31 research outputs found

    In the social amoeba, Dictyostelium discoideum , density, not farming status, determines predatory success on unpalatable Escherichia coli

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    Background The social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum interacts with bacteria in a variety of ways. It is a predator of bacteria, can be infected or harmed by bacteria, and can form symbiotic associations with bacteria. Some clones of D. discoideum function as primitive farmers because they carry bacteria through the normally sterile D. discoideum social stage, then release them after dispersal so the bacteria can proliferate and be harvested. Some farmer-associated bacteria produce small molecules that promote host farmer growth but inhibit the growth of non-farmer competitors. To test whether the farmers’ tolerance is specific or extends to other growth inhibitory bacteria, we tested whether farmer and non-farmer amoebae are differentially affected by E. coli strains of varying pathogenicity. Because the numbers of each organism may influence the outcome of amoeba-bacteria interactions, we also examined the influence of amoeba and bacteria density on the ability of D. discoideum to grow and develop on distinct bacterial strains. Results A subset of E. coli strains did not support amoeba proliferation on rich medium, independent of whether the amoebae were farmers or non-farmers. However, amoebae could proliferate on these strains if amoebae numbers are high relative to bacteria numbers, but again there was no difference in this ability between farmer and non-farmer clones of D. discoideum. Conclusions Our results show that farmer and non-farmers did not differ in their abilities to consume novel strains of E. coli, suggesting that farmer resistance to their own carried bacteria does not extend to foreign bacteria. We see that increasing the numbers of bacteria or amoebae increases their respective likelihood of competitive victory over the other, thus showing Allee effects. We hypothesize that higher bacteria numbers may result in higher concentrations of a toxic product or in a reduction of resources critical for amoeba survival, producing an environment inhospitable to amoeba predators. Greater amoeba numbers may counter this growth inhibition, possibly through reducing bacterial numbers via increased predation rates, or by producing something that neutralizes a potentially toxic bacterial product

    From her story, to our story: Digital storytelling as public engagement around abortion rights advocacy in Ireland

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    Despite the divisive nature of abortion within the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, where access to safe, legal abortion is severely restricted, effecting legislative reform demands widespread public support. In light of a building pro-choice counter-voice, this work contributes to a growing body of HCI research that takes an activist approach to design. We report findings from four design workshops with 31 pro-choice stakeholders across Ireland in which we positioned an exploratory protosite, HerStoryTold, to engender critical conversations around the use of sensitive abortion narratives as a tool for engagement. Our analysis shows how digital storytelling can help reject false narratives and raise awareness of the realities of abortion laws. It suggests design directions to curate narratives that provoke empathy, foster polyvocality, and ultimately expand the engaged community. Furthermore, this research calls for designers to actively support community mobilization through providing 'stepping stones' to activism

    A dominant-negative mutant inhibits multiple prion variants through a common mechanism

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    <div><p>Prions adopt alternative, self-replicating protein conformations and thereby determine novel phenotypes that are often irreversible. Nevertheless, dominant-negative prion mutants can revert phenotypes associated with some conformations. These observations suggest that, while intervention is possible, distinct inhibitors must be developed to overcome the conformational plasticity of prions. To understand the basis of this specificity, we determined the impact of the G58D mutant of the Sup35 prion on three of its conformational variants, which form amyloids in <i>S</i>. <i>cerevisiae</i>. G58D had been previously proposed to have unique effects on these variants, but our studies suggest a common mechanism. All variants, including those reported to be resistant, are inhibited by G58D but at distinct doses. G58D lowers the kinetic stability of the associated amyloid, enhancing its fragmentation by molecular chaperones, promoting Sup35 resolubilization, and leading to amyloid clearance particularly in daughter cells. Reducing the availability or activity of the chaperone Hsp104, even transiently, reverses curing. Thus, the specificity of inhibition is determined by the sensitivity of variants to the mutant dosage rather than mode of action, challenging the view that a unique inhibitor must be developed to combat each variant.</p></div


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    This excel file contains the sport counting data for each Burkholderia infected D. discoideum clone


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    This is a fasta file that contains the concatenated alignment for all Burkholderia strains in this study

    Figure 3 data - MLST traits

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    Excel file used to generate the symbiotic trait figure. This includes Burkholderia species and strain, and the scaling for each trait

    Figure 1 data - Burkholderia prevalence

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    This is an excel data file with the Burkholderia prevalence in D. discoideum used to create figure 1. It show the number of D. discoideum sampled from each location and the identity of the Burkholderia

    Paraburkholderia Symbionts Display Variable Infection Patterns That Are Not Predictive of Amoeba Host Outcomes

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    Symbiotic interactions exist within a parasitism to mutualism continuum that is influenced, among others, by genes and context. Dynamics of intracellular invasion, replication, and prevalence may underscore both host survivability and symbiont stability. More infectious symbionts might exert higher corresponding costs to hosts, which could ultimately disadvantage both partners. Here, we quantify infection patterns of diverse Paraburkholderia symbiont genotypes in their amoeba host Dictyostelium discoideum and probe the relationship between these patterns and host outcomes. We exposed D. discoideum to thirteen strains of Paraburkholderia each belonging to one of the three symbiont species found to naturally infect D. discoideum: Paraburkholderia agricolaris, Paraburkholderia hayleyella, and Paraburkholderia bonniea. We quantified the infection prevalence and intracellular density of fluorescently labeled symbionts along with the final host population size using flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. We find that infection phenotypes vary across symbiont strains. Symbionts belonging to the same species generally display similar infection patterns but are interestingly distinct when it comes to host outcomes. This results in final infection loads that do not strongly correlate to final host outcomes, suggesting other genetic factors that are not a direct cause or consequence of symbiont abundance impact host fitness