47 research outputs found

    Fortalezas Familiares Y Consumo De Alcohol En Hombres Y Mujeres Adolescentes

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    The present study aimed to analyze the differences in family assets in adolescents, men and women, by level of alcohol consumption. For this, a non-probabilistic sample of 454 high school students was selected, with a mean age of 15.9 years old (SD = 1.07); of which 49.1% were men and 50.9% were women. Three dimensions of the Parental Practice Scale (Andrade & Betancourt, 2008) were used to assess family assets, which assesses the support and supervision of both parents; in addition, the scale house rules of Sánchez-Xicotencatl (2015) was used. To measure alcohol consumption, four indicators were used to evaluate the behavior’s presence, the age of onset, as well as frequency and quantity (Andrade & Betancourt, 2008). The results showed that 57% of men and 53.8% of women reported that they had consumed alcohol. Regarding the differences in family assets by the categories of the alcohol consumption indicator, the findings showed significant differences house rules (in both men and women), and in the men’s case differences were found in maternal supervision and in women, differences were found in the support-supervision of the father. The results allow us to have elements of the role of the assets evaluated in the alcohol consumption in adolescent population, as well as the differential effect by the sex of the adolescents

    Análisis psicométrico de la versión revisada de la escala de fortalezas internas y externas para adolescentes (FIE-AR)

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the reviewed version of the internal and external strengths for teenagers (FIE-AR). A non-probabilistic sample of 1486 students was selected from public schools in Mexico City, 47.3% were men and 52.7% were women, with an average age of 14.6 years (DE=1.7). it was used the second version of the FIE-AR, which is a scale that evaluates 7 external strengths (mother supervision, mother support, father supervision and support, house rules, friends without risk conducts, healthy friends and no drug access) and eight internal strengths (responsibility, health importance, religion importance, decision making, anger expression and educative expectations). The factorial confirmatory analysis identified a good adjust of the models (one for external strengths and another one for the internal strengths).En el presente artículo se hace un análisis teórico desde el discurso de Freud acerca de las vicisitudes de las posiciones subjetivas del odio insertadas en dinámicas de intolerancia a la alteridad y a la diferencia. El método utilizado fue la revisión teórica documental y la desconstrucción de los textos como apertura de sentido, haciendo un recorrido por la obra de Freud, así como por otros referentes del pensamiento psicoanalítico. El objetivo consiste en analizar las incidencias del odio como problemática de actualidad, enlazando al psicoanálisis con las dimensiones sociales y culturales. Como resultado se puede revelar el papel fundante del odio en las relaciones con la alteridad inserta en el mundo exterior y se vislumbra la ilusoria alteridad amable del narcisismo; así como también se detectan los efectos delirantes del rechazo de la identidad amorosa homosexual. Se concluye el despliegue de la diferencia como riesgo y amenaza al narcisismo de la posición fálica o del amor de sí, mostrando un escenario del odio a las pequeñas diferencias bajo el moldeamiento de un estado de suspicacia feroz volcado en una postura de intransigencia que se extiende esde el mítico padre primordial hasta el Dios celoso de su unicidad

    Uso de videojuegos, agresión, sintomatología depresiva y violencia intrafamiliar en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes

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    The objective of this research was to determine differences on depressive symptoms, family violence and aggression in 801 adolescents and young people with different levels of exposure to video games with and without violent content. The average age of the participants was 17.5 years, of which 55.4% were male and 44.6% female. To assess depressive symptoms, the Certificate Center for Epidemiologic Studies was used, and for domestic violence, a scale was designed from 16 reactants that measure verbal and physical aggression, humiliation and respect; with regards to aggression, a Likert scale was designed from 13 reactants with four-response options: from never to always. And with regards to the use of video games, it was asked whether they use them or not, the motive why they like them, the approximate time a week playing them, and whether those video games have violent content and its type. The results showed significant differences in the variables evaluated as to the level of exposure to video games with violent content, which generally teenagers and young adults who reported higher exposure (more than 11 hours a week) had higher depressive symptoms, aggression and domestic violence than those with a lower level of exposure. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.El objetivo de la presente investigación fue determinar las diferencias en sintomatología depresiva, violencia intrafamiliar y agresión en 801 adolescentes y jóvenes con diferentes niveles de exposición a videojuegos con y sin contenidos violentos. La media de edad de los participantes fue de 17.5 años,  el 55.4% eran hombres y 44.6% mujeres. Para evaluar la sintomatología depresiva se utilizó la Cédula del Centro de Estudios Epidemiológicos, para la violencia intrafamiliar, se diseñó una escala de 16 reactivos que miden: agresión verbal, agresión física, humillación y respeto; en cuanto a la agresión, se diseño una escala tipo Likert de 13 reactivos con cuatro opciones de respuesta: nunca a siempre. En cuanto al uso de videojuegos, se preguntó si los utilizan o no, motivo por el cual los juegan, el tiempo aproximado a la semana que pasan jugándolos, si los videojuegos que utilizan tiene contenido violento y de qué tipo. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas en las variables evaluadas respecto al nivel de exposición de videojuegos con contenido violento, donde de manera general los adolescentes y jóvenes que reportaron una mayor exposición (de 11 horas a más a la semana) presentaron mayor sintomatología depresiva, agresión y violencia intrafamiliar que aquellos con un menor nivel de exposición. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales

