14 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Interpretasi Hukum Oleh Hakim Di Indonesia Dalam Dominasi Tradisi Civil Law System

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    This study aims to discuss whether Indonesia, as one of the countries dominated by the tradition of the civil law system, is still very rigid to provide space for judges to make law formation. However, is the interpretation of the law in the context of a legal discovery process also very limited in countries with a civil law system tradition? Furthermore, whether the dominance of the civil law system tradition in Indonesia affects the development of the use of legal interpretation by judges. These things will be discussed later in this article. In providing justice, judges are required to not only look for la bouche de la loi but must actively explore the meaning behind the regulations to produce a decision that provides justice for the litigants. However, the civil law system tradition, which is still influenced by the notion of legism, has limited space for judges to exercise discretion and is based solely on the principle of legality. This research was conducted with a doctrinal research method with a qualitative approach. This study found that, in Indonesia, the practice of legal interpretation carried out by judges is developing quite well. Many judges have interpreted the law to make legal discoveries if the legal arguments in the cases they are handling are unclear or need to be interpreted further. The method of legal interpretation that is often used is the method of grammatical interpretation with extensive interpretation. This proves that the phenomenon of the dominance of the civil law system tradition is slowly weakening, and the regulations in the Law on Judicial Power open a gap for judges to actively make legal discoveries, one of which is through legal interpretation.Penelitian ini hendak mengkaji mengenai situasi di Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara yang didominasi oleh tradisi civil law system masih sangat kaku untuk memberikan ruang gerak bagi Hakim untuk melakukan pembentukan hukum. Penelitian ini memotret mengenai keterbatasan perkembangan penerapan interpretasi hukum dalam rangka sebuah proses penemuan hukum sangat dibatasi di negara-negara tradisi civil law system. Sehingga dapat menjawab pnegaruh dominasi tradisi civil law system di Indonesia terhadap perkembangan penggunaan interpretasi hukum oleh Hakim. Hal-hal tersebut yang kemudian akan dibahas dalam tulisan ini. Dalam memberikan keadilan Hakim dituntut untuk tidak sekedar mencari la bouche de la loi, namun harus secara aktif menggali makna di balik peraturan sehingga menghasilkan suatu putusan yang memberi keadilan bagi para pihak yang berperkara. Namun tradisi civil law system yang masih dipengaruhi oleh paham legisme membuat keterbatasan ruang gerak bagi Hakim untuk melakukan diskresi dan tetapi berpatokan pada asas legalitas semata. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian doctrinal dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa, di Indonesia praktik interpretasi hukum yang dilakukan oleh para Hakim berkembang dengan cukup baik. Banyak Hakim yang telah melakukan interpretasi hukum guna melakukan penemuan hukum apabila dalil hukum dalam kasus yang ditanganinya tidak jelas atau perlu untuk dimaknai lebih lanjut. Metode interpretasi hukum yang sering digunakan adalah metode interpretasi gramatikal dengan interpretasi ekstensif. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa sebenarnya fenomena dominasi tradisi civil law system perlahan melemah dan peraturan dalam UU Kekuasaan Kehakiman membuka celah bagi para Hakim untuk secara aktif melakukan penemuan hukum salah satunya melalui interpretasi hukum.    


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    Berbagai masalah perlindungan konsumen di Indonesia terbilang rendah. Hal ini kontradiktif dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen. Terlebih masalah konsumen tidak mendasari amanat UUD 45. Sehingga dibutuhkan goodwill melalui pendidikan konsumen mewujudkan sadar konstitusi. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengkawal ekonomi Indonesia berdasar UUD45 Pasal 3 dan Pancasila demi mewujudkan kesejahteraan sosial. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan pendekatan normative dengan analisis deskriptif melalui sumber sekunder. Hasil penelitiannya ialah ekonomi Indonesia diatur dalam Pancasila dan UUD45. Dengan demikian diperlukan sadar berkonstitusi melalui pendidikan konsumen. Pendidikan ini membantu menguatkan posisi konsumen dalam memahami hak-hak konsumen pada Pasal 4 UU PK. Pasal 4 sendiri bagian dari hak konstitusi dan wujud negara sejahtera yang ada dalam UUD45 Pasal 27 ayat 2 dan Pasal 33

