1,396 research outputs found

    The rotational shear layer inside the early red-giant star KIC 4448777

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    We present the asteroseismic study of the early red-giant star KIC 4448777, complementing and integrating a previous work (Di Mauro et al. 2016), aimed at characterizing the dynamics of its interior by analyzing the overall set of data collected by the {\it Kepler} satellite during the four years of its first nominal mission. We adopted the Bayesian inference code DIAMOND (Corsaro \& De Ridder 2014) for the peak bagging analysis and asteroseismic splitting inversion methods to derive the internal rotational profile of the star. The detection of new splittings of mixed modes, more concentrated in the very inner part of the helium core, allowed us to reconstruct the angular velocity profile deeper into the interior of the star and to disentangle the details better than in Paper I: the helium core rotates almost rigidly about 6 times faster than the convective envelope, while part of the hydrogen shell seems to rotate at a constant velocity about 1.15 times lower than the He core. In particular, we studied the internal shear layer between the fast-rotating radiative interior and the slow convective zone and we found that it lies partially inside the hydrogen shell above r≃0.05Rr \simeq 0.05R and extends across the core-envelope boundary. Finally, we theoretically explored the possibility for the future to sound the convective envelope in the red-giant stars and we concluded that the inversion of a set of splittings with only low-harmonic degree l≀3l\leq 3, even supposing a very large number of modes, will not allow to resolve the rotational profile of this region in detail.Comment: accepted for publication on Ap

    Constraints on the core mu-gradient of the solar-like star HD 49385 via low-degree mixed modes

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    The existence of an l=1 avoided crossing in the spectrum of the solar-like pulsator CoRoT-target HD 49385 was established by Deheuvels & Michel (2009). It is the first confirmed detection of such a phenomenon. The authors showed in a preliminary modeling of the star that it was in a post main sequence status. Being a 1.3 Msun-star, HD 49385 has had a convective core during its main sequence phase. The mu-gradient left by the withdrawal of this core bears information about the processes of transport at the boundary of the core. We here investigate the constraints that the observed avoided crossing brings on the mu-gradient in the core of the star.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Astron. Nach. This work was presented at the HELAS Conference in Lanzarote in February 201

    Origin–destination matrices from smartphone apps for bus networks

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    The knowledge of passenger fows between each origin–destination (OD) pair is a main requirement in public transport for service planning, design, operation, and monitoring, and is represented by OD matrices. Although they can be determined by traditional approaches (e.g., surveys, ride-check counts, and/or smartcardbased methods), the availability of new technologies and the proliferation of portable devices triggers an emerging interest in building OD matrices from the apps of bus operators. This research proposes the frst framework for the estimation of OD matrices on transit networks by processing smartphone app call detail records (SACDRs). The framework is experimentally tested on a sample of 30 workdays of an Italian bus operator. The results are represented by easy-to-read control dashboards based on maps, which help quantify and visualise the OD matrices in the metropolitan area of Cagliari (Italy). The experimentation shows that the framework can properly estimate the number of trips for both origin and destination w.r.t. OD matrices built from household surveys: the mean absolute error is on average lower than fve movements for 90% of the origins and 85% of the destination

    Virus and host factors affecting the clinical outcome of bluetongue virus infection

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    Bluetongue is a major infectious disease of ruminants caused by bluetongue virus (BTV), an arbovirus transmitted by Culicoides. Here, we assessed virus and host factors influencing the clinical outcome of BTV infection using a single experimental framework. We investigated how mammalian host species, breed, age, BTV serotypes, and strains within a serotype, affect the clinical course of bluetongue. Results obtained indicate that in small ruminants there is a marked difference in the susceptibility to clinical disease induced by BTV at the host species level, but less so at the breed level. No major differences in virulence were found between divergent serotypes (BTV-8 and BTV-2). However, we observed striking differences in virulence between closely related strains of the same serotype collected towards the beginning and the end of the European BTV-8 outbreak. As observed previously, differences in disease severity were also observed when animals were infected with either blood from a BTV-infected animal or from the same virus isolated in cell culture. Interestingly, with the exception of two silent mutations, full viral genome sequencing showed identical consensus sequences of the virus before and after cell culture isolation. However, deep sequencing analysis revealed a marked decrease in the genetic diversity of the viral population after passaging in mammalian cells. In contrast, passaging in Culicoides cells increased the overall number of low frequency variants compared to virus never passaged in cell culture. Thus, Culicoides might be a source of new viral variants and viral population diversity can be another factor influencing BTV virulence

    Brucella abortus Strain RB51 Vaccine: Immune Response after Calfhood Vaccination and Field Investigation in Italian Cattle Population

