43,709 research outputs found

    Teaching Competency of Teacher of Building Drawing Skill In SMK N 1 Sedayu Bantul

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    Teacher is an important element for the improvement of Indonesia’s education because teacher has a role to delivery subject matter directly to the student. The teacher must have good teaching competency so the aim of learning can be achieved. This research is explain how teaching competency in productive subject matter, building drawing course in SMK N 1 Sedayu Bantul. In this research the writer take research object was 6 teachers of building drawing course in SMK N 1 Sedayu Bantu. Data collection technique was indirect observation in 3 kinds of questionnaire. First questionnaire was for student participant, the second was for head master participant. The questionnaire consisted of 4 answer choice, (BS) very good, (B) good,(K) minus,(KS) very minus. The third was portfolio questionnaire for teacher participant. Data of this research was analyzed with descriptive statistics technique and descriptive quantitative. Result of the research show that in general teaching competency teacher in productive subject matter, building drawing course SMK N 1 Sedayu Bantul can be categorized in good category. From 6 indicators of teaching competency 83,3% were good and 16,66% was minus. The indicators categorized as good category were indicator of teaching instrument usage, giving motivation, indicator of assessment, the use of teaching method, interaction between teacher and student, However, for presentation matter was categorized as minus. Second, result of this research indicated that there was correlation between head master assessment and student assessment for teaching competency. The student assessment was more objective than head master’s assessment because the number of student was bigger than the number of head masters that just one person. The student had enough time to fill up the questionnaire so the result was more accurate. The student was more understand because the teacher aught them every day. Third, this research indicated that there was no correlation between assessment of teacher portfolio and their teaching competency, it means, for the student, high result of portfolio assessment didn’t increase the teachers’ teaching competency. So, portfolio assessment can’t be absolute reference to assess the teacher competency. Keyword: Teaching competency, Productive subject matter, Pedagogic competency, Personal competenc


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    Teacher certification is a government program to increase education quality. In the school, scoring of the headmaster is used as one of the conditions of teacher to participate in the certification program. Otherwise, other schools (teachers and students) are not involved in the scoring of certificated teacher’s competency. That’s why this research Is meant to: 1) describing certificated teacher’s competency based in scoring of the headmaster, other teachers, and students. 2) Proving that there are differences in certificated teacher’s competency based in headmaster’s scoring with fellow teachers and students scoring. This research is using quantitative research approach. The research took place in SMK Negeri 2 Pengasih. This research population is the certificated teacher who teaches in SMK Negeri 2 Pengasih which is 105 teachers. The research sample is 38 teachers chosen randomly. Data mining was using valid questioners with reliability level of 0,85. Data analysis is using descriptive and correlation technique. Descriptive technique categorized data to 4 categories which is very good, better, good and not good. And the analysis correlation technique is using one lane Anova. The result of this research is: 1) certificated teachers’ competency based on headmaster’s scoring is relatively high. 2) Certificated teacher’s competency based on fellow teachers scoring is relatively lower. 3) Certificated teachers’ competency based on student’s scoring is relatively higher. 4) There is a huge difference in headmaster’s, fellow teacher’s and student’s scoring with F=381,09 and significancy (p<0,05). Keywords: certificated teacher’s scoring, headmaster, fellow teachers, students


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    ABSTRACT This education research aimed to: (1) find an overview of resource about teacher’s resource improvement management in vocational high school based on international INVEST in Yogyakarta, (2) find the effectiveness for the implementation of quality improvement resource teacher program at vocational high school based on international standard INVEST in Yogyakarta and (3) to know the constraints that experienced by vocational high school based on international standard INVEST in Yogyakarta in the implementation of improvement quality for teacher’s resource program. This education is an evaluation study (Evaluation Research), which was done through a case study on two vocational schools in Yogyakarta; they are SMKN 2 Yogyakarta and SMKN 2 Depok Sleman. Data collection methods were done by observation, questionnaires and unstructured interviews. Analysis techniques of data were used to adjust the data’s type obtained, and quantitative data were analyzed by using the descriptive statistical techniques, while qualitative data were analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis. These results indicate that outlines an overview of resource’s management to improve the teacher’s quality at vocational high school based on international standard INVEST includes the several stages/processes such as: crawl (recruitment), filtering (selection), the placement/assignment, assessment/ evaluation of teacher’s performance, and teachers career’s development. From the five stages of the process, there is one of the most dominant/prominent and effective enough to be implemented by the school teacher is a career development process. This process aims to improve the graduate teacher’s quality in order to obtain the appropriate competence. Problems were encountered in the recruitment and selection process, among others, totaly has done by the municipal government and district government, while the problems were encountered in the placement process, evaluation and career development is generally caused by lack of school’s budget, also the technical and non technical constraints. Keywords: Quality Management, Resource Teacher, Vocational High School Based On International Standard INVES

