2,134 research outputs found

    Efectos de la maduración y el procesamiento sobre la calidad nutricional y sensorial de las aceitunas de mesa Itrana

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    In the present study, we evaluated the nutritional and sensory characteristics of table olives of the Italian doubleaptitude olive cultivar (Olea europaea L. cv. Itrana) processed as green (Oliva bianca di Itri) and black (Oliva di Gaeta) table olives with modified Greek methods of preparation. One method provides an initial step of immersion in water to stimulate the growth of specific microflora which contributes to the debittering of the fruits. After 15-45 days, salt is added to the liquid in quantities not exceeding 8 kg per 100 kg of fresh olives. Another method entails the immersion of fruits directly in brine utilizing double-salting (half the amount of NaCl was added immediately and the remaining part after 15 days). All the information derived from chemico-physical, nutritional and sensory data have separated the samples into four groups according to techno-processings, ripening stage and storage. Double-salting is the method which assures the best results.En el presente estudio se evalúan las características nutricionales y sensoriales de la variedad Itrana de aceituna (Olea europaea L.) de doble uso, elaborada en verde (Oliva Bianca di Itri) y en negro (Oliva di Gaeta), utilizando métodos griegos modificados al efecto. Un método consiste en una etapa inicial de inmersión en agua para favorecer el crecimiento de una flora específica que contribuye al endulzado de los frutos. Después de 15-45 días se añade sal a la solución en una cantidad que no exceda 8 kg por 100 g de fruto fresco. Otro procedimiento consiste en colocar directamente las aceitunas en salmuera utilizando un sistema de adición de la sal en dos etapas (la mitad de la sal se añade inmediatamente y el resto a los 15 días). Toda la información derivada de los análisis fisico-químicos, nutricionales y sensoriales ha permitido la separación de las muestras en cuatro grupos según la tecnología de elaboración, el estado de madurez y el almacenamiento. El proceso de adición de sal en dos etapas (“double salting”) fue el procedimiento que dio mejores resultados

    Identification, full-length genome sequencing, and field survey of citrus vein enation virus in Italy

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    Citrus vein enation virus (CVEV) was described in Spain and then it has been reported in several citrus growing areas of Asia, America and Australia. Here, the occurrence of CVEV in Italy has been documented for the first time. The full genome sequence of a CVEV Italian isolate (14Q) was determined by high-throughput sequencing and the presence of the virus was confirmed by RT-PCR and graft-transmission to indicator plants, from which the virus was recovered six-months post-inoculation. Phylogenetic analysis based on the full-length genome of CVEV isolates from different countries showed that they are phylogenetically related to each other based on their geographic origin, rather than on their host and that the Italian isolate is more closely related to the Spanish isolate than to the other ones. A field survey revealed the presence of CVEV in some areas of Campania region (southern Italy), prevalently infecting lemon trees. In the frame of this survey, kumquat was identified for the first time as a host of CVEV. No symptoms were observed in the field so far. The infection of asymptomatic hosts and the transmission by aphid species present in Italy increase the risk that the virus could further spread

    Ésteres alquílicos de ácidos grasos en aceitunas de mesa en relación con fermentaciones anormales y tratamientos tecnológicos mal realizados

