17 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pembelajaran Nilai-Nilai Moral Anak Usia Dini Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik di IGRA (Ikatan Guru Raudhatul Athfal) Sidoarjo

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    Training on Learning Moral Values of Early Childhood with a Scientific Approach at IGRA (Raudhatul Athfal Teacher Association) Sidoarjo" aims to provide three provisions to partners, namely: 1. Understanding and insight into learning moral values of early childhood based on a scientific approach; 2. Providing adequate abilities and skills regarding learning moral values for early childhood with a scientific approach so that learning will be more successful; 3. the ability to practice directly learning the moral values of early childhood with a scientific approach. The partners included were 40 teachers registered with IGRA (Raudhatul Athfal Teachers' Association). The implementation method uses a comprehensive method, in the sense of involving partners from the beginning of implementation to the end of the service, namely by inviting partners to identify problems related to partners' difficulties in terms of learning moral values for early childhood. Besides that, it involves partners to be directly involved in activities by providing the widest possible opportunity for partners to ask questions, respond and share experiences. The activity steps include: 1. Orientation of the material by presenting the material by the resource person; 2. Provide concrete examples of a scientific approach in learning moral values for early childhood; 3. Provide hands-on practice of a scientific approach in learning moral values at an early age. The results of the activity show three things, namely: Increased understanding and comprehensive insight of partners about learning moral values for early childhood with a scientific approach, as evidenced from the results of interviews 95% of partners said their understanding and insight had increased; 2. The level of ability and skills of partners regarding learning moral values for early childhood with a scientific approach has also increased, as evidenced by the results of interviews, 85% of partners have increased their abilities and skills; . The ability of partners when directly practicing learning moral values of early childhood with a scientific approach is also quite proven from the results of observations 85% of partners are able to carry out the practice


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    The low critical thinking abilities of students are caused by the application of non-innovative learning models. Learning is still teacher-centered so that students cannot develop critical thinking skills to the maximum. The aim of this research is to determine differences in critical thinking abilities of students who are treated using the Numbered Heads Together learning model. This research is quantitative research with the type of experimental research. The research was conducted in class IV of SD N 10 Gondosari. Data analysis was carried out using the t-test (Paired T Test). Based on the results of the T Test (Paired T Test) calculations, the Sig value is obtained. (2-tailed) is 0.000 which means Sig. (2-tailed) < 0.05. From these calculations, the T test results were less than the significance level. It can be concluded that there is a difference in the average test results before and after the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model is implemented. There are significant differences in critical thinking abilities between students taught using the Numbered Heads Together learning model


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    Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian pada masyarakat yaitu: (a) Membuat kelompok kerja guru PAUD, (b) menambah kreatifitas Guru PAUD dalam membuatĀ  media Loose Partuntuk anak usia dini, (c) melatih pembuatan media Loose Partuntuk anak usia dini, (d) pendampingan guru untuk menggunakan media Loose Part untuk anak usia dini di dalam pembelajaran. Metode dalam pelaksanaannya kegiatan yaitu mengambil pada model penelitian tindakan memiliki 4 tahapan, yakni: merencanakan program, melaksanakan, observasi dan evaluasi serta refleksi. Hasil pengabdian adalah (a) terbentuknya 3 kelompok kerja guru PAUD yang memiliki anggota 6 orang; (b) adanya peningkatan kreatifitas kelompok guru mengenai membuat media Loose Partuntuk anak usia dini dari kategori ā€œkurangā€ kemudian ā€œbaikā€; (c) ada 7 jenis media Loose Partuntuk anak usia dini, meliputi materi: kaca dan kramik, bekas kemasan , bahan dasar alam, plastik, logam, benang dan kain, serta kayu dan bambu dengan nilai ā€˜baikā€™. (d) kegunaan media Loose Part untuk anak usia dini di dalam kelas berkualitas ā€œbaikā€. Hasil dari kegiatan ini diharapkan mampu meningkatan kreatifitas Guru PAUD di TK Islam Pluz Az Zahra Pakal Surabaya khususnya dengan membuat media Loose Partuntuk anak usia dini

    Utilization of Biopore Infiltration Hole and Cross Drain Technology to Improve Root Geometry and Mycorrhizal Colonization in Skidding Road

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    Root geometry is important factor in planting in skidding roads. Soil compaction, lack of mycorrhizal population and stunted seedling growth are the common problem in skidding road for reforestation success. Implementation of bio-pore infiltration hole (BIH) and cross drain (CD) technology may improve the skidding road problems

    Natural Regeneration Population of Batang Rattan (Calamus zollingeri Beccari) in Nupabomba Village, Production Forest Area, Central Sulawesi

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    This research aimed to obtain information on the abundance and natural regeneration population of Calamus zollingeri Beccari and identify dominant trees in the site. The study used the descriptive method with a survey technique.Ā  A transect of 520 m consisting of 13 plots of 20 Ɨ 20 m was established. The number of individuals, the lengths, and diameters of the stems for the seedlings, young, semi-mature,Ā  and mature cutting rattan were recorded along with the surrounding vegetation. Relative density, the frequency of rattan plants and trees were summed to obtain the important value index (IVI) of each growth rate.Ā  The results showed that the natural regeneration population was quite abundant, i.e.Ā  738.46, 296.15, 132.69, and 25.00 stems ha-1 for seedlings, young, semi-mature, and mature rattan, respectively as a response to logging in which a number of the seedlings tended to increase after logging. The trees associated with C. zollingeri were Baccaurea rasemosa, Celtis philippensis, and Fagraea fragrans. The existence of seedling regeneration is a guarantee to the sustainability of C. zollingeri in the future. Therefore, forests with rattan need to be developed to improve the preservation, utilization, and conservation of its genetic resources, as well as enhancing the community awarenes