    Pengaruh Motivated Sequence Iklan Rokok Dji Sam Soe Versi 99 Tahun Cita Rasa Legendaris Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Di Palembang

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of motivated sequence Dji Sam Soe version 99 Year Legendary Taste advertising to Consumer purchase intention. Attention, Need, Satisfaction, Visualization and Action is an advertising message that can influence consumers to buy. The population in this study is people in the city of Palembang. The sample was mostly people who see cigarette ads "Dji Sam Soe version of the 99-year Legendary Taste", the 100 respondents in the city of Palembang. This study used purposive sampling technique sampling. Hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis using SPSS ver. 17.0. The test results show that the Attention, Need, Satisfaction, Visualization and Action significantly influences consumer purchase intention Dji Sam Soe cigarettes version 99 Year Legendary Taste in Palembang


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    Masyarakat kecamatan Delima, Propinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, yang masih sangat kental menganut sistem penyelesaian sengketa melalui lembaga Adat. Hal ini memang diatur dalam Qahun Aceh Nomor 10 tahun 2008 tentang Lembaga Adat. Namun dengan perkembangan global dan pengetahuan dari masyarakat itu sendiri menjadi suatu tantangan terhadap resiliensi dari Lembaga Adat tersebut. Masalah yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini pertama, Mengapa masyarakat Aceh lebih memilih menyelesaikan sengketa pada Lembaga Adat dibandingkan Pengadilan Pemerintah, Kedua, Bagaimanakah resiliensi Lembaga Adat Aceh sebagai Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa akan mampu bertahan di masa mendatang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan pendekatan yuridis empiris berdasarkan data sekunder dan data primer berupa wawancara dengan para pihak yang berkaitan secara langsung dengan masalah yang diteliti agar mendapatkan informasi yang sejelasnya sesuai keadaan di lapangan, kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk tesis. Hasil penelitian ini pada akhirnya memberikan gambaran bahwa pertama, Selain karena prinsip „damai‟ dan adat istiadat yang sudah sejak turun temurun, masyarakat menyelesaikan sengketa melalui lembaga adat karena penyelesaian melalui musyawarah bersifat sukarela, prosedur yang tepat sasaran, keputusan yang diambil merupakan kesepakatan bersama dan saling menguntungkan, fleksibilitas dalam merancang syarat-syarat penyelesaian masalah, hemat waktu dan biaya serta pemeliharaan hubungan. Kedua, Resiliensi Lembaga Adat dimasa mendatang akan tetap bertahan dimana kepercayaan masyarakat kepada Lembaga Adat tersebut masih tetap tumbuh. Juga dengan memperhatikan aspek internal dari lembaga adat tersebut yaitu pertama, Melakukan sosialisasi lembaga adat; kedua, Penguatan kapasitas perangkat (fungsionaris) lembaga adat dan Kelembagaan; ketiga, Membangun kerjasama antar lembaga; dan keempat, Komitmen dan keseriusan Pemerintah Aceh dalam mendukung pelaksanaan lembaga Adat. Langkah praktis operasional untuk melaksanakan resiliensi dari Lembaga Adat dimasa mendatang dalam penelitian ini, disarankan agar bisa ditindaklanjuti dengan berbagai upaya best efforts, best practices and best service yang serius dan tegas dari semua pihak agar keberadaan dari lembaga adat ini tetap mendapatkan kepercayaan dimasyarakat Aceh