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    There are several methods to prepare table olives, and each of the steps and conditions during this processing can affect the composition and nutritional value of the product. The influence of abnormal fermentation and poorly conducted technological treatments was examined here in terms of the lipid fraction of table olives. In ‘Greek style’ olives, a low concentration of brine can allow the growth of spontaneous microflora and consequent organoleptic defects (‘putrid/butyric fermentation’, ‘winey-vinegary’). Here, the ‘Kalamata’ and ‘Moresca’ cultivars can produce methyl esters (methyl oleate/ linoleate: 553 and 450 mg·kg-1 oil, respectively) and ethyl esters (ethyl oleate/ inoleate: 4764 and 4195; palmitate: 617 and 886 mg·kg-1 oil, respectively). In ‘Sevillan style’ olives, a high NaOH concentration influences the fatty-acid composition less, but is difficult to eliminate, for a ‘soapy’ defect. The ‘Giarraffa’ and ‘Nocellara del Belice’ cultivars produce only ethyl esters (ethyl oleate/ linoleate: 222 and 289 mg·kg-1 oil, respectively). With this production of ethyl and methyl esters from the principal fatty acids in the lipid fractions of table olives, methods that provide only biological treatments (i.e., Greek style) pose more risk than methods that provide only chemical treatments (i.e., Sevillan style).H�a�y� �v�a�r�i�o�s� �m�ét�o�d�o�s� �p�a�r�a� �p�r�e�p�a�r�a�r� �l�a�s� �a�c�e�i�t�u�n�a�s� �d�e� �m�e�s�a�,� �y� �c�a�d�a� �u�n�o� �d�e� �l�o�s� �p�a�s�o�s� �y� �c�o�n�d�i�c�i�o�n�e�s� �d�u�r�a�n�t�e� �e�s�t�e� �p�r�o�c�e�s�a�m�i�e�n�t�o� �p�u�e�d�e�n� �a�f�e�c�t�a�r� �a� �l�a� �c�o�m�p�o�s�i�c�i�ón� �y� �a�l� �v�a�l�o�r� �n�u�t�r�i�c�i�o�n�a�l� �d�e�l� �p�r�o�d�u�c�t�o�.� �L�a� �i�n�f�l�u�e�n�c�i�a� �d�e� �l�a� �f�e�r�m�e�n�t�a�c�i�ón� �a�n�o�r�m�a�l� �y� �t�r�a�t�a�m�i�e�n�t�o�s� �t�e�c�n�o�l�ó�g�i�c�o�s� �m�a�l� �r�e�a�l�i�z�a�d�a�s� �s�e� �e�x�a�m�i�nó� �a�q�u�í� �e�n� �t�é�r�m�i�n�o�s� �d�e� �l�a� �f�r�a�c�c�i�ó�n� �l�i�p�í�d�i�c�a� �d�e� �a�c�e�i�t�u�n�a�s� �d�e� �m�e�s�a�.� �E�n� �l�a�s� �a�c�e�i�t�u�n�a�s� �p�r�o�c�e�s�a�d�a�s� �m�e�d�i�a�n�t�e� �e�s�t�i�l�o� �g�r�i�e�g�o�,� �l�a� �b�a�j�a� �c�o�n�c�e�n�t�r�a�c�i�.