    Natural Regeneration Population of Batang Rattan (Calamus zollingeri Beccari) in Nupabomba Village, Production Forest Area, Central Sulawesi

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    This research aimed to obtain information on the abundance and natural regeneration population of Calamus zollingeri Beccari and identify dominant trees in the site. The study used the descriptive method with a survey technique.Ā  A transect of 520 m consisting of 13 plots of 20 Ɨ 20 m was established. The number of individuals, the lengths, and diameters of the stems for the seedlings, young, semi-mature,Ā  and mature cutting rattan were recorded along with the surrounding vegetation. Relative density, the frequency of rattan plants and trees were summed to obtain the important value index (IVI) of each growth rate.Ā  The results showed that the natural regeneration population was quite abundant, i.e.Ā  738.46, 296.15, 132.69, and 25.00 stems ha-1 for seedlings, young, semi-mature, and mature rattan, respectively as a response to logging in which a number of the seedlings tended to increase after logging. The trees associated with C. zollingeri were Baccaurea rasemosa, Celtis philippensis, and Fagraea fragrans. The existence of seedling regeneration is a guarantee to the sustainability of C. zollingeri in the future. Therefore, forests with rattan need to be developed to improve the preservation, utilization, and conservation of its genetic resources, as well as enhancing the community awarenes

    Seed Dormancy Breaking Techniques of Two Species of Rattan in Central Sulawesi's Mainstay: Daemonorops Robusta Warb.ex Beccari and Calamus Inops Beccari Ex Heyne

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    Noko rattan (Daemonorops robusta) and tohiti rattan (Calamus inops) are the Sulawesi local rattans that are not yet cultivated due to obstacles in its cultivation techniques, especially in seed germination. The purpose of this study was to determine the breaking of dormancy of rattan noko and tohiti seeds. The treatments used are: control, scarification, soaked in the water for 24 hours, soaked in the mono sodium glutamat solution for 24 hours, and soaked in coconut water for 24 hours. The experimental design was completely randomized design. The parameters observed were the initial moisture content of the seed, the first day of germination, germination capacity, germination rate and germination value. The results show that both rattans seeds are recalcitrant. Noko rattan is easier to germinate than Tohiti rattan and the best treatment of dormancy breaking was used immersion with coconut water. In noko rattan, broken dormancy of the 13th day with germination capacity of 91.98%, mean germination time of 32.92 days and a germination value of 0.001. Tohiti rattan was able to break dormancy in the 29th day with 88.67% of germination capacity, 58.63 days of mean germination time and 0.001 of germination value

    Struktur dan Komposisi Vegetasi di Cagar Alam Telaga Ranjeng dan Implikasi Konservasinya

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    Cagar Alam Telaga Ranjeng (CATR) di Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah terletak di lereng Gunung Slamet dan dikelilingi oleh pemukiman dan Perkebunan Teh Kaligua. Cagar Alam ini mempunyai telaga sebagai penangkap air dan keanekaragaman jenis flora yang mempunyai peranan dalam melestarikan fungsi telaga tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi berbagai tumbuhan termasuk semak, anggrek, dan pohon di dataran tinggi tropis di wilayah CATR. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan membuat plot-plot pengamatan vegetasi. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif-kuantitatif menggunakan Indeks Nilai Penting (INP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. merupakan jenis dominan (INP = 27,50 %) pada tingkat pohon berdiameter < 50 cm. Pinanga coronata Blume merupakan jenis dominan pada tingkat pancang (92,99 %), disusul Antidesma tetrandrum (24,73 %) dan Cyathea latebrosa (Wallich ex W. J. Hooker) Copeland (14,73). A. tetrandrum juga merupakan jenis dominan kedua pada tingkat pohon. Tingkat semai didominasi oleh Cyrtandra sp.. Keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan pada tingkat pancang dapat menjamin kelestarian hutan CATR di masa mendatang, termasuk dalam konservasi flora dan fauna pada ekosistem hutan Gunung Slamet

    Effect of Planting Media on the Growth of Shorea Pinanga Scheff. Seedlings

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    Shoreapinanga Scheff. is a major tropical plant species which has an important economic value not only for timber, but also as illipe nut (called tengkawang in local name) production. This species is suggested for land rehabilitation and forest conservation. In rehabilitation action, S. pi11a11ga is usually planted on the poor and degraded area. Application of chemical fertilizer and compost is used to increase the survival and growth of the seedlings. Excessive chemical fertilizer input to soil, however, may cause negative effect on soil, plant and environment. Conversely, compost may improve soil porosity, soil aggregate, water absorption and soil fertility. The objective of the study was to examine effect of planting media on growth of S. pinanga seedlings. Complete randomized design has been arranged with 5 treatments, e.g. soil mixed with husk (at the proportion of 1:1), soil mixed with acacia compost (1:1), soil mixed with charcoal of rice husk (1:1) and soil mixed with humic acid (1:1). Another treatment was soil alone used as control. The result showed that growth of both stem height and diameter, and index of seedling quality were affected significantly by planting media. The mixture of soil and acacia compost (1 :1) was the best planting media for the growth of S. pinanga seedlings, which resulted in the growth of height (24.19 cm) and stem diameter (0.246 cm). Meanwhile, soil mixed with rice husk charcoal (1:1) gave the best result to the index of seedling quality (ISQ = 1.34) and total dry weight (TOW= 15.93 g)