1,820 research outputs found

    Análisis de la participación escolar en la gestión de un espacio natural. Estudio de casos del Proyecto de Apadrinamiento del Parque Natural del Turia

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    El Proyecto de Apadrinamiento de las riberas del Turia ha permitido desarrollar una investigación cualitativa para estudiar el carácter de la participación escolar fomentada  a partir de la relación que este tipo de proyectos genera entre los ámbitos de la educación formal y no formal. Se plantea una primera fase diagnóstica a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y posteriormente una intervención mediante una investigación cuasiexperimental para conocer la percepción que sobre esta cuestión poseen técnicos, docentes y el propio alumnado. Los resultados evidencian la necesaria coherencia entre el modelo didáctico-evaluativo alternativo y el proyecto curricular sociocrítico para fomentar la participación escolar auténtica a partir de una mayor implicación en la gestión de este espacio natural a favor de una ciudadanía activa.Project Sponsorship riverside of the Turia has allowed qualitative research to analyze the character of the school participation encouraged by the relationship that these projects generated between the areas of formal and non formal education. The research design presents a first diagnostic phase through semi-structured interviews and then an intervention by a quasi-experimental research about the perception technicians, teachers and students have on this issue. The first results show the necessary consistency between alternative teaching-evaluation model and sociocritic curricular project to promote authentic student participation from a greater involvement in the landscape management in favor of active citizenship

    Mi experiencia en la elaboración del Trabajo Final de Grado

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    Este trabajo describe una experiencia personal en la elaboración de un Trabajo Final de Grado (TFG). La finalidad es la de utilizar este tipo de conocimiento para ofrecer una orientación práctica a cualquier persona que deba abordar un trabajo de estas características. Con ello no solo se pretende desarrollar un TFG sino además, disfrutar del proceso

    Estimates of the likelihood of threats are related to intolerance of uncertainty and learning

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    In the present experiment, we assessed the relationship between intolerance of uncertainty and expectancy ratings of threats both in the presence of conditioned stimuli (CS) that signalled the delivery of an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US), and after making an avoidance response. Participants learned the relationship between several pictures serving as CSs and an aversive sound serving as the US, and learned to avoid the US through a procedure including alternating pavlovian and negative reinforcement training phases. Expectancy ratings were measured on every training trial. Our results only showed a significant association between intolerance of uncertainty and expectancy ratings made after avoidance responses. This association was found only when the avoidance response was made in the presence of CSs signalling that the aversive sound was avoidable. The increase in intolerance of uncertainty was related to lower expectancy ratings in good learners, and to higher expectancy ratings in bad learners. These results are tentatively explained by invoking a view of intolerance of uncertainty as an exaggerated reaction to uncertainty aimed at learning to avoid threats.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ministerio de Ciencia y Competitividad. Proyecto Nacional I+D+i. PSI2014-56061

    El biohuerto escolar como recurso en la educació intercultural

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    La presente investigación analiza las posibilidades que ofrece el taller de biohuerto escolar como recurso en la educación intercultural por su capacidad para establecer nexos culturales entre dos contextos diferentes a través del conocimiento sobre las verduras y hortalizas. La práctica educativa se realizó en un colegio en Valencia que previamente había mantenido contactos interculturales con una comunidad nativa en la Amazonía peruana. Se siguió una metodología por objetivos mediante un aprendizaje significativo a través de un programa de intervención constituido por actividades que abarcaban las diferentes áreas de conocimiento. A través del análisis de tareas, la encuesta y la asamblea de aula se pudo valorar la eficacia de la experiencia y analizar los resultados obtenidos. De esta manera el biohuerto se convierte en una herramienta útil para desarrollar el concepto de identidad, estableciendo relaciones que demuestran la existencia de un patrimonio común a toda la humanidad

    Health state perception of people close to retirement age: Relationship with lifestyle habits and subjects’ characteristics