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    Immune response to Brucella abortus strain RB51 vaccine was measured in cattle vaccinated at calfhood. After an increase at day 6 post-vaccination (pv), the antibody level recorded in the 10 vaccinated animals remained constant for two months, and then progressively decreased. All vaccinated animals remained negative from day 162 pv to the end of the study (day 300 pv). Only at days 13 and 14 pv the RB51-CFT showed 100% sensitivity (credibility interval (CI) 76.2%–100%). The results indicate that the possibility to use RB51-CFT for the identification of cattle vaccinated at calfhood with RB51 is limited in time. A field investigation was carried out on 26,975 sera collected on regional basis from the Italian cattle population. The study outcomes indicate that in case of RB51-CFT positive results observed in officially Brucellosis-free (OBF) areas and, in any case, when an illegal use of RB51 vaccine is suspected, the use of the RB51-CFT alone is not sufficient to identify all the vaccinated animals. The design of a more sophisticated diagnostic protocol including an epidemiological investigation, the use of RB51-CFT, and the use of the skin test with RB51 as antigen is deemed more appropriate for the identification of RB51 vaccinated animals

    Internal rotation of red giants by asteroseismology

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    We present an asteroseismic approach to study the dynamics of the stellar interior in red-giant stars by asteroseismic inversion of the splittings induced by the stellar rotation on the oscillation frequencies. We show preliminary results obtained for the red giant KIC4448777 observed by the space mission Kepler.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, the 40th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium Liac40, 'Ageing low mass stars: from red giants to white dwarfs', to be published on EPJ Web of Conference

    Internal rotation of the red-giant star KIC 4448777 by means of asteroseismic inversion

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    In this paper we study the dynamics of the stellar interior of the early red-giant star KIC 4448777 by asteroseismic inversion of 14 splittings of the dipole mixed modes obtained from {\it Kepler} observations. In order to overcome the complexity of the oscillation pattern typical of red-giant stars, we present a procedure which involves a combination of different methods to extract the rotational splittings from the power spectrum. We find not only that the core rotates faster than the surface, confirming previous inversion results generated for other red giants (Deheuvels et al. 2012,2014), but we also estimate the variation of the angular velocity within the helium core with a spatial resolution of Δr=0.001R\Delta r=0.001R and verify the hypothesis of a sharp discontinuity in the inner stellar rotation (Deheuvels et al. 2014). The results show that the entire core rotates rigidly with an angular velocity of about ⟚Ωc/2π⟩=748±18\langle\Omega_c/2\pi\rangle=748\pm18~nHz and provide evidence for an angular velocity decrease through a region between the helium core and part of the hydrogen burning shell; however we do not succeed to characterize the rotational slope, due to the intrinsic limits of the applied techniques. The angular velocity, from the edge of the core and through the hydrogen burning shell, appears to decrease with increasing distance from the center, reaching an average value in the convective envelope of ⟚Ωs/2π⟩=68±22\langle\Omega_s/2\pi\rangle=68\pm22~nHz. Hence, the core in KIC~4448777 is rotating from a minimum of 8 to a maximum of 17 times faster than the envelope. We conclude that a set of data which includes only dipolar modes is sufficient to infer quite accurately the rotation of a red giant not only in the dense core but also, with a lower level of confidence, in part of the radiative region and in the convective envelope.Comment: accepted for publication on Ap

    Inferring mode inertias in evolved solar-like stars

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    Asteroseismology of evolved solar-like stars is experiencing a growing interest due to the wealth of observational data from space-borne instruments such as the \emph{CoRoT} and \emph{Kepler} spacecraft. In particular, the recent detection of mixed modes, which probe both the innermost and uppermost layers of stars, paves the way for inferring the internal structure of stars along their evolution through the subgiant and red giant phases. Mixed modes can also place stringent constraints on the physics of such stars and on their global properties (mass, age, etc...). Here, using two \emph{Kepler} stars (KIC 4351319 and KIC 6442183), we demonstrate that measurements of mixed mode characteristics allow us to estimate the mode inertias, providing a new and additional diagnostics on the mode trapping and subsequently on the internal structure of evolved stars. We however stress that the accuracy may be sensitive to non-adiabatic effects.Comment: ApJ Lette

    Development and first tests of GEM-like detectors with resistive electrodes

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    We have developed and tested several prototypes of GEM-like detectors with electrodes coated with resistive layers or completely made of resistive materials. These detectors can operate stably at gains close to 105. The resistive layers limit the energy of discharges appearing at higher gains thus making the detectors very robust. We demonstrated that the cathodes of some of these detectors could be coated by CsI or SbCs layers to enhance the detection efficiency for the UV and visible photons. We also discovered that such detectors can operate stably in the cascade mode and high overall gains ( 106~10^{6}) are reachable. Applications in several areas, for example in RICH or in noble liquid TPCs are therefore possible. The first results from the detection of UV photons at room and cryogenic temperatures will be given