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    In this global social media era, it is very easy for people to share their ideas through internet. One of them is by making internet meme. Internet meme becomes new culture of sharingopinions easily in the worldwide networking. When people find it hard to convey theirideas and meaning through lexical words, they will use metaphor to help them explain theirintention. Metaphor has set of mapping between the source domain and target domain inthe process of making. This article will reveal the common issue talked by Indonesiannetizens especially about their political matters from two Facebook accounts: Meme PolitikIndonesia and Humor Politik Indonesia. It has been found that in these two accounts,people make memes mostly about the most recent issue around them: in this case it is aboutJakarta Governor’s election and general politic issues. The use of metaphors mapping asvehicle to share ideas shows that netizens of these two Facebook accounts mostly see POLITIC AS MOVEMENT and POLITIC AS BUSINESS


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    Literature is a body of written (or oral) works, such as novels, poems, or plays, that use words to stimulate the imagination and confront the reader with a unique vision of life. A work of literature is a creative, universal form of expression that addresses the emotional, spiritual, or intellectual concerns of humanity. From literature the readers can obtain the deep knowledge and understanding about human beings, the world and the life. Literature can be divided into three parts; poetry, drama, and prose fiction including short story and novel. Novel is long work of written fiction which has some elements such as plot, character, theme, and conflict. Many readers consider novel the most flexible type of literature. The researcher of this thesis is interested in analyzing the murder. The purpose of this research are to know the murderer, and the motive of the murder itself in Agatha Christie’s novel “ The Clock “ In analyzing this novel the researcher used descriptive method because the researcher analyzed this novel descriptively and the technique used was library research consisting of literary books, and articles. The approach used was objective approach as this study concerned with its object, Agatha Christie’s work only. The object of this study was the whole events in the form of paragraphs and dialogues in the Agatha Christie’s novel “ The Clock “. The ways of the murderer can be found from Hardcastle’s investigation, Hercule Poirot’suggestion, Colin Lamb’s clue, Hercule Poirot’s finding, and the last was that Miss Martindale was the killer. And the motive of the murder was inheritance

    Prototype RPM Digital Meter Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega 8 Untuk Sepeda Motor Dengan Penampil Seven Segment

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    Proyek Akhir ini dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan suatu alat ukur Prototype RPM Digital Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMega 8 Dengan Penampil Seven Segment yang mampu mengukur besar kecilnya putaran RPM sepeda motor. Alat ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah pekerjaan dalam mengukur putaran RPM sepeda motor, sehingga dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan kepresisian pengukuran RPM sepeda motor. Alat ini dibuat menggunakan konversi tegangan yang diolah oleh mikrokontroler Atmega8 dan ditampilkan menggunakan seven segment. Alat ini dikembangkan dalam beberapa tahapan yaitu, (1) Identifikasi Kebutuhan, (2) Analisis Kebutuhan, (3) Perancangan Sistem, (4) Perancangan Perangkat Keras yang meliputi : Mikrokontroler ATmega 8 dan seven segment, (5) Perancangan Perangkat Lunak menggunakan CodeVision AVR, (6) Teknik Pengoperasian, dan (7) Pengujian Alat. Prototype ini bekerja dengan menggunakan masukan berupa pulsa (clock) yang berasal dari putaran langsam sepeda motor, yang diolah oleh mikrokontroler Atmega 8 dan hasil pengolahan tersebut ditampilkan ke seven segment, adapun hardware dalam alat ini berupa mikrokontroler Atmega 8 sebagai pengkonversi pulsa (clock) ke digital, seven segment sebagai penampil hasil pengolahan data. Unjuk kerja “Prototype RPM Digital berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 8 dengan penampil Seven Segment”, secara keseluruhan telah sesuai dengan fungsi yang ditetapkan, yaitu saat sepeda motor dihidupkan maka seven segment akan menampilkan input yang terdeteksi. Dari hasil pengujian RPM prototype dengan RPM standar telah didapat perbandingan error rata-rata sebesar 3%
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