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    Aim: Societal ageing increases the need for correct and healthy ageing to ensure the well-being of older adults. Practical strategies are needed to acquire healthy habits for the ageing process. This study aims to analyse the lifestyle habits of subjects who are retired or close to retirement and identify factors that could influence their perceived health and that could be related to these habits. Methods: A Spanish observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study of subjects close to retirement-age. Socio-demographic, family, work, leisure, social, and clinical-psychological indicators were evaluated. Results: 1,700 participants (581 employed; 714 retirees; 405 other-status) were included, average age 63 years, 52% women. Most reported a satisfactory social life (90%), were in live-in relationships (74%), non-smoking (80%), followed a Mediterranean diet (73%), and took medicines daily (70%). Perceived health (EQ-VAS) was 75.9/100, with low disability (12-WHODAS) (7.4/ 100) and moderate/severe depression. Women reported higher disability (p < 0.001) and depression (p < 0.001), a better social life, and healthier lifestyle, but lower physical/work activity. Retirees reported less depression, better social life, healthier lifestyle, higher physical/work activity, and better sleeping habits. The multivariate model showed a significant association of health-status with disability level, number of chronic diseases, sleep habits, exercise, diet, and alcohol consumption. When depression level was introduced, age and being a woman were also related. Conclusions: Retirement does not mean worse health but rather an opportunity to reinforce favourable health activities and improve lifestyle factors. Incorporating the differences related to gender and employment status in health-perception will facilitate the design of healthy ageing strategie

    Los impactos del turismo en España: diferencias entre destinos de sol y playa y destinos de interior

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    This article aims to evaluate the perception of the Spanish residents about the economic, sociocultural and environmental impacts that tourism generate in Spain. In particular, the article analyse the resident percepcion of the impacts in 151 spanish destinations making distinctions between coastal destinations and hinterland destinations. To this end we have made a one way ANOVA based on 1027 surveys. This analysis of the data shows that those resident who live in coastal areas perceive more strongly the negatives effects of tourism than those who live in hinterlands.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo la evaluación de los impactos económicos, socioculturales y medioambientales ocasionados por el turismo en España. En concreto, el artículo mide la percepción que de ellos tienen los residentes de 151 municipios turísticos valorando las posibles diferencias entre las percepciones de los residentes de destinos de sol y playa y de interior. Para ello, se han realizado 1027 encuestas analizadas a través de la prueba paramétrica para la comparación de medias (ANOVA). Este análisis ha permitido determinar, entre otras cuestiones, que los residentes de los destinos de sol y playa perciben los impactos del turismo de forma más negativa que los de los destinos de interior

    Educación Infantil a través del rincón de ciencia

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    La propuesta del TFG pretende exponer una serie de experimentos a realizar en Educación Infantil, con la finalidad de proporcionar a los alumnos un acercamiento a las ciencias en edades tempranas, un conocimiento del entorno para desenvolverse en él, y la creación de un espíritu críticoGrado en Educación Infanti

    Optical and magneto-optical properties of Au:Conanoparticles and Co:Aunanoparticles doped magnetoplasmonic systems

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    © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. We report a study of Au:CoNPs and Co:AuNPs doped magnetoplasmonic systems. In particular, we analyze the effect of adding different concentrations of Co (or Au) nanoparticles (NPs) in a Au (or Co) matrix on both the optical and magneto-optical constants. Through the use of a simple effective medium model, relevant changes in the optical properties of the Au NPs compared to those of bulk material have been identified. Such effects are not observed in the Co NPs system. However, in both systems, there is an increase of the effective diameter of the NPs as compared to the real diameter that can be due to interface effects surrounding the NPs. Moreover, the magneto-optical constants values of both systems are smaller (in absolute values) than expected, which could also be attributed to interface effects such as hybridization between Au and Co.This work was supported by the Spanish MINECO under Project Nos. MAT2011-29194-C02 (MAPS), CSD2007-00041 (NANOSELECT), and CSD2008-00023 (FUNCOAT). http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4906946Peer Reviewe

    Experiences of Mothers Who Care for Adults with Profound Intellectual Disabilities. Qualitative Study

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    The purpose of this qualitative study was to evaluate the motherhood experience when caring for adult children with profound intellectual disabilities. The study was conducted in Poland with a group of 34 mothers. Data was collected and the qualitative methodology was applied, using in-depth narrative interviews. The results of the research indicated that these experiences also include various critical events; experiences that became part of the motherhood to which the women attributed personal meaning. The study results suggest the need for state reform measures to support mothers of adults with profound intellectual disabilities and at the same time, for many families

    Theoretical analysis of magnetoplasmonic interferometers for sensing

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    Comunicación presentada en la Conferencia Española de Nanofotónica (CEN2012), celebrada en Carmona (Sevilla) del 1 al 4 de octubre de 2012.Peer Reviewe