176 research outputs found
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) merupakan konsep pengembangan kawasan perkotaan yang kerap diadopsi di Indonesia untuk mendukung penggunaan transit, terutama di perkotaan besar yang sudah memiliki rencana pengembangan kereta api perkotaan, seperti Kota Bandung. Konsep ini mengedepankan integrasi guna lahan dan sistem angkutan massal sehingga bentuk guna lahan di sekitar simpul transit atau stasiun menjadi penting. Penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa variabel-variabel yang berhubungan dengan guna lahan memberikan pengaruh terhadap peningkatan fungsi transit. Mayoritas kawasan TOD dan sistem transit di Indonesia masih dalam tahap perencanaan, sehingga kinerja nyata TOD dalam mendukung penggunaan transit belum dapat dipastikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model prediksi dampak kinerja bentuk penggunaan dan pengembangan lahan pada area potensi TOD terhadap jumlah pengguna transportasi publik. Model ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi pengukuran keefektifan rencana TOD dalam konteks pembangkitan pengguna transportasi publik baru. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasilnya, beberapa hal perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pengembangan model, yaitu pemilihan variabel, penentuan sampel dan pemilihan metode analisis
Multi-objective Pareto front and particle swarm optimization algorithms for power dissipation reduction in microprocessors
The progress of microelectronics making possible higher integration densities, and a considerable development of on-board systems are currently undergoing, this growth comes up against a limiting factor of power dissipation. Higher power dissipation will cause an immediate spread of generated heat which causes thermal problems. Consequently, the system's total consumed energy will increase as the system temperature increase.
High temperatures in microprocessors and large thermal energy of computer systems produce huge problems of system confidence, performance, and cooling expenses. Power consumed by processors are mainly due to the increase in number of cores and the clock frequency, which is dissipated in the form of heat and causes thermal challenges for chip designers. As the microprocessor’s performance has increased remarkably in
Nano-meter technology, power dissipation is becoming non-negligible. To solve this problem, this article addresses power dissipation reduction issues for high performance processors using multi-objective Pareto front (PF), and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms to achieve power dissipation as a prior computation that reduces the real delay of a target microprocessor unit. Simulation is verified the conceptual fundamentals and optimization of joint body and supply voltages (Vth-VDD) which showing satisfactory findings
Performance analysis of multicore processors using multi-scaling techniques
Integrating more cores per chip enables more programs to run simultaneously, and more easily switch from one program to another, and the system performance will be improved significantly. However, this current trend of central processing unit (CPU) performance cannot be maintained since the budget of power per chip has not risen while the consumption of power per core has slowly reduced. Generally, the processor’s maximum performance is proportional to the product of the number of their cores and the frequency they are running at. However, this is usually limited by constraints of power. In this study, first, the voltage/frequency adjustment of the running cores has been analyzed for several programs to improve the processor’s performance within the constraint of power. Second, the impact of dynamically scaling the number of running cores is summarized for additional performance improvements of the active programs and applications. Finally, it has been verified that scaling the number of the running cores and their voltage/frequency simultaneously can improve the processor’s performance for a higher power dissipation or under power constraints. The performance analysis and improvements are obtained in a real-time simulation on a Linux operating system using a GEM5 simulator. Results indicated that performance improvement was attained at 59.98%, 33.33%, and 66.65% for the three scenarios, respectively
Thermal aware task assignment for multicore processors using genetic algorithm
Microprocessor power and thermal density are increasing exponentially. The reliability of the processor declined, cooling costs rose, and the processor's lifespan was shortened due to an overheated processor and poor thermal management like thermally unbalanced processors. Thus, the thermal management and balancing of multi-core processors are extremely crucial. This work mostly focuses on a compact temperature model of multicore processors. In this paper, a novel task assignment is proposed using a genetic algorithm to maintain the thermal balance of the cores, by considering the energy expended by each task that the core performs. And expecting the cores’ temperature using the hotspot simulator. The algorithm assigns tasks to the processors depending on the task parameters and current cores’ temperature in such a way that none of the tasks’ deadlines are lost for the earliest deadline first (EDF) scheduling algorithm. The mathematical model was derived, and the simulation results showed that the highest temperature difference between the cores is 8 °C for approximately 14 seconds of simulation. These results validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in managing the hotspot and reducing both temperature and energy consumption in multicore processors
The Prediction of the Electromagnetic Properties and the ?(E2/M1) of 110-116Cd-Isotopes in IBM Model
The Nuclear structure of 110-116Cd isotopes was studied theoretically in the framework of the interacting boson model of IBM-l and IBM-2. The properties of the lowest mixed symmetry states such as the 1+, 2+ and 3+ levels produced by the IBM-2 model in the vibrational-limit U(5) of Cd - isotopes are studied in details. This analysis shows that the character of mixed symmetry of 2+ is shared between and states in 110-114Cd – isotopes, the large shar goes to s, while in isotope, the state is declared as a mixed symmetry state without sharing. This identification is confirmed by the percentage of F-spin contribution.