�n� �d�e� �s�a�l�m�u�e�r�a� �p�e�r�m�i�t�e� �e�l� �c�r�e�c�i�m�i�e�n�t�o� �e�s�p�o�n�tá�n�e�o� �d�e� �m�i�c�r�o�f�l�o�r�a� �y� �l�a� �c�o�n�s�i�g�u�i�e�n�t�e� �a�p�a�r�i�c�i�ó�n� �d�e� �d�e�f�e�c�t�o�s� �o�r�g�a�n�o�l�é�p�t�i�c�o�s� �(‘�f�e�r�m�e�n�t�a�c�i�ó�n� �b�u�t�í�r�i�c�a� �y� �a�v�i�n�a�g�r�a�d�o’ )�.� �L�o�s� �c�u�l�t�i�v�a�r�e�s� �d�e� �‘K�a�l�a�m�a�t�a’� �y� ‘M�o�r�e�s�c�a’� �p�u�e�d�e�n� �p�r�o�d�u�c�i�r� �é�s�t�e�r�e�s� �m�e�t�í�l�i�c�o�s� �(�o�l�e�a�t�o� �y� �l�i�n�o�l�e�a�t�o�:� �5�5�3� �y� �4�5�0� �m�g·�k�g�-1� �d�e� �a�c�e�i�t�e�,� �r�e�s�p�e�c�t�i�v�a�me�n�t�e�)� �y� �é�s�t�e�r�e�s� �e�t�í�l�i�c�o�s� �(�o�l�e�a�t�o� �y� �l�i�n�o�l�e�a�t�o�:� �4�7�6�4� �y� �4�1�9�5�;� �p�a�l�m�i�t�a�t�o�:� �6�1�7� �y� �8�8�6� �m�g·k�g�-1�,� �r�e�s�p�e�c�t�i�v�a�m�e�n�t�e�)�.� �E�n� �l�a�s� �a�c�e�i�t�u�n�a�s� �p�r�o�c�e�s�a�d�a�s� �m�e�d�i�a�n�t�e� �e�s�t�i�l�o� �s�e�v�i�l�l�a�n�o�,� �l�a� �a�l�t�a� �c�o�n�c�e�n�t�r�a�c�ió�n� �d�e� �N�a�O�H� �i�n�f�l�u�y�e� �m�e�n�o�s� �e�n� �l�a� �c�o�m�p�o�s�i�c�ión� �d�e� �ác�i�d�o�s� �g�r�a�s�o�s�,� �p�e�r�o� �e�s� �d�i�fíc�i�l� �d�e� �e�l�i�m�i�n�a�r� �e�l� �d�e�f�e�c�t�o� �j�a�b�ón�.� �L�o�s� �c�u�l�t�i�v�a�r�e�s� �d�e� �‘G�i�a�r�r�a�f�f�a’� y� �‘N�o�c�e�l�l�a�r�a� �d�e�l� �B�e�l�i�c�e’ �p�r�o�d�u�c�e�n� �s�o�l�a�m�e�n�t�e� é�s�t�e�r�e�s� �e�t�éíl�i�c�o�s� �(�o�l�e�a�t�o� �y� �l�i�n�o�l�e�a�t�o�:� �2�2�2� �y� �2�8�9� �m�g�·�k�g-1� �d�e� �a�c�e�i�t�e�,� �r�e�s�p�e�c�t�i�v�a�m�e�n�t�e�)�.� �C�o�n� �e�s�t�a� �p�r�o�d�u�c�c�ión� �d�e� �é�s�t�e�r�e�s� �e�t�í�l�i�c�o�s� �y� �m�e�t�í�l�i�c�o�s� �d�e� �l�o�s� �á�c�i�d�o�s� �g�r�a�s�o�s� �p�r�i�n�c�i�p�a�l�e�s� �e�n� �l�a�s� �f�r�a�c�c�i�o�n�e�s� �l�i�pí�d�i�c�a�s� �d�e� �l�a�s� �a�c�e�i�t�u�n�a�s� �d�e� �m�e�s�a�,� �l�o�s� �mét�o�d�o�s� �q�u�e� �p�r�o�p�o�r�c�i�o�n�a�n� �t�r�a�t�a�m�i�e�n�t�o�s� �u�n�i�c�a�m�e�n�t�e� �b�i�o�ló�g�i�c�o�s� �(�e�s� �d�e�c�i�r�,� �d�e� �e�s�t�i�l�o� �g�r�i�e�g�o�)� �p�l�a�n�t�e�a�n� �má�s� �r�i�e�s�g�o�s� �q�u�e� �l�o�s� �m�ét�o�d�o�s� �q�u�e� �p�r�o�p�o�r�c�i�o�n�a�n� �t�r�a�t�a�m�i�e�n�t�o�s� �q�uí�m�i�c�o�s� �(�e�s� �d�e�c�i�r�,� �d�e� �e�s�t�i�l�o� �s�e�v�i�l�l�a�n�o�)�

