420 research outputs found

    Subjetividad del operador disciplinario

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    Reconociendo los vacíos normativos en el ordenamiento jurídico del derecho disciplinario, en el derecho sancionador se acepta el análisis en lo que corresponde a la analogía de la ley. Es por ello que es posible para el operador disciplinario que pueda remitirse a la ley penal teniendo en cuenta que esta se ha convertido en límite para el ejercicio del poder punitivo y en uno de los elementos fundamentales de protección a los derechos fundamentales del disciplinado. El derecho disciplinario comparte con el derecho penal no solo la existencia de principios comunes empleados con sus respectivas adecuaciones en lo que se refiere a cada rama sino que también se encuentra en un punto donde los dos exigen que para que exista un ilícito, el hecho realizado por el acusado debe ser típico, antijurídico y culpabl

    Simulated Video Consultations as a Learning Tool in Undergraduate Nursing: Students’ Perceptions

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    Simulated video consultations, a teaching tool based on high-fidelity simulations, were implemented in response to the necessary adaptation of high-fidelity clinical simulation sessions to the online or virtual modality during the university closure due to the COVID-19 confinement. The purpose of our study was to explore the undergraduate nursing students’ satisfaction and perceptions about simulated video consultations using the high-fidelity simulation methodology. A mixed-method was utilized with 93 undergraduate nursing students using a validated satisfaction questionnaire (quantitative data), which included an observations section (qualitative data). Of the total sample, 97.8% of the students expressed a high overall satisfaction with simulated video consultations, highlighting their practical utility and positive learning outcomes. From the students’ comments, two main themes and their related categories emerged: advantages (satisfaction and enjoyment, learning, and calmness during simulated scenarios), and disadvantages (technical issues and technical skills development). Simulated video consultations may be considered as one more high-fidelity simulation teaching option. Nursing students should be trained in this modality of healthcare to face the challenge brought on by its increased use in healthcare services, beyond the specific adaptation of clinical simulation sessions due to the closure of universities during this pandemic

    Relative and Absolute Reliability of a Motor Assessment System Using KINECT® Camera

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    (1) Background: Virtual reality is currently useful in different clinical specialties as a diagnostic and therapeutic tool. In this study, we analyzed the relative and absolute reliability of the motor evaluation with the Kinect camera, a markerless motion system. (2) Methods: Observational study in healthy people, whose inclusion criteria were: healthy people, age 18 to 40 years old without pathologies or injuries in osteoarticular structures or ligamentous muscle and pharmacological treatment with influence on motor skills. Fifty-two subjects were evaluated. (3) Results: The results of the relative reliability were favorable in variables such as the amplitude of passage of the right leg (ICC (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient) = 0.95 ± 0.03), the step width of the left leg (ICC = 0.92 ± 0.04) or balance of the left leg (ICC = 0.90 ± 0.05). Moderate values were found for other variables. The absolute reliability, measured by the coefficient of variation, was favorable in most of the variables. (4) Conclusions: The results reflect a favorable intraclass correlation in the evaluation of the variation and asymmetry of movements of the upper limbs, the balance of both legs, the side step width and the evaluation of the sitting and standing positions. The reliability of the evaluation of the variation of movements and the asymmetry of the lower limbs must be further improved

    Development of porosity upon physical activation of grape seeds char by gas phase oxygen chemisorption–desorption cycles

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    Activation of grape seeds char upon cyclic oxygen chemisorption-desorption permits a controlled development of porosity versus burn-off using air as a cheap activation agent. In this work the influence of chemisorption and desorption temperature and the number of cycles is investigated. A fast increase of BET surface area (SBET) is obtained in the two first cycles; that increase becomes then lower although the SBET continues increasing upon the successive cycles. Regarding the Dubinin-Astakhov surface area (SDA) a slow increase was observed from cycle to cycle. The activation process led to the development of both micro and mesoporosity. Under the optimum conditions for surface area development, i.e. an oxidation temperature of 275°C and desorption temperatures between 850 and 950°C, values of 1129-1256 and 1339-1219m2/g were obtained for SBET and SDA, respectively. Porosity was found to increase mainly during the desorption stage, although chemisorption also led to some surface area development. SEM characterization showed that the activated carbon maintained the granular morphology of the seeds even after 10 cycles showing the egg-shell structure of the precursor with longer and deeper cracks at the outer surface. The activated carbons showed a good mechanical strength during attrition testsThe authors greatly appreciate financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CTQ2009-09983