The electromagnetic properties of E2 and Ml operators were investigated and the results were analyzed. Various values of eB in the IBM-l and fixed e?= 0.104 eb and e?=0.093 e.b in the IBM-2 are used to generate the B(E2) and Q(2+). Fixed values of g? =0.31?N and g? =-0.31?N were adopted to generate the B(Ml) and ?(E2/ Ml) mixing ratios. The small values of ?(E2/Ml) which obtained for transition from MS- states to those of full symmetry support the conclusion that there may be a strong Ml transition between these states
Strategies for Sustainable Water Management: Hydrochemical Profiling and Protection Zone Design in Rania Basin, Iraq
Groundwater in the Rania basin, Iraqi Kurdistan region, has been under intensive exploitation in the last two decades, where quantity and quality are both affected. Hence, any attempt to protect the aquifers has become an urgent need. Saruchawa, Qulai Rania, and Qulai Kanimaran are the three large springs, among dozens of others in the area, that are heavily relied on as the sole or main source of water supply. Hydrochemical analysis, the first and most practical step to evaluating the water quality, was carried out through 60 water samples collected from 13 springs and 17 wells in both dry and wet seasons (October 2018 and May 2019). Laboratory results show a high calcium bicarbonate concentration with weak acids’ dominance. Protection zones are delineated for these springs using aquifer susceptibility to contamination and analysis of the recession part of the spring curves. The equivalent relationship between the protection factor (Fp) produced by the Epikarst, protective cover, infiltration condition, and Karst network development mapping method and the groundwater protection zone (S) is considered. Qulai Rania and Kanimaran Springs are mapped to be in S2 (a highly vulnerable area), whereas Saruchawa Spring is located in S1 (very highly vulnerable). Based on the second method results (recession curve analyses), all three selected springs fall under the (D-type) vulnerability category. As a result, the immediate protection zone was going to be surrounded by the inner protection zone, and both are enclosed within the outer protection zone, which covers the remainder of the catchment area
Pangan merupakan kebutuhan pokok yang menjadi esensi kehidupan manusia, karenanya hak atas pangan menjadi bagian sangat penting dari hak azasi manusia.Pembangunan ketahanan pangan di Indonesia telah ditegaskan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 7 tahun 1996 tentang Pangan yang dirumuskan sebagai usaha mewujudkan ketersediaan pangan bagi seluruh rumah tangga dalam jumlah yang cukup, mutu dan gizi yang layak, aman dikonsumsi, merata serta terjangkau oleh setiap individu. Oleh karena itu ketahanan pangan menjadi salah satu isu paling strategis dalam konteks pembangunan nasional, khususnya bagi Negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Untuk mempertahankan swasembada pangan khususnya beras, disamping penggunaan faktor-faktor produksi juga sangat ditentukan oleh tersedianya sarana dan prasarana yang memadai.Benih memegang peranan penting dalam menentukan produksi yang akan diperoleh dalam berusahatani. Di dalamnya terkandung sifat-sifat yang akan tercermin pada pertumbuban dan produksi. Benih padi unggul besertifikat memiliki persentase tumbuh tinggi, tahan hama penyakit, bebas dari kotoran dan rerumputan,bebas dari insekta, kandungan airnya rendah, pertumbuban benih serempak serta produktifitasnya lebih tinggi dari varietas lokal.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berapa besar tingkat perbedaan produktivitas dan pendapatan usahatani padi sawah, antara petani yang menggunakan benih bersertifikat dan yang non beresertifikat pada program PTT di Kecamatan Sukamakmur Kabupaten Aceh Besar.Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka teknik pengumpulan data yang diambil berupa teknik pengumpulan data primer dan data sekunder, data primer dilakukan secara langsung, yakni dengan mewawancarai dan membagikan kuisioner kepada petani yang menjadi responden, sedangkan data sekunder diambil dari studi kepustakaan serta referensi dari lembaga atau instansi terkait.Dari hasil penelitian diketahui prouktivitas dan pendapatan usahatani petani padi sawah di kecamatan sukamakmur yang memakai benih bersertifikat lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan petani yang memakai benih non sertifikat, namun kendati demikian masih ada petani yang memakai benih non sertifikat disebabkan karena beberapa alasan berikut : Benih bersertifikat masih dianggap hal baru yang teknik budidayanya masih dianggap sulit oleh sebagian petani, Padi lokal jenis IR-64 merupakan jenis padi yang menghasilkan kuaJitas beras yang tidak kalah bagus dengan jenis padi yang bersertifikat, akan tetapi oleh pemerintah (dinas pertanian) tidak mengeluarkan benih tersebut dalam bentuk bersertifikat lagi karena proses penanamannya yang tergolong lama yakni 120 hari , Padi lokal jenis IR-64 merupakan jenis padi yang dapat dibudidayakan secara berulang-ulang, sehingga dalam memperoleh benih untuk penanaman padi pada musim tanam selanjutnya dapat diperoleh dari hasil gabah sebelumnya, Sementara benih bersertifikat hanya dapat digunakan dalam satu kali musim tanam saja, Harga beli benih padi bersertifikat jauh lebih tinggi dari pada non-bersertifikat, sehingga para petani lebih memilih benih padi non- bersertifika