    Litigation Transformation in Law Enforcement Effort in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The Covid 19 pandemic has accelerated digitization in all aspects of life. As an effort to deal with its spread, the legal realm has also undergone a transformation. The implementation of remote litigations during the Covid-19 pandemic has begun to take effect in line with the government's appeal for Physical/ Social distance. The litigations used the support of the internet network or known as e-litigation. It is nothing new in the world because previously developed countries, such as the United States, have used this method beforehand. The implementation of e-litigation in Indonesia is certainly different from other developed countries that are technologically ready. The implementation of e-litigation is a development of the previously implemented e-court program. This study examined the ins and outs of virtual litigations during the pandemic with all the regulations that assist them. The research used normative and empirical juridical methods that provide explanations so that it can be used as an evaluation of implementation during the pandemic period and towards the new normal era. The secondary data were taken from the primary materials from the regulations that apply during the pandemic and the new normal era. In addition, the secondary materials used were also from journals, books, and other literacy sources. The results of this paper can be used as a reference for further research on the transformation of law enforcement that puts forward the modernization of technology and information in fulfilling justice and social welfare


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    The rise of cases of sexual violence in Indonesia is very concerning because it also occurs in various institutions and involves various parties who are supposed to provide protection. Civic Education plays a key role in shaping the character of anti-sexual violence through education in higher education. The purpose of this study was to dig deeper into anti-sexual violence education in civic education courses in higher education institutions. This research used a qualitative approach through a case study method. The results of the study showed that there was an innovation in Civic Education learning by adding anti-sexual violence study in higher education institution. This was implemented in three meetings, namely by adding study of anti-sexual violence education which were included in law-abiding material in the form of concepts, legal basis, prevention, reporting, and examples of cases and resolutions of sexual violence that were included in Civic Education materials, then through the citizen project by making anti-sexual violence campaign videos uploaded through each student's Instagram social media account and then proceeding to conduct a presentation about it. This research concludes that that the study of anti-sexual violence education can be part of the material for Civic Education in higher education institutions


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    NSR Carica ,merupakan UMKM yang berada di Desa Bawang Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah. Usaha NSR Carica memiliki produk yaitu minuman kemasan sejenis manisan berkuah manis yang segar dan nikmat. Buah Carica yang berasal dari dataran tinggi Dieng, diolah sedemikian rupa sehingga menjadi produk yang dapat memiliki nilai jual yang cukup tinggi. Hal ini karena buah carica yang hanya tumbuh di dataran tinggi Dieng, sehingga merupakan buah yang langka dan olahannya pun sering dicari konsumen sebagai buah tangan para pembelinya. Dari desa Bawang ke Dieng hanya butuh waktu 30 menit. Sehingga buah carica mudah didapatkan. Olahan buah carica ini memiliki potensi ekonomi yang sangat bagus. Buahnya yang langka, membuat para konsumen merasa penasaran akan rasa dan bentuknya. Pemasaran yang dilakukan masih konvensional dengan cara door to door dan titip di toko, pasar, dan tempat wisata. Dari situ waktu dan tenaga menjadi tidak efisien. Sehingga diberikan solusi dari tim pengabdian masyarakat yang terdiri dari dosen dan mahasiswa UT Semarang, yaitu pelatihan dan pendampingan pemasaran carica melalui media sosial tiktok shop dan shopee. Kegiatan berupa ceramah, praktik langsung pembuatan toko virtual di tiktok shop dan shopee, juga upload produk. Hasil yang didapatkan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini sangat dirasakan dengan adanya penambahan jumlah karyawan dan naiknya penjualan dan meluasnya pengenalan produk NSR Carica. Sebelum adanya pelatihan dan pendampingan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, karyawan ada 5 orang termasuk owner. Setelah adanya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat tim dosen dan mahasiswa UT Semarang, kayawan menjadi 9 orang. Penjualan juga yang awalnya produksi 35-50 pack perminggu meningkat menjadi 50-100 pack perminggu.Dalam 1 pack kemasan terdapat 6 cup minuman NSR Carica