    Ensayo II Congreso Internacional COFACES 2020

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    Ensayo II Congreso Internacional COFACESLa situación socioeconómica es importante para el desarrollo y progreso de un país, y más cuando este se centra en unas características de desigualdad en donde la sociedad carece de igualdad económica, cultural dando tratos diferentes a su Población, la desigualdad no solo hace parte de una posición social o económica sino que también aquí se encierran los grupos minoritarios que son los que más sufren alguna clase de rechazo por sus diferencias religiosas, cultural, sexo, raza, color de piel entre otros aspectos.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. GENERALIDADES 2. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍAEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto

    Síndrome de burnout en deportistas universitarios mexicanos

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    El Síndrome de Burnout es producto del estrés crónico que se manifiesta por la fatiga crónica tanto física como psíquica, ira, sentimientos de autocrítica, impotencia, negatividad, irritabilidad, entre otros. Se manifiesta en los deportistas en tres áreas principalmente: psicológica, ambiental y deportiva. El objetivo de esta investigación fue conocer la prevalencia del síndrome de agotamiento crónico en deportistas de una competencia nacional entre universitarios. En la investigación participaron 531 estudiantes de diferentes deportes, estados, universidades y licenciaturas. Se utilizó un cuestionario sociodemográfico para conocer datos personales y del entorno donde interactúa el deportista; y para evaluar el Burnout se utilizó el inventario de Burnout de Maslach y Jackson en su versión adaptada al deporte. Se obtuvo una confiabilidad de .789 en el instrumento, y la media más alta en realización personal, no encontrando diferencias significativas respecto al sexo y las dimensiones que componen el síndrome.Burnout Syndrome is a result of chronic stress manifested by chronic fatigue both physical and mental, anger, feelings of self-criticism, impotence, negativity, irritability, among others. It manifests in the athletes in three main areas: psychological, environmental and sports. The aim of this research is to determine the prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome in the athletes of Guadalajara's National University, located in Jalisco, México in the year of 2008. In the research 531 students were involved, all of them from different sports, place of residence, universities and degrees. A sociodemographic questionnaire was implemented to obtain personal data as well as information of the environment where the athletes interact; to evaluate the Burnout, the Maslach and Jackson's inventory was used in its adapted sport version. With the test, a reliability of .789 was obtained in the instrument, and the highest middle in personal accomplishment, not finding significant differences regarding to gender and the dimensions that compose the syndrome.A síndrome de Burnout é o resultado de estresse crônico manifestada pela fadiga crônica física e mental, raiva, sentimentos de auto-crítica, a impotência, a negatividade, irritabilidade, entre outros. Ela se manifesta em atletas em três áreas principais: psicológico, ambiental e desportivo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi determinar a prevalência da síndrome da fadiga crônica em atletas de uma competição nacional entre os estudantes universitários. A pesquisa envolveu 531 estudantes de diferentes esportes, estados, universidades e graus. Um questionário sociodemográfico foi usado para aprender dados pessoais e do ambiente onde ele interage; e para avaliar o Burnout, o inventário de Burnout de Maslach e Jackson foi usado na sua versão adaptada para o esporte. Foi obtido 0,789 confiabilidade do instrumento, e a maior média na realização pessoal, sem diferenças significativas em relação ao gênero e dimensões que compõem a síndrome

    Diagnosis of Subclinical Keratoconus with a Combined Model of Biomechanical and Topographic Parameters

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    This study sought to develop a diagnostic model with aberrometry and biomechanical variables for subclinical keratoconus. The design was a cross-sectional study. The topographic data were obtained with a rotating Scheimpflug camera (Pentacam HR), and biomechanical data were obtained with Corvis ST. The study included 81 eyes distributed in 61 healthy corneas and 20 subclinical keratoconus (SCKC), defined as eyes with suspicious topographic findings, normal slit-lamp examination, and a manifestation of keratoconus. Analyses of the topographic and biomechanical data were performed, and a classifying model of SCKC was elaborated. The model for the diagnosis of SCKC includes posterior coma to 90°, Ambrósio’s Relational Thickness in the horizontal profile (ARTh), and velocity when the air pulse is off (A2 velocity). The sensitivity was 89.5%, specificity 96.7%, accuracy 94.9%, and precision 89.5%. The area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for the model was 0.951. Diagnosis of subclinical keratoconus depends on the aberrometry variable posterior coma to 90° and the biomechanical variables A2 velocity and ARTh