    Pome fruit viruses in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    During autumn 2005 and summer 2006, field surveys were carried out to assess the sanitary status of pome fruit trees in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Inspections were done in the main pome fruit growing areas including 10 orchards, 2 nurseries and one varietal collection. A total of 65 apple and 50 pear cultivars were tested by biological indexing for the presence of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV), Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV), Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) and Apple mosaic virus (ApMV). The average infection level was 81%. Both species showed a similar infection rate (83% for apple and 78% for pear). The most frequent viruses of apple were ACLSV (72%) and ASPV (69%), and of pear ASGV (69%) and ACLSV (64%). The same samples were also tested by ELISA, with a lower virus detection rate compared to the biological indexing. Multiplex RT-PCR results of 20 randomly selected apple cultivars were in line with biological indexing. Results of our surveys report for the first time th e presence of ACLSV, ASPV, ASGV and ApMV on pome fruits in Bosnia and Herzegovina.Keywords: Malus, biological indexing, ELISA, multiplex RT-PCR, sanitary statu

    Irisin Serum Levels and Skeletal Muscle Assessment in a Cohort of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Patients

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    Background: Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) indicates a group of inherited polyneuropathies whose clinical phenotypes primarily include progressive distal weakness and muscle atrophy. Compelling evidence showed that the exercise-mimetic myokine irisin protects against muscle wasting in an autocrine manner, thus possibly preventing the onset of musculoskeletal atrophy. Therefore, we sought to determine if irisin serum levels correlate with biochemical and muscle parameters in a cohort of CMT patients. Methods: This cohort study included individuals (N=20) diagnosed with CMT disease. Irisin and biochemical markers were quantified in sera. Skeletal muscle mass (SMM) was evaluated by bioelectric impedance analysis, muscle strength by handgrip, and muscle quality was derived from muscle strength and muscle mass ratio. Results: CMT patients (m/f, 12/8) had lower irisin levels than age and sex matched healthy subjects (N=20) (6.51 ± 2.26 vs 9.34 ± 3.23 μg/ml; p=0.003). SMM in CMT patients was always lower compared to SMM reference values reported in healthy Caucasian population matched for age and sex. Almost the totality of CMT patients (19/20) showed low muscle quality and therefore patients were evaluated on the basis of muscle strength. Irisin was lower in presence of pathological compared to normal muscle strength (5.56 ± 1.26 vs 7.67 ± 2.72 μg/ml; p=0.03), and directly correlated with the marker of bone formation P1PN (r= 0.669; 95%CI 0.295 to 0.865; p=0.002), but inversely correlated with Vitamin D (r=-0.526; 95%CI -0,791 to -0,095; p=0.017). Surprisingly, in women, irisin levels were higher than in men (7.31 ± 2.53 vs 5.31 ± 1.02 μg/ml, p=0.05), and correlated with both muscle strength (r=0.759; 95%CI 0.329 to 0.929; p=0.004) and muscle quality (r=0.797; 95%CI 0.337 to 0.950; p=0.006). Conclusion: Our data demonstrate lower irisin levels in CMT patients compared to healthy subjects. Moreover, among patients, we observed, significantly higher irisin levels in women than in men, despite the higher SMM in the latter. Future studies are necessary to establish whether, in this clinical contest, irisin could represent a marker of the loss of muscle mass and strength and/or bone loss

    Spectrally resolved observations of atmospheric emitted radiance in the H2O rotation band

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    This paper presents the project Earth Cooling by Water Vapor Radiation, an observational programme, which aims at developing a database of spectrally resolved far infrared observations, in atmospheric dry conditions, in order to validate radiative transfer models and test the quality of water vapor continuum and line parameters. The project provides the very first set of far-infrared spectral downwelling radiance measurements, in dry atmospheric conditions, which are complemented with Raman Lidar-derived temperature and water vapor profiles

    Influencia de un cosechado nocturno de aceitunas en “Salento” sobre la calidad del aceite de oliva virgen extra

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    In southern Italy, some olive cultivars such as ‘Ogliarola Salentina’ ripen when the day temperature is still high, at up to 28 to 30 °C. This can affect both the oil quality and the expression of its valuable characteristics. In addition, it increases the risk of undesirable fermentation that can generate off-flavors. In the present study, nocturnal olive harvesting was carried out to determine the influence that temperature can have on the characteristics of the extra virgin olive oil, and particularly on the volatile and oxidative compounds. The data obtained are encouraging: the lower temperatures that occur during the night appear to have a particular and positive impact on the organoleptic characteristics of the extra virgin olive oil produced, with enhanced formation of the volatile compounds that contribute to the ‘green’ notes of the flavor. In areas where daytime temperatures are very high, the nocturnal harvesting of olives at the correct stage of maturity therefore represents a good agronomic practice for the production of oils with high organoleptic and nutritional merit.En el sur de Italia, algunas variedades de olivo maduran cuando la temperatura del día sigue siendo alta, hasta 28 °C a 30 °C. Esto puede perjudicar la calidad del aceite y a la expresión de sus valiosas características, y aumenta el riesgo de fermentación indeseable que puede generar malos sabores. En el presente estudio, la cosecha nocturna de aceitunas se llevó a cabo para determinar la influencia que la temperatura puede tener sobre las características del aceite de oliva virgen extra, y en particular sobre los compuestos volátiles y los compuestos relacionados con la oxidación. Los datos obtenidos son alentadores: las temperaturas más bajas que se producen durante la noche parecen tener un impacto positivo en las características organolépticas del aceite de oliva virgen extra producido, con una mejora de la formación de los compuestos volátiles que contribuyen a las notas “verdes” del sabor. En las zonas donde las temperaturas diurnas son muy altas, la cosecha nocturna de aceitunas, representa, por tanto, una buena práctica agronómica para la producción de aceites con grandes ventajas organoléptica y nutritivas