    Webinar Learning Methods In Serving Students Of Distance University: Briefing Case Study On The Practice Experience Law Course (PPB), FHISIP Bachelor Law Student At UPBJJ-UT Semarang

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    Open University as the first state university to implement a distance learning system has students spread throughout Indonesia and abroad. In facilitating management, there are units called the Distance Learning Program Unit (UPBJJ). UPBJJ-UT Semarang is one of the state universities covering 13 districts or cities in Central Java that provides innovations to provide services and improve the quality of education. students are directed to practice law courses in state courts, so that they will have a general perception and knowledge provision. During this time the debriefing was carried out at UPBJJ-UT Semarang. It is not effective, because students from various regions must come to Semarang to sacrifice work, time, money, and energy. Debriefing is a pre-activity so students know the steps that must be taken during PBB implementation, so that students will be understood delivery of information. Webinar is an effort to provide cheaper, easier and faster services. Students do not have to leave the activity in group discussions and do the same perception in learning. Webinar can be use from there an experiment was held on the PPB course (HKUM4410) and webinar evaluation is immediately carried out. The authors use a questionnaire media as name google form. Then the authors analyze and describe the results. From the analysis is known that students who express strongly agree and agree to use learning webinars are in the range of 90%. From the evaluation, the authors conclude that students respond very well to the existence of activities using webina


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    The rise of cases of sexual violence in Indonesia is very concerning because it also occurs in various institut ions and involves various parties who are supposed to provide protection. Civic Education plays a key role in shaping the character of anti - sexual violence through education in higher education. The purpose of this study was to dig deeper into anti - sexual violence education in civic education courses in higher education institutions. This research used a qualitative approach through a case study method. The results of the study showed that there was an innovation in Civic Education learning by adding anti - s exual violence study in higher education institution . This was implemented in three meetings, namely by adding study of anti - sexual violence education which were included in law - abiding material in the form of concepts, legal basis, prevention, reporting, and examples of cases and resolutions of sexual violence that were included in Civic Education materials, then through the citizen project by making anti - sexual violence campaign videos uploaded through each student's Instagram social media account and the n proceeding to conduct a presentation about it. This research concludes that that the study of anti - sexual violence education can be part of the material for Civic Education in higher education institutions

    Gamification and Task-Based Language Teaching in Writing: InService Teacher's Perceptions & Challenges

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    Website tutorial learning lasted almost three years at Open University, Semarang, Central Java. However, in its implementation in writing classes, there were many challenges in writing scientific papers. Therefore, this study aims to describe the perceptions and challenges of teachers towards implementing gamification and Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)in learning to write scientific papers. The research used a mixed method design, namely a combination of quantitative and qualitative, primarily explanatory design. The subjects of this study were 35 elementary school teachers in Pokjar jepara who were currently studying for their bachelor's degree at the Open University of Semarang. The teachers are, on average aged 25 to 50,with four males and 31 females. In addition, this study used research instruments, namely questionnaires and interviews. The study's results found positive perceptions and teacher challenges as indicators for implementing gamification and TBLT,namely learning independence, motivation, and positive collaboration in writing scientific papers. In conclusion, elementary school teachers who are continuing their undergraduate studies are encouraged to be better able to manage their time and themselves so they can write productive and popular scientific papers

    Development of Electronic Books (E-Books) for Supervision of Public Services to Increase Knowledge of PPKn Teachers

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    People have the right to get good public services and can also participate in the supervision of it. Community rights in public services can be included in learning materials in schools. Knowledge about public service supervision for high school Civic Education teachers has not been maximized enough. The teachers should be at the forefront of socializing these rights by integrating them into Civics subject matter in Senior High School or Vocational High School (SMK). This study aimed to develop an e-book on public service supervision to increase high school and vocational high school teachers' knowledge. The research method was RD (research and development) using Borgg and Gall theory. The study analyzed the need for enrichment book references for teachers to increase their knowledge about public service supervision. The results showed that the experts gave a good and proper assessment of this enrichment book. The effectiveness test showed that this enrichment book effectively increased the knowledge of Civic Education teachers on public services supervision. The benefit of this e-book is giving proper knowledge to Civic Education teachers in Senior High School (SMA) or Vocational High School (SMK) regarding the supervision of public services so that their knowledge can be increased