    Clasificacion de cesáreas por grupos de Robson en los ultimos 3 añosen el Hospital de Engativa de la ciudad de Bogota

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    Introducción: La clasificación de Robson permite caracterizar las mujeres a las que se realiza cesárea con el fin de implementar estrategias focalizadas con éxito. El objetivo fue determinar las tasas específicas de cesárea según la clasificación de Robson en el Hospital de Engativá, en donde se realizó un estudio transversal incluyendo gestantes atendidas en una institución de segundo nivel de complejidad entre 2012 y 2014. Se realizó el análisis descriptivo en EpiInfo y Stata de la tasa global y específica por cada grupo. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 1190 nacimientos. La tasa global de cesárea fue de 36.97 %. El grupo que más contribuye a la tasa de cesáreas son las nulíparas (38,5%) seguidas del grupo con cesárea anterior (36,4%) que tiene una tasa específica del 100%. La tasa especifica de cesárea en el grupo de nulíparas con parto espontaneo fue de 36,6% y la partos prematuros 43,3%. Estos grupos son susceptibles de intervención para reducir la tasa de cesárea específica e impactar la tasa global de cesárea de la institución.Abstract. Introduction: Robson classification to characterize the women who Caesarean is performed in order to implement targeted strategies successfully. The objective was to determine the specific rates of caesarean section as ranked by Robson in Engativa Hospital, where a cross-sectional study including pregnant women at an institution of second level of complexity between 2012 and 2014. A descriptive analysis was performed and was conducted on Epi- info and Stata, of global and specific rate for each group. Results: A total of 1190 births were included. The overall rate of cesarean section was 36.97%. The group that contributes most to the cesarean rate are nulliparous (38.5%) followed by the group with previous cesarean section (36.4%) having a specific rate of 100%. The rate of cesarean section specifies the group of gilts with spontaneous labor was 36.6% and 43.3% preterm births. These groups are capable of intervention to reduce the rate of cesarean specific and impact the overall rate of cesarean section of the institution.Otr

    Caracterización clínica y epidemiológica de pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal

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    Introduction: colorectal cancer is the third most frequent cause of morbidity and mortality due to cancer in the world; prognosis that is related to its late diagnosis.Objective: to characterize clinically and epidemiologically patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer.Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the Department of Digestive Endoscopy of the General Teaching Hospital "Ciro Redondo García" in Artemisa, in the period between January 1st and December 31st, 2019. The universe was consisting of 12 patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer and confirmation of the histological type by biopsy. Descriptive statistics were produced.Results: patients between 50 and 59 years old and those over 70 years old (33.3%) predominated; the female sex stood out with a total of 9 women. The most frequent location of the tumor was at the level of the rectosigmoid with 8 patients (66.7%) and the most common clinical manifestation was lower gastrointestinal bleeding, present in 5 patients (41, 7%). The most frequent histological type was adenocarcinoma (91.7%).Conclusions: superiority was shown in the number of cases from 50 years of age and the female sex predominated. Lower gastrointestinal bleeding was the most common clinical manifestation and the rectosigmoid was the most common site of these tumors. The most frequent histological diagnosis was adenocarcinoma.Introducción: el cáncer colorrectal es la tercera causa más frecuente de morbilidad y mortalidad por cáncer en el mundo; pronóstico que se encuentra relacionado con su diagnóstico tardío.Objetivo: caracterizar clínica y epidemiológicamente a pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer colorrectal.Método: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal en el Departamento de Endoscopia Digestiva del Hospital General Docente “Ciro Redondo García” de Artemisa, en el período comprendido del 1ro de enero al 31 diciembre del 2019. El universo estuvo constituido por 12 pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer colorrectal y confirmación del tipo histológico por biopsia. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva.Resultados: predominaron los pacientes entre 50 y 59 años y los mayores de 70 años (33,3 %); se destacó el sexo femenino con un total de 9 mujeres. La localización más frecuente del tumor fue a nivel del rectosigmoides con 8 pacientes (66,7 %) y la manifestación clínica más co- mún fue la hemorragia digestiva baja, presente en 5 pacientes (41,7 %). El tipo histológico más frecuente fue el adenocarcinoma (91,7 %).Conclusiones: se observó superioridad en el número de casos a partir de los 50 años y predominó el sexo femenino. La hemorragia digestiva baja fue la manifestación clínica más común y el rectosigmoides fue el lugar de asiento más común de estos tumores. El diagnóstico histológico más frecuente fue el adenocarcinoma