1,186 research outputs found

    InSPeCT: Integrated Surveillance for Port Container Traffic

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    This paper describes a fully-operational content-indexing and management system, designed for monitoring and profiling freight-based vehicular traffic in a seaport environment. The 'InSPeCT' system captures video footage of passing vehicles and uses tailored OCR to index the footage according to vehicle license plates and freight codes. In addition to real-time functionality such as alerting, the system provides advanced search techniques for the efficient retrieval of records, where each vehicle is profiled according to multi-angled video, context information, and links to external information sources. Currently being piloted at a busy national seaport, the feedback from port officials indicates the system to be extremely useful in supplementing their existing transportation-security structures

    Informed Consent on Therapeutic Transaction as a Protection of Legal Relationship Between a Doctor and Patient

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    Persetujuan pasien atau keluarga pasien sangat dibutuhkan dokter sebelum dilakukannya tindakan medis oleh dokter, namun sebelumnya pasien atau keluarga pasien membutuhkan informasi dari dokter atau disebut informed consent terkait tindakan medis tersebut. Transaksi terapeutik yang dilakukan dokter bisa terjadi setelah informed consent diterima oleh pasien. Hal ini menjadi bagian dalam hukum Perdata karena terjadinya transaksi terapeutik berdasarkan dari perjanjian yang akhirnya menimbulkan hak dan kewajiban pada dokter dan pasien sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 1330 KUHPerdata

    Assessment System in Curriculum 2013 of Elementary School in Sumenep District Madura Island

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    New curriculum has been implemented by Indonesia government in an effort to improve quality of education in 2013. Curriculum 2013 is implemented only in grade I, IV, VII and Class X against 6,325 target schools. In 2014/2015 academic year Curriculum 2013 is applied to the class I, II, IV, IV, VII, VIII, IX and X in all schools in Indonesia. This study conducted in Sumenep district Madura Island as supported study to monitoring and evaluation of Curriculum in 2013 on assessment system in East Java province. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by using observation, interviews and questionnaires techniques. The results showed optimism and expectations from respondents consist of teachers, headmasters and students in curriculum 2013's assessment system. The findings are expected to support decision-making by stakeholders and improve the implementation of Curriculum 2013

    Suppression of intrinsic neutron background in the Multi-Grid detector

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    One of the key requirements for neutron scattering instruments is the Signal-to-Background ratio (SBR). This is as well a design driving requirement for many instruments at the European Spallation Source (ESS), which aspires to be the brightest neutron source of the world. The SBR can be effectively improved with background reduction. The Multi-Grid, a large-area thermal neutron detector with a solid boron carbide converter, is a novel solution for chopper spectrometers. This detector will be installed for the three prospective chopper spectrometers at the ESS. As the Multi-Grid detector is a large area detector with a complex structure, its intrinsic background and its suppression via advanced shielding design should be investigated in its complexity, as it cannot be naively calculated. The intrinsic scattered neutron background and its effect on the SBR is determined via a detailed Monte Carlo simulation for the Multi-Grid detector module, designed for the CSPEC instrument at the ESS. The impact of the detector vessel and the neutron entrance window on scattering is determined, revealing the importance of an optimised internal detector shielding. The background-reducing capacity of common shielding geometries, like side-shielding and end-shielding is determined by using perfect absorber as shielding material, and common shielding materials, like B4_{4}C and Cd are also tested. On the basis of the comparison of the effectiveness of the different shielding topologies and materials, recommendations are given for a combined shielding of the Multi-Grid detector module, optimised for increased SBR.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figures, revise

