerdo con Cochran y Niego (1995, cit. Brandão y Craveirinha, 2011), Seligman y Darling (2007) y Serrano (2003), el desarrollo de los trabajos formales e informales es determinante en lo que se refiere al papel de los padres en las familias con niños discapacitados. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la Escala de funciones de apoyo y soporte social (adaptado de Dunst, Trivette y Deal, 1988), a partir de 115 padres de Lisboa, Oporto, Faro, Santarem y condados de Setubal.The project “Oficinas de Pais/Bolsas de Pais” designed within a partnership between ISPA – Instituto Universitário and Associação Pais-em-Rede, aims to support and strengthen parents of disabled children and youth, creating a family-centered support network that enables the development of their parental competencies, as proposed by Dunst, Trivette e Deal (1988, 1994). The Project provides three different levels of participation: (1) Emotional support groups (GAE); (2) Enabling and Empowerment groups (COR); (3) Parents as Caregivers In the first level, the main objective is to enable parents to view the importance of their social network. According to Cochran and Niego (1995, cit. Brandão & Craveirinha, 2011), Seligman and Darling (2007) and Serrano (2003), the development of formal and informal net works is determinant in what concerns parental role in families with disabled children. In this paper we present the results of the Support functions Scale and Social Support Scale (adapted from Dunst, Trivette & Deal, 1988), from 115 parents from Lisbon, Porto, Faro, Santarem and Setubal counties.El proyecto "Oficinas de País / Bolsas de País" diseñado dentro de una asociación entre el ISPA, Instituto Universitario, y la Asociación Pais-em-Rede, tiene como objetivo apoyar y fortalecer a los padres de los niños y jóvenes discapacitados, la creación de una red de apoyo centrada en la familia que permita al desarrollo de sus competencias parentales, como proponen Dunst, Trivette e Deal (1988, 1994). El proyecto ofrece tres niveles diferentes de participación: (1) los grupos de apoyo emocional (GAE); (2) Grupos de habilitación y empoderamiento, grupos (COR); (3) y los padres como cuidadores. En el primer nivel, el objetivo principal es permitir a los padres ver la importancia de su red social. De acuerdo con Cochran y Niego (1995, cit. Brandão y Craveirinha, 2011), Seligman y Darling (2007) y Serrano (2003), el desarrollo de los trabajos formales e informales es determinante en lo que se refiere al papel de los padres en las familias con niños discapacitados. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la Escala de funciones de apoyo y soporte social (adaptado de Dunst, Trivette y Deal, 1988), a partir de 115 padres de Lisboa, Oporto, Faro, Santarem y condados de Setubal.peerReviewe

    Prácticas organizativas en las escuelas públicas de alto rendimiento en Brasil

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    This research aimed to point out and analyse the organizational practices of the principals in high performance public schools in Brazil, considering the Basic Education Development Index. A multiple case study was conducted in six schools in Volta Redonda, municipality of Rio de Janeiro, in a longitudinal research. It was concluded that in these schools the principals have worked in the same school for more than 20 years, and whose work is recognized by the community that elected him to the position. Principals act to ensure the best results for the students while assuming the responsibility for making critical management decisions. The principals are fully active in the management teams and encourage the participation of parents. The principal of the studied high performance schools unequivocally show that their focus is on the students and their learning, by following up academically all students and offering individualized attention to those with learning difficulties. Finally, it was found that in all the school units, there is a relationship of partnership, respect and cooperation with teachers. The results showed that the involvement and commitment of the school administrators is fundamental for high performance in learning and for the continuous improvement of school performanceEsta investigación busca identificar y analizar las prácticas organizativas de los directores de escuelas públicas de alto rendimiento en Brasil, considerando el Índice de Desarrollo de la Educación Básica. Se realizó un estudio de caso múltiple en seis escuelas en Volta Redonda (Río de Janeiro) en una investigación longitudinal. Se concluyó que en estas escuelas los directores han trabajado en la misma escuela más de 20 años, y su trabajo es reconocido por la comunidad. El director actúa para garantizar los mejores resultados para los estudiantes mientras asume la responsabilidad de la toma de decisiones de gestión críticas. Los directores participan activamente en los equipos de gestión y fomentan la participación de las familias. Los directores de las escuelas de alto rendimiento estudiadas muestran que se centran en los estudiantes y en su aprendizaje al realizar un seguimiento académico de todos los estudiantes y ofrecer atención individualizada a aquellos con dificultades de aprendizaje. En todas las escuelas existe una relación de respeto y cooperación con los maestros. Los resultados mostraron que la participación y el compromiso de los administradores de la escuela es fundamental para el alto rendimiento en el aprendizaje y para la mejora continua del rendimiento escola

    Performative poetry as program, programmed poetry as performance

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    Innovative forms of poetry such as language art and experimental poetry have adopted intersemiotic processes and linguistic constraints in their codification, promoting rereading and transgression of technical apparatuses from the techno-capitalist societies. In addition, new inventive forms of digital language art, such as electronic poetry, have integrated generativity, indeterminacy and combinatorics in their programming, stimulating the reinvention and subversion of computing mechanisms from the networked societies. Through the appropriation of media, poetry articulates creative strategies that question the interface between arts and languages, forms and mechanisms. The experimental attitude of performative poetry presents itself as a program. Similarly, using the potentialities of the computer as a semiotic machine, programmed poetry can be regarded as performative, producing unique, unrepeatable events. Poetry and performance can thus be regarded as floating entities, promoting the transition from a fixed order to an economy of circulations. This scenario fuels the discussion concerning the connections between poetry, performance and program, supporting our reflections through the presentation and description of different examples of poetic intervention in the Portuguese context, which use programming and coding to reconfigure the awareness of language and mediation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Orchestration of tissue-scale mechanics and fate decisions by polarity signalling

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    Eukaryotic development relies on dynamic cell shape changes and segregation of fate determinants to achieve coordinated compartmentalization at larger scale. Studies in invertebrates have identified polarity programmes essential for morphogenesis; however, less is known about their contribution to adult tissue maintenance. While polarity-dependent fate decisions in mammals utilize molecular machineries similar to invertebrates, the hierarchies and effectors can differ widely. Recent studies in epithelial systems disclosed an intriguing interplay of polarity proteins, adhesion molecules and mechanochemical pathways in tissue organization. Based on major advances in biophysics, genome editing, highresolution imaging and mathematical modelling, the cell polarity field has evolved to a remarkably multidisciplinary ground. Here, we review emerging concepts how polarity and cell fate are coupled, with emphasis on tissue-scale mechanisms, mechanobiology and mammalian models. Recent findings on the role of polarity signalling for tissue mechanics, micro-environmental functions and fate choices in health and disease will be summarized