    Control parental e intento de suicidio en adolescentes mexicanos

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze differences in parental control among adolescents who have and have not attempted suicide. A non-probabilistic sample of 507 adolescents (54,3% male and 45,7% female), high school students, ranging between 11 to 15 years of age were selected. The Betancourt Scale for Adolescent Parental Control (2007) was used to obtain the data. This scale consists of two scales, one for mothers and one for fathers. The maternal scale is made up of five dimensions: psychological control, communication, monitoring, overprotection and supervision friends. The paternal scale includes seven dimensions: behavioral control, psychological control, overprotection, reasoning, punishment, physical punishment and permissiveness. Both scales are Likert with four multiple choice answers, ranging from never to always. The suicide attempt was assessed with five frequency indicators, the method that was employed, and the reason for it, the age and the graveness. The results showed that 11,2% of adolescents reported at least one suicide attempt in their lifetime, while 4,4% said they had tried more than once. Student t tests for independent samples were performed, with the purpose of comparing those who have attempted suicide and have no regard to the dimensions of parental control. The results showed significant differences, so we can say that generally young people who have attempted suicide perceived greater psychological control and less behavioral control from their parents than those who have not attempted suicide. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales.El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las diferencias en el control parental entre adolescentes que han y no han intentado suicidarse. Se seleccionó una muestra no probabilística de 507 adolescentes (54.3% hombres y 45.7% mujeres), estudiantes de nivel secundaria, con un rango de edad entre 11 a 15 años. Para obtener los datos se utilizó el instrumento de Control Parental para Adolescentes de Betancourt (2007), que consta de dos escalas, una para mamá y otra para papá; la escala de mamá se conforma de cinco dimensiones: Control Psicológico, Comunicación, Monitoreo, Sobreprotección y Supervisión de amigos. La escala de papá contiene siete dimensiones: Control conductual, Control psicológico, Sobreprotección, Razanomiento, Castigos, Permisividad Y Castigos físicos. Ambas escalas son tipo Likert con cuatro opciones de respuesta, que van de nunca  a siempre. El intento de suicidio se evaluó con cinco indicadores sobre frecuencia, método utilizado, motivo para hacerlo, edad y gravedad. Los resultados mostraron que el 11.2% de los adolescentes informó que ha intentado suicidarse al menos una vez en su vida, en tanto que el 4.4%  indicó que lo ha intentado más de una vez. Se efectuaron pruebas t de Student para muestras independientes, con la finalidad de comparar a los jóvenes que han y no han intentado suicidarse respecto a las dimensiones del control parental. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas, por lo cual se puede decir que de manera general los jóvenes que han intentado suicidarse percibieron un mayor control psicológico y un menor control conductual de sus padres en comparación con quienes no han tenido intento de suicidio. © Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Sociales

    Variables asociadas al uso de internet en personas mayores

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    Due to the global increase in the population aged 60 years or older, it has been sought to know the role of technological tools to promote well-being in this population group, however, most of the studies that have been carried out provide information mainly from developed countries, and the characteristics of this sector of the population in Latin American countries are known to a lesser extent; therefore, this quantitative research of non-experimental, cross-sectional and explanatory design, the relationship of some sociodemographic and psychological variables (health perception, loneliness and attitude towards computers) with the use of the Internet in older people was analyzed. A total of 4,588 elderly people participated (62.1% women and 37.9% men), with a mean age of 70.15 years. Instruments that evaluated attitudes towards computers, perception of loneliness, use of technological tools and a questionnaire with sociodemographic questions were applied. The results of the logistic regression showed that increased efficiency and interest in computers, better perception of health, higher income and school level, as well as lower age and loneliness, are associated with an increased probability that older people use the internet frequently

    Conductas de riesgo en jóvenes de la Ciudad de México: un estudio retrospectivo

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    In the transition from adolescence to adulthood, an increase in several risk behaviors endangers the well-being of future life. It is in this period when there are changes in the relationships of adolescents with their family environment; therefore, retrospective studies are valuable to understand how these changes occur. This research describes the changes in risk behaviors associated with sexual activity and the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs, from youth to adulthood. A sample of 5780 students, men and women, from Mexico City was used. The selection of participants was retrospective and they were evaluated in three stages during years (2003, 2006 and 2010) in a period of seven years. Eleven indicators of and Automated Medical Examination (EMA) were used to evaluate the four risk behaviors. The results showed significant relationships (p <0.001) between the risk behaviors and the gender of the students, also indicated that men had a greater number of risk behaviors than women. Likewise, significant differences were found in the risk behaviors (p <0.001) over time. The findings allowed us to observe an increase in risk behaviors in the transition from adolescence to adulthood, both in men and women