Effect of Research and Development on Firm Value: Cross-country Evidence from the Technological Sector
The trend of research and development trend has been dramatically upward over the last few decades. Companies, particularly from the technological sectors, invest huge amount of resources on R&D. It is seen as a key competition factor in the sector. In this project it has three big companies which are Apple and Microsoft, Huawei companies. This project’s aim is comparison between stock price and research and development costs, the method of this project is secondary data in 2011-2021 years then calculation descriptive statistic and regression analysis and correlation and coefficient among those three companies. The result shows Apple and Microsoft Company is higher in stock price and research & development than Huawei Company and significant, and Huawei Company is less than the Apple and Microsoft and Non-significant
Les greffes racinaires naturelles chez deux clones de peuplier hybride
La formation des greffes racinaires naturelles est un phénomène peu compris mais répandu permettant la fusion de deux racines provenant d’arbres initialement distincts. L’importance de la formation de ces greffes réside dans la redistribution de nutriments et de produits de photosynthèse entre arbres interconnectés. Cette étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer l’influence de l’espacement entre les arbres sur la formation de greffes racinaires chez le peuplier hybride dans une plantation de 15 ans comportant deux clones (747215: Populus balsamifera x Populus trichocarpa et 915319: Populus maximowiczii x Populus balsamifera) et deux espacements (1 x 1 m, 3 x 3 m) à Amos, Québec, Canada. L’occurrence des greffes racinaires a été caractérisée après excavation hydraulique des systèmes racinaires. Des paramètres de croissance des arbres incluant le diamètre à hauteur de poitrine, la hauteur, le nombre de racines, la surface racinaire et l’âge des racines ont été mesurés. Nous avons observé que les greffes racinaires étaient présentes chez 38% des arbres espacés de 1 m tandis qu’aucune greffe n’a été trouvée chez les arbres plantés à 3 x 3 m d’espacement. Le nombre moyen de greffes par arbre était de 1.14, et celles-ci ont été trouvées majoritairement chez les arbres en bordure des blocs de plantation, où les arbres sont plus larges. Les greffes racinaires étaient relativement jeunes (entre 1 à 6 années) et la plupart n’étaient pas complétées (64%), nous empêchant de déterminer leur influence sur la croissance des arbres. Les greffes étaient significativement plus prévalentes chez le clone 915319 (70%) et chez les arbres ayant une plus grande croissance aérienne et souterraine (p<0.001). Ces résultats renforcent l’hypothèse que la proximité entre les arbres influence la fréquence de la formation de greffes racinaires naturelles chez les espèces ligneuses et que les arbres en plantation devraient être considérés comme un groupe fonctionnel où des échanges de substances et/ou de pathogènes peuvent subsister
This study aims to determine the juridical analysis of illegal loging in Simalungun Regency in accordance with decision number 495/Pid Sus-LH/2017/PN SIM, and to find out the prevention and eradication of forest destruction related to illegal loging. The research method in this journal is the type of juridical normative research which is descriptive in nature, juridical normative which refers to the legal norms contained in the statutory regulations relating to the crime of logging, descriptive data research is the disclosure of laws and regulations relating to legal theories which are the object of research. Data collection used in this research is to use literature study and decision study. All the data obtained will then be reviewed and analyzed then the data wiil be described qualitatively into descriptive which aims to describe the problem completely in order to reveal a truth. The problem in this research is how the juridical analysis of illegal logging in Simalungun Regency is in accordance with the decision number 495/Pid, Sus-LH/2017/PN SIM and how to prevent and eradicate forest destruction related to illegal loging. The solution is to increase the capacity of law enforcement officials and parties involved in preventing and eradicating and the role of the community in preserving forest. The conclusion is that the prevention and eradication of forest damage is part of forest protection activities in which the competent authorities participate in minimizing the eradication of illegal loging which is very detrimental to the nation and state
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