    Penentuan Bobot Kepentingan Decision Maker Dalam Group Decision Making

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    Generally, there are two criteria which are widely used to determineDM's weight of interest, i.e. competenceand consensus. Various studies related to determine DM's weight of interest based on competence or consensusseparately have been conducted. Each criterion has its own advantages. The advantage of using competence as acriterion is DMs who have high competence based on their consistence on the decisions made will have high of interest weight. Meanwhile, consensus criterion emphasizes a DM/s contribution to a group without consideringthe DM's ability or competence.Considering the advantages of both criteria, this study developed a model to determine DM's weight of interestby considering the DM' competence and consensus in a GDM. This study used2 group decision making cases totaling in 6 groups consisting of 5 people each. Collected data was then processedusing DM's weight of interest determination method based on competence and consensus. A model was thendesigned using regression method and fuzzy method. Therefore, a model to determine DM's weight of interest was obtained by considering competence and consensus. DM's weight of interest from each method was then involvedin group decision making. The research result showed that group decisions made by involving DM's weight of interest were better decisions. It implies competence and consensus are two criteria which can be used to determineDM's weight of interest

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah (Studi pada Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasir Pengaraian)

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    This research was conductedin Riau Kepri Bank, Pasir Pengaraian branch. this research aimsto determine the effect of service quality loward customer satisfaction. Service quality as independent variable(x) and customer satisfaction as independent variable (y). The research sample are 99 respondents of the population by using the slovin formula. Data was obtained from the questionnaire and subsequently processed to then be tested with the help of statistics through SPSS. The result of. calculation of the determination coefficientis 0.670. it means, service quality affects customer satisfaction is 67%. The research sample are 99 respondents of the population by using the slovin formula. Data was obtained from the questionnaire and subsequently processed to then be tested with the help of statistics through SPSS. The result of. calculation of the determination coefficientis 0.670. it means, service quality affects customer satisfaction is 67%. Keywords: Service quality, customer satisfaction, Riau Kepri Bank Keywords: Service quality, customer satisfaction, Riau Kepri Ban

    Analisis Swot sebagai Dasar Perumusan Strategi Bersaing pada Produk Asuransi Jiwa Perorangan Ajb Bumiputera 1912 Kpr Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted in the Individual Life Insurance 1912 KPR Pekanbaru. These businesses engaged in services which compete to provide quality products and good service. With more and more competition in the insurance business makes Individual Life Insurance 1912 KPR Pekanbaru have to compete and survive in the business competition.This study aims to determine the SWOT analysis as the basis for the formulation of a strategy to compete in the Individual Life Insurance 1912 KPR Pekanbaru. This research is descriptive research with qualitative approach and data collection techniques performed by interviewing the parties involved in this study.From the results of SWOT analysis can be seen that there are several alternative strategies that can be used as a tool to win the competition, and the results of this analysis to formulate strategic alternatives for Individual Life Insurance 1912 KPR Pekanbaru long term

    Effect of Bovine Collagen Addition on Early Biomechanical Strength of Sutured Rabbit Achilles Tendon

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    Introduction.Tendon rupture due to various causes is common issue in orthopaedics. Its management is oftendifficult and still debatable due to causing some complications such are re-rupture, adhesion, and gap formation.Suturing technique, early rehabilitation, and tissue engineering have been proposed to overcome these circumstances.Collagen scaffold is one of the tissue engineering technique which used in this research to find the improvement oftendon healing biomechanically, in order to have an early rehabilitation is more possible. The objective is this studyto prove increase on Achilles tendon suture biomechanically after bovine tendon triple helix collagen strand oncertain period.Materials and methods.Rabbit Achilles tendons for model were cut then sutured with 2 strand modified Kesslertechnique. These rabbits were randomly selected into 3 groups: sutured only, sutured with collagen sponge on-lay,and sutured with collagen sponge inserted between stumps plus on-lay additions. The rabbits were sacrificed onday 10 afterwards. The tendons were tested on the sutured site by traction machine until 4 mm gap formed (tensilestrength) then continued until totally ruptured (ultimate strength). The result is analyzed by Anova test.Results.Tensile strength shows improvement on the collagen groups other than on sutured only (p<0.05). Theultimate strength among groups is not significantly different, either collagen groups or non collagen one (p=0.689;p>0.05).Conclusions. Bovine collagen addition as scaffold shows better biomechanical result in early tensile strength ofruptured tendon