    Apoio social, solidão, vulnerabilidade e satisfação com a vida em idosos no México

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    This research analyzed the direct and indirect effects of social support, loneliness and perceived vulnerability on life satisfaction (lf) of two groups of elderly adults in Mexico, one aged 60 to 69 years and the other from 70 to 99. There was a non-probabilistic sample of 4.433 older adults —61.8 % were women, and 38.2 % were men—. The following instruments were used: The Loneliness Scale of the University of California; the Lubben Social Network scale (LSNS-6) to assess perceived social support; the Perceived Vulnerability Scale (PVS) of Myall et al.; the Satisfaction with Life scale of Diener et al., and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The results showed a good fit of the models, which show that the explained variance for both groups of lf is more significant when relating social support with loneliness and vulnerability than if the direct effect of support on lf is measured. This research provides elements for developing programs and public policies that contribute to the well-being of the elderly.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar los efectos directos e indirectos del apoyo social, la soledad y la vulnerabilidad percibida en la satisfacción de vida (SV) de dos grupos de personas mayores en México, uno de 60 a 69 años de edad y el otro de 70 a 99. Se contó con una muestra no probabilística de 4.433 personas mayores, 61.8 % fueron mujeres y 38.2 % hombres. Se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos: la escala de soledad de la Universidad de California; la escala de Red Social de Lubben (LSNS-6) para evaluar el apoyo social percibido; la Escala de Vulnerabilidad Percibida de Myall et al.; la escala de Satisfacción con la Vida de Diener et al., así como un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Los resultados mostraron un buen ajuste de los modelos, en los que se aprecia que para ambos grupos es mayor la varianza explicada de SV al relacionar apoyo social con soledad y vulnerabilidad, que si se mide el efecto directo del apoyo sobre SV. Esta investigación aporta elementos para el desarrollo de programas y políticas públicas que contribuyan al bienestar de personas mayores.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar os efeitos diretos e indiretos do apoio social, solidão e vulnerabilidade percebida na satisfação com a vida (SV) de dois grupos de idosos no México, um  grupo entre 60 e 69 anos e outro entre 70 e 99 anos. Contou-se com uma amostra não probabilística de 4.433 idosos, sendo 61.8 % mulheres e 38.2 % homens. Foram utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: a escala de solidão da Universidade da Califórnia; a Escala de Rede Social de Lubben (LSNS-6) para avaliar o suporte social percebido; a Escala de Vulnerabilidade Percebida (PVS) de Myall et al.; a escala Satisfação com a Vida de Diener et al., bem como um questionário sociodemográfico. Os resultados mostraram um bom ajuste dos modelos, onde pode-se observar que para ambos os grupos a variância explicada da sv é maior quando se relaciona apoio social com solidão e vulnerabilidade do que quando se mede o efeito direto do apoio na SV. Esta pesquisa fornece elementos para o desenvolvimento de programas e políticas públicas que contribuam para o bem-estar dos idosos

    Risk behaviors in youth from Mexico City: a retrospective study

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    In the transition from adolescence to adulthood, an increase in several risk behaviors endangers the well-being of future life. It is in this period when there are changes in the relationships of adolescents with their family environment; therefore, retrospective studies are valuable to understand how these changes occur. This research describes the changes in risk behaviors associated with sexual activity and the consumption of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs, from youth to adulthood. A sample of 5780 students, men and women, from Mexico City was used. The selection of participants was retrospective and they were evaluated in three stages during years (2003, 2006 and 2010) in a period of seven years. Eleven indicators of and Automated Medical Examination (EMA) were used to evaluate the four risk behaviors. The results showed significant relationships (p <0.001) between the risk behaviors and the gender of the students, also indicated that men had a greater number of risk behaviors than women. Likewise, significant differences were found in the risk behaviors (p <0.001) over time. The findings allowed us to observe an increase in risk behaviors in the transition from adolescence to adulthood, both in men and women

    Análisis De Programas De Promoción De La Salud En Jóvenes Basados En Evidencia Desde El PYD

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    Objective: Analyze health promotion programs based on the perspective of Positive Youth Development (PYD) to identify characteristics, advantages and limitations in order to promote health and prevent substance use. Method and procedure: Bibliographic research was used, analyzing 37 intervention programs, specifically focused on the area of substance abuse. Results: The main categories analyzed relate to the objective of preventing the consumption and / or abuse of substances, an average duration of 15 sessions, working with adolescent population, taught by teachers and parents previously trained, using questionnaires, interviews and scales as evaluation methods, based on an experimental and quasi-experimental design, within family, school and community context components, resulting in the prevention of substance use, better school performance and the development of lifetime skills. Conclusions: This type of analysis allows us to identify, guide and organize the information obtained from each program that uses the PYD model and that has been analyzed in detail, with the purpose of contributing to the development of a program to promote healthy development in the Mexican population