4,593 research outputs found

    Renal lesions in patients with type 2 diabetes: A puzzle waiting to be solved

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    Three hundred sixty-six million people worldwide will be living with diabetes mellitus (DM) by 2030 ([1, 2]; http://www.idf.org/global-diabetes-plan-2011-2021). Prospectively, 75–150 million of these patients will develop a diabetic nephropathy (DN) or a non-diabetic renal disease (NDRD), either isolated or superimposed on DN [3, 4]. To date, the differential diagnosis between ND and NDRD remains a challenge that nephrologists are trying to win [5]

    DANAE: A denoising autoencoder for underwater attitude estimation

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    One of the main issues for underwater robots navigation is their accurate positioning, which heavily depends on the orientation estimation phase. The systems employed to this scope are affected by different noise typologies, mainly related to the sensors and to the irregular noise of the underwater environment. Filtering algorithms can reduce their effect if opportunely configured, but this process usually requires fine techniques and time. In this paper we propose DANAE, a deep Denoising AutoeNcoder for Attitude Estimation which works on Kalman filter IMU/AHRS data integration with the aim of reducing any kind of noise, independently of its nature. This deep learningbased architecture showed to be robust and reliable, significantly improving the Kalman filter results. Further tests could make this method suitable for real-time applications on navigation tasks

    Ties that bind:Network redistributive pressure and economic decisions in village economies

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    In this paper, we identify economic implications of the pressure to share resources within a social network. Through a set of field experiments in rural Tanzania we randomly increased the expected harvest of the treatment group by the assignment of an improved and much more productive variety of maize. We find that treated individuals reduced the interaction with their social network by discussing with fewer people in the village the type of seed they received, so as not to reveal their improved seed. We also find that treated individuals reduced labor input by asking fewer people in the village to work on their farm during the growing season and, as a result, obtained fewer actual harvest gains

    Altruism and the pressure to share: Lab evidence from Tanzania

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    We propose a novel laboratory experiment to document the pressure to share income within social networks in Africa. We find that the redistributive pressure exerted via the possibility of receiving a claim increases altruism, while the possibility of hiding from such claim reduces it. Our results indicate that sharing norms are crucial drivers of giving to other members of the network. We also find that pressure to share has a detrimental effect on the undertaking of profitable but risky investments

    Ef3S: An evaluation framework for flash-based systems

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    NAND Flash memories are gaining popularity in the development of electronic embedded systems for both consumer and mission-critical applications. NAND Flashes crucially influence computing systems development and performances. EF3S, a framework to easily assess NAND Flash based memory systems performances (reliability, throughput, power), is presented. The framework is based on a simulation engine and a running environment which enable developers to assess any application impact. Experimental results show functionality of the framework, analysing several performance-reliability tradeoffs of an illustrative syste

    Diabetic kidney disease. new clinical and therapeutic issues. Joint position statement of the Italian Diabetes Society and the Italian Society of Nephrology on "the natural history of diabetic kidney disease and treatment of hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes and impaired renal function"

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    Recent epidemiological studies have disclosed heterogeneity in diabetic kidney disease (DKD). In addition to the classical albuminuric phenotype, two new phenotypes have emerged, i.e., “nonalbuminuric renal impairment” and “progressive renal decline”, suggesting that DKD progression toward end-stage kidney disease in diabetic patients may occur through two distinct pathways heralded by a progressive increase in albuminuria and decline in renal function independent of albuminuria, respectively. Besides the natural history of DKD, also the management of hyperglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes and reduced renal function has profoundly changed in the last two decades. New anti-hyperglycemic drugs have become available for treatment of these individuals and the lowest estimated glomerular filtration rate safety thresholds for some of the old agents have been reconsidered. This joint document of the Italian Diabetes Society (SID) and the Italian Society of Nephrology (SIN) reviews the natural history of DKD in the light of the recent epidemiological literature and provides updated recommendations on anti-hyperglycemic treatment with non-insulin agents in DKD patients

    Scorpiurus muricatus L.: an interesting legume species for Mediterranean forage systems

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    Scorpiurus muricatus L. (prickly scorpion’s tail) is a legume species widely distributed as a spontaneous plant in Mediterranean pastures. In Sicily, farmers ascribe to this species a very high palatability and galactogogue effect, so that its abundance increases the value of the pasture. However, despite its worthy traits, the use of S. muricatus as a forage within cropping systems has not been well investigated. A field experiment was performed during two growing seasons in a semiarid Mediterranean environment to acquire information on the productivity of S. muricatus in comparison with other forage species grown in Mediterranean areas (e.g. berseem clover, burr medic, subterranean clover) and on its response to different cutting managements (cuts made in different phenological stages). Results showed that S. muricatus can provide biomass yield similar to, and in some cases higher than, that of the other forage legumes evaluated, differing from these species in its temporal distribution of the biomass accumulation. The findings contribute to define the role that S. muricatus could play in improving the productivity sustainability of the Mediterranean forage systems
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