    Effects of maturation and processing technologies on nutritional and sensory qualities of Itrana table olives

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    In the present study, we evaluated the nutritional and sensory characteristics of table olives of the Italian doubleaptitude olive cultivar (<i>Olea europaea</i> L. cv. Itrana) processed as green (Oliva bianca di Itri) and black (Oliva di Gaeta) table olives with modified Greek methods of preparation. One method provides an initial step of immersion in water to stimulate the growth of specific microflora which contributes to the debittering of the fruits. After 15-45 days, salt is added to the liquid in quantities not exceeding 8 kg per 100 kg of fresh olives. Another method entails the immersion of fruits directly in brine utilizing double-salting (half the amount of NaCl was added immediately and the remaining part after 15 days). All the information derived from chemico-physical, nutritional and sensory data have separated the samples into four groups according to techno-processings, ripening stage and storage. Double-salting is the method which assures the best results.<br><br>En el presente estudio se evalúan las características nutricionales y sensoriales de la variedad Itrana de aceituna (<i>Olea europaea</i> L.) de doble uso, elaborada en verde (Oliva Bianca di Itri) y en negro (Oliva di Gaeta), utilizando métodos griegos modificados al efecto. Un método consiste en una etapa inicial de inmersión en agua para favorecer el crecimiento de una flora específica que contribuye al endulzado de los frutos. Después de 15-45 días se añade sal a la solución en una cantidad que no exceda 8 kg por 100 g de fruto fresco. Otro procedimiento consiste en colocar directamente las aceitunas en salmuera utilizando un sistema de adición de la sal en dos etapas (la mitad de la sal se añade inmediatamente y el resto a los 15 días). Toda la información derivada de los análisis fisico-químicos, nutricionales y sensoriales ha permitido la separación de las muestras en cuatro grupos según la tecnología de elaboración, el estado de madurez y el almacenamiento. El proceso de adición de sal en dos etapas (“double salting”) fue el procedimiento que dio mejores resultados

    Search for spontaneous muon emission from lead nuclei

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    We describe a possible search for muonic radioactivity from lead nuclei using the base elements ("bricks" composed by lead and nuclear emulsion sheets) of the long-baseline OPERA neutrino experiment. We present the results of a Monte Carlo simulation concerning the expected event topologies and estimates of the background events. Using few bricks, we could reach a good sensitivity level.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Niobia supported on silica as a catalyst for Biodiesel production from waste oil

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    AbstractThe activity and stability of niobia supported on silica catalyst have been tested in continuous micro-pilot reactors, for biodiesel production starting from acid vegetable oils. A catalyst was prepared by the impregnation of silica pellets with a loading of 12% of Nb and was extensively characterized. The activity of this catalyst in both esterification and transesterification was tested in a continuous micro-pilot laboratory plant in which acid oil was fed (FFA 10% w/w) at a temperature of 220°C and at a pressure of 60 bar. The niobia based catalyst resulted in a very active catalyst in both esterification (FFA conversion = 95-90%) and transesterification reactions (FAME yield = 80-90%), and the activity remained quite constant for more than 100 h on stream. Notwithstanding this stability, a non-negligible leaching phenomena has been detected, in the case of long-time continuous runs, as the Nb concentration on the spent catalyst resulted lower than that on the fresh one. The obtained result confirms that the leaching of the active specie is one of the most strong problem in heterogeneous catalysis for biodiesel production