34 research outputs found

    Caractérisation des peuplements ligneux de la zone Cayor Baol (Thiès-Sénégal)

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    Cette étude se propose de déterminer la composition floristique et la structure des peuplements ligneux dans trois localités de la région de Thiès (Fandène, Mont Rolland et Sessène). Sur un transect orienté Nord/Sud, partant de Mont Rolland à Sessène, un inventaire floristique et des relevés dendrométriques ont été effectués en fonction des unités morphopédologiques. Le traitement statistique des données recueillies a montré que la flore ligneuse, dans ces 3 sites, est riche de 35 espèces réparties en 30 genres appartenant à 20 familles. La famille des  Mimosaceae est la mieux représentée, suivie des Caesalpiniaceae, des Combretaceae et des Anacardiaceae. La richesse floristique varie suivant les sites. La surface terrière est plus élevée au Mont Rolland, le  recouvrement et la densité sont plus importants à Fandène. La distribution du peuplement selon la circonférence est homogène à Fandène,  contrairement à Sessène et à Mont Rolland. Quant à la distribution selon la hauteur des individus, elle montre une prédominance de la strate arbustive dans les 3 sites. Les analyses de régression ont montré une corrélation entre la circonférence et la hauteur. La pression anthropiquesur la strate ligneuse est plus importante à Sessène, moyenne au Mont Rolland et faible à Fandène. L’AFC montre une forte hétérogénéité des peuplements ligneux. Elle a révélé l’existence de 3 groupements en  étroite relation avec les facteurs édaphologiques.© 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mot clés : Thiès, ligneux, flore, structure, groupement

    Cryptococcal meningitis associated HIV infection in the Donka national hospital in Conakry (Guinea)

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    Background Cryptococcal meningitis (CM) is an infection of the brain parenchyma and subarachnoid space by the encapsulated saprophyte yeast organisms such as Cryptococcus neoformans. Over the last twenty years, HIV has created a large and severely immune compromisized population in whom C. neoformans is a dangerous opportunistic infection. In Guinea, the prevalence of CM is unknown. We hypothesized that the occurrence of CM correlates with AIDS/ HIV prevalence.Method This retrospective observational study was carried out at the national Hospital of Conakry (Guinea) between 2001 and 2002. We describe here the epidemiological and clinical and biological characteristics of CM disease in our national hospital.Results Our data show that, 28.6 % of HIV patients with neurological symptoms had Cryptococcus neoformans in their CSF by using Indian ink staining. The median age was 36±3 years and sex ratio (M/F) was 1.8. The major complaints were fever and cephalgia, giddiness while the major complications were altered consciousness and hemiplegia. CSF was clear with low level of glucose and higher level of albumin. The means of lymphocytes in CSF was 8±2/mm3.Conclusion This data therefore becomes relevant in not only focusing of neurological symptoms associated with HIV to be toxoplasmosis but the possibility of C neoformans in these patients; particularly when they present symptoms such as headaches, giddiness and sniff neck etc. This can easily be carried out with Indian ink staining technique

    Impact of the International Space Station Research Results

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    The International Space Station (ISS) facilitates research that benefits human lives on Earth and serves as the primary testing ground for technology development to sustain life in the extreme environment of space. To date, investigators have published a wide range of ISS science results, from improved theories about the creation of stars to the outcome of data mining omics repositories of previously completed ISS investigations. Because of the unique microgravity environment of the ISS laboratory and the multidisciplinary and international nature of the research, analyzing ISS scientific impacts is an exceptional challenge. As a result, the ISS Program Science Forum (PSF), made up of senior science representatives across the ISS international partnership, uses various methods to describe the impacts of ISS research activities. For the most part, past papers written by PSF members to assess the overall ISS research impact have focused on exhibiting ISS research impact by quantifying ISS research output or its perceived benefits for humanity. This paper proposes a new assessment of ISS impact from the perspective of the end users needs. To that end, the authors use visualizations and metrics of scientific publication data to show the ISS research influence on traditional scientific fields, its global reach and the benefits to people across the globe

    Evolution of malaria mortality and morbidity after the emergence of chloroquine resistance in Niakhar, Senegal

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    Background: Recently, it has been assumed that resistance of Plasmodium to chloroquine increased malaria mortality. The study aimed to assess the impact of chemoresistance on mortality attributable to malaria in a rural area of Senegal, since the emergence of resistance in 1992, whilst chloroquine was used as first-line treatment of malaria, until the change in national anti-malarial policy in 2003. Methods: The retrospective study took place in the demographic surveillance site (DSS) of Niakhar. Data about malaria morbidity were obtained from health records of three health care facilities, where diagnosis of malaria was based on clinical signs. Source of data concerning malaria mortality were verbal autopsies performed by trained fieldworkers and examined by physicians who identified the probable cause of death. Results: From 1992 to 2004, clinical malaria morbidity represented 39% of total morbidity in health centres. Mean malaria mortality was 2.4 parts per thousand and 10.4 parts per thousand among total population and children younger than five years, respectively, and was highest in the 1992-1995 period. It tended to decline from 1992 to 2003 (Trend test, total population p = 0.03, children 0-4 years p = 0.12 - children 1-4 years p = 0.04 - children 5-9 years p = 0.01). Conclusion: Contrary to what has been observed until 1995, mortality attributable to malaria did not continue to increase dramatically in spite of the growing resistance to chloroquine and its use as first-line treatment until 2003. Malaria morbidity and mortality followed parallel trends and rather fluctuated accordingly to rainfall

    Resurgence of Ebola virus in 2021 in Guinea suggests a new paradigm for outbreaks

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    These authors contributed equally: Alpha K. Keita, Fara R. Koundouno, Martin Faye, Ariane Düx, Julia Hinzmann.International audienc